664 research outputs found

    Tales of The Sea: Connecting people with dementia to the UK heritage through maritime archaeology (innovative practice).

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    This paper reports on a pilot study evaluating the impact of a series of interactive and educational maritime archaeological sessions for people with dementia. A typical archaeological approach was adopted including excavations, recovery and reconstruction of artefacts. Findings from this study demonstrate the importance of providing information, delivering alternative activities, enabling educational opportunities and offering support to and for people living with dementia. Our findings further illustrate that people with dementia can be included in maritime archaeology and that including people with dementia in heritage-based initiatives is possible

    Stakeholder perspectives on new ways of delivering unscheduled health care: the role of ownership and organisational identity

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    <b>Rationale, aims and objectives</b>: To explore stakeholder perspectives of the implementation of a new, national integrated nurse-led telephone advice and consultation service (NHS 24), comparing the views of stakeholders from different health care organisations. <b>Methods</b>: Semi-structured interviews with 26 stakeholders including partner organisations located in primary and secondary unscheduled care settings (general practitioner (GP) out-of-hours co-operative; accident and emergency department; national ambulance service), members of NHS 24 and national policymakers. Attendance at key meetings, documentary review and email implementation diaries provided a contextual history of events with which interview data could be compared. <b>Results</b>: The contextual history of events highlighted a fast-paced implementation process, with little time for reflection. Key areas of partner concern were increasing workload, the clinical safety of nurse triage and the lack of communication across the organisations. Concerns were most apparent within the GP out-of-hours co-operative, leading to calls for the dissolution of the partnership. Accident and emergency and ambulance service responses were more conciliatory, suggesting that such problems were to be expected within the developmental phase of a new organisation. Further exploration of these responses highlighted the sense of ownership within the GP co-operative, with GPs having both financial and philosophical ownership of the co-operative. This was not apparent within the other two partner organisations, in particular the ambulance service, which operated on a regional model very similar to that of NHS 24. <b>Conclusions</b>: As the delivery of unscheduled primary health care crosses professional boundaries and locations, different organisations and professional groups must develop new ways of partnership working, developing trust and confidence in each other. The results of this study highlight, for the first time, the key importance of understanding the professional ownership and identity of individual organisations, in order to facilitate the most effective mechanisms to enable that partnership working

    Enhancing participation in a national pedometer-based workplace intervention amongst staff at a Scottish university

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    Background: Physical inactivity is the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality. Increasing physical activity improves health, reduces the risk of multiple causes of chronic ill health and improves psychological wellbeing. Walking is an ideal way to meet physical activity guidelines, reduce sedentary behaviour, and improve health and wellbeing. Aim: To examine the effectiveness of a facilitated pedometer-based intervention to increase walking behaviour amongst staff at a Scottish university. Methods: 20 participants (4 men, 16 women) volunteered to take part in a national work-based step count challenge, which required them to wear a pedometer and record their steps for eight weeks. The intervention was enhanced by the use of additional techniques including encouragement, education, story sharing, goal setting and social support. Results: All participants significantly increased their step counts. Increases were particularly marked in the most physically inactive participants. Support staff recorded significantly more steps than academic staff. Conclusion: Pedometer-based interventions can be effective in increasing walking behaviour amongst university staff, particularly in physically inactive individuals. However, participation can be enhanced through the use of additional behaviour change techniques, such as goal setting and social support

    Examination of the risk of reinfection with hepatitis C among injecting drug users who have been tested in Glasgow

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    Unsafe injecting practices put injecting drug users (IDUs) at repeat exposure to infection with the hepatitis C virus (HCV). It has not yet been determined if spontaneously clearing one's primary infection influences the risk of reinfection; our aim was to estimate the relative risk of reinfection in IDUs who have cleared the virus. We conducted a retrospective study using a large database of HCV test results covering Greater Glasgow Health Board during 1993–2007 to calculate rates of infection and reinfection in current/former IDUs. The relative risk of (re)infection in previously infected compared with never-infected IDUs was estimated using Poisson regression, adjusting for age at study entry, sex, and calendar period of test. Although the rate of reinfection in IDUs who were HCV antibody-positive, RNA-negative at baseline was lower (7/100 person-years, 95% CI: 5–9) than the rate of acute infection in IDUs who were HCV antibody-negative at baseline (10/100 person-years, 95% CI: 9–12), the risk of reinfection was not significantly different than the risk of initial infection (adjusted rate ratio = 0.78, 95% CI: 0.57–1.08). We found only weak evidence for a reduced risk of HCV reinfection in IDUs who had cleared their previous infection. Further research among those who have cleared infection through antiviral therapy is needed to help inform decisions regarding treatment of IDUs

    Differences in the quality of primary medical care for CVD and diabetes across the NHS: evidence from the quality and outcomes framework

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    Background: Health policy in the UK has rapidly diverged since devolution in 1999. However, there is relatively little comparative data available to examine the impact of this natural experiment in the four UK countries. The Quality and Outcomes Framework of the 2004 General Medical Services Contract provides a new and potentially rich source of comparable clinical quality data through which we compare quality of primary medical care for coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke, hypertension and diabetes across the four UK countries. <p/>Methods: A cross-sectional analysis was undertaken involving 10,064 general practices in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The main outcome measures were prevalence rates for CHD, stroke, hypertension and diabetes. Achievement on 14 simple process, 3 complex process, 9 intermediate outcome and 5 treatment indicators for the four clinical areas. <p/>Results: Prevalence varies by up to 28% between the four UK countries, which is not reflected in resource distribution between countries, and penalises practices in the high prevalence countries (Wales and Scotland). Differences in simple process measures across countries are small. Larger differences are found for complex process, intermediate outcome and treatment measures, most notably for Wales, which has consistently lower quality of care. Scotland has generally higher quality than England and Northern Ireland is most consistently the highest quality. <p/>Conclusion: Previously identified weaknesses in Wales related to waiting times appear to reflect a more general quality problem within NHS Wales. Identifying explanations for the observed differences is limited by the lack of comparable data on practice resources and organisation. Maximising the value of cross-jurisdictional comparisons of the ongoing natural experiment of health policy divergence within the UK requires more detailed examination of resource and organisational differences