299 research outputs found

    Concepts in Animal Parasitology, Chapter 22: Diphyllobothriidea Kuchta et al., 2008 (Order): The Broad Tapeworms

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    Chapter 22 in Concepts in Animal Parasitology on the broad tapeworms, order Diphyllobothriidea Kuchta et al., 2008, by Tomáš Scholz and Roman Kuchta. 2024. S. L. Gardner and S. A. Gardner, editors. Zea Books, Lincoln, Nebraska, United States. doi: 10.32873/unl.dc.ciap02

    Host Switching of Zoonotic Broad Fish Tapeworm (Dibothriocephalus latus) to Salmonids, Patagonia

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    Diphyllobothriosis is a reemerging zoonotic disease because of global trade and increased popularity of eating raw fish. We present molecular evidence of host switching of a human-infecting broad fish tapeworm, Dibothriocephalus latus, and use of salmonids as intermediate or paratenic hosts and thus a source of human infection in South AmericaFil: Kuchta, Roman. Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Biology Centre. Institute of Parasitology; República ChecaFil: Radačovská, Alžbeta. Biology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic; República ChecaFil: Bazsalovicsová, Eva. Slovak Academy of Sciences. Institute of Parasitology; EslovaquiaFil: Viozzi, Gustavo Pedro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universidad Bariloche. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente; ArgentinaFil: Semenas, Liliana Graciela. Universidad Nacional del Comahue; ArgentinaFil: Arbetman, Marina Paula. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universidad Bariloche. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente; ArgentinaFil: Scholz, Tomáš. Biology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic; República Chec

    Host specificity and geographical distribution of Eubothrium in European salmonid fish

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    The host specificity and distribution of Eubothrium crassum (Bloch, 1779) and Eubothrium salvelini (Schrank, 1790), morphologically fairly similar pseudophyllidean tapeworms parasitizing salmonid fish, were critically assessed on the basis of morphological and genetic evaluation of extensive material collected from different definitive hosts and geographical regions in Europe. Eubothrium crassum occurs in fish of the genera Salmo, i.e. salmon (S. salar - both freshwater and marine), sea trout (S. trutta trutta), brown trout (S. trutta fario), and lake trout (S. trutta lacustris), and also in Danubian salmon (Hucho hucho) and vendace (Coregonus albula). Eubothrium salvelini parasitizes Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) and brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in Europe, and also whitefish (Coregonus wartmanni). Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), which is not a native European fish species, was found to be a suitable definitive host for both Eubothrium species, which may occur simultaneously in the same fish. Previous records of E. crassum in Arctic char and brook trout, and those of E. salvelini in fish of the genus Salmo were most probably misidentifications. Most studies of Eubothrium have involved salmonids from the northern part of Europe, with few records from southern and south-eastern Europe. This study also confirmed the reliability of the morphology of the apical disc for the discrimination of E. crassum and E. salvelini

    Photography-Based Documentation Methods in Underwater Archaeology as Applied at the Veruda Wreck Near Pula

