130 research outputs found

    Economic Progress and Emigration: Micro, Macro, and Experimental Evidence from Developing Countries

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    Jointly, this dissertation’s papers provide two highly policy-relevant insights. First, using three very different empirical approaches, my papers indicate that improving local economic opportunities discourage emigration. Hence, effective development policies can actually mitigate migration pressures. That contrasts several cross-country studies and questions the policy relevance of the migration hump. Still, other slow-moving development correlates such as educational advancement, demographic change, and structural economic transformation can increase future migration from developing countries. Second, chapter 2 and chapter 3 demonstrate that simple narratives, like the migration hump, are generally misleading because they oversimplify the complex individual and context-specific migration decision-making processes. So far, the primary focus of migration research is explaining the size of international migration flows at least in economics. Since international migration’s economic, cultural, and societal impacts crucially depend on the migrant’s characteristics (IOM, 2020), future research should focus more on self-selection into migration in heterogeneous contexts. That will enable policymakers to better anticipate future movements and their respective impacts and allow them to design policies accordingly

    Model For E-Learning Curriculum: Differences from Traditional Classroom Curriculum Models

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    With the popularity of e-learning and computer-aided training, the need for curriculum designed specifically for the electronic environment needs to be evaluated. Many curriculum models developed over the past 30 years are proven and have stood the test of time, but their design is aimed toward the purpose of designing traditional classroom training. This article looks at some of the differences between the traditional student and the e-learning student and compares their needs to some of the traditional models of designing curriculum. The author then combines the needs of an average e-learner with a curriculum model to form a model for designing electronic environment curriculum

    Illustrierte Idylle?: Die Gartenlaube: Gesichter eines Massenblattes

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    Wenn ihr im Kreise Eurer Lieben die langen Winterabende am traulichen Ofen sitzt oder im FrĂŒhlinge, wenn vom Apfelbaume die weiß und rothen BlĂŒthen fallen, mit einigen Freunden in der schattigen Laube – dann leset unsere Schrift. Ein Blatt soll’s werden fĂŒr’s Haus und fĂŒr die Familie, ein Buch fĂŒr Groß und Klein, fĂŒr Jeden 
“. Als der Leipziger Verleger Ernst Keil vor 160 Jahren mit diesen Worten das Anliegen seiner Zeitschrift mitteilte, war kaum damit zu rechnen, dass sein Familienblatt zum auflagenstĂ€rksten, wirkmĂ€chtigsten und oft imitierten Journal im 19. Jahrhundert wurde. Mit ihrem Inhalt und ihrer Ästhetik spiegelt „Die Gartenlaube“ den Zeitgeist und Geschmack eines breiten Leserpublikums wider, gilt als reiche Quelle der Kulturgeschichte, steht aber zugleich als Synonym fĂŒr eine idyllische und rĂŒhrselige Bilderund Romanwelt

    Stichprobenziehung fĂŒr telefonische Zuwandererumfragen: Einsatzmöglichkeiten der Namenforschung

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    'Im folgenden Beitrag wird ein Konzept fĂŒr die Zuordnung von Sprachen zu Namen vorgestellt. Das Konzept basiert auf Erkenntnissen der Namenforschung (Onomastik). FĂŒr die telefonische Befragung von Zuwanderern können damit Listenauswahlen durchgefĂŒhrt werden, die nur eingetragene Privathaushalte mit FestnetzanschlĂŒssen enthalten. FĂŒr die Fehlerreduktion in diesen Auswahllisten werden fĂŒr jede Sprache Zuweisungsregeln formuliert, die vor dem historisch-politischen Hintergrund der Zuwanderung gebildet werden. FĂŒr diese Regeln werden der Vor- und Nachname, sowie bei Vorhandensein auch der zusĂ€tzliche Telefonbucheintrag genutzt. Die Sprachzuweisung und Sammlung dieser Regeln werden anhand von Beispielen erlĂ€utert. Erste Listen aus einem Pilotprojekt des Jahres 1999 werden kurz vorgestellt.' (Autorenreferat)'The paper describes a procedure of assigning people's names to languages which is based on findings from onomastic research. Using this, we were able to carry out telephone interviews with new immigrants on the basis of telephone directory lists of the names of households with fixed line phones. In order to reduce the error rate of these fists, we defined rules of assignment for every language, taking into account the historical and political background for each group of immigrants. We used these rules for first and last names, as well as for any additional entry in the telephone directory. We illustrate the assignment of languages and the set of rules with examples. The lists developed in a pilot scheme in 1999 are briefly presented.' (author's abstract)

