19 research outputs found

    Processing TES Level-2 Data

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    TES Level 2 Subsystem is a set of computer programs that performs functions complementary to those of the program summarized in the immediately preceding article. TES Level-2 data pertain to retrieved species (or temperature) profiles, and errors thereof. Geolocation, quality, and other data (e.g., surface characteristics for nadir observations) are also included. The subsystem processes gridded meteorological information and extracts parameters that can be interpolated to the appropriate latitude, longitude, and pressure level based on the date and time. Radiances are simulated using the aforementioned meteorological information for initial guesses, and spectroscopic-parameter tables are generated. At each step of the retrieval, a nonlinear-least-squares- solving routine is run over multiple iterations, retrieving a subset of atmospheric constituents, and error analysis is performed. Scientific TES Level-2 data products are written in a format known as Hierarchical Data Format Earth Observing System 5 (HDF-EOS 5) for public distribution

    Ozone-CO Correlations Determined by the TES Satellite Instrument in Continental Outflow Regions

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    Collocated measurements of tropospheric ozone (O3) and carbon monoxide (CO) from the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) aboard the EOS Aura satellite provide information on O3-CO correlations to test our understanding of global anthropogenic influence on O3. We examine the global distribution of TES O3-CO correlations in the middle troposphere (618 hPa) for July 2005 and compare to correlations generated with the GEOS-Chem chemical transport model and with ICARTT aircraft observations over the eastern United States (July 2004). The TES data show significant O3-CO correlations downwind of polluted continents, with dO3/dCO enhancement ratios in the range 0.4–1.0 mol mol−1 and consistent with ICARTT data. The GEOS-Chem model reproduces the O3-CO enhancement ratios observed in continental outflow, but model correlations are stronger and more extensive. We show that the discrepancy can be explained by spectral measurement errors in the TES data. These errors will decrease in future data releases, which should enable TES to provide better information on O3-CO correlations.Earth and Planetary SciencesEngineering and Applied Science

    Clinically relevant safety issues associated with St. John's wort product labels

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>St. John's wort (SJW), used to treat depression, is popular in the USA, Canada, and parts of Europe. However, there are documented interactions between SJW and prescription medications including warfarin, cyclosporine, indinavir, and oral contraceptives. One source of information about these safety considerations is the product label. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinically relevant safety information included on labeling in a nationally representative sample of SJW products from the USA.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Eight clinically relevant safety issues were identified: drug interactions (SJW-HIV medications, SJW-immunosupressants, SJW-oral contraceptives, and SJW-warfarin), contraindications (bipolar disorder), therapeutic duplication (antidepressants), and general considerations (phototoxicity and advice to consult a healthcare professional (HCP)). A list of SJW products was identified to assess their labels. Percentages and totals were used to present findings.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the seventy-four products evaluated, no product label provided information for all 8 evaluation criteria. Three products (4.1%) provided information on 7 of the 8 criteria. Four products provided no safety information whatsoever. Percentage of products with label information was: SJW-HIV (8.1%), SJW-immunosupressants (5.4%), SJW-OCPs (8.1%), SJW-warfarin (5.4%), bipolar (1.4%), antidepressants (23.0%), phototoxicity (51.4%), and consult HCP (87.8%). Other safety-related information on labels included warnings about pregnancy (74.3%), lactation (64.9%), discontinue if adverse reaction (23.0%), and not for use in patients under 18 years old (13.5%). The average number of <it>a priori </it>safety issues included on a product label was 1.91 (range 0–8) for 23.9% completeness.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The vast majority of SJW products fail to adequately address clinically relevant safety issues on their labeling. A few products do provide an acceptable amount of information on clinically relevant safety issues which could enhance the quality of counseling by HCPs and health store clerks. HCPs and consumers may benefit if the FDA re-examined labeling requirements for dietary supplements.</p

    Birth of a Photosynthetic Chassis: A MoClo Toolkit Enabling Synthetic Biology in the Microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.

