156 research outputs found

    Gli amanti di Verona tra Lope de Vega e William Shakespeare

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    Ci proponiamo di evidenziare quello che potrebbero essere i risultati del dialogo intertestuale ipotizzato tra la tragedia di William Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet e la tragicommedia di Lope de Vega Castelvines y Monteses. La critica precedente ha ricondotto le due opere teatrali alle traduzioni-rielaborazioni in lingua inglese e spagnola della novella IX della seconda parte di Matteo Maria Bandello trascurando le evidenti analogie testuali, gli echi, le assonanze che, essendo state rintracciate in un più ampio studio critico, verranno qui riportate in un estratto dei principali punti individuati. Alcune riflessioni sui movimenti intellettuali dell’epoca contribuiranno ad identificare Romeo and Juliet come fonte di Castelvines y Monteses aprendo nuovi spiragli di ricerca su possibili contaminazioni elisabettiane nel teatro del siglo de oro spagnolo.Our purpose is to propose and illustrate thorugh the recolection of textual evidences the existence of an  intertextual dialogue between the tragedy Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare and the tragicommedia Castelvines y Monteses by Lope de Vega.  Previous criticism connected both dramatic works to the translation or re-elaboration in English and Spanish language of the novella II, IX by Matteo Maria Bandello overlooking the clear textual similarities, echoes, assonances identified in a longer previous critical study and that are here presented by a summary of the more meaningful points. Some speculation about the intellectual movements of the time will help to identify Romeo and Juliet as source-text of Castelvines y Monteses opening to new research view on possible elizabethan contamination on the siglo de oro theater

    Engaging Struggling Adolescent Readers to Improve Reading Skills

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    This study examined the efficacy of a supplemental, multicomponent adolescent reading intervention for middle school students who scored below proficient on a state literacy assessment. Using a within-school experimental design, the authors randomly assigned 483 students in grades 6–8 to a business-as-usual control condition or to the Strategic Adolescent Reading Intervention (STARI), a supplemental reading program involving instruction to support word-reading skills, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension, and peer talk to promote reading engagement and comprehension. The authors assessed behavioral engagement by measuring how much of the STARI curricular activities students completed during an academic school year, and collected intervention teachers' ratings of their students' reading engagement. STARI students outperformed control students on measures of word recognition (Cohen's d = 0.20), efficiency of basic reading comprehension (Cohen's d = 0.21), and morphological awareness (Cohen's d = 0.18). Reading engagement in its behavioral form, as measured by students' participation and involvement in the STARI curriculum, mediated the treatment effects on each of these three posttest outcomes. Intervention teachers' ratings of their students' emotional and cognitive engagement explained unique variance on reading posttests. Findings from this study support the hypothesis that (a) behavioral engagement fosters struggling adolescents' reading growth, and (b) teachers' perceptions of their students' emotional and cognitive engagement further contribute to reading competence

    Of Research reviews and practice guides: Translating rapidly growing research on adolescent literacy into updated practice recommendations.

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    The demand for evidence-based instructional practices has driven a large supply of research on adolescent literacy. Documenting this supply, Baye, Inns, Lake, and Slavin’s 2019 article in Reading Research Quarterly synthesized far more studies, with far more rigorous methodology, than had ever been collected before. What does this mean for practice? Inspired by this article, I investigated how this synthesis compared with the 2008 U.S. Institute of Education Sciences practice guide for adolescent literacy. I also include two contemporary documents for context: Herrera, Truckenmiller, and Foorman’s (2016) review and the U.K. Education Endowment Foundation’s 2019 practice guide for secondary schools. I first examine how these documents define adolescent, reading, and evidence, and propose more inclusive definitions. I then compare their respective evidence bases, finding that the quality and quantity of evidence have dramatically changed. Only one of the 34 studies in the 2008 U.S. practice guide met Baye et al.’s inclusion criteria in 2019, and the average sample size in Baye et al.’s studies was 22 times as large as those in the 2008 U.S. practice guide. I also examine the potential implications for a new practice guide’s instructional recommendations and comment on the expansion of research in technology, disciplinary literacy, and writing—topics scarcely covered in the 2008 U.S. practice guide but which have been extensively researched since then. Finally, I call for revision of the U.S. practice guide and the establishment of standing committees on adolescent literacy to help educators translate the latest research findings into updated practices


