218 research outputs found

    Regulation of IgA Class Switch Recombination in the I.29μ B Cell Lymphoma by Cytokines and Inhibitors of Poly(ADP-ribose) Polymerase: A Thesis

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    Heavy chain isotype switch recombination is preceded by the appearance of RNA initiating 5\u27 of the specific switch region which will undergo recombination. In an effort to understand the potential function of germline transcripts in switch recombination and the degree to which the regulation of germline transcripts correlates with the regulation of switching, we studied this process in the murine B-lymphoma cell line I.29μ, which in the presence of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) switches primarily to IgA and less frequently to IgE. Levels of α-germline transcripts initiating upstream of α switch (Sα) sequences are elevated in clones of this line which switch well as compared to clones which switch less frequently. TGFβ1 has been shown to increase α-germline transcripts and switching to IgA expression in LPS-stimulated murine splenic B-cells. We now demonstrate in I.29μ cells that TGFβ also increases switching to IgA and increases the level of α-germline transcripts 5 to 9 fold. Nuclear run-on analysis shows that this increase is at the level of transcription. Thus, TGFβ appears to direct switching to IgA by inducing transcription from the unrearranged Sα- CαDNA segment. Germline α RNA is quite stable in I.29μ cells, having a half life of about 3 to 5 hours, and we find only slight stabilization in the presence of TGFβ. Levels of ε-germline transcripts are not increased by TGFβ . IL-4, which modestly increases switching to IgA in I.29μ cells, slightly increases trancription of α-germline RNA. However, we present evidence suggesting that endogenously produced IL-4 may also act at additional levels to increase switching to IgA. IFNγ, which reduces IgA expression in these cells, also reduces the level of α-germline transcripts. IFNγ also reduces the level of ε-germline transcripts induced by IL-4. Our results support the hypothesis that the regulation of transcription of particular switch sequences by cytokines in turn regulates the specificity of recombination. In studies aimed at identifying other signalling pathways that promote class switching, we discovered that inhibitors of the nuclear enzyme poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) increase lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced switching to IgA in the B cell lymphoma I.29μ and to IgG1 in LPS + IL-4-treated splenic B cells. PARP, which binds to and is activated by DNA strand breaks, catalyzes the removal of ADP-ribose from NAD+ and poly(ADP-ribosylation) of chromatin-associated acceptor proteins. This enzyme is believed to function in cellular processes involving DNA strand breaks as well as in modulating chromatin structure. In I.29μ cells, PARP inhibitors increase IgA switching by day 2 and cause a 5-fold average increase in switching on day 3 as assayed by immunofluorescence microscopy. The PARP inhibitor, nicotinamide, also causes a reduced intensity of hybridization of Cμ and Cα specific probes to genomic DNA fragments containing the expressed VDJ-Cμ and the unrearranged Sα - Cα segments, respectively, indicating that PARP inhibition increases rearrangment of these fragments. Induction of switching by PARP inhibitors is not mimicked by treatment with cAMP analogs or reduced by inhibitors of protein kinase A (PKA). Induction of switching by PARP inhibitors does not appear to involve increased levels of transcription of the unrearranged Cα gene, although TGFβ is required for optimal induction by PARP inhibitors, consistent with a requirement for transcription of the unrearranged CH gene. PARP inhibitors do not overcome the requirement for endogenously produced IL-4

    Review Descriptive Translation Studies – and Beyond (Revised Edition) by Gideon Toury (author)

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    Amsterdam, Netherlands & Philadelphia PA, USA: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2012; 350 pages. Paperback ISBN: 978 90 272 2449

    Review - Translation and Cognition (ATA – American Translation Association Scholarly Monograph Series XV) / Gregory M. Shreve & Erik Angelone (editors)

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    Amsterdam, Netherlands: John Benjamin’s Publishing Company, 2010, 377 pages. ISBN: 978902723191