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    Microalgae are regarded as promising organisms to develop innovative concepts based on their photosynthetic capacity that offers more sustainable production than heterotrophic hosts. However, to realize their potential as green cell factories, a major challenge is to make microalgae easier to engineer. A promising approach for rapid and predictable genetic manipulation is to use standardized synthetic biology tools and workflows. To this end we have developed a Modular Cloning toolkit for the green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. It is based on Golden Gate cloning with standard syntax, and comprises 119 openly distributed genetic parts, most of which have been functionally validated in several strains. It contains promoters, UTRs, terminators, tags, reporters, antibiotic resistance genes, and introns cloned in various positions to allow maximum modularity. The toolkit enables rapid building of engineered cells for both fundamental research and algal biotechnology. This work will make Chlamydomonas the next chassis for sustainable synthetic biology

    Assessment of Tissue Damage from Ultrasonic, Pneumatic and Combination Lithotripsy

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    Mentor: Manoj Monga MD (Urologic Surgery)Objective: To conduct a comparative evaluation of ultrasonic, pneumatic, and dual ultrasonic lithotripsy to predict the safety of probes on urinary tract tissue. Methods: Lithotriptors (medical device used to breakup kidney stones) tested were the Swiss Lithoclast Ultra (ultrasonic only - US, and ultrasonic-pneumatic combination US+P), and the Gyrus ACMI Cyberwand (dual ultrasonic). Fresh porcine ureters, bladders, and renal pelvis tissues were used for testing. A hands-free set up was used with each probe to vertically apply no pressure, 400 g, or 700 g of pressure for a duration of 3 seconds, 5 seconds or 180 seconds. Repetitive testing of each tissue/pressure/time combination was performed, for a total of 351 trials. Conclusion: All devices afforded a level of safety at tissue durations typical of inadvertent intraoperative contact (3-5 seconds), though the Lithoclast US-only was superior with regard to perforation for all tissue types. Overall, very similar results were observed between the Lithoclast US+P and Cyberwand.This research was supported by the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP)

    TES Level 1 Algorithms: Interferogram Processing, Geolocation, Radiometric, and Spectral Calibration

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    The Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) on the Earth Observing System (EOS) Aura satellite measures the infrared radiance emitted by the Earth's surface and atmosphere using Fourier transform spectrometry. The measured interferograms are converted into geolocated, calibrated radiance spectra by the L1 (Level 1) processing, and are the inputs to L2 (Level 2) retrievals of atmospheric parameters, such as vertical profiles of trace gas abundance. We describe the algorithmic components of TES Level 1 processing, giving examples of the intermediate results and diagnostics that are necessary for creating TES L1 products. An assessment of noise-equivalent spectral radiance levels and current systematic errors is provided. As an initial validation of our spectral radiances, TES data are compared to the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) (on EOS Aqua), after accounting for spectral resolution differences by applying the AIRS spectral response function to the TES spectra. For the TES L1 nadir data products currently available, the agreement with AIRS is 1 K or better

    Earth's Energy Imbalance measured from Space with a CubeSat constellation

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    International audienceThe direct measurement of Earth's energy imbalance (EEI) and its variability is one of the greatest challenges in climate research. EEI represents a crucial quantity for testing climate models and for predicting the future course of global warming. In this context, we seek to implement a satellite constellation at Low Earth Orbit (LEO) to determine the absolute magnitude of global mean EEI. Thanks to a satellite constellation, it is possible to have short-term measurements of EEI at high spatiotemporal resolution. These measurements would allow constraining better poorly known radiative forcing associated with aerosols, aerosol-cloud interactions, surface albedo, and UV solar irradiance. The UVSQ-SAT CubeSat, launched January 24, 2021, represents our first pathfinder for a constellation to measure the EEI. The objective is to establish that miniaturized broadband radiometers absolutely calibrated through an extensive component level calibration program can be built and operated in space for measuring the components of the Earth's radiation budget (ERB) with an excellent accuracy. After introducing the importance of the ERB measurements, we will present the UVSQ-SAT mission and its scientific objectives. Then, the observations carried out by the UVSQ-SAT small satellite during the year 2021 will be shown (outgoing shortwave radiations (or albedo), and outgoing longwave radiations at the top of the atmosphere). Finally, we will present the lessons learned about the development of our first Earth science CubeSat, and we will present the second pathfinder CubeSat (INSPIRE-SAT 7) of this heterogeneous constellation. This CubeSat is scheduled for launch in 2023