133 research outputs found

    Two Remarkably Luminous Galaxy Candidates at z1113z\approx11-13 Revealed by JWST

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    The first few hundred Myrs at z>10z>10 mark the last major uncharted epoch in the history of the Universe, where only a single galaxy (GNz11 at z11z\approx11) is currently spectroscopically confirmed. Here we present a search for luminous z>10z>10 galaxies with JWSTJWST/NIRCam photometry spanning 15μ\approx1-5\mum and covering 49 arcmin2^{2} from the public JWSTJWST Early Release Science programs (CEERS and GLASS). Our most secure candidates are two MUV21M_{\rm{UV}}\approx-21 systems: GLASS-z13 and GLASS-z11. These galaxies display abrupt 2.5\gtrsim2.5 mag breaks in their spectral energy distributions, consistent with complete absorption of flux bluewards of Lyman-α\alpha that is redshifted to z13z\approx13 and z11z\approx11. Lower redshift interlopers such as dusty quiescent galaxies with strong Balmer breaks would be comfortably detected at >5σ>5\sigma in multiple bands where instead we find no flux. From SED modeling we infer that these galaxies have already built up 109\sim 10^9 solar masses in stars over the 300400\lesssim300-400 Myrs after the Big Bang. The brightness of these sources enable morphological constraints. Tantalizingly, GLASS-z11 shows a clearly extended exponential light profile, potentially consistent with a disk galaxy of r500.7r_{\rm{50}}\approx0.7 kpc. These sources, if confirmed, join GNz11 in defying number density forecasts for luminous galaxies based on Schechter UV luminosity functions, which require a survey area >10×>10\times larger than we have studied here to find such luminous sources at such high redshifts. They extend evidence from lower redshifts for little or no evolution in the bright end of the UV luminosity function into the cosmic dawn epoch, with implications for just how early these galaxies began forming. This, in turn, suggests that future deep JWSTJWST observations may identify relatively bright galaxies to much earlier epochs than might have been anticipated.Comment: Submitted to ApJL. Figs. 1 and 2 summarize the candidates, Fig. 3 places the brightness of these systems in context, Fig. 4 shows the morphology, Fig. 5 explores implications for the UVLF. Comments warmly welcome

    UNCOVER: Candidate Red Active Galactic Nuclei at 3<z<7 with JWST and ALMA

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    The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is revolutionizing our knowledge of z>5z>5 galaxies and their actively accreting black holes. Using the JWST Cycle 1 Treasury program Ultradeep NIRSpec and NIRCam ObserVations before the Epoch of Reionization (UNCOVER) in the lensing field Abell 2744, we report the identification of a sample of little red dots at 3<zphot<73 < z_{\rm{phot}} < 7 that likely contain highly-reddened accreting supermassive black holes. Using a NIRCam-only selection to F444W<27.7<27.7 mag, we find 26 sources over the 45\sim45 arcmin2^{2} field that are blue in F115W-F200W0\sim0 (or βUV2.0\beta_{\rm UV}\sim-2.0 for fλλβf_{\lambda} \propto \lambda^\beta), red in F200W-F444W = 141-4 (βopt+2.0\beta_{\rm opt} \sim +2.0), and are dominated by a point-source like central component. Of the 20 sources with deep ALMA 1.2-mm coverage, none are detected individually or in a stack. For the majority of the sample, SED fits to the JWST+ALMA observations prefer models with hot dust rather than obscured star-formation to reproduce the red NIRCam colors and ALMA 1.2-mm non-detections. While compact dusty star formation can not be ruled out, the combination of extremely small sizes (re50\langle r_e \rangle\approx50 pc after correction for magnification), red rest-frame optical slopes, and hot dust can by explained by reddened broad-line active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Our targets have faint M145014 to18M_{\rm 1450} \approx -14\ \, {\rm to} -18 mag but inferred bolometric luminosities of Lbol=10431046L_{\rm bol} = 10^{43}-10^{46} erg/s, reflecting their obscured nature. If the candidates are confirmed as AGNs with upcoming UNCOVER spectroscopy, then we have found an abundant population of reddened luminous AGN that are at least ten times more numerous than UV-luminous AGN at the same intrinsic bolometric luminosity.Comment: submitted to Ap

