92 research outputs found

    Impacto de la influencer Delia S. Faison como estrategia de marketing digital en el posicionamiento de las marcas de moda y belleza entre las jóvenes de 15 a 35 años del distrito de Trujillo, en el año 2019

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar el impacto de la Influencer Delia S. Faison como estrategia de marketing digital en el posicionamiento de las marcas de moda y belleza entre las jóvenes de 15 a 35 años del distrito de Trujillo, en el año 2019. Este trabajo Es No Experimental de carácter descriptivo y causal, dado que se hará uso de las teorías ya establecidas y los antecedentes empíricos sobre el tema de investigación utilizándose una muestra de ciento nueve jóvenes. Se aplicó una encuesta que cuya finalidad nos permitió determinar el impacto de la Influencer Delia S. Faison como estrategia de marketing digital en el posicionamiento de las marcas de moda y belleza entre las jóvenes de 15 a 35 años del distrito de Trujillo, en el año 2019. Este instrumento se complementó con una entrevista a la propia Delia S. Faison, con la finalidad de interpretar cómo utiliza la estrategia de marketing en el posicionamiento. Finalmente, los resultados permiten concluir, en primer lugar, que Delia S. Faison continúa siendo un alto referente como fashion Blogger por las publicaciones e interacciones en su red social Instagram. En segundo lugar, su impacto como Influencer en una estrategia de Marketing Digital disminuye considerablemente porque ella descuida bastante los contenidos de su fan page en Facebook, red social que es relevante entre las jóvenes de 18 a 35 años del distrito de Trujillo

    Chitosan Based Polyelectrolyte Complexes as Potential Carrier Materials in Drug Delivery Systems

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    Chitosan has been the subject of interest for its use as a polymeric drug carrier material in dosage form design due to its appealing properties such as biocompatibility, biodegradability, low toxicity and relatively low production cost from abundant natural sources. However, one drawback of using this natural polysaccharide in modified release dosage forms for oral administration is its fast dissolution rate in the stomach. Since chitosan is positively charged at low pH values (below its pKa value), it spontaneously associates with negatively charged polyions in solution to form polyelectrolyte complexes. These chitosan based polyelectrolyte complexes exhibit favourable physicochemical properties with preservation of chitosan’s biocompatible characteristics. These complexes are therefore good candidate excipient materials for the design of different types of dosage forms. It is the aim of this review to describe complexation of chitosan with selected natural and synthetic polyanions and to indicate some of the factors that influence the formation and stability of these polyelectrolyte complexes. Furthermore, recent investigations into the use of these complexes as excipients in drug delivery systems such as nano- and microparticles, beads, fibers, sponges and matrix type tablets are briefly described

    On the routines of wild-type silk fibroin processing toward silk-inspired materials: a review

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    For years, silk fibroin of a domestic silkworm, Bombyx mori, has been recognized as a valuable material and extensively used. In the last decades, new application fields are emerging for this versatile material. Those final, specific applications of silk dictate the way it has been processed in industry and research. This review focuses on the description of various approaches for silk downstream processing in a laboratory scale, that fall within several categories. The detailed description of workflow possibilities from the naturally found material to a finally formulated product is presented. Considerable attention is given to (bio-) chemical approaches of silk fibroin transformation, particularly, to its enzyme-driven modifications. The focus of the current literature survey is exclusively on the methods applied in research and not industry

    Identification of rotavirus I- And E-genotypes by multiplex PCR method [ИДЕНТИФИкаЦИЯ i- И E- ГЕНОТИПОВ РОТаВИРУСа а С ИСПОЛьЗОВаНИЕМ МУЛьТИПЛЕкСНОЙ ПЦР]

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    Introduction. In recent years the presence of reassortant rotavirus strains is increasingly mentioned in the world due to the application of the full-genome based classification system. Information on the circulation of such strains in the territory of Russia is limited. The aim of this work was the development of the approach for determination of genotypes of segments encoding VP6 (I) and NSP4 (E) to reveal reassortant strains. Material and Methods. Rotavirus-positive samples were studied by means of nucleotide sequencing and multiplex PCR. Phylogenetic analysis was conducted using the Bayesian approach. Results. Three alleles of the VP6 gene (I1-1, I2-IV, I2-VII) and seven alleles of the NSP4 gene (E1-I, E1-III, E2-VI, E2-VII, E2-X, E2-XII, E3) were detected on the base of nucleotide sequences of Nizhny Novgorod rotaviruses. Taking into account these results, the oligonucleotide primers specific to genotypes I1, I2, I3 and E1, E2, E3 were designed. Optimal conditions for multiplex PCR were chosen. The method was tested using the strains collected in Nizhny Novgorod in 2018. The diversity of I and E genotypes was determined and various combinations with G and P genotypes were identified. Discussion. G9-P[8]-I1-E1 rotaviruses were predominant (32.7 %) and G2-P[4]-I2-E2 rotaviruses were in second place (29.1 %). Strains with genotypes G4-P[8]-I1-E2, G3-P[8]-I2-E2 and G2-P[4]-I2-E1 were detected sporadically. They had genes of two rotavirus genogroups, so can be considered to be reassortant. Conclusion. The proposed approach is a useful tool for the characterization of rotaviruses in the conditions of the beginning of vaccination against rotavirus infection in Russia. © 2019 Izdatel'stvo Meditsina. All rights reserved

    The Current State and Prospects of Recycling Silk Industry Waste into Nonwoven Materials

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    Natural fibres are the preferred options for garment, technical and medical textiles, nonwovens and composites. Their sustainability is a considerable advantage, though the nature of silk production and processing involves a large amount of waste. The present review explores the current issues of recycling silk waste into nonwovens for various purposes. The article proposes obtaining nonwovens from short fibres using electrospinning of fibroin solutions in volatile solvents. Longer fibres are proposed to be processed into needle-punched nonwoven materials with a selection of an effective antistatic treatment

    Needle punched nonwoven silk waste material with antifungal properties for air filtration

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    The paper presents an effective antistatic composition for forming the web from silk waste on a carding machine. As a result, the needle punched nonwoven material modified with silver and copper nanoparticles was obtained from Bombyx mori natural silk. The specific surface area of the material is 0.223 m2/g, the average size of macropores is 85 μm; the minimum is 30 μm and the maximum is 370 μm. The holding capacity in case of dolomite dust is 99.4%. The presence of silver and copper nanoparticles gives the material antifungal properties that remain stable after no less than 4 washings