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    reservedL’elaborato si propone di analizzare il fenomeno della separazione conflittuale e gli effetti che questo evento può produrre sulla vita di ogni componente della famiglia, in particolare sui figli. Il Servizio Sociale che da anni attua interventi di aiuto, sostegno e protezione in favore dei minori e delle loro famiglie, ha visto un radicale cambiamento delle strutture familiari della società contemporanea, interfacciandosi sempre più con nuove forme di famiglia. Il presente lavoro intende dunque affrontare il tema della dissoluzione del rapporto di coppia in presenza di figli e degli strumenti a disposizione del servizio sociale per supportare queste transizioni. Vengono messi in luce i cambiamenti che sono avvenuti nella società e, al suo interno, nelle relazioni familiari. Cambiano non solo le relazioni uomo-donna ma anche la relazione genitori-figli subisce un’evoluzione, portando il figlio ad assumere un ruolo centrale nella famiglia. Viene esplorato l’evoluzione del concetto di famiglia dalla Costituzione del 1942 alla riforma del nuovo diritto di famiglia del 1975 e di come, oggi, ci siano nuovi modi di fare ed essere famiglia. Con l’introduzione della legge sul divorzio vi è stato un ulteriore cambiamento, coinvolgendo non solo le relazioni di coppia ma l’intero nucleo familiare. Da questo presupposto si cerca di comprendere i motivi che spingono i coniugi a decidere di separarsi e divorziare, a mettere in discussione il legame di coppia. Ne consegue, non solo la disgregazione del “patto coniugale” ma anche dell’intero nucleo familiare, provocando il più delle volte dinamiche conflittuali o altamente conflittuali, coinvolgendo sempre più i figli. Vengono descritte quali sono le conseguenze emotive e psicologiche dei figli della separazione conflittuale dei genitori e di come questo aspetto sia incisivo nelle loro vite. Quando i conflitti genitoriali non vengono gestiti possono amplificarsi e complicarsi, spesso coinvolgendo i figli in dinamiche disfunzionali, creando situazioni pregiudizievoli. Oggi, rispetto al passato, la concezione di aiuto dei minori è diversa, comprende sempre più la famiglia con interventi rivolti alle figure genitoriali aiutandoli a rispettare gli impegni presi in sede giudiziale, con l’obiettivo primario di rafforzare le loro capacità e responsabilità e la relazione con i figli. Nelle separazioni altamente conflittuali il ruolo del Servizio Sociale risulta essere fondamentale non solo per la tutela e protezione dei minori di età, ma per la predisposizione di interventi che mirano a promuovere una genitorialità responsabile e portare avanti il principio della “bigenitorialità”, che ritiene il bambino detentore del diritto a mantenere un rapporto stabile con entrambi i genitori, siano essi separati o divorziati.The thesis aims to analyze the phenomenon of conflictual separation and the effects that this event can produce on the life of each member of the family, in particular on the children. The Social Service, which for years has been implementing interventions of help, support and protection in favor of minors and their families, has seen a radical change in the family structures of contemporary society, increasingly interfacing with new forms of family. This work therefore intends to address the issue of the dissolution of the couple's relationship in the presence of children and the tools available to social services to support these transitions. The changes that have occurred in society and, within it, in family relationships are highlighted. Not only do male-female relationships change, but the parent-child relationship also undergoes an evolution, leading the child to take on a central role in the family. The evolution of the concept of family from the Constitution of 1942 to the reform of the new family law of 1975 is explored and how, today, there are new ways of doing and being a family. With the introduction of the law on divorce there has been a further change, involving not only the couple's relationships but the entire family unit. From this assumption we try to understand the reasons that push spouses to decide to separate and divorce, to question the couple's bond. It follows not only the disintegration of the "conjugal pact" but also of the entire family unit, more often than not causing conflictual or highly conflictual dynamics, increasingly involving the children. The emotional and psychological consequences of the conflictual separation of their parents are described for the children and how this aspect has an impact on their lives. When parental conflicts are not managed, they can amplify and become complicated, often involving children in dysfunctional dynamics, creating prejudicial situations. Today, compared to the past, the concept of help for minors is different, it increasingly includes the family with interventions aimed at parental figures, helping them to respect the commitments made in court, with the primary objective of strengthening their abilities and responsibilities and relationship with children. In highly conflictual separations, the role of the Social Service is fundamental not only for the protection and protection of minors, but for the preparation of interventions that aim to promote responsible parenting and carry forward the principle of "bi-parenting", which considers the child has the right to maintain a stable relationship with both parents, whether separated or divorced

