219 research outputs found

    Sox9 and Sox8 protect the adult testis from male-to-female genetic reprogramming and complete degeneration.

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    The new concept of mammalian sex maintenance establishes that particular key genes must remain active in the differentiated gonads to avoid genetic sex reprogramming, as described in adult ovaries after Foxl2 ablation. Dmrt1 plays a similar role in postnatal testes, but the mechanism of adult testis maintenance remains mostly unknown. Sox9 and Sox8 are required for postnatal male fertility, but their role in the adult testis has not been investigated. Here we show that after ablation of Sox9 in Sertoli cells of adult, fertile Sox8(-/-) mice, testis-to-ovary genetic reprogramming occurs and Sertoli cells transdifferentiate into granulosa-like cells. The process of testis regression culminates in complete degeneration of the seminiferous tubules, which become acellular, empty spaces among the extant Leydig cells. DMRT1 protein only remains in non-mutant cells, showing that SOX9/8 maintain Dmrt1 expression in the adult testis. Also, Sox9/8 warrant testis integrity by controlling the expression of structural proteins and protecting Sertoli cells from early apoptosis. Concluding, this study shows that, in addition to its crucial role in testis development, Sox9, together with Sox8 and coordinately with Dmrt1, also controls adult testis maintenance

    A emergência das escolhas individuais como um princípio curricular no Brasil: uma crítica à escola do neoliberalismo

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    In the course of this article, it is intended to problematize the emergence of individual students’ choices as a curricular principle for the schooling of Brazilian adolescents and young people, insofar as it is accompanied by a new formative grammar. Therefore, studies on valuing the voice of students will be reviewed, dialoguing with recent elaborations and prioritizing a more systematic approach to Michael Fielding’s publications, specifically his concept of ‘intergenerational learning’. After the concepts of student voice have been covered and dimensioned within the scope of neoliberal policies, the investigative results produced about the new high school in Brazil will be discussed, emphasizing the notions of life projects, youth protagonism and socio-emotional skills. Finally, as a balance of the considerations presented, three principles will be defended for the revaluation of the students’ voice through intergenerational learning. This defense, from a pedagogical point of view, leads us to resist the excesses of individualization arising from neoliberal-inspired curriculum policies and, with the necessary urgency, re- enter the political struggle around the meanings of student participation.No decorrer do presente artigo pretende-se problematizar a emergência das escolhas individuais dos estudantes como um princípio curricular para a escolarização dos adolescentes e jovens brasileiros, na medida em que vem acompanhada de uma nova gramática formativa. Para tanto, serão revisados os estudos sobre a valorização da voz do alunado, dialogando com elaborações recentes e priorizando uma abordagem mais sistemática das publicações de Michael Fielding, especificamente de seu conceito de ‘aprendizagem intergeracional’. Após os conceitos de voz do alunado terem sidos percorridos e dimensionados no âmbito das políticas neoliberais, serão discutidos os resultados investigativos produzidos acerca do novo ensino médio, no Brasil, atribuindo ênfase para as noções de projetos de vida, protagonismo juvenil e competências socioemocionais. Por fim, como um balanço das considerações apresentadas, serão defendidos três princípios para a revalorização da voz dos estudantes por meio da aprendizagem intergeracional. Esta defesa, desde um ponto de vista pedagógico, encaminha para que possamos produzir resistência aos excessos de individualização advindos das políticas curriculares de inspiração neoliberal e, com a necessária urgência, reingressar na luta política em torno dos significados da participação estudantil

    The use of thymol, carvacrol and sorbic acid in microencapsules to control Salmonella Heidelberg, S. Minnesota and S. Typhimurium in broilers

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    Introduction: The control of Salmonella spp. in poultry involves different biosecurity actions and lately has been complicated by the emergence of multidrug resistant serovars. The application of organic acids and essential oils has been used with different approaches due to the antibacterial properties as food preservatives. The use of these molecules in animal feed to control enteric pathogens is a major interest within the poultry industry. Methods: The use of a blend containing nature-identical compounds of sorbic acid (25%), thymol (9.5%) and carvacrol (2.5%) microencapsulated in a lipid matrix, was investigated in the present work, for the control of three Salmonella serovars (S. ser. Typhimurium, S. ser. Heidelberg and S. ser. Minnesota). Commercial broilers were challenged at 3 or at 33 days of age. Groups SH-1, SM-1 and ST-1, received treatment in the feed, at 2 kg/ton from 1–21 days of age and at 1 kg/ton from 35–42 days of age (last week), while groups SH-2, SM-2 and ST-2, were treated only during the last week receiving 2 kg/ton. Each treated group had an untreated control group, that was challenged at the same moment with the respective serovar (groups PCH, PCM and PCT). The challenge strains were enumerated in liver and cecal contents, weekly after challenge, at 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 days-of-age. Results and discussion: Significant reduction was noticed at 7 and 14 days of age in all groups that received treatment during the initial phase (p < 0.05). Moreover, the body weight was significantly higher at the last experimental day (p < 0.05) in chickens that received treatment at the initial and at the final growth stages