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    Otok Veruda, također poznat kao “Fratarski” otok, omiljeno je odredište za odmor stanovnika grada Pule u Hrvatskoj. Arheolozi Međunarodnog centra za podvodnu arheologiju u Zadru (MCPA) istraživali su kod Verude u jesen 2013. i tom prilikom pronađena je gomila balastnog kamena koja je izgledala kao brodolom. Ispod te gomile otkriveni su arheološki artefakti i ostaci strukture drvenog broda. Do 2016. godine MCPA Zadar i Njemački arheološki institut (DAI) pokrenuli su projekt istraživanja Verude. Za potrebe ovog projekta razvijen je potpuno novi sustav digitalne fotogrametrijske dokumentacije koji je i korišten tijekom iskopavanja u proljeće 2016. Na taj je način otkrivena kompletna drvena konstrukcija i izrađen vrlo precizan 3D model i nacrt. Tijekom iskopavanja pronađeni su mnogi artefakti, a čini se da je brod nosio teret otpadnog metala, uglavnom kositra i bakra i nekih poluproizvoda od bakra i bronce. Nekoliko sitnih krhotina ranonovovjekovne keramike i stakla može se datirati u drugu polovicu 16. i početak 17. stoljeća.The island of Veruda - also referred to colloquially as Monks’ Island - is a favourite holiday destination for the inhabitants of the Croatian city of Pula. Archaeologists with the International Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar (ICUA) surveyed the Veruda area in the autumn of 2013. They identified a mound of ballast stones that appeared to be from a shipwreck. Small archaeological artefacts and the remains of the structure of a wooden vessel were discovered under the ballast stones. By 2016 ICUA Zadar and the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) had jointly initiated the Veruda excavation project. An entirely novel system of digital photogrammetry documentation was developed and used during the excavation in the spring of 2016. In this manner the complete wooden structure was revealed and a very precise 3D model and drawings were produced. Many artefacts were recovered in the course of the excavation, and it appears that the ship carried a cargo of scrap metal, mostly smelted tin and copper and some copper and bronze intermediate products. A few small sherds of post-medieval pottery and glass can be dated to the second half of the sixteenth and early seventeenth century

    Stolniceni, Petreni, Brînzeni, Republik Moldau. Luftbildaufnahmen mit Drohnen (UAV) von kupferzeitlichen Siedlungen in Moldawien im Kontext magnetischer Prospektionen und Ausgrabungen. Die Arbeiten der Jahre 2009 bis 2017

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    There are numerous Eneolithic settlements of the Cucuteni-Trypillia culture in North and Central Moldova. Its distribution ranges from the East of Romania via Moldova up to the Dnieper River. In Romania and Moldova settlements measure 10 to 30 ha, in Ukraine many are bigger than 100 ha. Indeed, these represent the largest settlements of Stone Age and Eneolothic Europe! During the 1970s and 1980s, Soviet Archaeologists started research on these by means of aerial photographs and magnetic prospections which has been continued by the Romano-Germanic Commission with their Moldovan and Ukrainian partners for a research project that started in 2009. Ahead of excavations, large-scale prospections have been conducted, first in Moldova and from 2011 onwards also in Ukraine. In 2017, the first aerial photographs of three of the most important sites in Moldova have been produced using drones. These pictures are being used foremost in order to create topographical maps and height models. Via the GIS based analysis of data it is possible to draw a more comprehensive picture of the phenomenon

    Constructing consistent multiscale scenarios by transdisciplinary processes : the case of mountain regions facing global change

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    Alpine regions in Europe, in particular, face demanding local challenges, e.g., the decline in the agriculture and timber industries, and are also prone to global changes, such as in climate, with potentially severe impacts on tourism. We focus on the Visp region in the Upper Valais, Switzerland, and ask how the process of stakeholder involvement in research practice can contribute to a better understanding of the specific challenges and future development of mountainous regions under global change. Based on a coupled human-environment system (HES) perspective, we carried out a formative scenario analysis to develop a set of scenarios for the future directions of the Visp region. In addition, we linked these regional scenarios to context scenarios developed at the global and Swiss levels via an external consistency analysis. This method allows the coupling of both the scenario building process and the scenarios as such. We used a functional-dynamic approach to theory-practice cooperation, i.e., the involvement of key stakeholders from, for example, tourism, forestry, and administration, differed in type and intensity during the steps of the research process. In our study, we experienced strong problem awareness among the stakeholders concerning the impacts of global change and local challenges. The guiding research question was commonly defined and problem ownership was more or less balanced. We arrived at six multiscale scenarios that open up future trajectories for the Visp region, and present generic strategies to cope with global and local challenges. The results show that local identity, spatial planning, community budget, and demographic development are important steering elements in the region’s future development. We suggest that method-guided transdisciplinary processes result in a richer picture and a more systemic understanding, which enable a discussion of critical and surprising issues