    L’analyse des risques des projets miniers à l’échelle territoriale : développement d’un outil d’aide à la décision testé sur le cas de l’exploitation aurifère en Guyane française

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    Mining can be the source and target of opportunities and threats of different natures exceeding the mine-site perimeter, affecting the socio-ecological system where mining is performed and leading to social tensions and entrepreneurial risks for mining companies. Hence, a mining project is a matter of land-planning rather than a simple industrial object. Nevertheless, current mandatory risk and impact assessment methods are often performed on one project at a time, sometimes neglecting the cumulative dimension of risks, the great variability of coexistent mining activities, and the socio-ecological vulnerability in which mining is performed.This thesis proposes an approach to develop and compare, based on the assessment of their risk, different potential scenarios for land-planning strategies in mining territories. This approach is operationalized through the development of a framework via its application on French Guiana gold mining sector. Here, gold mining involves a great variety of forms and techniques in a very sensitive socio-ecological context.Five territorial mining scenarios (TMS) involving different mine-types (e.g. legal artisanal, medium, large scale mining, illegal mining) are developed for the same amount of gold production. For each TMS, two types of risk scenarios are distinguished whether they concern the normal or accidental (e.g. dam failure) functioning of the mining project(s). Risks are assessed through a GIS-based approach that consider the socio-ecological vulnerability of the territory where the mines are located. The TMS are finally weighted, discussed and compared based on a global risk score.Despite the reliability of its results, this thesis provides an original and adaptable approach for the rapid comparison of mining strategies at the territory level, based on risk assessment. Further developments need to be achieved in order to optimize and improve the proposed approach and its application to the selected case-study (e.g. integration of the uncertainty analysis, better probabilistic models, data availability, GIS-automated tools).L'extraction minière peut être la source et la cible d’opportunités et pertes de différentes natures, qui généralement excèdent le périmètre du site minier et affectent le système socio-écologique dans lequel les projets miniers sont installés. Ces pertes peuvent aussi entrainer des oppositions et donc un véritable risque entrepreneurial pour les compagnies minières. Pour cette raison, un projet minier doit être considéré comme un enjeu d'aménagement territorial plutôt qu'un simple objet industriel isolé. Néanmoins, les méthodes d'étude d'impact ou d'analyse de risques appliquées au secteur minier sont souvent réalisées sur un projet à la fois, sans intégrer la dimension cumulative des risques liés à plusieurs projets coexistant sur le même territoire et en négligeant la vulnérabilité socio-écologique de ce dernier.Cette thèse propose une approche originale qui vise à développer différentes stratégies de développement minier dans une perspective d'aménagement territorial et à les comparer sur la base de leur niveau de risque. L’approche est rendue opérationnelle à travers un cadre méthodologique développé via une application à titre démonstratif sur le cas de l'exploitation aurifère en Guyane française.Cinq scénarios miniers territoriaux (SMT) sont développés en incluant des projets miniers de différentes types (e.g. mine artisanale, de taille moyenne, de grande taille, orpaillage illégal) pour la même quantité d'or produit. Pour chaque SMT, deux scénarios de risques sont considérés selon qu'ils concernent le fonctionnement normal ou accidentel (e.g. rupture de digue) des projets miniers. Ces risques sont évalués par une approche SIG en considérant l’estimation de la vulnerabilité socio-écologique du territoire. Les SMT sont enfin pondérés à partir des acteurs concernés (e.g. société civile, autorités locales, opérateurs miniers) et comparés sur la base d'un score représentant le niveau global de risque.En dehors de la structuration d’importantes quantités de données concernant la Guyane, cette thèse démontre la faisabilité et la rapide application de notre approche en permettant une première comparaison – basée sur l'analyse de risque – de stratégies minières dans une perspective d'aménagement territorial. S’agissant d’un premier développement, des améliorations devront cibler l’approche proposée ainsi que son application (e.g. analyse d’incertitude, meilleurs calculs probabilistes, amélioration des données, automatisation

    Il Business Process Reengineering come strumento preliminare per l'implementazione dei sistemi ERP: il caso IDS S.p.A.