    First spectroscopic observations of the galaxies that reionized the Universe

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    Low-mass galaxies in the early universe are believed to be the building blocks of present-day galaxies. These fledgling systems likely played a pivotal role in cosmic reionization, a major phase transition from neutral Hydrogen to ionized plasma around 600-800 Myr after the Big Bang. However, these galaxies have eluded comprehensive spectroscopic studies owing to their extreme faintness. Here we report the first spectroscopic analysis of 8 ultra-faint galaxies during the epoch of reionization with absolute magnitudes between MUV_{\rm UV} 17\sim -17 to 15-15 mag (down to 0.005 LL^{\star}). The combination of ultra-deep NIRSpec (Near-Infrared Spectrograph) observations and the strong gravitational lensing boost of Abell~2744 allow us to derive the first spectroscopic constraints on the prevalence of faint galaxies and their ionizing properties during the Universe's first billion years. We find that faint galaxies are prodigious producers of ionizing photons with log(ξion\xi_{\rm ion}/ Hz erg1^{-1}) =25.8±0.0525.8\pm 0.05, a factor of 4 larger than canonical values. This means that the total rate of ionizing photons produced by galaxies exceeds that needed for reionization, even for modest values of escape fraction (fescf_{\rm esc} =5%). These findings provide robust evidence that faint galaxies were the main drivers of cosmic reionization at z7z\sim7.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figures, 2 table

    Linee guida sulla isotretinoina - consensus

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    Qualche anno addietro, si sparse la notizia che l'isotretinoina orale sarebbe stata ritirata dal commercio. In quel periodo fu pubblicato sugli Annales de Dermatologie un articolo scritto da un dermatologo francese preoccupato per quanto sarebbe successo a noi dermatologi, privati della isotretinoina orale, nella gestione dei pazienti con acne grave. Si prospettava un quadro di desolante ritorno al passato con \uec pazienti vittime di decisioni amministrative, scientificamente morto discutibili, prese con superficialit\ue0. Fortunatamente questo non accadde vista la infondatezza delle argomentazioni accusatorie avanzate. Da questa vicenda emerse la consapevolezza che alla base di quanto successo c'era una preoccupante disinformazione sulle caratteristiche del farmaco estesa ad ampie fasce di soggetti coinvolti nella gestione e nell'utilizzo del prodotto, medici di medicina generale, pediatri, farmacisti e pazienti. Alla luce di questo abbiamo sentito l'esigenza di colmare questa lacuna e di preparare una nota informativa, chiara e completa, sulle caratteristiche dell'isotretinoina orale. Tale documento era diretto, con modalit\ue0 e contenuti opportunamente adattati, alle singole categorie sopra riportate. L'obiettivo finale era quello di evitare che, a pazienti effettivamente bisognosi di tale trattamento, esso fosse negato con motivazioni inconsistenti o per disinformazione. Il lavoro congiunto di un board di dermatologi, appartenenti alle Societ\ue0 pi\uf9 rappresentative della Dermatologia Italiana, ha portato alla definizione di due documenti informativi sull'isotretinoina orale. Il primo \ue8 indirizzato a medici di medicina generale, pediatri e farmacisti ed il secondo ai pazienti. \uc8 in programmazione per il prossimo futuro la preparazione di linee guida aggiornate sull'utilizzo del farmaco ad uso dei dermatologi

    The impact of HIV/SRH service integration on workload: analysis from the Integra Initiative in two African settings.

