113 research outputs found
Deserción escolar en Chile: ¿volver la mirada hacia el sistema escolar?
Este artículo revisa las principales características de la deserción escolar en Chile. El abandono escolar es una situación que se verifica fundamentalmente en el nivel de enseñanza media o secundaria y, muy particularmente, en los tres primeros años de este nivel de enseñanza.
La revisión de bibliografía sobre el tema permite identificar algunos factores asociados al riesgo de deserción de la población escolar en este nivel, factores que tienen que ver con la situación de pobreza y vulnerabilidad del entorno familiar de los estudiantes. Con todo, la discusión tiende a minimizar la incidencia intra-escolar en la recurrencia del problema. Uno de los principales nudos críticos del sistema tiene que ver con algunas debilidades institucionales para hacer frente al conjunto de cambios de transición que se verifican en el noveno año de educación obligatoria (1º año de educación media o secundaria). Para un segmento aun importante de la población escolar esta situación incide en el incremento de los factores de riesgo interno que pueden influir en el desenlace de abandono.
La revisión de los programas gubernamentales dirigidos a hacer frente a la deserción escolar, refuerzan la impresión de una débil asunción de la problemática y la necesidad, como consecuencia, de retomar una discusión que aborde la deserción escolar desde un punto de vista integral
VV.AA. Networks & Matters : a blog on Actor-Network Theory and philosophical empiris
The relevance of new industrial policy thinking to Argentina
This thesis generates insights into the re-conceptualisation and revaluation of industrial policy (IP) as a legitimate tool of economic policy in the context of developing countries. It draws upon what I call the New Industrial Policy (NIP) thinking, which is based on institutionalist and evolutionary economics concerned with both 'the innovation, learning and knowledge triad' and the spatialisation of IP The NIP thinking asserts the importance of learning and innovation, the 'power of economies of association' and 'the power of place' as key sources of competitive advantage. These three propositions are evaluated through empirical research which is based on the Argentinean experience in light of the failure of the last neoliberal programme implemented in the country (1991-2001). Specifically, the research focuses on a regional economy in which there exists both a cluster of SMEs and a group of institutions concerned with firm competitiveness. This thesis makes three main contributions to re-conceptualise the NIP thinking in the context of economies affected by economic decline. First, it identifies key factors that explain why the learning and innovation economy has less relative importance in these economies (if compared with firms in more developed economies), by arguing that the learning and innovation require a minimal threshold of resources and accumulated capabilities that the SMEs in development countries often do not have. Secondly, it explains why the powers of place and the economies of associations are only marginally exploited by firms due to the marked influence of restrictions at micro-, meso- and macro-economic levels. Finally, despite these restrictions, this research reveals that some emerging processes of change in individual firms and institutions have recently occurred which are in line with the assumptions forwarded by the NIP thinking. I conclude that in the interstices of the Argentine economic policy there is a case to consider the new IP ideas
The making of TVET systems in middle-income countries : insights on Brazil and Chile
Although the challenges of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) have become apparent in middle-income countries, the making of these systems has not been systematically theorised and compared. This article discusses such processes in Brazil ―a recognised emerging economy, and Chile― one of the last economies to join the high income group. The former has built a standardised TVET system dominated by both the state and companies. In the latter, the standardisation of TVET is low and neither the state nor companies are very active. Drawing on international and the national literatures, the article points at two important factors that have significantly shaped TVET systems in these countries. Firstly, the international agenda has contributed to expanding these systems within the wider framework of lifelong learning policies. Secondly, endogenous sequences of political change and institutional consolidation have configured particular arrangements in each country. Currently, Brazil and Chile face major challenges in integrating sub-sectors of TVET and overcoming inequalities
This article analyses educational-working paths of a cohort of students graduated from vocational high school in Chile. The background allows indicating that this training modality is no longer an instance of early exit to the world of work for an important segment of youngsters, who pursue higher education after high school graduation. However, it is also observed that approximately 40% of high school graduates do not pursue further studies, engaging in working activities that are not linked to the training received. Most of these students access to temporary jobs, mainly in the service sector and perform tasks that strictly would not require the formal training intended by the curriculum of technical education. This duality points out the need of a deep discussion about a number of issues regarding this educational modality: its characteristics, the place of employability skills training and the reforms eventually needed by the educational system based on the experiences of students themselves.El artículo analiza la trayectoria educativo-laboral de una cohorte de estudiantes egresados de la enseñanza media técnico-profesional en Chile. Los antecedentes permiten indicar que este sistema formativo ha dejado de ser una instancia de salida temprana al mundo del trabajo para un segmento relevante de jóvenes, quienes continúan estudios superiores en los años sucesivos a su egreso de la secundaria. Pese a esto, también se observa que un porcentaje cercano al 40% de los egresados no continúa estudios con posterioridad, y predominan experiencias laborales que tienden a estar mayormente disociadas del área formativa de los estudios cursados. La mayoría de estos jóvenes accede a empleos temporales, fundamentalmente en el sector servicios y en tareas que, en sentido estricto, no requerirían una preparación formal como la que se intenta desde el modelo curricular de la formación técnica. Esta dualidad señala la necesidad de una discusión profunda sobre el carácter de esta modalidad educativa, el lugar que tiene la formación de competencias para la empleabilidad en su interior y las reformas que eventualmente requerirá el sistema educativo en función de las experiencias de sus propios estudiantes
Trayectorias educativo-laborales de jóvenesestudiantes de educación técnica en Chile: ¿tiene sentido un sistema de formación para el trabajo en la educación secundaria?
