24 research outputs found

    COVID-19 infection in patients on long-term home parenteral nutrition for chronic intestinal failure

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    To investigate the incidence and the severity of COVID-19 infection in patients enrolled in the database for home parenteral nutrition (HPN) for chronic intestinal failure (CIF) of the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN).Period of observation: March 1st, 2020 March 1st, 2021.patients included in the database since 2015 and still receiving HPN on March 1st, 2020 as well as new patients included in the database during the period of observation. Data related to the previous 12 months and recorded on March 1st 2021: 1) occurrence of COVID-19 infection since the beginning of the pandemic (yes, no, unknown); 2) infection severity (asymptomatic; mild, no-hospitalization; moderate, hospitalization no-ICU; severe, hospitalization in ICU); 3) vaccinated against COVID-19 (yes, no, unknown); 4) patient outcome on March 1st 2021: still on HPN, weaned off HPN, deceased, lost to follow up.Sixty-eight centres from 23 countries included 4680 patients. Data on COVID-19 were available for 55.1% of patients. The cumulative incidence of infection was 9.6% in the total group and ranged from 0% to 21.9% in the cohorts of individual countries. Infection severity was reported as: asymptomatic 26.7%, mild 32.0%, moderate 36.0%, severe 5.3%. Vaccination status was unknown in 62.0% of patients, non-vaccinated 25.2%, vaccinated 12.8%. Patient outcome was reported as: still on HPN 78.6%, weaned off HPN 10.6%, deceased 9.7%, lost to follow up 1.1%. A higher incidence of infection (p = 0.04), greater severity of infection (p < 0.001) and a lower vaccination percentage (p = 0.01) were observed in deceased patients. In COVID-19 infected patients, deaths due to infection accounted for 42.8% of total deaths.In patients on HPN for CIF, the incidence of COVID-19 infection differed greatly among countries. Although the majority of cases were reported to be asymptomatic or have mild symptoms only, COVID-19 was reported to be fatal in a significant proportion of infected patients. Lack of vaccination was associated with a higher risk of death

    Decision process in large-scale crisis management

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    International audienceThis paper deals with the decision-aiding process in large-scale crisis such as natural disasters. It consists in four phases: decision context characterization, system modelling, aggregation and integration. The elements of the context, such as crisis level, risk situation, decision-maker problem issue are defined through the characterization phase. At the feared event occurrence, these elements will interact on a target system. Through the model on this system, the consequences to stakes could be assessed or estimated. The presented aggregation approaches will allow taking the right decisions. The architecture of a Decision Support System is presented in the integration phase

    Home parenteral nutrition provision modalities for chronic intestinal failure in adult patients:An international survey

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    Background & aims: The safety and effectiveness of a home parenteral nutrition (HPN) program depends both on the expertise and the management approach of the HPN center. We aimed to evaluate both the approaches of different international HPN-centers in their provision of HPN and the types of intravenous supplementation (IVS)-admixtures prescribed to patients with chronic intestinal failure (CIF). Methods: In March 2015, 65 centers from 22 countries enrolled 3239 patients (benign disease 90.1%, malignant disease 9.9%), recording the patient, CIF and HPN characteristics in a structured database. The HPN-provider was categorized as health care system local pharmacy (LP) or independent home care company (HCC). The IVS-admixture was categorized as fluids and electrolytes alone (FE) or parenteral nutrition, either commercially premixed (PA) or customized to the individual patient (CA), alone or plus extra FE (PAFE or CAFE). Doctors of HPN centers were responsible for the IVS prescriptions. Results: HCC (66%) was the most common HPN provider, with no difference noted between benign-CIF and malignant-CIF. LP was the main modality in 11 countries; HCC prevailed in 4 European countries: Israel, USA, South America and Oceania (p < 0.001). IVS-admixture comprised: FE 10%, PA 17%, PAFE 17%, CA 38%, CAFE 18%. PA and PAFE prevailed in malignant-CIF while CA and CAFE use was greater in benign-CIF (p < 0.001). PA + PAFE prevailed in those countries where LP was the main HPN-provider and CA + CAFE prevailed where the main HPN-provider was HCC (p < 0.001). Conclusions: This is the first study to demonstrate that HPN provision and the IVS-admixture differ greatly among countries, among HPN centers and between benign-CIF and cancer-CIF. As both HPN provider and IVS-admixture types may play a role in the safety and effectiveness of HPN therapy, criteria to homogenize HPN programs are needed so that patients can have equal access to optimal CIF care