    Developing Faculty to Provide University Students With Improved Learning Experiences

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    The article addresses the importance of incorporating faculty development as a key priority of higher education institutions. A literature review and some face-to-face and online interviews were conducted at various U.S. institutions, to identify common and best practices regarding this important matter. The article offers some ideas about what is done, and how it is done, to help faculty be ready for the challenging role they need to play: to be effective developers of a diverse student body that meets the evolving needs of industry and that utilizes technological tools that never existed before

    Interstitial fluid: the overlooked component of the tumor microenvironment?

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    Background: The interstitium, situated between the blood and lymph vessels and the cells, consists of a solid or matrix phase and a fluid phase, together constituting the tissue microenvironment. Here we focus on the interstitial fluid phase of tumors, i.e., the fluid bathing the tumor and stromal cells. Novel knowledge on this compartment may provide important insight into how tumors develop and how they respond to therapy. Results: We discuss available techniques for interstitial fluid isolation and implications of recent findings with respect to transcapillary fluid balance and uptake of macromolecular therapeutic agents. By the development of new methods it is emerging that local gradients exist in signaling substances from neoplastic tissue to plasma. Such gradients may provide new insight into the biology of tumors and mechanistic aspects linked to therapy. The emergence of sensitive proteomic technologies has made the interstitial fluid compartment in general and that of tumors in particular a highly valuable source for tissue-specific proteins that may serve as biomarker candidates. Potential biomarkers will appear locally at high concentrations in the tissue of interest and will eventually appear in the plasma, where they are diluted. Conclusions: Access to fluid that reliably reflects the local microenvironment enables us to identify substances that can be used in early detection and monitoring of disease

    Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products - Arzneimittel einer neuen Generation Möglichkeiten und Barrieren der Erstattung im Vergleich zu klassischen Arzneimitteln in Deutschland - Überblick und Analyse

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    Gentherapie, Zelltherapie und biotechnologisch bearbeitete Gewebeprodukte (Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products - ATMPs) erzielen zunehmend große medizinische Erfolge und halten vermehrt Einzug in die Gesundheitsversorgung. Gleichzeitig sind sie ein Paradebeispiel fĂŒr die Individualisierung der Arzneimitteltherapie. FĂŒr das erste zugelassene Gentherapeutikum in Europa wurde die Entscheidung zur ErstattungsfĂ€higkeit vom Gemeinsamen Bundesausschuss vertagt. Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt diese innovativen Arzneimitteltherapien vor und untersucht ihre ErstattungsfĂ€higkeit durch die Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung in Deutschland. ATMPs und klassische Arzneimittel werden untersucht und systematisch verglichen, um Unterschiede in der ErstattungsfĂ€higkeit feststellen zu können. Die Analyse zeigt, dass eine zunehmende Individualisierung der Arzneimitteltherapie neben medizinischen Vorteilen auch große Herausforderungen mit sich bringt. Neuartige Wirkmechanismen, autologe Komponenten und geringe Fallzahlen erschweren eine valide Bewertung von Gen- und Zelltherapeutika durch herkömmliche Methoden. ZusĂ€tzlich fehlt es den Entwicklern – meist kleine und mittlere Biotechnologie-Unternehmen – an Erfahrungs- und FinanzstĂ€rke um vielversprechende Produkte erfolgreich durch den Zulassungs- und Erstattungsprozess zu begleiten. Die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen der Erstattung durch die Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung sind fĂŒr ATMPs nicht spezifiziert und stellen dieselben Anforderungen wie fĂŒr klassische Arzneimittel. Gesetzgeber, Industrie und KostentrĂ€ger sollten gemeinsam nach Lösungen suchen, um eine erfolgreiche Translation innovativer Technologien von der Forschung bis zum Patienten zu ermöglichen

