498 research outputs found

    A search method for optimal control of a flow shop system of traditional machines

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.We consider a convex and nondifferentiable optimization problem for deterministic flow shop systems in which the arrival times of the jobs are known and jobs are processed in the order they arrive. The decision variables are the service times that are to be set only once before processing the first job, and cannot be altered between processes. The cost objective is the sum of regular costs on job completion times and service costs inversely proportional to the controllable service times. A finite set of subproblems, which can be solved by trust-region methods, are defined and their solutions are related to the optimal solution of the optimization problem under consideration. Exploiting these relationships, we introduce a twophase search method which converges in a finite number of iterations. A numerical study is held to demonstrate the solution performance of the search method compared to a subgradient method proposed in earlier work. 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Constrained Optimal Hybrid Control of a Flow Shop System

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.We consider an optimal control problem for the hybrid model of a deterministic flow shop system, in which the jobs are processed in the order they arrive at the system. The problem is decomposed into a higher-level discrete-event system control problem of determining the optimal service times, and a set of lower-level classical control problems of determining the optimal control inputs for given service times. We focus on the higher-level problem which is nonconvex and nondifferentiable. The arrival times are known and the decision variables are the service times that are controllable within constraints. We present an equivalent convex optimization problem with linear constraints. Under some cost assumptions, we show that no waiting is observed on the optimal sample path. This property allows us to simplify the convex optimization problem by eliminating variables and constraints. We also prove, under an additional strict convexity assumption, the uniqueness of the optimal solution and propose two algorithms to decompose the simplified convex optimization problem into a set of smaller convex optimization problems. The effects of the simplification and the decomposition on the solution times are shown on an example problem

    Comparison between Capsule Endoscopy and Magnetic Resonance Enterography for the Detection of Polyps of the Small Intestine in Patients with Familial Adenomatous Polyposis

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    Objective. The objective of this study was to assess the utility of magnetic resonance enterography (MRE) compared with capsule endoscopy (CE) for the detection of small-bowel polyps in patients with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP). Methods. Patients underwent MRE and CE. The polyps were classified according to size of polyp: <5 mm (small size), 5–10 mm (medium size), or >10 mm (large size). The location (jejunum or ileum) and the number of polyps (1–5, 6–20, >20) detected by CE were also assessed. MRE findings were compared with the results of CE. Results. Small-bowel polyps, were detected by CE in 4 of the 6 (66%) patients. Three patients had small-sized polyps and one patient had medium-sized polyps. CE detected polyps in four patients that, were not shown on MRE. Desmoid tumors were detected on anterior abdominal wall by MRE. Conclusion. In patients with FAP, CE can detect small-sized polyps in the small intestine not seen with MRE whereas MRE yields additional extraintestinal information

    Patologi Anatomi Ikan Komet (Carassius Auratus Auratus) Akibat Infestasi Argulus Japonicus Jantan Dan Betina Pada Derajat Infestasi Yang Berbeda [Anatomic Pathology of Comet Fish (Carassius Auratus Auratus) as Result of Males and Females Argulus Japonicus Infestation in Different Degree ]

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    Usaha perikanan terutama ikan hias air tawar merupakan alternatif USAha untuk menjalankan perekonomian. Salah satu kendala dalam budidaya ikan komet adalah penyakit, terutama parasit. Infestasi ektoparasit Argulus japonicus dapat mengakibatkan kematian dan kerugian ekonomi bagi pembudidaya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk dapat mengetahui Perubahan atau kelainan pada kulit ikan komet yang disebabkan oleh ektoparasit Argulus japonicus jantan dan betina. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus-September 2015 di Laboratorium Pendidikan Fakultas Perikanan dan Kelautan Universitas Airlangga. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimental. Pengaruh perlakuan terhadap Perubahan patologi anatomi diolah dengan analisis statistik Analisis Variansi Rancangan Acak lengkap Pola Faktorial. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua kelompok perlakun yaitu kelompok satu menggunakan Argulus japonicus jantan dan kelompok dua menggunakan Argulus japonicus betina. Masing-masing kelompok menggunakan empat perlakuan dan lima ulangan. Variabel yang diamati dalam penelitian ini adalah Perubahan patologi anatomi pada kulit ikan komet. Skoring dilakukan untuk menentukan derajat kerusakan patologi anatomi kulit ikan komet. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa infestasi ektoparasit Argulus japonicus jantan dan betina dapat mengakibatkan Perubahan patologi anatomi pada ikan komet, tingkat kerusakan patologi anatomi ikan komet yang terjadi mengikuti derajat infestasi ektoparasit Argulus japonicus, perlakuan infestasi masing-masing Argulus japonicus jantan dan betina juga berpengaruh terhadap kerusakan patologi anatomi ikan komet, dan kondisi pemeliharaan ikan komet yang baik selama penelitian dapat meminimalkan pengaruh lain di luar pengaruh infestasi Argulus japonicus

