164 research outputs found

    Lehrer*innenbildung und Bologna-Prozess. Politische Strategien zur EinfĂŒhrung der Bachelor- und MasterabschlĂŒsse im BundeslĂ€ndervergleich

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    Von 1999 bis 2013 haben jeweils acht BundeslĂ€nder die Bachelor-und MasterabschlĂŒsse fĂŒr die gymnasiale Lehrer*innenbildung ĂŒbernommen sowie die StaatsprĂŒfung beibehalten. In der Arbeit wird nach den Strategien der einzelnen BundeslĂ€nder gefragt, die zu (k)einer Reform gefĂŒhrt haben. Dabei wird gezeigt, dass die EinfĂŒhrung der Bachelor- und MasterabschlĂŒsse mit weiteren Reformen verknĂŒpft wurden. Entsprechend wurden der Bologna-Prozess als „Window of Opportunity“ fĂŒr eine grundlegende Erneuerung der Lehrer*innenbildung dargestellt. Auch bereits getroffene Reformentscheidungen in anderen BundeslĂ€ndern sowie Verweise auf europakompatible Studienstrukturen dienten als BegrĂŒndung fĂŒr eine Umsetzung. BundeslĂ€nder, die auf eine EinfĂŒhrung verzichteten, vermieden offene Kritik an den reformierten AbschlĂŒssen und betonten gleichzeitig die StĂ€rke von partiellen Bologna-Reformen der jeweils eigenen lehrer*innenbildenden StudiengĂ€nge. (DIPF/Orig.

