80 research outputs found
Refoundation. The 3 points of Marc Barani's architecture
[ES] Un cementerio excavado en una colina, una estaciĂłn de tĂ©rmino de tranvĂa que se conecta a una autopista, una escuela de arte que se propone como un puente, un parking que sabe poner en relieve sus rampas de acceso...Scoffier, R. (2015). RefundaciĂłn. Los 3 puntos de la arquitectura de Marc Barani. EN BLANCO. Revista de Arquitectura. 7(17):5-6. doi:10.4995/eb.2015.5734SWORD5671
Réalisation d'une prothÚse amovible complÚte conventionnelle : le support vidéo comme outil pédagogique
La rĂ©alisation de ProthĂšses Amovibles ComplĂštes (PAC) est toujours trĂšs prĂ©sente dans la pratique quotidienne du chirurgien dentiste. Elle rĂ©clame rigueur, technique et surtout accompagnement "psychologique" du patient mais sa rĂ©ussite reste nĂ©anmoins trĂšs alĂ©atoire et ses concepts sont Ă©galement "difficiles" Ă traduire dans son enseignement universitaire initial. Aujourd'hui, l'apprentissage par observation est un fait Ă©tabli et l'image permet d'Ă©clairer de nombreux points d'incomprĂ©hension liĂ©s Ă la thĂ©orie. Notre formation de chirurgien dentiste se base sur la dĂ©monstration qui devient de plus en plus interactive et dynamique. L'audiovisuel se prĂ©sente comme un outil pĂ©dagogique supplĂ©mentaire proposĂ© aux Ă©tudiants pour apprĂ©hender l'aspect clinique : "la clinique sans y ĂȘtre !". La prise en charge filmĂ©e d'une personne totalement Ă©dentĂ©e dont la cavitĂ© buccale est rĂ©habilitĂ©e par une PAC bimaxillaire conventionnelle nous a permis de finaliser ce projet Ă travers 38 sĂ©quences filmĂ©es qui restent expĂ©rimentales et perfectibles. Ces films pĂ©dagogiques sont mis Ă disposition de l'enseignement de PAC de l'UFR d'Odontologie de Nice Sophia Antipolis et apportent des solutions concrĂštes visant Ă performer son apprentissage et sa restitution clinique. Ce projet s'intĂšgre alors parfaitement dans une dĂ©marche actuelle d'enseignement oĂč l'utilisation des nouveaux mĂ©dias investit le quotidien des Ă©tudiants. GrĂące Ă l'utilisation de ces outils numĂ©riques, ce travail devient une aide probante Ă l'acquisition des compĂ©tences et au dĂ©veloppement de l'Ă©tudiant. C'est sans aucun doute une ressource trĂšs prĂ©cieuse et utilisable de plusieurs façons qui s'inscrit dans une continuitĂ© pĂ©dagogique offrant de nouvelles perspectives d'apprentissage pour rĂ©flĂ©chir aux objectifs, aux limites et aux erreurs par l'image
Pour mieux comprendre la beautĂ© dâaujourdâhui en architecture
Lâauteur sâinterroge sur lâincomprĂ©hension provoquĂ©e par les architectures contemporaines qui, loin des machines transparentes du mouvement moderne, se complaisent souvent dans leur opacitĂ©. Ces constructions drapĂ©es dans des enveloppes sombres ou colorĂ©es ne doivent pas ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ©es comme dĂ©cadentes. Elles tĂ©moignent dâun vĂ©ritable changement de paradigme. Refusant de se subsumer sous un idĂ©al de pure lisibilitĂ©, la beautĂ© en architecture semble aujourdâhui plutĂŽt procĂ©der de lâinvocation du mystĂšre, de lâinavouable ou du secret.Beauty in architecture, nowadays, seems to proceed from Secrecy â from the Undisclosable, from an invocation of Mystery.Der Autor fragt sich warum die zeitgenössischen Architekten sich der Klarheit der Moderne entfernt haben und sich mit Wohlgefallen in einer gewissen Undurchsichtigkeit bewegen. Diese von dunklen oder bunten HĂŒllen bekleideten GebĂ€ude sollten nicht als dekadent betrachtet werden. Das Geheimnisvolle, das Verborgene, das Verschwiegene treten an die Stelle eines Ideales einer klaren Ablesbarkeit
Pour mieux comprendre la beautĂ© dâaujourdâhui en architecture
Lâauteur sâinterroge sur lâincomprĂ©hension provoquĂ©e par les architectures contemporaines qui, loin des machines transparentes du mouvement moderne, se complaisent souvent dans leur opacitĂ©. Ces constructions drapĂ©es dans des enveloppes sombres ou colorĂ©es ne doivent pas ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ©es comme dĂ©cadentes. Elles tĂ©moignent dâun vĂ©ritable changement de paradigme. Refusant de se subsumer sous un idĂ©al de pure lisibilitĂ©, la beautĂ© en architecture semble aujourdâhui plutĂŽt procĂ©der de lâinvocation du mystĂšre, de lâinavouable ou du secret.Beauty in architecture, nowadays, seems to proceed from Secrecy â from the Undisclosable, from an invocation of Mystery.Der Autor fragt sich warum die zeitgenössischen Architekten sich der Klarheit der Moderne entfernt haben und sich mit Wohlgefallen in einer gewissen Undurchsichtigkeit bewegen. Diese von dunklen oder bunten HĂŒllen bekleideten GebĂ€ude sollten nicht als dekadent betrachtet werden. Das Geheimnisvolle, das Verborgene, das Verschwiegene treten an die Stelle eines Ideales einer klaren Ablesbarkeit
Computational exploration of the chemical structure space of possible reverse tricarboxylic acid cycle constituents
The reverse tricarboxylic acid (rTCA) cycle has been explored from various standpoints as an idealized primordial metabolic cycle. Its simplicity and apparent ubiquity in diverse organisms across the tree of life have been used to argue for its antiquity and its optimality. In 2000 it was proposed that chemoinformatics approaches support some of these views. Specifically, defined queries of the Beilstein database showed that the molecules of the rTCA are heavily represented in such compound databases. We explore here the chemical structure space, e.g. the set of organic compounds which possesses some minimal set of defining characteristics, of the rTCA cycle's intermediates using an exhaustive structure generation method. The rTCA's chemical space as defined by the original criteria and explored by our method is some six to seven times larger than originally considered. Acknowledging that each assumption in what is a defining criterion making the rTCA cycle special limits possible generative outcomes, there are many unrealized compounds which fulfill these criteria. That these compounds are unrealized could be due to evolutionary frozen accidents or optimization, though this optimization may also be for systems-level reasons, e.g., the way the pathway and its elements interface with other aspects of metabolism