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    BACKGROUND: There is growing interest in integration of HIV and sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services as a way to improve the efficiency of human resources (HR) for health in low- and middle-income countries. Although this is supported by a wealth of evidence on the acceptability and clinical effectiveness of service integration, there is little evidence on whether staff in general health services can easily absorb HIV services. METHODS: We conducted a descriptive analysis of HR integration through task shifting/sharing and staff workload in the context of the Integra Initiative - a large-scale five-year evaluation of HIV/SRH integration. We describe the level, characteristics and changes in HR integration in the context of wider efforts to integrate HIV/SRH, and explore the impact of HR integration on staff workload. RESULTS: Improvements in the range of services provided by staff (HR integration) were more likely to be achieved in facilities which also improved other elements of integration. While there was no overall relationship between integration and workload at the facility level, HIV/SRH integration may be most influential on staff workload for provider-initiated HIV testing and counselling (PITC) and postnatal care (PNC) services, particularly where HIV care and treatment services are being supported with extra SRH/HIV staffing. Our findings therefore suggest that there may be potential for further efficiency gains through integration, but overall the pace of improvement is slow. CONCLUSIONS: This descriptive analysis explores the effect of HIV/SRH integration on staff workload through economies of scale and scope in high- and medium-HIV prevalence settings. We find some evidence to suggest that there is potential to improve productivity through integration, but, at the same time, significant challenges are being faced, with the pace of productivity gain slow. We recommend that efforts to implement integration are assessed in the broader context of HR planning to ensure that neither staff nor patients are negatively impacted by integration policy

    The 3D-HST Survey: <i>Hubble Space Telescope</i> WFC3/G141 Grism Spectra, Redshifts, and Emission Line Measurements for ~ 100,000 Galaxies

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    We present reduced data and data products from the 3D-HST survey, a 248-orbit HSTHST Treasury program. The survey obtained WFC3 G141 grism spectroscopy in four of the five CANDELS fields: AEGIS, COSMOS, GOODS-S, and UDS, along with WFC3 H140H_{140} imaging, parallel ACS G800L spectroscopy, and parallel I814I_{814} imaging. In a previous paper, we presented photometric catalogs in these four fields and in GOODS-N, the fifth CANDELS field. Here we describe and present the WFC3 G141 spectroscopic data, again augmented with data from GO-1600 in GOODS-N (PI: B. Weiner). We developed software to automatically and optimally extract interlaced two-dimensional (2D) and one-dimensional (1D) spectra for all objects in the Skelton et al. (2014) photometric catalogs. The 2D spectra and the multi-band photometry were fit simultaneously to determine redshifts and emission line strengths, taking the morphology of the galaxies explicitly into account. The resulting catalog has redshifts and line strengths (where available) for 22,548 unique objects down to JHIR24{{JH}}_{\mathrm{IR}}\leq 24 (79,609 unique objects down to JHIR26{{JH}}_{\mathrm{IR}}\leq 26). Of these, 5459 galaxies are at z>1.5z > 1.5 and 9621 are at 0.7<z<1.50.7< z< 1.5, where Hα falls in the G141 wavelength coverage. The typical redshift error for JHIR24{{JH}}_{\mathrm{IR}}\leq 24 galaxies is σz0.003×(1+z){\sigma }_{z}\approx 0.003\times (1+z), i.e., one native WFC3 pixel. The 3σ3\sigma limit for emission line fluxes of point sources is 2.1×10172.1\times {10}^{-17} erg s1cm2s^{-1} cm^{-2}. All 2D and 1D spectra, as well as redshifts, line fluxes, and other derived parameters, are publicly available

    Cost-effectiveness and resource implications of aggressive action on tuberculosis in China, India, and South Africa: a combined analysis of nine models.

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    BACKGROUND: The post-2015 End TB Strategy sets global targets of reducing tuberculosis incidence by 50% and mortality by 75% by 2025. We aimed to assess resource requirements and cost-effectiveness of strategies to achieve these targets in China, India, and South Africa. METHODS: We examined intervention scenarios developed in consultation with country stakeholders, which scaled up existing interventions to high but feasible coverage by 2025. Nine independent modelling groups collaborated to estimate policy outcomes, and we estimated the cost of each scenario by synthesising service use estimates, empirical cost data, and expert opinion on implementation strategies. We estimated health effects (ie, disability-adjusted life-years averted) and resource implications for 2016-35, including patient-incurred costs. To assess resource requirements and cost-effectiveness, we compared scenarios with a base case representing continued current practice. FINDINGS: Incremental tuberculosis service costs differed by scenario and country, and in some cases they more than doubled existing funding needs. In general, expansion of tuberculosis services substantially reduced patient-incurred costs and, in India and China, produced net cost savings for most interventions under a societal perspective. In all three countries, expansion of access to care produced substantial health gains. Compared with current practice and conventional cost-effectiveness thresholds, most intervention approaches seemed highly cost-effective. INTERPRETATION: Expansion of tuberculosis services seems cost-effective for high-burden countries and could generate substantial health and economic benefits for patients, although substantial new funding would be required. Further work to determine the optimal intervention mix for each country is necessary. FUNDING: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

