152 research outputs found

    Eisenzeitliche Schmelzöfen im Weserbergland

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    Am Rand dieser früheren Quellmulde aus Hammershütten bei Holzminden befinden sich Fundamente von Eisen-Schmelzöfen. Holzkohlengruben mit Eisenresten sind evtl. durch die Verarbeitung von Limonit zu erklären. Die Probe 3 für die 14-C-Untersuchung stammt von hier. Im Grunde waren es zwei gedankliche Anstöße, die zusammen letztlich zur Entdeckung eines prähistorischen Hüttenzentrums im Weserbergland führten; - einmal waren es die Flurbezeichnungen "Erzbruch" und "Hammershütten" im Hochsolling zwischen Holzminden und Silberborn, dann aber auch die Wesersage vom "Schatz im Wildberg", die zusammen in mir die Überzeugung entstehen ließen, daß der Erzabbau und die Verhüttung einmal eine große Bedeutung für diesen Raum besessen haben müssen

    Das Lau von Schönhagen im Solling

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    Bei Schönhagen im Solling liegen der Kleine und Große Lauenberg. Ferner der Lohgrund, die Lohhalbe und die Lohwiesen. Aus Unkenntnis entstanden aus den vielerorts noch anzutreffenden Orts- und Flurnamenzusammensetzungen mit Lau Veränderungen zu Leu und dann zu Löwe, wobei Beziehungen zu Heinrich dem Löwen gesucht wurden. Ein Lau oder Loh ist aber eine vorgeschichtliche Kultstätte, ein heiliger Hain, in dem bis zur Christianisierung das religiöse und politische Leben unserer Vorfahren sich vollzog. Bekannt ist das sagenumwobene Lau unter der Wildburg bei Amelunxen, das Königslau bei Ovenhausen, Lauenberg mit der Löwenburg, Markloh, in dem sich zur Zeit Karls des Großen die sächsischen Stämme versammelten und die vielen Orte mit Lau in Holland wie Almelo, Venlo, Schoonlo usw. Der in Deutschland und England verbreitete Gruß „Hallo“ ist ursprünglich wohl ein Segensgruß gewesen. Dies ergibt sich aus dem altenglischen Vaterunser, in dem es heißt „Hallowed be Thy name“ = „Geheiligt werde Dein Name“. Im Hochsauerland gibt es beim Ort Heiminghausen die Flurbezeichnungen „Auf dem Halloh“ neben „Ebbeloh“ und „Wiggenfeld“ = Heiliges Feld. Aus dem Keltischen übersetzt bedeutet Hall-Lo = Salzloh

    Design guide for power tapping from extra-high voltage (EHV) lines using insulated shield-wire and series compensation, with standardised components

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    ThesisThe technology for tapping power from Extra-high Voltage (EHV) lines by using an insulated shield-wire and series compensation, has already been developed. This technique is known as CAPTAP. The CAPTAP technology's main target area is in sparsely populated areas where people are living next to an Extra-high Voltage line and do not have the benefit of electricity. The technology can only supply approximately 50kW of power. With this low kilowatt capacity per substation and thus a very low revenue, it is essential to develop a CAPTAP system as cost-effective as possible. With the CAPT AP development up to date, a new shunt capacitor and reactor value had to be determined for each new CAPT AP substation design, without any standardisation on these components. The aim of this study is to design and build future low-cost CAPT AP substations, by using standardised components with the absolute minimum computer usage. There was a serious need to construct a CAP TAP substation in a sparsely populated area after the prototype built by Leigh Stubbs of Eskom Transmission Department in 1992. Unfortunately the Prototype CAPTAP was not situated close to any domestic customers who have not yet experienced the benefit of electricity. Eskom management agreed to subsidise a Pilot CAPT AP substation, on condition that the cost be kept as low as possible. The author took the initiative to design and construct a proper low-cost substation in an area that justifies this kind of technology. It was decided that the equipment from the prototype substation would be re-used in order to build a Pilot CAPT AP substation. Having had the opportunity of building a Pilot CAPTAP substation, the author designed a new improved off-ground level low-cost substation. With the experience gained from this field exercise, the autB~ veloped a new method of designing a CAPTAP system With 'g{andilJdised ,~J~Tpon nts and without Ot- I nc in-depth computer simulations

    Determining The Impact Of Capitalising Long-Term Operating Leases On The Financial Ratios Of The Top 40 JSE-Listed Companies