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    Di fronte ad un mercato e ad un ambiente competitivo estremamente turbolenti ed imprevedibili nasce per le aziende l'esigenza di perseguire contemporaneamente obiettivi diversi, quali la soddisfazione del cliente, la razionalizzazione delle risorse interne, la flessibilità e l'innovazione; ma tali obiettivi risultano difficilmente raggiungibili attraverso strutture organizzative e modelli gestionali teorizzati ed applicati originariamente in contesti molto diversi da quelli attuali. L'impresa che vive tali mutamenti come una costante minaccia e non, viceversa, come un'opportunità, é destinata a vedere progressivamente sgretolarsi la propria posizione competitiva e, perdurando tale situazione nel lungo periodo, a scomparire dal mercato.Le aziende per essere competitive hanno bisogno di realizzare un cambiamento organizzativo; appare estremamente efficace la reingegnerizzazione dei processi aziendali, poichè permette alle aziende di raggiungere un miglioramento in termini di efficienza e di efficacia mettendo il cambiamento dei processi al centro dell'analisi e della progettazione dei nuovi sistemi informativi. Per capire bene il tema sarà necessario approfondire il termine “processo”, in quanto una chiara comprensione delle sue caratteristiche risulterà fondamentale per affrontare successivamente gli aspetti organizzativi e gestionali. Inoltre, sarà dedicata particolare attenzione al Business Process Reengineering, saranno fornite indicazioni il più possibile precise per supportare un intervento di tipo applicativo e per valutare l'impatto sulla struttura organizzativa

    Pourquoi utilise-t-on du cyanure pour extraire l’or ?

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    Article de vulgarisation scientifiqueThe Conversation Francehttps://theconversation.com/pourquoi-utilise-t-on-du-cyanure-pour-extraire-lor-122670Le projet Montagne d’Or en Guyane française a agité le débat public l’an dernier, avant d’être finalement suspendu : le gouvernement a depuis affirmé qu’il serait abandonné. Mi-octobre, un nouvel avis favorable émis par la Direction de l’environnement, de l’aménagement et du logement a réveillé la polémique, mais la ministre de la transition écologique Élisabeth Borne a réaffirmé l’opposition du gouvernement.Fortement contesté, ce projet minier aurifère a remis l’accent sur les conditions dans lesquelles les matières premières sont extraites, en France et dans le monde. Au cours des discussions, l’utilisation du cyanure pour prélever l’or a tout particulièrement attiré l’attention du grand public. Les activités industrielles et agricoles emploient couramment des produits dangereux pour la santé et l’environnement. Dans le secteur minier, des substances explosives peuvent servir à l’excavation et au transport d’engins qui demandent une grande quantité de carburant à stocker sur place.Le traitement du minerai nécessite souvent l’utilisation de produits chimiques très variés, dont le but est de séparer les minéraux utiles des roches sans valeur économique associée (la « gangue »). Parmi les minerais les plus demandés sur le marché, le cuivre peut nécessiter... à suivre sur https://theconversation.com/pourquoi-utilise-t-on-du-cyanure-pour-extraire-lor-12267

    Gli amanti di Verona tra Lope de Vega e William Shakespeare

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    Our purpose is to propose and illustrate thorugh the recolection of textual evidences the existence of an  intertextual dialogue between the tragedy Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare and the tragicommedia Castelvines y Monteses by Lope de Vega.  Previous criticism connected both dramatic works to the translation or re-elaboration in English and Spanish language of the novella II, IX by Matteo Maria Bandello overlooking the clear textual similarities, echoes, assonances identified in a longer previous critical study and that are here presented by a summary of the more meaningful points. Some speculation about the intellectual movements of the time will help to identify Romeo and Juliet as source-text of Castelvines y Monteses opening to new research view on possible elizabethan contamination on the siglo de oro theater.Ci proponiamo di evidenziare quello che potrebbero essere i risultati del dialogo intertestuale ipotizzato tra la tragedia di William Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet e la tragicommedia di Lope de Vega Castelvines y Monteses. La critica precedente ha ricondotto le due opere teatrali alle traduzioni-rielaborazioni in lingua inglese e spagnola della novella IX della seconda parte di Matteo Maria Bandello trascurando le evidenti analogie testuali, gli echi, le assonanze che, essendo state rintracciate in un più ampio studio critico, verranno qui riportate in un estratto dei principali punti individuati. Alcune riflessioni sui movimenti intellettuali dell’epoca contribuiranno ad identificare Romeo and Juliet come fonte di Castelvines y Monteses aprendo nuovi spiragli di ricerca su possibili contaminazioni elisabettiane nel teatro del siglo de oro spagnolo
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