    Book Review

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    Thinking through Children's Literature in the Classroom, edited by Agustín Reyes - Torres, Luis S. Villacañas - de- Castro and Betlem Soler - Pardo; Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2014; ISBN 978 1 4438 5336 1; pp. 206, covers a wide variety of issues, both theoretical and practical, related to children's literature. The editors are faculty members of the Language and Literature Education Department at the Universitat de València.Thinking through Children's Literature in the Classroom, édité par Agustín Reyes - Torres, Luis S. Villacañas - de- Castro et Betlem Soler - Pardo; Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2014; ISBN 978 1 4438 5336 1; pp. 206, couvre un large éventail de questions, à la fois théoriques et pratiques, liées à la littérature pour enfants. Les éditeurs sont membres du corps professoral de la langue et la littérature de le département de l'Éducation à l'Universitat de València.Mots-clé: Critique de livre.Thinking through Children's Literature in the Classroom, editat per Agustín Reyes - Torres, Luis S. Villacañas - Betlem de Castro i Soler - Pardo; Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014; ISBN 978 1 4438 5336 1; pp. 206, cobreix una àmplia gamma de temes, tant teòrics com pràctics, relacionats amb la literatura infantil. Els editors són professors de Llengua i Literatura del Departament d'Educació de la Universitat de València

    Non-homologous end joining in class switch recombination: the beginning of the end

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    Immunoglobulin class switch recombination (CSR) is initiated by a B-cell-specific factor, activation-induced deaminase, probably through deamination of deoxycytidine residues within the switch (S) regions. The initial lesions in the S regions are subsequently processed, resulting in the production of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). These breaks will then be recognized, edited and repaired, finally leading to the recombination of the two S regions. Two major repair pathways have been implicated in CSR, the predominant non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) and the alternative end-joining (A-EJ) pathways. The former requires not only components of the ‘classical’ NHEJ machinery, i.e. Ku70/Ku80, DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit, DNA ligase IV and XRCC4, but also a number of DNA-damage sensors or adaptors, such as ataxia–telangiectasia mutated, γH2AX, 53BP1, MDC1, the Mre11–Rad50–NBS1 complex and the ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related protein (ATR). The latter pathway is not well characterized yet and probably requires microhomologies. In this review, we will focus on the current knowledge of the predominant NHEJ pathway in CSR and will also give a perspective on the A-EJ pathway

    iRAGu: A Novel Inducible and Reversible Mouse Model for Ubiquitous Recombinase Activity

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    This deposit is composed by the main article plus the supplementary materials of the publication.Developing lymphocytes express the recombination activating genes (RAGs) 1 and 2 products that form a site specific recombinase complex (RAG), introducing double strand DNA breaks (DSBs) at recombination signal sequences (RSSs) flanking the V, D, and J gene segments in the antigen receptor loci. The subsequent steps in the reaction consist in the ligation of DSBs by ubiquitous enzymes of the non-homologous end joining DNA repair pathway. This mutagenesis process is responsible for the generation of the very large clonal diversity of T and B lymphocytes, itself allowing the recognition of a virtually open-ended antigenic universe. Sequences resembling RSS are found at high frequency all over the genome, and involved in RAG mediated illegitimate recombination and translocations. Hence, natural and induced ectopic activity of RAG is a threat to the genome only recently underscored. Here, we report and characterize a novel mouse transgenic system for which ubiquitous expression of the recombinase is inducible. In this system, the RAG1 protein is constitutively expressed and functional, while the RAG2 protein, coupled to the estrogen receptor, becomes functionally active upon 4-hydroxytamoxifen (TAM) administration. We describe two transgenic lines. The first one, when introgressed into an endogenous Rag2−/− genetic background is faithfully recapitulating lymphocyte development, repertoire dynamics and cryptic rearrangements, in a TAM-dependent manner. In this model, deprivation of TAM is followed by lymphocyte development arrest, evidencing the reversibility of the system. The second transgenic line is leaky, as the transgenes promote lymphocyte differentiation in absence of TAM treatment. Upon TAM-induction defects in lymphocytes composition and global health reveals the deleterious effect of uncontrolled RAG activity. Overall, this novel transgenic model provides a tool where RAG activity can be specifically manipulated to assess the dynamics of lymphocyte differentiation and the challenges imposed by the recombinase on the vertebrate genome.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia grants: (PTDC/BIA-GEN/116830/2010, fellowships); Portuguese League Against Cancer; Terry Fox Foundation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Optogenetic stimulation of a hippocampal engram activates fear memory recall

