91 research outputs found

    Die Beziehung zwischen Stiefkindern und Stiefeltern als Folgebeziehung

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    Die Entwicklung familiĂ€rer Beziehungen in Stieffamilien können von Ungleichzeitigkeiten geprĂ€gt sein. So erwarten der wiederverheiratete und der Stiefelternteil Schwierigkeiten mit den Kindern bzw. Stiefkindern eher zu Beginn der Beziehungsaufnahme. Aber in einigen FĂ€llen verlĂ€uft das Zusammenleben in einer ersten Phase der Stieffamilie ĂŒberraschend problemlos. Erst zu einem spĂ€teren Zeitpunkt stellen sich Erziehungs- und Beziehungsprobleme ein, stehen die Eltern vor einem unerwarteten und unverstehbaren PhĂ€nomen. Das unerwartete distanzierte oder gar ablehnende Verhalten des Kindes gegenĂŒber einem oder mehreren Erwachsenen ist eine Folge der Auseinandersetzung des Kindes mit einem LoyalitĂ€tskonflikt, den es gegenĂŒber dem sozialen Stiefelternteil und dem biologischen, aber getrennt lebenden Elternteil empfindet. (TL2

    Optimierte Inferenzkontrolle fĂŒr relationale Datenbanken

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    Dieser Endbericht befasst sich mit der Arbeit der Projektgruppe 536 zum Thema der optimierten Inferenzkontrolle in relationalen Datenbanken im Sommersemester 2009 und im Wintersemester 2009/2010. Die PG baut auf einem Prototypen fĂŒr die kontrollierte Anfrageauswertung auf, den die Projektgruppe 495 umgesetzt hat und der anschließend durch die Diplomarbeit von Sebastian Sonntag erweitert wurde. NĂ€heres dazu und die bereits vorhandenen Funktionen siehe [PG408] und [Son08]. Der erste Teil dieses Endberichts enthĂ€lt die Ausarbeitungen der Projektgruppenteilnehmer der Seminarphase, die in den ersten beiden Vorlesungswochen des Sommersemesters 2009 stattgefunden hat und in der die theoretische Grundlage fĂŒr die Arbeit dieser Projektgruppe gelegt wurde. Der zweite Teil des Endberichts befasst sich mit der Umsetzung der Arbeiten dieser Projektgruppe. Dazu gehören die Umsetzung eines Mehrbenutzersystems (Kapitel 11), die EinfĂŒhrung von SichtĂ€nderungen und Sichterneuerungen (Kapitel 12 und 13), die Umsetzung optimierter offener Anfragen (Kapitel 14), die Umsetzung von freien Variablen in der Geheimnissprache (Kapitel 15) sowie der Entwurf eines neuen erweiterten Datenbankschemas (Kapitel 17). Am Ende der meisten Kapitel gibt es eine Auflistung von, in der Zukunft möglichen, weiteren Verbesserungen des Prototypen bzw. von Problemen, die noch behoben werden mĂŒssen. Am Ende dieses Endberichts gibt es darĂŒber hinaus noch einmal eine zusammenfassende Auflistung dieser TODOs

    The Role of Multidimensional Prognostic Index to Identify Hospitalized Older Adults with COVID-19 Who Can Benefit from Remdesivir Treatment: An Observational, Prospective, Multicenter Study

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    Background: Data regarding the importance of multidimensional frailty to guide clinical decision making for remdesivir use in older patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are largely unexplored. Objective: The aim of this research was to evaluate if the Multidimensional Prognostic Index (MPI), a multidimensional frailty tool based on the Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA), may help physicians in identifying older hospitalized patients affected by COVID-19 who might benefit from the use of remdesivir. Methods: This was a multicenter, prospective study of older adults hospitalized for COVID-19 in 10 European hospitals, followed-up for 90 days after hospital discharge. A standardized CGA was performed at hospital admission and the MPI was calculated, with a final score ranging between 0 (lowest mortality risk) and 1 (highest mortality risk). We assessed survival with Cox regression, and the impact of remdesivir on mortality (overall and in hospital) with propensity score analysis, stratified by MPI = 0.50. Results: Among 496 older adults hospitalized for COVID-19 (mean age 80 years, female 59.9%), 140 (28.2% of patients) were treated with remdesivir. During the 90 days of follow-up, 175 deaths were reported, 115 in hospital. Remdesivir treatment significantly reduced the risk of overall mortality (hazard ratio [HR] 0.54, 95% confidence interval CI 0.35–0.83 in the propensity score analysis) in the sample as whole. Stratifying the population, based on MPI score, the effect was observed only in less frail participants (HR 0.47, 95% CI 0.22–0.96 in propensity score analysis), but not in frailer subjects. In-hospital mortality was not influenced by remdesivir use. Conclusions: MPI could help to identify less frail older adults hospitalized for COVID-19 who could benefit more from remdesivir treatment in terms of long-term survival

    Adaptive Response of a Gene Network to Environmental Changes by Fitness-Induced Attractor Selection