Reassessing FHA Risk
Federal Housing Administration (FHA) insurance has doubled over the past two years and is projected to redouble to $1.5 trillion over the next five. Despite clear signs of strain in the FHAâs Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund, a recent actuarial review indicates that the FHA will not need any form of government support. We identify four risk factors that make such a funding request more likely; the review underestimates how many FHA borrowers are underwater and in economic distress; it uses measures of house values that lower loss estimates; it does not incorporate early-warning signals of future losses that are available from mortgage delinquency; and it ignores potential risks associated with recent down-payment assistant programs despite higher losses on previous programs of this type. We propose measures that could be taken to improve the predictive accuracy of FHA risk assessment.
Development of a French Paper-and-Pencil Implicit Association Test to Measure Athletesâ Implicit Doping Attitude (IAT-Dop)
Although explicit measures of doping attitude are widely used, they are susceptible to bias due to social desirability. The current computerized measures of implicit attitudes are time-consuming and based on expensive software solutions. Recently, paper-and-pencil (p&p) Implicit Association Tests (IAT) have been developed, making it possible to test several participants simultaneously, anywhere, and with no need of computerized equipment and software. The present series of studies aimed at developing a French version of a p&p IAT to measure athletesâ attitudes toward doping (Chan et al., 2017): the IAT-Dop. Four studies, including 212 participants (Mage = 25.49, SD = 5.73), followed Bardin et al. (2016) and Boateng et al. (2018) validation recommendations: (a) development of a preliminary version of the IAT-Dop based on the proposal of Chanâs tool (2017), (b) dimensionality and criterion validity tests demonstrating the structure of the p&p version, (c) test-retest reliability, and (d) first approach to construct validity. The results showed that the IAT-Dop was able to measure implicit attitudes toward doping and was stable across time. Significant correlations between the computerized and p&p versions confirmed the construct validity. The p&p IAT-Dop showed several advantages over the computerized version (Lemm et al., 2008), including lower cost and ease of administration. By offering accurate measures and an easier, faster, and cheaper way to measure doping attitudes, this tool should contribute to the better assessment and understanding of the mechanisms related to doping, and it might be a useful new indicator in the evaluation of prevention programs
Defining elite athletes: Issues in the study of expert performance in sport psychology
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. Objectives: There has been considerable inconsistency and confusion in the definition of elite/expert athletes in sport psychology research, which has implications for studies conducted in this area and for the field as a whole. This study aimed to: (i) critically evaluate the ways in which recent research in sport psychology has defined elite/expert athletes; (ii) explore the rationale for using such athletes; and (iii) evaluate the conclusions that research in this field draws about the nature of expertise. Design: Conventional systematic review principles were employed to conduct a rigorous search and synthesise findings. Methods: A comprehensive literature search of SPORTDiscus, Academic Search Complete, PsycINFO, and PsycARTICLES was completed in September, 2013 which yielded 91 empirical studies published between 2010 and 2013. The primarily qualitative findings were analysed thematically. Results: Eight ways of defining elite/expert athletes were identified, ranging from Olympic champions to regional level competitors and those with as little as two years of experience in their sport. Three types of rationale were evident in these studies (i.e., "necessity", "exploratory" and "superior"); while findings also indicated that some elite athletes are psychologically idiosyncratic and perhaps even dysfunctional in their behaviour. Finally, only 19 of the 91 included studies provided conclusions about the nature of expertise in sport. Conclusions: This study suggests that the definitions of elite athletes vary on a continuum of validity, and the findings are translated into a taxonomy for classifying expert samples in sport psychology research in future. Recommendations are provided for researchers in this area
Efeitos do estado de humor sobre os comportamentos alimentares inadequados de atletas de atletismo
O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar os efeitos do estado de humor sobre os comportamentos alimentares inadequados (CAI) em atletas. Participaram 68 atletas de atletismo, do sexo feminino, com idades entre 12 e 17 anos. Utilizaram-se o Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26) e a Escala de Humor de Brunel (BRUMS) para avaliar os CAI e o distĂșrbio total do humor (DTH), respectivamente. Dois modelos de regressĂŁo linear nĂŁo indicaram influĂȘncia estatisticamente significativa da BRUMS nas subescalas Dieta (p=0,42) e Bulimia e Preocupação com Alimentos (p=0,81) do EAT-26. Ao contrĂĄrio, a BRUMS (p=0,04) demonstrou impacto significante (7%) sobre os escores da subescala Autocontrole Oral. Concluiu-se que as atletas com DTH elevado podem estar mais susceptĂveis Ă influĂȘncia ambiental para a ingestĂŁo alimentar
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