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    Operating leases forma great part of companies’ financing structures in today’s economicenvironment. Some accounting standard-setters and other users of financialstatements are of the opinion that the current standard on accounting foroperating leases, IAS 17, does not provide sufficient guidelines on the disclosureof a company’s leasing activities. The current accounting standard on leasesprovides companies with the opportunity to classify lease contracts intodifferent classes which leads to off-balance-sheet financing. This problem iscurrently being addressed by the IASB as they are in the process of developingan improved standard on leases. The main focus ofthis paper is to determine the impact of the improved accounting standard onthe financial statements and the resulting financial ratios of theJSE Top 40 companies when operating leases are accounted for ason-balance-sheet debt. The differences between the current IAS 17 and theExposure draft (ED/2010/9) are identified and the comparison indicatessignificant differences between these two approaches on accounting foroperating lease activities. The focus of the IASBin developing this exposure draft was to provide the users of financialstatements with a universal picture of the leasing activities that the companyis engaged in. The findings include that this objective is achieved as usersare not left uninformed about any of the financing activities that stakeholdersare exposed to if indeed a company is engaged in operating lease activities.The study also revealed that the capitalising of long-term operating leaseswill have a significant effect on the key financial ratios that stakeholdersuse to interpret a company’s financial performance

    Exact-factorization-based surface-hopping without velocity adjustment

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    While surface-hopping has emerged as a powerful method to simulate non-adiabatic dynamics in large molecules, the ad hoc nature of the necessary velocity adjustments and decoherence corrections in the algorithm somewhat reduces its reliability. Here we propose a new scheme that eliminates these aspects, by combining the nuclear equation from the quantum trajectory surface-hopping approach with the electronic equation derived from the exact factorization approach. The resulting method, denoted QTSH-XF, places surface-hopping on a firmer ground and is shown to successfully capture dynamics in Tully models and in a linear vibronic coupling model of the photo-excited uracil cation

    The Effect Of Earnings Per Share Categories On Share Price Behavior: Some South African Evidence

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    Earnings per share (EPS) is considered as an important accounting indicator of risk, entity performance and corporate success. It is used to forecast potential growth in future share prices, because changes in EPS are often reflected in share price behaviour. Companies listed on the Johannesburg Share Exchange (JSE) are required to publish three different categories of EPS: basic, diluted and headline EPS. It has become apparent that there is no indication as to which category explains share price behaviour best. The study therefore aimed to determine which category of EPS is best associated with share prices of the top 40 JSE listed companies in South Africa. No South African studies have previously attempted to answer this question. The top 40 JSE listed companies were selected as the research sample and the relationship between different categories of EPS and share prices was analysed empirically for the period 2005 to 2013. This study demonstrated that basic EPS correlated best with the changing behaviour of share prices. Furthermore, the study established that headline EPS proved to deliver lower correlation coefficients than other EPS categories. Based on the findings of this study some useful recommendations and areas for further research were also identified

    Vowel perception in severe noise

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    A model that can accurately predict speech recognition for cochlear implant (CI) listeners is essential for the optimal fitting of cochlear implants. By implementing a CI acoustic model that mimics CI speech processing, the challenge of predicting speech perception in cochlear implants can be simplified. As a first step in predicting the recognition of speech processed through an acoustic model, vowel perception in severe speech-shaped noise was investigated in the current study. The aim was to determine the acoustic cues that listeners use to recognize vowels in severe noise and make suggestions regarding a vowel perception predictor. It is known that formants play an important role in quiet, while in severe noise the role of formants is still unknown. The relative importance of F1 and F2 is also of interest, since the masking of noise is not always evenly distributed over the vowel spectrum. The problem was addressed by synthesizing vowels consisting of either detailed spectral shape or formant information. F1 and F2 were also suppressed to examine the effect in severe noise. The synthetic stimuli were presented to listeners in quiet and signal-to-noise ratios of 0 dB, -5 dB and -10 dB. Results showed that in severe noise, vowels synthesized according to the whole-spectrum were recognized significantly better than vowels containing only formants. Multidimensional scaling and FITA analysis indicated that formants were still perceived and extracted by the human auditory system in severe noise, especially when the vowel spectrum consisted of the whole spectral shape. Although F1 and F2 vary in importance in listening conditions of quiet and less noisy conditions, the role of the two cues appears to be similar in severe noise. It was suggested that not only the availability formants, but also details of the vowel spectral shape can help to predict vowel recognition in severe noise to a certain degree.Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2010.Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineeringunrestricte

    Emphasising the usefulness of simulations in audit education: Student perceptions at a SAICA-accredited South African university