    Laser Photobiomodulation in the acute inflammatory response of the calcaneal tendon injury in rats exposed to cigarette smoke

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    La nicotina retarda el proceso de cicatrización y eleva los niveles de la enzima mieloperoxidasa (MPO), que tiene un papel fundamental en la producción de especies reactivas de oxígeno durante el proceso inflamatorio. La fotobiomodulación con láser (FBM) es uno de los agentes electrofísicos más utilizados en el tratamiento del tendón calcáneo, sin embargo sus efectos sobre la actividad de la MPO carecen de mayor elucidación. Este estudio objetivó evaluar los efectos de la FBM sobre la actividad de la MPO después de lesión del tendón calcáneo en ratones expuestos al humo de cigarrillo. Se utilizaron 34 ratones Wistar, machos, con 90 días de vida. Después de 14 días de exposición al humo de cigarrillo, los animales fueron divididos en tres grupos experimentales: grupo de control (GC, n=12), no sometido a la lesión o tratamiento; grupo sham (GSh, n=10), sometido a la lesión parcial del tendón calcáneo y a la simulación de la FBM láser; y el grupo FBM láser (GFBM, n=12), sometido a la lesión parcial del tendón calcáneo y tratado con FBM láser, en el primer minuto después de la lesión. La FBM disminuyó los niveles de actividad de MPO en el GFBM en comparación con el GSh (GC: 1,38±0,69 pg/ml; GSh: 3,78±1,09pg/ml; GFBM: 2,58±0,93pg/ml, p<0,005). Se concluye que la FBM láser aplicada inmediatamente después de la lesión del tendón calcáneo atenúa la actividad inflamatoria aguda en ratones expuestos al humo de cigarrillo.A nicotina retarda o processo de cicatrização e eleva os níveis da enzima mieloperoxidase (MPO), a qual possui um papel fundamental na produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio durante o processo inflamatório. A fotobiomodulação laser (FBM) é um dos agentes eletrofísicos mais utilizados no tratamento do tendão calcâneo, no entanto, os seus efeitos sobre a atividade da MPO carecem de maior elucidação. Este estudo objetivou avaliar os efeitos da FBM sobre a atividade da MPO, após lesão do tendão calcâneo em ratos expostos à fumaça de cigarro. Foram utilizados 34 ratos Wistar, machos, com 90 dias de vida. Após 14 dias de exposição à fumaça de cigarro, os animais foram divididos em três grupos experimentais: grupo controle (GC, n=12), não submetido à lesão ou tratamento; grupo sham (GSh, n=10), submetido à lesão parcial do tendão calcâneo e a simulação da FBM laser; grupo FBM laser (GFBM, n=12), submetido à lesão parcial do tendão calcâneo e tratados com FBM laser, no primeiro minuto após a lesão. A FBM diminuiu os níveis de atividade da MPO no GFBM em comparação ao GSh (GC: 1,38±0,69 pg/ml; GSh: 3,78±1,09pg/ml; GFBM: 2,58±0,93pg/ml; p<0,005). Conclui-se que a FBM laser aplicada imediatamente após lesão do tendão calcâneo, atenua a atividade inflamatória aguda em ratos expostos à fumaça de cigarro.Nicotine delays the healing process and increases the levels of myeloperoxidase (MPO), an enzyme that plays a key role in the production of reactive oxygen species during the inflammatory process. Laser Photobiomodulation (PBM) is one of the most used electrophysical agents in the treatment of the calcaneal tendon, however, its effects on MPO activity need to be further elucidated. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of laser PBM on MPO activity after inflicting an injury to the calcaneal tendon of rats exposed to cigarette smoke. Thirty-four male Wistar rats with 90 days of age were used. After 14 days of exposure to cigarette smoke, the animals were divided into three experimental groups: control group (CG, n=12), not submitted to injury or treatment; sham group (ShG, n=10), submitted to partial calcaneal tendon injury and laser PBM simulation; and laser PBM group (PBMG, n=12), submitted to partial calcaneal tendon lesion and treated with laser PBM within the first minute after injury. PBM decreased MPO activity levels in PBMG compared to ShG (CG: 1.38±0.69pg/ml; ShG: 3.78±1.09pg/ml; PBMG: 2.58±0.93pg/ml; p<0.005). In conclusion, applying laser PBM immediately after inflicting damage to the calcaneal tendon attenuates acute inflammatory activity in rats exposed to cigarette smoke

