17 research outputs found

    Extra- and intra-ovarian factors in polycystic ovary syndrome: impact on oocyte maturation and embryo developmental competence

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    background: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common metabolic dysfunction and heterogeneous endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age. Although patients with PCOS are typically characterized by increased numbers of oocytes retrieved during IVF, they are often of poor quality, leading to lower fertilization, cleavage and implantation rates, and a higher miscarriage rate. methods: For this review, we searched the database MEDLINE (1950 to January 2010) and Google for all full texts and/or abstract articles published in English with content related to oocyte maturation and embryo developmental competence. results: The search showed that alteration of many factors may directly or indirectly impair the competence of maturating oocytes through endocrine and local paracrine/autocrine actions, resulting in a lower pregnancy rate in patients with PCOS. The extra-ovarian factors identified included gonadotrophins, hyperandrogenemia and hyperinsulinemia, although intra-ovarian factors included members of the epidermal, fibroblast, insulin-like and neurotrophin families of growth factors, as well as the cytokines. conclusions: Any abnormality in the extra- and/or intra-ovarian factors may negatively affect the granulosa cell-oocyte interaction, oocyte maturation and potential embryonic developmental competence, contributing to unsuccessful outcomes for patients with PCOS who are undergoing assisted reproduction.Obstetrics & GynecologyReproductive BiologySCI(E)PubMed49REVIEW117-331

    Activation of latent human GDF9 by a single residue change (Gly(391)Arg) in the mature domain

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    Growth differentiation factor 9 (GDF9) controls granulosa cell growth and differentiation during early ovarian folliculogenesis and regulates cumulus cell function and ovulation rate in the later stages of this process. Similar to other TGF-β superfamily ligands, GDF9 is secreted from the oocyte in a noncovalent complex with its prodomain. In this study, we show that prodomain interactions differentially regulate the activity of GDF9 across species, such that murine (m) GDF9 is secreted in an active form, whereas human (h) GDF9 is latent. To understand this distinction, we used site-directed mutagenesis to introduce nonconserved mGDF9 residues into the pro- and mature domains of hGDF9. Activity-based screens of the resultant mutants indicated that a single mature domain residue (Gly³⁹¹) confers latency to hGDF9. Gly³⁹¹ forms part of the type I receptor binding site on hGDF9, and this residue is present in all species except mouse, rat, hamster, galago, and possum, in which it is substituted with an arginine. In an adrenocortical cell luciferase assay, hGDF9 (Gly³⁹¹Arg) had similar activity to mGDF9 (EC₅₀ 55 ng/ml vs. 28 ng/ml, respectively), whereas wild-type hGDF9 was inactive. hGDF9 (Gly³⁹¹Arg) was also a potent stimulator of murine granulosa cell proliferation (EC₅₀ 52 ng/ml). An arginine at position 391 increases the affinity of GDF9 for its signaling receptors, enabling it to be secreted in an active form. This important species difference in the activation status of GDF9 may contribute to the variation observed in follicular development, ovulation rate, and fecundity between mammals.Courtney M. Simpson, Peter G. Stanton, Kelly L. Walton, Karen L. Chan, Lesley J. Ritter, Robert B. Gilchrist, and Craig A. Harriso

    Moleculera Labs Story: Lessons in a Capital Efficient Start-Up

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    Why you need a lawyer

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