    Illustrierte Idylle?: Die Gartenlaube: Gesichter eines Massenblattes

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    Wenn ihr im Kreise Eurer Lieben die langen Winterabende am traulichen Ofen sitzt oder im FrĂŒhlinge, wenn vom Apfelbaume die weiß und rothen BlĂŒthen fallen, mit einigen Freunden in der schattigen Laube – dann leset unsere Schrift. Ein Blatt soll’s werden fĂŒr’s Haus und fĂŒr die Familie, ein Buch fĂŒr Groß und Klein, fĂŒr Jeden 
“. Als der Leipziger Verleger Ernst Keil vor 160 Jahren mit diesen Worten das Anliegen seiner Zeitschrift mitteilte, war kaum damit zu rechnen, dass sein Familienblatt zum auflagenstĂ€rksten, wirkmĂ€chtigsten und oft imitierten Journal im 19. Jahrhundert wurde. Mit ihrem Inhalt und ihrer Ästhetik spiegelt „Die Gartenlaube“ den Zeitgeist und Geschmack eines breiten Leserpublikums wider, gilt als reiche Quelle der Kulturgeschichte, steht aber zugleich als Synonym fĂŒr eine idyllische und rĂŒhrselige Bilderund Romanwelt

    More financial burden-sharing for developing countries that host refugees

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    The authors call on G20 leaders to extend more predictable and substantial support to lowand- middle-income countries that host refugees, in recognition of the global public good that these countries provide. Together with other high-income countries, G20 countries should fully cover the cost of providing for the basic and social needs of refugees. They should also help to expand public services and infrastructure to cover the needs of refugees as well as resident populations. G20 countries should work with host countries to ensure that refugees are granted a firm legal status that promotes their social inclusion and opportunities for employment and entrepreneurship

    Photoinhibition under drought and high light loads in New Zealand's divaricate shrubs

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    A question that has plagued New Zealand botanists for many years is the occurrence of the divaricate growth form in several different plant families, and what selection pressure could have led to such parallel evolution. One prominent theory is that the divaricate habit is an adaptation to climatic extremes. This study aims to test if the 'self-shading' growth form of divaricates protects their internal leaves from photoinhibition under physiological drought and high irradiance. By being able to forego the costs of maintaining photoprotective mechanisms, they should have greater carbon gain than their non-divaricate congeners under these conditions. To test if divaricates are protected from the detrimental effects of photoinhibition, the water potentials, pigment and vitamin E concentrations, and photosynthetic rates of two divaricates species in their natural habitat were measured. Additionally, these parameters were recorded for the same divaricate species and their non-divaricate congeners under glasshouse conditions. In the field there were clear differences in several key parameters between divaricates under different levels of irradiance and water availability, and in most cases there was clear evidence of photoinbition. In the glasshouse, the maximum photosynthetic rates were significantly higher in divaricate leaves than in non-divaricate leaves, but there were no clear differences in the avoidance of photoinhibition between divaricates and non-divaricates. Interestingly, more pronounced responses to the different treatments were observed between genera than between the growth forms in the field and glasshouse experiments. The presence of photoinhibition and photoprotective mechanisms in divaricate leaves does not support the theory that the divaricate habit evolved as a physiological response to extreme climate conditions. The absence of a strong difference in the amount of photoinhibition between divariacte and non-divaricate congeners mean that high irradiance and drought stress are unlikely to have been a key factor in the evolution of the divaricate habit. That the within genus physiologies are more similar than within the growth forms would indicate that the divaricate habit possibly evolved after the evolution of the physiological responses of the genera