    Lehrer*innenbildung und Bologna-Prozess

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    Contrary to the assumption of worldwide diffusion processes of internationally circulating reform ideas in education there are examples of regions that resist. In the present study, the phenomenon of incorporating international reform ideas into local education systems is examined using new institutionalism as a theory for its explanatory power of worldwide diffusion processes in education together with a set of cases that offer semi-lab-like conditions: Not all German federated states have adopted Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees for teacher training; some have maintained the state examination. Based on this empirical finding, the question of the dissertation is: Whether and how were the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in German teacher training implemented on the federated statelevel in the period between 1999 and 2013? It can be shown that the federal ministers of higher education specified three core characteristics of the Bologna Process, namely the introduction of Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, a credit point system, and modularisation. A decision of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of Germany made in 2005 further ensured that the reformed degrees were recognised nationwide for teachers as well. The educational organisations’ demands were characterised by a large number of positive and only a few negative votes concerning the implementation of the Bologna Process in German teacher education. To provide specific insights into the reform process, this study focuses on teacher training for secondary school teachers, comparing the teacher training regulations as of 1999 with all subsequent changes until 2013 to obtain the degree of change for each federated state. As a result, it can be stated that eight states introduced reformed degrees into secondary school teacher education and eight states kept the state examination. Both groups are then compared as to whether a change of the degree towards Bachelor’s and Master’s is more likely to be accompanied by further reforms. The results suggest that while changes have occurred in all states, the percentage increase of courses in education and didactics, as well as the increased study duration, correlates positively with a change of the degree structure. Therefore one can interpret that the Bologna reforms, especially those concerning the degree structure, were used to implement other curricular and structural reforms that were not related to the Bologna Process itself. In the last step, plenary debates on the federated state level regarding the introduction of these Bologna reforms are analysed to examine the justifications for the introduction of a change in the degree structure, as well as for maintaining the state examination. Justifications or strategies for preserving the state examination are particularly relevant because they act against the political and public expectations analysed earlier. In a nutshell, it can be stated that the innovative strength of the partial reforms adopted in the hybrid model and the exclusion of a fundamental criticism of Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees are used as a strategy to reject the implementation of a new degree structure without being interpreted as non-innovative. Federated states that implemented the degree reform referenced decisions made in other states or regions, as well as possible negative consequences of not implementing the degrees, to support their decision while also presenting it within the discourse as a window of opportunity for more fundamental reforms in teacher training.Entgegen der Annahme weltweiter Diffusionsprozesse international kursierender Reformideen in der Bildungspolitik gibt es Beispiele fĂŒr Regionen, die sich widersetzen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird dieses PhĂ€nomen mithilfe eines Sets an FĂ€llen untersucht, die in ihrer Gesamtheit quasi-laborartige Bedingungen bieten: Im Zuge des Bologna-Prozesses haben einige BundeslĂ€nder die AbschlĂŒsse ‚Bachelor‘ und ‚Master‘ fĂŒr die Lehrer*innenbildung ĂŒbernommen, wĂ€hrend andere die StaatsprĂŒfung beibehalten haben. Ausgehend von diesem Befund wird in der Arbeit die Frage untersucht, mit welchen Strategien die Bologna-Reformen in der Lehrer*innenbildung der einzelnen BundeslĂ€nder in den Jahren von 1999 bis 2013 politisch umgesetzt bzw. wie deren Implementation verhindert wurde. Die Analyse der Erwartungen bildungspolitischer Akteure zeigt, dass die Hochschulminister*innen im Bologna-Prozess drei Kernmerkmale fĂŒr die Organisation von StudiengĂ€ngen festlegten, nĂ€mlich Bachelor- und MasterabschlĂŒsse, ein Leistungspunktesystem und die Modularisierung. DarĂŒber hinaus wurde die Bologna-Reform durch die Kultusministerkonferenz im Jahr 2005 auch fĂŒr die Lehrer*innenbildung deutschlandweit anerkannt. Der Diskurs weiterer wichtiger bildungspolitischer Akteure zeichnet sich darĂŒber hinaus durch eine Vielzahl an positiven gegenĂŒber nur wenigen negativen Stimmen zur Implementation des Bologna-Prozesses in der Lehrer*innenbildung aus. Um die tatsĂ€chlichen Reformen differenziert betrachten zu können, wird der Fokus der zweiten Untersuchung allein auf das gymnasiale Lehramt gelegt. Dabei wird fĂŒr jedes Bundesland die Gestaltung der Studienphase im Jahr 1999 mit dem Stand im Jahr 2013 verglichen. Dabei kann festgestellt werden, dass in allen BundeslĂ€ndern sowohl das Leistungspunktesystem als auch die Modularisierung eingefĂŒhrt wurden. Eine Reform der StaatsprĂŒfung hin zu einem Masterabschluss wurde im Untersuchungszeitraum jedoch nur in acht der 16 BundeslĂ€nder umgesetzt. Die EinfĂŒhrung der Bachelor- und MasterabschlĂŒsse ging zudem mit einer prozentualen Erhöhung des Anteils der Berufswissenschaften, definiert als Fachdidaktiken, Bildungswissenschaften und Schulpraktika, sowie einer VerlĂ€ngerung der Studienzeit einher. Dies kann dahingehend interpretiert werden, dass die Bologna- Reformen insgesamt und die EinfĂŒhrung der Bachelor- und MasterabschlĂŒsse im Besonderen als window of opportunity genutzt wurden, um auch andere Reformen umzusetzen. In der dritten Untersuchung werden Plenardebatten in den BundeslĂ€ndern im Rahmen der EinfĂŒhrung der Bologna-Reformen analysiert, um die BegrĂŒndungen fĂŒr eine Reform bzw. fĂŒr die Beibehaltung der StaatsprĂŒfung zu untersuchen. Insbesondere BegrĂŒndungen bzw. Strategien der Nicht-EinfĂŒhrung sind dabei besonders relevant, weil sie gĂ€ngigen theoretischen Annahmen der Diffusion von international kursierenden Reformideen widersprechen. Zusammenfassend kann festgehalten werden, dass die Innovationskraft bzw. PassfĂ€higkeit des eigenen Gesetzentwurfs unter Ausschluss einer Fundamentalkritik an den Bachelor- und MasterabschlĂŒssen als Strategie verwendet wurden, um die EinfĂŒhrung dieser AbschlĂŒsse zu umgehen, ohne gleichzeitig als rĂŒckstĂ€ndig im Vergleich zu den LĂ€ndern mit einer vollstĂ€ndigen Implementation zu gelten. Bei einer Implementation der AbschlĂŒsse dient neben dem diskursiv hergestellten window of opportunity auch der Verweis auf an anderen Orten getroffene Entscheidungen und den daraus resultierenden negativen Konsequenzen fĂŒr das eigene Bundesland bei einer etwaigen Nicht-Implementation als legitimitĂ€tsstiftend

    Einheit in Vielfalt? Ein exemplarischer Vergleich der Studienprogramme fĂŒr das Grund-, Haupt- und Realschullehramt in Niedersachsen

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    In dem Beitrag wird die strukturelle Vielfalt und das KompatibilitĂ€tsproblem der Lehrer*innenbildung innerhalb eines Bundeslandes thematisiert. Exemplarisch wird dazu das Grund-, Haupt- und Realschullehramt in Niedersachsen analysiert. Auf Grundlage der in Niedersachsen gĂŒltigen Verordnung ĂŒber MasterabschlĂŒsse fĂŒr LehrĂ€mter werden sechs UniversitĂ€ten hinsichtlich ihrer Studienbestandteile verglichen. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass ein UniversitĂ€tswechsel nach dem Bachelorstudium innerhalb Niedersachsens nur in elf von 30 FĂ€llen ohne Auflagen möglich ist

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    Retrieving and recontextualising VET theory