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    The use of active learning tools such as simulations in accounting education are increasingly stressed by accounting educationalists locally and abroad. This study highlights the benefits of using simulations and how their challenges can be mitigated. The objective was to obtain students’ views on the use of simulations in the field of auditing. A qualitative approach in collecting the data was followed, including focus group discussions with third-year audit students at a SAICA-accredited South African university. The results form part of a bigger project involving the development of a simulation instrument for purposes of audit education. The qualitative results showed that the use of simulations in specifically audit education is invaluable to the learning process. The recommendations made on the basis of the content analysis also hold value for lecturers in the wider accounting pedagogy. Areas for further research and development are outlined, and the study’s limitations are acknowledged

    Pastorale sorg aan oorlogsballinge : Petrus Postma se werk in Ceylon

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    Peer reviewedPetrus Postma het waardevolle en gewaardeerde pastorale sorg gedurende die Anglo- Boereoorlog in die Diyatalawa-kamp in Ceylon gelewer. Hy was die seun van die eerste predikant en eerste teologiese professor van die Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid-Afrika, Dirk Postma. Hy was predikant van die Gereformeerde Kerk in Pretoria toe die Anglo- Boereoorlog uitbreek. President Paul Kruger was lidmaat van hierdie gemeente en Postma se verbintenis met hom was waarskynlik die rede waarom hy na die Diyatalawakamp in Ceylon verban is. Die oorlog het Postma se benadering tot pastorale bediening ingrypend beïnvloed. Hierdie artikel wil aantoon hoe ingrypend hierdie invloed was deur briewe, kerkraadsnotules, oorlogsdagboeke, preke en ander relevante bronne te raadpleeg. Sy pastorale sorg in die kamp het egter ná sewe maande feitlik tot stilstand gekom toe sy vrou by hom aangesluit en hy parool gekry het om elders te gaan woon. Die rede hiervoor word ook ondersoek. Abstract Pastoral care for war exiles: the work of Petrus Postma in Ceylon Petrus Postma rendered esteemed and valuable work as pastor during the Anglo-Boer War in the Diyatalawa Camp in Ceylon. He was the son of the first pastor and first professor of theology of the Reformed Churches in South Africa, Dirk Postma. He was the pastor of the Reformed Church in Pretoria at the outbreak of the Anglo-Boer War. President Paul Kruger was a member of this congregation and Postma’s association with him was apparently the reason why he was exiled to Ceylon. The war had a profound influence on Postma’s approach to pastoral care. This article intends to show how profound this influence was by looking at letters, minutes of church councils, war diaries and several other relevant sources. His pastoral care in the camp all but ceased after seven months when his wife arrived in Ceylon and he was granted parole to live elsewhere. The reason for this is explored.Petrus Postma rendered esteemed and valuable work as pastor during the Anglo-Boer War in the Diyatalawa Camp in Ceylon. He was the son of the first pastor and first professor of theology of the Reformed Churches in South Africa, Dirk Postma. He was the pastor of the Reformed Church in Pretoria at the outbreak of the Anglo-Boer War. President Paul Kruger was a member of this congregation and Postma’s association with him was apparently the reason why he was exiled to Ceylon. The war had a profound influence on Postma’s approach to pastoral care. This article intends to show how profound this influence was by looking at letters, minutes of church councils, war diaries and several other relevant sources. His pastoral care in the camp all but ceased after seven months when his wife arrived in Ceylon and he was granted parole to live elsewhere. The reason for this is explored.Research Institute for Theology and Religio

    Experimente zur Immobilisierung von Carboanhydrase : Praktische Biotechnologie im Unterricht der Sekundarstufe II

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    Das in biologischen Systemen weit verbreitete Enzym Carboanhydrase katalysiert die Einstellung des Kohlenstoffdioxid-Kohlensäure-Gleichgewichtes. Diese bedeutsame Enzymwirkung ist auch im Schulversuch zugänglich. Durch eine Immobilisierung der Carboanhydrase, einem biotechnologischen Verfahren, lässt sich die experimentelle Unterrichtspraxis effektiver gestalten. So kann z.B. nur mit einem immobilisierten Enzym gezeigt werden, dass sich Katalysatoren bei der Reaktion nicht verbrauchen. Nach einem Überblick über verschiedene Immobilisierungsmethoden und dem industriellen Einsatz immobilisierter Biokatalysatoren wird ein Weg aufgezeigt, das Enzym Carboanhydrase im Schulunterricht zu immobilisieren und seine Aktivität nachzuweisen. Darüber hinaus wird vorgeschlagen, auch die in der Medizin angewendete Hemmung der Carboanhydrasebeispielhaft im Experiment nachzuvollziehen.<br
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