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    A specific memory is thought to be encoded by a sparse population of neurons. These neurons can be tagged during learning for subsequent identification3 and manipulation. Moreover, their ablation or inactivation results in reduced memory expression, suggesting their necessity in mnemonic processes. However, the question of sufficiency remains: it is unclear whether it is possible to elicit the behavioural output of a specific memory by directly activating a population of neurons that was active during learning. Here we show in mice that optogenetic reactivation of hippocampal neurons activated during fear conditioning is sufficient to induce freezing behaviour. We labelled a population of hippocampal dentate gyrus neurons activated during fear learning with channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) and later optically reactivated these neurons in a different context. The mice showed increased freezing only upon light stimulation, indicating light-induced fear memory recall. This freezing was not detected in non-fear-conditioned mice expressing ChR2 in a similar proportion of cells, nor in fear-conditioned mice with cells labelled by enhanced yellow fluorescent protein instead of ChR2. Finally, activation of cells labelled in a context not associated with fear did not evoke freezing in mice that were previously fear conditioned in a different context, suggesting that light-induced fear memory recall is context specific. Together, our findings indicate that activating a sparse but specific ensemble of hippocampal neurons that contribute to a memory engram is sufficient for the recall of that memory. Moreover, our experimental approach offers a general method of mapping cellular populations bearing memory engrams.RIKEN Brain Science InstituteNational Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01-MH078821)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant P50-MH58880

    Rational manipulation of mRNA folding free energy allows rheostat control of pneumolysin production by Streptococcus pneumoniae

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    Rational manipulation of mRNA folding free energy allows rheostat control of pneumolysin production by Streptococcus pneumoniaeThe contribution of specific factors to bacterial virulence is generally investigated through creation of genetic "knockouts" that are then compared to wild-type strains or complemented mutants. This paradigm is useful to understand the effect of presence vs. absence of a specific gene product but cannot account for concentration-dependent effects, such as may occur with some bacterial toxins. In order to assess threshold and dose-response effects of virulence factors, robust systems for tunable expression are required. Recent evidence suggests that the folding free energy (?G) of the 5' end of mRNA transcripts can have a significant effect on translation efficiency and overall protein abundance. Here we demonstrate that rational alteration of 5' mRNA folding free energy by introduction of synonymous mutations allows for predictable changes in pneumolysin (PLY) expression by Streptococcus pneumoniae without the need for chemical inducers or heterologous promoters. We created a panel of isogenic S. pneumoniae strains, differing only in synonymous (silent) mutations at the 5' end of the PLY mRNA that are predicted to alter ?G. Such manipulation allows rheostat-like control of PLY production and alters the cytotoxicity of whole S. pneumoniae on primary and immortalized human cells. These studies provide proof-of-principle for further investigation of mRNA ?G manipulation as a tool in studies of bacterial pathogenesis.National Institutes of Health (www.nih.gov) (R01 AI092743 and R21 AI111020 to A.J.R.). F.E.A. was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (www.fct.pt) SFRH/BD/33901/2009 and the Luso-American Development Foundation (www.flad.pt). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Parp1 facilitates alternative NHEJ, whereas Parp2 suppresses IgH/c-myc translocations during immunoglobulin class switch recombination

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    Immunoglobulin class switch recombination (CSR) is initiated by DNA breaks triggered by activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID). These breaks activate DNA damage response proteins to promote appropriate repair and long-range recombination. Aberrant processing of these breaks, however, results in decreased CSR and/or increased frequency of illegitimate recombination between the immunoglobulin heavy chain locus and oncogenes like c-myc. Here, we have examined the contribution of the DNA damage sensors Parp1 and Parp2 in the resolution of AID-induced DNA breaks during CSR. We find that although Parp enzymatic activity is induced in an AID-dependent manner during CSR, neither Parp1 nor Parp2 are required for CSR. We find however, that Parp1 favors repair of switch regions through a microhomology-mediated pathway and that Parp2 actively suppresses IgH/c-myc translocations. Thus, we define Parp1 as facilitating alternative end-joining and Parp2 as a novel translocation suppressor during CSR