    Optimal hybrid control of a two-stage manufacturing system

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    We consider a two-stage serial hybrid system for which the arrival times are known and the service times are controllable. We derive some optimal sample path characteristics, in particular, we show that no buffering is observed between stages. The original non-smooth optimal control problem is first transformed into a convex optimization problem which is then simplified by the no buffer property. Further simplifications are possible for the bulk arrival case. © 2006 IEEE

    A subgradient descent algorithm for optimization of initially controllable flow shop systems

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    We consider an optimization problem for deterministic flow shop systems processing identical jobs. The service times are initially controllable; they can only be set before processing the first job, and cannot be altered between processes. We derive some waiting and completion time characteristics for fixed service time flow shop systems, independent of the cost formulation. Exploiting these characteristics, an equivalent convex optimization problem, which is non-differentiable, is derived along with its subgradient descent solution algorithm. This algorithm not only eliminates the need for convex programming solvers but also allows for the solution of larger systems due to its smaller memory requirements. Significant improvements in solution times are also observed in the numerical examples. © 2009 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

    Optimal control of a two-stage stochastic hybrid manufacturing system with Poisson arrivals and exponential service times

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    Extending earli'er work on single-stage stochastic hybrid system models, we consider a two-stage stochastic hybrid system where the job arrivals are represented through a Poisson process, and the service times required to attain a desired physical state are exponentially distributed dependent on the controllable process rates. For the case where the costs associated with the process rates and the inventory levels are non-decreasing convex, and the process rates take values from finite sets, we show that there exist threshold policies on both inventory levels for selecting the optimal process rates at each station. © 2005 IEEE

    Digital Pressure Meter Design to Calibrate A Sphygmomanometer Unit Equipped with Data Calibration Recording to External Memory

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    A sphygmomanometer is a medical device used to non-invasively measure arterial blood pressure. To ensure the accuracy of this device, it must be calibrated. The equipment used to calibrate this tool is a Digital Pressure Meter (DPM). This study aims to build a DPM device equipped with SD card storage. The device runs on the MPX5050GP sensor, the measurement results are displayed on a 16x4 Liquid Crystal Display Character (LCD)&nbsp;&nbsp; This device is also equipped with a leakage test timer, and data storage on the SD Card will be displayed in Notepad (txt) form. The variables measured in data collection were positive pressure and leakage test. The DPM feature of the Rigel Medical UNI-SiM Calibrator is used as the gold standard tool for comparing device accuracy. From the comparison with the gold standard, the smallest error is 0.00% and the largest error is 0.11% on the positive pressure variable and the error is 0.26. % on the leak test variable. The GEA Medical MI-2001 Mercury Sphygmomanometer was used as an under test standard with the smallest measurement error of 0.00% and the largest error of 0.81% and the value of the leak test error compared to the DPM Module which was 0.9%. Data storage is still manual. Automating data retrieval and transfer to computers or other digital gadgets will make it easier for officers who use this DPM tool. The next research will be good using web applications like data storage and processing

    Targeted metabolism and non-targeted plasma profiling in equine model

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    Bowel dysfunction in spinal cord injury

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    Bowel Dysfunction is one of the least looked at problems in Spinal Cord Injury (SCI). The goals of this study are to understand bowel dysfunction in SCI and its effects on quality of life (QOL). Cross-sectional study based on interview and assessment of 41 clients. A majority of them were dissatisfied. Bowel opening time was long in about 65% while 76.6% were incontinent. Socially, approximately half refrained from outings even though 90.3% of them carried out bowel evacuation before going out. Attention to bowel education is necessary to improve social continence