This article analyses educational-working paths of a cohort of students graduated from vocational high school in Chile. The background allows indicating that this training modality is no longer an instance of early exit to the world of work for an important segment of youngsters, who pursue higher education after high school graduation. However, it is also observed that approximately 40% of high school graduates do not pursue further studies, engaging in working activities that are not linked to the training received. Most of these students access to temporary jobs, mainly in the service sector and perform tasks that strictly would not require the formal training intended by the curriculum of technical education. This duality points out the need of a deep discussion about a number of issues regarding this educational modality: its characteristics, the place of employability skills training and the reforms eventually needed by the educational system based on the experiences of students themselves.El artículo analiza la trayectoria educativo-laboral de una cohorte de estudiantes egresados de la enseñanza media técnico-profesional en Chile. Los antecedentes permiten indicar que este sistema formativo ha dejado de ser una instancia de salida temprana al mundo del trabajo para un segmento relevante de jóvenes, quienes continúan estudios superiores en los años sucesivos a su egreso de la secundaria. Pese a esto, también se observa que un porcentaje cercano al 40% de los egresados no continúa estudios con posterioridad, y predominan experiencias laborales que tienden a estar mayormente disociadas del área formativa de los estudios cursados. La mayoría de estos jóvenes accede a empleos temporales, fundamentalmente en el sector servicios y en tareas que, en sentido estricto, no requerirían una preparación formal como la que se intenta desde el modelo curricular de la formación técnica. Esta dualidad señala la necesidad de una discusión profunda sobre el carácter de esta modalidad educativa, el lugar que tiene la formación de competencias para la empleabilidad en su interior y las reformas que eventualmente requerirá el sistema educativo en función de las experiencias de sus propios estudiantes
Expectativas y Proyectos de Futuro de Jóvenes Estudiantes Secundarios : Un estudio sobre aspiraciones y segmentación social del sistema educativo chileno
Fil: Sepúlveda V., Leandro. Universidad Alberto Hurtado.Fil: Valdebenito I., María José. Universidad Alberto Hurtado
¿Navegando contra la corriente? : transición educativo-laboral de jóvenes egresados de la educación secundaria técnico profesional en Chile
Technical and vocational education represents a central formative component of high school education in Chile, encompassing nearly 40% of students, who fundamentally come from the poorest sectors of society, in the last two years of compulsory education. Such relevance, however, has not found a correlate in the development of policies aimed at strengthening the training model or articulating with the country?s productive needs. The record shows that TVE graduates have heterogeneous and especially complex life experiences. Structural factors linked to high degrees of social vulnerability and institutional inconsistencies present in school-to-work policies are part of the diagnosis of the situation. In this framework, the article addresses the tensions and the type of resources that young people use to face their immediate future once they leave PTE. Based on an analysis that combines contributions from life course perspective and the sociology of the experience (emphasizing the analysis of breakpoints and structural tests), it is possible to review the decisions, supports, difficulties, and challenges that these young people experience in their school-to-work transition. The effect of structural constraints and the ways in which these young people carry out their personal actions within a highly individualized context and with weak institutional supports, as in the Chilean case, are explored.
Aspiraciones y proyectos de futuro de estudiantes de enseñanza técnica-profesional
Este artículo analiza las aspiraciones y expectativas de futuro de los estudiantes de educación técnica-profesional del último nivel de enseñanza secundaria en una muestra representativa de centros educacionales de la ciudad de Santiago. La enseñanza técnica de nivel medio ha sido definida como una alternativa de ingreso temprano al mundo laboral de los estudiantes que finalizan sus estudios secundarios. Sin embargo, en los últimos años se observa un incremento de la participación de sus egresados en la educación superior y, consecuentemente, la postergación del inicio de la vida laboral. A través del análisis comparado de las aspiraciones y proyectos de futuro de los estudiantes, se destaca la presencia de diversas racionalidades y ajuste de expectativas entre los jóvenes, se analizan las diferencias con sus pares de la modalidad científico-humanista y se elaboran conclusiones acerca de las perspectivas de futuro de la educación media técnico profesional en el país a partir de la experiencia de las nuevas generaciones de estudiantes.This article analyzes the aspirations and expectations for the future of high school seniors majoring in technical-professional studies by means of a representative sample of educational centers in the city of Santiago. Mid-level technical education has been defined as an alternative that allow an earlier entry into the labor market for students who are completing their high school studies. However, in recent years there has been an increase in graduates who choose higher education and are posponing entry into the labor market. A comparative analysis of student’s aspirations and projects for the future has disclosed a diversified rationale and an adjustment in young people's expectations. The differences with their peers who have followed scientific-humanities majors are analyzed, and conclusions are drawn as regards the outlook for the future of high school professional technical studies in the country based on the experience of new generations of students.Este artigo analisa as aspirações e expectativas dos futuros alunos da formação técnico-profissional no último nível do ensino secundário, em uma amostra representativa dos centros educativos na cidade de Santiago. A educação de nível médio técnico tem sido definida como uma alternativa para incorporar ao mundo do trabalho de maneira oportuna aos estudantes que concluem o ensino médio. Porem, nos últimos anos, se observa um aumento na percentagem de estudantes que ingressam ao ensino superior e, consequentemente, o adiamento do início da vida profissional. Através da análise comparada das aspirações e projetos futuros dos alunos, destaca-se a presença de diferentes racionalidades e ajuste de expectativas entre os jovens, são discutidas as diferenças com os seus pares na modalidade científica e humanística e se elaboram algumas conclusões sobre as perspectivas futuras do ensino médio técnico profissional no país a partir da experiência das novas gerações de estudantes
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