    The MOSDEF survey:AGN multi-wavelength identification, selection biases and host galaxy properties

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    We present results from the MOSFIRE Deep Evolution Field (MOSDEF) survey on the identification, selection biases, and host galaxy properties of 55 X-ray, IR and optically-selected active galactic nuclei (AGN) at 1.4<z<3.81.4 < z < 3.8. We obtain rest-frame optical spectra of galaxies and AGN and use the BPT diagram to identify optical AGN. We examine the uniqueness and overlap of the AGN identified at different wavelengths. There is a strong bias against identifying AGN at any wavelength in low mass galaxies, and an additional bias against identifying IR AGN in the most massive galaxies. AGN hosts span a wide range of star formation rate (SFR), similar to inactive galaxies once stellar mass selection effects are accounted for. However, we find (at 23σ\sim 2-3\sigma significance) that IR AGN are in less dusty galaxies with relatively higher SFR and optical AGN in dusty galaxies with relatively lower SFR. X-ray AGN selection does not display a bias with host galaxy SFR. These results are consistent with those from larger studies at lower redshifts. Within star-forming galaxies, once selection biases are accounted for, we find AGN in galaxies with similar physical properties as inactive galaxies, with no evidence for AGN activity in particular types of galaxies. This is consistent with AGN being fueled stochastically in any star-forming host galaxy. We do not detect a significant correlation between SFR and AGN luminosity for individual AGN hosts, which may indicate the timescale difference between the growth of galaxies and their supermassive black holes

    Witnessing the Early Growth and Life Cycle of Galaxies with KMOS3D

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    Near-infrared integral field unit (IFU) spectrographs are powerful tools for investigating galaxy evolution. We report on our recently completed multi-year KMOS3D survey of Halpha, [NII] and [SII] line emission of galaxies at redshift z ~ 0.7 - 2.7 with the K-band Multi-Object Spectrograph (KMOS) at the Very Large Telescope (VLT). With deep observations of 745 targets spanning over two orders of magnitude in galaxy mass, five billion years of cosmic time, and all levels of star formation, KMOS3D provides an unparalleled population-wide census of spatially-resolved kinematics, star formation, outflows and nebular gas conditions. The dataset sheds new light on the physical mechanisms driving the early growth and lifecycle of galaxies, and provides a rich legacy for the astronomical community

    Micrometre-long covalent organic fibres by photoinitiated chain-growth radical polymerization on an alkali-halide surface

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    On-surface polymerization is a promising technique to prepare organic functional nanomaterials that are challenging to synthesize in solution, but it is typically used on metal substrates, which play a catalytic role. Previous examples on insulating surfaces have involved intermediate self-assembled structures, which face high barriers to diffusion, or annealing to higher temperatures, which generally causes rapid dewetting and desorption of the monomers. Here we report the photoinitiated radical polymerization, initiated from a two-dimensional gas phase, of a dimaleimide monomer on an insulating KCl surface. Polymer fibres up to 1 μm long are formed through chain-like rather than step-like growth. Interactions between potassium cations and the dimaleimide’s oxygen atoms facilitate the propagation of the polymer fibres along a preferred axis of the substrate over long distances. Density functional theory calculations, non-contact atomic force microscopy imaging and manipulations at room temperature were used to explore the initiation and propagation processes, as well as the structure and stability of the resulting one-dimensional polymer fibres