    Underwater archaeological research at the prehistoric site of Pakoštane -Janice

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    Podvodna arheološka istraživanja rimske luke u uvali Janice provedena su u godinama 2004., 2011. i 2012. Iako su na Janicama prvo započeta istraživanja ranorimske luke, arheološki interes pomaknuo se prema obližnjem prapovijesnom nalazištu, koje je otkrio Marko Meštrov. Na početku istraživanja prapovijesnoga nalazišta identificirano je nekoliko položaja s većom gustoćom površinskih nalaza keramičkih ulomaka i kremenih alatki. Na tim položajima sljedeće su godine postavljene dvije arheološke sonde veličine 2 x 1 m. U obje sonde pronađena je velika količina ulomaka keramike, kremenih alatki i nešto ulomaka kostiju, a u sondi 1 pronađeni su drveni elementi već na 10 cm dubine. Svi ovi nalazi mogu se datirati u neolitik ili eneolitik. Značajna količina prikupljenih kremenih alatki, keramike i organskoga materijala te višeslojnost nalazišta svjedoče o naseljavanju ovoga položaja u dužem vremenskom razdoblju. Još uvijek se ne može pouzdano reći o kakvom je karakteru naselja ovdje riječ, ali po svemu sudeći to je moglo biti sojeničko naselje smješteno nad plićim morem. U svakom slučaju, do sada je ustanovljen samo mali broj prapovijesnih naselja koja su potopljena kao posljedica promjene razine mora u Hrvatskoj, a istraživanja na takvim položajima još su rjeđa.The underwater archaeological research of the Roman port in Janice Cove was carried out in 2004, 2011 and 2012. While the research was initially focused on the Early Roman port, the interest of archaeologists soon shifted to the nearby prehistoric site discovered by Marko Meštrov. In the early phase of the research on this site, a few locations with a large concentration of surface finds of potsherds and flint tools were identified. Two 2x1m archaeological trenches were placed at these positions in subsequent year. Large quantities of potsherds, flint tools and some bone fragments were found in both trenches, and wooden elements were found in Trench 1 at a depth of only 10 centimeters. All these finds could be dated to Neolithic or Eneolithic. The developed layering of the site and significant quantity of the flint tools, pottery and organic material collected indicate that the area had been settled over a long period of time. We still cannot reliably determine the character of the settlement that used to be here, but by all accounts it was a pile-dwelling settlement above shallow water. In any case, only a small number of prehistoric settlements submerged as a result of sea-level changes have been found in Croatia so far and their research has been very scarce

    Bacterial Chaperone Domain Insertions Convert Human FKBP12 into an Excellent Protein-Folding Catalyst—A Structural and Functional Analysis

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    Many folding enzymes use separate domains for the binding of substrate proteins and for the catalysis of slow folding reactions such as prolyl isomerization. FKBP12 is a small prolyl isomerase without a chaperone domain. Its folding activity is low, but it could be increased by inserting the chaperone domain from the homolog SlyD of E. coli near the prolyl isomerase active site. We inserted two other chaperone domains into human FKBP12: the chaperone domain of SlpA from E. coli, and the chaperone domain of SlyD from Thermococcus sp. Both stabilized FKBP12 and greatly increased its folding activity. The insertion of these chaperone domains had no influence on the FKBP12 and the chaperone domain structure, as revealed by two crystal structures of the chimeric proteins. The relative domain orientations differ in the two crystal structures, presumably representing snapshots of a more open and a more closed conformation. Together with crystal structures from SlyD-like proteins, they suggest a path for how substrate proteins might be transferred from the chaperone domain to the prolyl isomerase domain.Fonds der Chemischen Industrie and the Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftPeer Reviewe

    Science with Society in the Anthropocene

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    Interdisciplinary scientific knowledge is necessary but not sufficient when it comes to addressing sustainable transformations, as science increasingly has to deal with normative and value-related issues. A systems perspective on coupled human-environmental systems (HES) helps to address the inherent complexities. Additionally, a thorough interaction between science and society (i.e., transdisciplinarity=TD) is necessary, as sustainable transitions are sometimes contested and can cause conflicts. In order to navigate complexities regarding the delicate interaction of scientific research with societal decisions these processes must proceed in a structured and functional way. We thus propose HES-based TD processes to provide a basis for reorganizing science in coming decade