    Análise da diversidade genética em dois plantios de Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis

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    Forest tree breeding activities in plantations with exotic species implies several instances of material selection where genetic variation can be affected. The objective of the work was to verify the genetic variability present in two plantations of Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis by microsatellite markers, initially designed for Pinus taeda fluorescent-labeled. Thus, 299 individuals were analyzed using eight polymorphic microsatellite markers. The results indicate that both plantations have adequate levels of genetic diversity that are representative of the Pinus genus. Through the Bayesian method, it was possible to detect two different population genetic structures (K = 2) between both plantations analyzed. In conclusion, this study suggests that microsatellites markers are useful tools to monitor genetic variation in genetic breeding programs. The genetic diversity estimated in both plantations is similar and typical for Pinus plantations, and as expected, there was a slight decrease in genetic variability in the commercial plantation in comparation with the base plantation.As atividades de melhoramento genético florestal em plantios com espécies exóticas envolvem várias instâncias de seleção de material, onde a variação genética pode ser afetada. O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar a variabilidade genética presente em duas plantações de Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis através de marcadores microssatélites, inicialmente desenhados para Pinus taeda. Assim, 299 indivíduos foram analisados utilizando oito marcadores microssatélites polimórficos. Os resultados indicam que ambas plantações têm níveis adequados de diversidade genética que são representativos do gênero Pinus. Através do método Bayesiano, foi possível detectar duas populações genéticas estruturadas (K = 2) entre as duas plantações analisadas. Em conclusão, este estudo sugere que os marcadores microssatélites são ferramentas úteis para monitorar a variação genética nos programas de melhoramento genético. A diversidade genética estimada em ambas plantações é semelhante e típica das plantações de Pinus, e como se esperava verificou-se uma ligeira diminuição da variabilidade genética na plantação comercial, em comparação com a plantação base

    Prevalência de lesões em jogadores amadores de futsal de um município do Meio Oeste de Santa Catarina

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    O futsal é um esporte coletivo no qual seus praticantes entram em contato constantemente e com isto desenvolvem lesões. Este estudo veio compreender a prevalência de lesões nos últimos dois anos e os fatores que possam vir a se relacionar com lesões nos atletas do Campeonato Municipal de um município do Meio Oeste catarinense. A amostra contou com 180 atletas amadores do sexo masculino, submetidos a questionários sobre prevalência de lesões. Foram encontradas 124 lesões, com entorses em 50% dos casos, além de 35,2% com lesões não tratadas, e quando tratados em 36,0% dos casos com massoterapia. Quanto aos fatores associados, os valores significativos associados a lesões foram encontrados em tempo de prática e sensação de dores pré e pós-jogo. Contudo, aponta-se que há uma grande quantidade de lesões em atletas amadores e que os mesmos sofrem muito com dores

    The L&E of Intellectual Property – Do we get maximum innovation with the current regime?

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    Innovation is crucial to economic growth – the essential path for lifting much of the world population out of dire poverty and for maintaining the living standard of those who already have. To stimulate innovation, the legal system has to support the means through which innovators seek to get rewarded for their efforts. Amongst these means, some, such as the first mover advantage or 'lead time,' are not directly legal; but secrets and intellectual property rights are legal institutions supported for the specific purpose of stimulating innovation. Whilst the protection of secrets has not changed very much over recent years, intellectual property (or IP) has. IP borrows some features from ordinary property rights, but is also distinct, in that, unlike physical goods, information, the object of IP, is not inherently scarce; indeed as information and communication technologies expand, the creation and distribution of information is becoming ever cheaper and in many circumstances abundant, so that selection is of the essence ('on the internet, point of view is everything'). Where rights on information extend too far, their monopolising effect may hamper innovation. The paper investigates the underlying structure of IP rights and surveys what we know empirically about the incentive effects of IP as about industries that flourish without formal IP