10 research outputs found

    Rumen-protected choline: A significance effect on dairy cattle nutrition

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    Choline is a vitamin-like substance it has multi-function in animal production, reproduction, and health. The transition period is most crucial stage in lactation cycle of dairy cows due to its association with negative hormonal and energy balances. Unfortunately, unprotected choline easily degrades in the rumen; therefore, choline added to the diet in a rumenprotected form. The use of rumen-protected choline (RPC) is a preventive measurement for the fatty liver syndrome and ketosis; may improve milk production as well as milk composition and reproduction parameters. This review summarizes the effectiveness of RPC on animal production, health, and reproduction

    Influence of circadian rhythm, breed, stage of lactation, milk yield and parity on body and udder skin surface temperature of lactating cows monitored by infrared thermography

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    ABSTRACTThe objective of the study was to establish baseline thermographic information on body and udder skin surface temperature (USST) of lactating cows in different stages of lactation, milk yield, parity, breed and season. Holstein Friesian crossbred (n = 19 cows) and Deoni lactating cows (n = 14 cows) were monitored for body (i.e. eye) and USST prior to milking using a forward looking infra-red (FLIR) camera. It was observed that the mean body and USST of both crossbred and Deoni cows did not differ significantly. The body and USST of both the breeds were significantly higher by 0.9–1.0°C during evening than morning milking. There was no difference in body and USST between days and between udder quarters. Similarly, stage of lactation, milk yield and parity did not show any influence over body and USST. The body and USST were higher in summer (1.1°C) than in spring and winter seasons. Deoni cows had 1.0°C lesser body and USST than crossbred cows. It is concluded that baseline thermographic information on body and USST would be useful in developing breed-specific thermographic signature for individual animal

    Investigation of body and udder skin surface temperature differentials as an early indicator of mastitis in Holstein Friesian crossbred cows using digital infrared thermography technique

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    Aim: The objective of this study was to investigate the ability of infrared thermography (IRT) technique and its interrelationship with conventional mastitis indicators for the early detection of mastitis in Holstein Friesian (HF) crossbred cows. Materials and Methods: A total of 76 quarters of lactating HF crossbred (Bos indicus × Bos taurus) cows (n=19) were monitored for body temperature (i.e., eye temperature) and udder skin surface temperature (USST) before milking using forward-looking infrared (FLIR) i5 camera. Milk samples were collected from each quarter and screened for mastitis using Somatic Cell Count (SCC), Electrical Conductivity (EC), and California mastitis test. Thermographic images were analyzed using FLIR Quick Report 1.2 image analysis software. Data on body and USST were compiled and analyzed statistically using SPSS 16.0 and Sigmaplot 11. Results: The mean±standard deviation (SD) body (37.23±0.08°C) and USST (37.22±0.04°C) of non-mastitic cow did not differ significantly; however, the mean USST of the mastitis-affected quarters were significantly higher than the body temperature and USST of unaffected quarters (p37.61°C. Conclusion: It is concluded that infrared thermal imaging technique could be used as a potential noninvasive, quick cowside diagnostic technique for screening and early detection of SCM and clinical mastitis in crossbred cows

    Infrared thermography: A potential noninvasive tool to monitor udder health status in dairy cows

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    The animal husbandry and livestock sectors play a major role in the rural economy, especially for the small and marginal farmers. India has the largest livestock population in the world and ranks first in the milk production. Mastitis is the most common and expensive infectious disease in dairy cattle. The global economic losses per year due to mastitis amounts to USD 35 billion and for Indian dairy industry INR 6000 crores per year. Early detection of mastitis is very important to reduce the economic loss to the dairy farmers and dairy industry. Automated methods for early and reliable detection of mastitis are currently in focus under precision dairying. Skin surface temperature is an important indicator for the diagnosis of cow’s illnesses and for the estimation of their physiological status. Infrared thermography (IRT) is a simple, effective, on-site, and noninvasive method that detects surface heat, which is emitted as infrared radiation and generates pictorial images without causing radiation exposure. In human and bovine medicine, IRT is used as a diagnostic tool for assessment of normal and physiological status