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    To what extent can we speak of theory specific to vocational education and training (VET) and what is its relevance today? This Special Issue 19 of bwp@ aims to (re)ignite academic discourse on VET theory, retrieving earlier theorisation specific to this field, mainly from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland (the DACH countries) and connecting it both with international perspectives and contemporary debates. We invite papers in English or German that engage with these debates. From an international perspective, the DACH countries are extraordinary both in their proposition of theories of VET sui generis and especially in their influence on the field of policy and practice. By contrast, for example in English-speaking countries, influential theories that address the question of vocational study, whilst drawing extensively on philosophical and social science concepts, developed largely in opposition to policy and practices that positioned vocational learning as an inferior pathway and narrowed its educational scope. The dual apprenticeship model has been widely imitated internationally but without regard to the social partnerships, labour markets and education workforce developed in Germany, and the theories that shaped this system are neither translated nor widely discussed in other languages. While there are several approaches to VET theory, the core of all these approaches is a framework of normative goals of education, a characterisation of how these goals can be reached through vocational education in particular and the formulation of (education) policy implications that are necessary for successful implementation. For example, Kerschensteiner (1901, 1966/1904) in his emphasis on civic virtues as a central aim of education, drew attention to the possibility of attaining such virtues through work, but acknowledged the necessity of a foundation in general education. In contrast, post-war critical approaches, which regularly draw on critical theory (see Habermas 1968; Horkheimer & Adorno 1947), and can be dated to the 1960s and 1970s, identify autonomy and emancipation as central objectives of education (e.g. Lempert 1971; Blankertz 1974, 1979, 1982). The main challenge of VET theory was to explain how these goals also can be reached through vocational education. Blankertz’s answer lay in emphasizing the role of the VET school in widening and deepening knowledge associated with the workspace. The value of these approaches for contemporary VET is dependent on their adaptation to contemporary problems that VET and society are experiencing: migration and integration; climate change and resource consumption, digitisation and globalisation. The tertiarisation of both the economy and of education, as the service sector employs a greater proportion of the population and a growing number of young people enter higher education, even in Germany, also calls into question the relevance of established VET theories. As the structures and forms of organisation that have sustained VET since the 1970s have given way to new social formations and new forms of precarity, the relevance of theories developed during the long period of post-war growth is called into question. Correspondingly, whether a critical standpoint can still be clearly located after the “fall of metaphysics” (Adorno 1998/1965) has also been deemed as questionable (cf. SchĂ€fer 2005). Furthermore, a succession of de-centring approaches including post-structuralist, postmodernist and post-anthropocentric paradigms has suggested the erosion of earlier ‘grand narratives’, the supersession of the ‘enlightenment project’ and even questioned the progressive potential of human labour that explicitly VET theories tend to take for granted. Call for Papers bwp@ Spezial 19 2 Against this background, the bwp@ Special invites contributions that address both VET theory and its application to contemporary issues. The aim is to stimulate a discussion on the continuing significance of VET theory. The aim is to provide space for ideas on how the discipline and its subject could position itself, both nationally and beyond national borders, in its normative-theoretical contours and/or in relation to VET policy and VET practice

    Helicobacter pylori Membrane Vesicles Stimulate Innate Pro- and Anti-Inflammatory Responses and Induce Apoptosis in Jurkat T Cells

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    Persistent Helicobacter pylori infection induces chronic inflammation in the human gastric mucosa, which is associated with development of peptic ulceration, gastric atrophy, and gastric adenocarcinoma. It has been postulated that secretion of immunomodulatory molecules by H. pylori facilitates bacterial persistence, and membrane vesicles (MV), which have the potential to cross the gastric epithelial barrier, may mediate delivery of these molecules to host immune cells. However, bacterial MV effects on human immune cells remain largely uncharacterized to date. In the present study, we investigated the immunomodulatory effects of H. pylori MV with and without the vacuolating cytotoxin, VacA, which inhibits human T cell activity. We show a high degree of variability in the toxin content of vesicles between two H. pylori strains (SS1 and 60190). Vesicles from the more toxigenic 60190 strain contain more VacA (s1i1 type) than vesicles from the SS1 strain (s2i2 VacA), but engineering the SS1 strain to produce s1i1 VacA did not increase the toxin content of its vesicles. Vesicles from all strains tested, including a 60190 isogenic mutant null for VacA, strongly induced interleukin-10 (IL-10) and IL-6 production by human peripheral blood mononuclear cells independently of the infection status of the donor. Finally, we show that H. pylori MV induce T cell apoptosis and that this is enhanced by, but not completely dependent on, the carriage of VacA. Together, these findings suggest a role for H. pylori MV in the stimulation of innate pro- and anti-inflammatory responses and in the suppression of T cell immunity