    Compliance to oral nutritional supplementation decreases the risk of hospitalisation in malnourished older adults without extra health care cost: prospective observational cohort study

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    International audienceOBJECTIVE: Malnutrition affects 5-10% of elderly people living in the community. A few studies suggest that nutritional intervention may reduce health care costs. The present study included malnourished elderly patients living at home. It aimed to compare health care costs between patients that were prescribed ONS by their general practitioner and those who were not, and to assess the effect of ONS prescription on the risk of hospitalisation.METHODS: This prospective multicentre observational study included malnourished patients ≄70 years old who lived at home. Patients were defined as malnourished if they presented with one or more of the following criteria: weight loss ≄5% in 1 month, weight loss ≄10% in 6 months, BMI <21 kg/m2RESULTS: We analysed 191 patients. At baseline, the 133 patients (70%) who were prescribed ONS were more disabled (p < 0.001) and had poorer perception of their health (p = 0.02), lower QoL (p = 0.04) and lower appetite (p < 0.001) than the 58 patients (30%) who were not prescribed ONS. At 6 months, appetite had improved more in the ONS prescription group (p = 0.001). Weight change was not different between groups. Patients prescribed ONS were more frequently hospitalised (OR 2.518, 95% CI: [1.088; 5.829] hosp; p = 0.03). Analyses of adjusted populations revealed no differences in health care costs between groups. In the ONS prescription group, we identified that health care costs were lower (p = 0.042) in patients with an energy intake from ONS ≄ 500 kcal/d (1389 ± 264 €) vs. < 500 kcal/d (3502 ± 839 €). The risk of hospitalisation was reduced 3 and 5 times when the intake from ONS was ≄30 g of protein/day or ≄500 kcal/d, respectively.CONCLUSIONS: ONS prescription in malnourished elderly patients generated no extra heath care cost. High energy and protein intake from ONS was associated with a reduced risk of hospitalisation and health care costs

    Immunoassay quantification of human insulin added to ternary parenteral nutrition containers: comparison of two methods

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    International audienceAdding insulin directly into infusion bags seems to be a useful method for controlling hyperglycemia in patients under ternary parenteral nutrition (TPN). Its efficacy is assessed by glycemic monitoring but few data are available on insulin stability in this situation. Among the various methods for quantifying insulin levels in human serum, the immunoassay ones seemed potentially appropriate for a TPN admixture containing high lipid concentrations. We sought to identify and validate which of two immunoassay methods was the better to quantify human insulin and consequently be adapted to studying its stability in a TPN admixture. Two immunoassay methods to quantify recombinant human insulin were assessed in industrial TPN: an immunoradiometric assay (IRMA) and an immunoelectrochemiluminometric assay (IECMA). Validation trials for both methods were based on the accuracy profile method. Interference with immunometric assays due to the high lipidic content of TPN was eliminated through an improved preparation protocol using a bovine serum albumin (BSA) diluted in phosphate buffer saline (PBS). The relative total error of IECMA varied from 1.74 to 4.52% while it varied from -0.32 to 8.37% with IRMA. Only IECMA provided an accuracy profile with a 95% confidence interval of calculated-tolerance limits falling between the chosen acceptance limits (i.e., total error ≀±10%). IECMA combined with a BSA dilution is a simple and semi-automatic method that provides an accurate quantification of human insulin in a TPN admixture without any interference from lipids

    Table ronde du CEVIPOF et du CRHMSS sur les négociations de Grenelle (3 octobre 1989)

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    Girault Jacques, Mouriaux René, Astre Louis, Caire Guy, Daubard Jean, David Marcel, Detraz Albert, Jeanneney Jean-Marcel, Magniadas Jean, Seguy Georges, Simon Jean, Tartakowsky Danielle. Table ronde du CEVIPOF et du CRHMSS sur les négociations de Grenelle (3 octobre 1989). In: Matériaux pour l'histoire de notre temps, n°20, 1990. Occupations/négociations. Les syndicats en mai 68, sous la direction de René Girault . pp. 29-48