494 research outputs found

    Trademarks as an indicator of innovation implementation : evidence from the German Pharmaceutical and IT-Service Industries

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    This paper examines the potential application of trademarks as a complementary indicator of innovation. Recent innovation literature finds a correlation between innovation and usage pattern of trademarks. Especially for the service industry this new approach offers potential since R&D and patents indicators do not capture innovation in these sectors. To understand the relationships between trademarks and innovation the German pharmaceutical and ITservice industries were studied. As a proxy for innovation sales and employment growth were introduced. The impact of filing a trademark was then compared with a control group and correlations with patents examined. The results show that trademarks indeed can be used as an indicator of innovation; however, with some limitations. While IT-service companies show a strong relationship between trademarks and growth, the results for the pharmaceutical industry are ambiguous and need to be further examined

    Noise effects on One-Pauli Channels

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    The possibility of stochastic resonance of a quantum channel and hence the noise enhanced quantum channel capacity is explored by considering one-Pauli channels which are more classical like. The fidelity of the channel is also considered

    Educommunication: a new field of intervention of the Social Educator

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    O presente artigo resulta de uma investigação acerca dos contributos que a Educomunicação poderá dar à Educação Social, desenvolvida na Universidade Portucalense, no âmbito do Mestrado em Ciências da Educação – Especialização em Educação Social, que nos permitiu concluir que a Educomunicação é um novo e importante campo para a Educação Social, que permitirá alargar os conhecimentos do Educador Social, assim como o seu âmbito de actuação profissional. Na nossa opinião, trata-se de uma investigação original e inovadora, dado que a Educomunicação não suscitou, pelo menos até agora e quanto conseguimos apurar, particular interesse por parte da investigação em Portugal. This article results from a research on the contributions Educommunication can give to Social Education. This work was carried out at the University Portucalense within the scope of the Master of Science in Education – Specialization in Social Education, which allowed us to conclude that Educommunication is an important new field for Social Education. This process will extend the knowledge of the Social Educator, as well as the scope of his/her professional behaviour. In our opinion, this is an original and innovative research since it is a fairly unexplored topic in Portuguese research so far

    Elastic energy regularization for inverse obstacle scattering problems

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    By introducing a shape manifold as a solution set to solve inverse obstacle scattering problems we allow the reconstruction of general, not necessarily star-shaped curves. The bending energy is used as a stabilizing term in Tikhonov regularization to gain independence of the parametrization. Moreover, we discuss how self-intersections can be avoided by penalization with the M\"obius energy and prove the regularizing property of our approach as well as convergence rates under variational source conditions. In the second part of the paper the discrete setting is introduced, and we describe a numerical method for finding the minimizer of the Tikhonov functional on a shape-manifold. Numerical examples demonstrate the feasibility of reconstructing non-star-shaped obstacles

    Using clinical expertise and empirical data in constructing networks of trauma symptoms in refugee youth

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    Background: In recent years, many adolescents have fled their home countries due to war and human rights violations, consequently experiencing various traumatic events and putting them at risk of developing mental health problems. The symptomatology of refugee youth was shown to be multifaceted and often falling outside of traditional diagnoses. Objective: The present study aimed to investigate the symptomatology of this patient group by assessing the network structure of a wide range of symptoms. Further, we assessed clinicians’ perceptions of symptoms relations in order to evaluate the clinical validity of the empirical network. Methods: Empirical data on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), depression and other trauma symptoms from N = 366 refugee youth were collected during the routine diagnostic process of an outpatient centre for refugee youth in Germany. Additionally, four clinicians of this outpatient centre were asked how they perceive symptom relations in their patients using a newly developed tool. Separate networks were constructed based on 1) empirical symptom data and 2) clinicians’ perceived symptom relations (PSR). Results: Both the network based on empirical data and the network based on clinicians’ PSR showed that symptoms of PTSD and depression related most strongly within each respective cluster (connected mainly via sleeping problems), externalizing symptoms were somewhat related to PTSD symptoms and intrusions were central. Some differences were found within the clinicians’ PSR as well as between the PSR and the empirical network. Still, the general PSR-network structure showed a moderate to good fit to the empirical data. Conclusion: Our results suggest that sleeping problems and intrusions play a central role in the symptomatology of refugee children, which has tentative implications for diagnostics and treatment. Further, externalizing symptoms might be an indicator for PTSD-symptoms. Finally, using clinicians’ PSR for network construction offered a promising possibility to gain information on symptom networks and their clinical validity

    Sobre la presència de Teucrium pumilum i Teucrium libanitis (Lamiaceae) a la província de València.