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    Cells switch between various stable genetic programs (attractors) to accommodate environmental conditions. Signal transduction machineries efficiently convey environmental changes to the gene regulation apparatus in order to express the appropriate genetic program. However, since the number of environmental conditions is much larger than that of available genetic programs so that the cell may utilize the same genetic program for a large set of conditions, it may not have evolved a signaling pathway for every environmental condition, notably those that are rarely encountered. Here we show that in the absence of signal transduction, switching to the appropriate attractor state expressing the genes that afford adaptation to the external condition can occur. In a synthetic bistable gene switch in Escherichia coli in which mutually inhibitory operons govern the expression of two genes required in two alternative nutritional environments, cells reliably selected the “adaptive attractor” driven by gene expression noise. A mathematical model suggests that the “non-adaptive attractor” is avoided because in unfavorable conditions, cellular activity is lower, which suppresses mRNA metabolism, leading to larger fluctuations in gene expression. This, in turn, renders the non-adaptive state less stable. Although attractor selection is not as efficient as signal transduction via a dedicated cascade, it is simple and robust, and may represent a primordial mechanism for adaptive responses that preceded the evolution of signaling cascades for the frequently encountered environmental changes

    Inhibitory Receptors Are Expressed by Trypanosoma cruzi-Specific Effector T Cells and in Hearts of Subjects with Chronic Chagas Disease

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    We had formerly demonstrated that subjects chronically infected with Trypanosoma cruzi show impaired T cell responses closely linked with a process of T cell exhaustion. Recently, the expression of several inhibitory receptors has been associated with T cell dysfunction and exhaustion. In this study, we have examined the expression of the cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen 4 (CTLA-4) and the leukocyte immunoglobulin like receptor 1 (LIR-1) by peripheral T. cruzi antigen-responsive IFN-gamma (IFN-Îł)-producing and total T cells from chronically T. cruzi-infected subjects with different clinical forms of the disease. CTAL-4 expression was also evaluated in heart tissue sections from subjects with severe myocarditis. The majority of IFN-Îł-producing CD4+ T cells responsive to a parasite lysate preparation were found to express CTLA-4 but considerably lower frequencies express LIR-1, irrespective of the clinical status of the donor. Conversely, few IFN-Îł-producing T cells responsive to tetanus and diphtheria toxoids expressed CTLA-4 and LIR-1. Polyclonal stimulation with anti-CD3 antibodies induced higher frequencies of CD4+CTAL-4+ T cells in patients with severe heart disease than in asymptomatic subjects. Ligation of CTLA-4 and LIR-1 with their agonistic antibodies, in vitro, reduces IFN-Îł production. Conversely, CTLA-4 blockade did not improved IFN-Îł production in response to T. cruzi antigens. Subjects with chronic T. cruzi infection had increased numbers of CD4+LIR-1+ among total peripheral blood mononuclear cells, relative to uninfected individuals and these numbers decreased after treatment with benznidazole. CTLA-4 was also expressed by CD3+ T lymphocytes infiltrating heart tissues from chronically infected subjects with severe myocarditis. These findings support the conclusion that persistent infection with T. cruzi leads to the upregulation of inhibitory receptors which could alter parasite specific T cell responses in the chronic phase of Chagas disease

    Nuclear Medicine in Pediatric Nephro-Urology: An Overview.

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    In the context of ante-natally diagnosed hydronephrosis, the vast majority of children with a dilated renal pelvis do not need any surgical treatment, as the dilatation resolves spontaneously with time. Slow drainage demonstrated at Tc-99m-mercaptoacetyltriglycine (MAG3) renography does not necessarily mean obstruction. Obstruction is defined as resistance to urinary outflow with urinary stasis at the level of the pelvic-ureteric junction (PUJ) which, if left untreated, will damage the kidney. Unfortunately this definition is retrospective and not clinically helpful. Therefore, the identification of the kidney at risk of losing function in an asymptomatic patient is a major research goal. In the context of renovascular hypertension a DMSA scan can be useful before and after revascularisation procedures (angioplasty or surgery) to assess for gain in kidney function. Renal calculi are increasingly frequent in children. Whilst the vast majority of patients with renal stones do not need functional imaging, DMSA scans with SPECT and a low dose limited CT can be very helpful in the case of complex renal calculi. Congenital renal anomalies such as duplex kidneys, horseshoe kidneys, crossed-fused kidneys and multi-cystic dysplastic kidneys greatly benefit from functional imaging to identify regional parenchymal function, thus directing further management. Positron emission tomography (PET) is being actively tested in genito-urinary malignancies. Encouraging initial reports suggest that F-18-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET is more sensitive than CT in the assessment of lymph nodal metastases in patients with genito-urinary sarcomas; an increased sensitivity in comparison to isotope bone scans for skeletal metastatic disease has also been reported. Further evaluation is necessary, especially with the promising advent of PET/MRI scanners. Nuclear Medicine in paediatric nephro-urology has stood the test of time and is opening up to new exciting developments