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    12p. fotog.color.[EN] About the presence of Teucrium pumilum and Teucrium libanitis (Lamiaceae) in the Valencian province, Spain.- Teucrium pumilum and T. libanitis have been cited from Valencia province (Spain) since the middle of the XXth Century from the gypsic soils in the Valle de Ayora-Cofrentes shire. The analysis of specimens and labels is not conclusive; no specimen would certify the presence of any of these taxa. The field identification and their inclusion in a phyotosociological table (relevé) by Rivas Goday are the only basis of their presence in the territory in a particular moment of the recent Spanish botanical history. Additionally, the unique herbarium specimen from Valencia, impossible to assign a concrete geographic locality, which was traditionally assigned to T. pumilum by some authors, is actually its congeneric T. carolipaui.[ES] Sobre la presencia de Teucrium pumilum y Teucrium libanitis (Lamiaceae) en la provincia de Valencia.- Teucrium pumilum y T. libanitis son dos especies que han sido citadas como presentes en la provincia de Valencia desde mediados del siglo XX, para los yesos que afloran en la comarca del Valle de Ayora-Cofrentes. El análisis de las etiquetas de los pliegos de los herbarios no es concluyente; ningún pliego testigo certificaría la presencia de estas especies. La determinación de visu por parte de Rivas Goday, y su inclusión en una tabla de inventarios fitosociológica, son el único fundamento de su existencia en la zona en algún momento determinado de la reciente historia botánica española. Además, para T. pumilum, el pliego de herbario que tradicionalmente se ha asignado a la cita valenciana se trata de una confusión en la determinación por parte de algunos autores con su congénere T. carolipaui, siendo imposible al mismo tiempo asignar una localidad geográfica concreta a este material.[CAT] Sobre la presència de Teucrium pumilum i Teucrium libanitis (Lamiaceae) a la província de València.- Teucrium pumilum i T. libanitis són dues espècies que han estat citades com a presents a la província de València des de mitjans del segle XX, sobre els guixos que afloren a la comarca de la Vall d’Aiora-Cofrents. L’anàlisi de les etiquetes dels plecs dels herbaris no és concloent; cap plec testimoni certificaria la presència d’aquestes espècies. La determinació de visu per part de Rivas Goday, i la seva inclusió en una taula d’inventaris fitosociològica, són l’únic fonament de la seva existència a la zona en un moment determinat de la recent història botànica espanyola. A més, per a T. pumilum, el plec d’herbari que tradicionalment s’ ha assignat a la cita valenciana es tracta d’una confusió en la determinació per part d’alguns autors amb el seu congènere.Peer reviewe

    Base de datos de flora y fauna en Galicia

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    Sección: NoticiasLa Biblioteca del Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas de Vigo recopila, desde 1984 aproximadamente, una base de datos sobre Galicia que nació a partir de unas citas bibliográficas seleccionadas por un investigador de este centro y se fue ampliando en vista de la enorme solicitud de esta información que nos iban haciendo nuestros usuarios, sobre todo los externos al centroPeer reviewe

    Click-correlative light and electron microscopy (click-AT-CLEM) for imaging and tracking azido-functionalized sphingolipids in bacteria

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    Sphingolipids, including ceramides, are a diverse group of structurally related lipids composed of a sphingoid base backbone coupled to a fatty acid side chain and modified terminal hydroxyl group. Recently, it has been shown that sphingolipids show antimicrobial activity against a broad range of pathogenic microorganisms. The antimicrobial mechanism, however, remains so far elusive. Here, we introduce 'click-AT-CLEM', a labeling technique for correlated light and electron microscopy (CLEM) based on the super-resolution array tomography (srAT) approach and bio-orthogonal click chemistry for imaging of azido-tagged sphingolipids to directly visualize their interaction with the model Gram-negative bacterium Neisseria meningitidis at subcellular level. We observed ultrastructural damage of bacteria and disruption of the bacterial outer membrane induced by two azido-modified sphingolipids by scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Click-AT-CLEM imaging and mass spectrometry clearly revealed efficient incorporation of azido-tagged sphingolipids into the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria as underlying cause of their antimicrobial activity
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