106 research outputs found

    One-pot synthesis of oxazolidinones and five-membered cyclic carbonates from epoxides and chlorosulfonyl isocyanate: theoretical evidence for an asynchronous concerted pathway

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    The one-pot reaction of chlorosulfonyl isocyanate (CSI) with epoxides having phenyl, benzyl and fused cyclic alkyl groups in different solvents under mild reaction conditions without additives and catalysts was studied. Oxazolidinones and five-membered cyclic carbonates were obtained in ratios close to 1:1 in the cyclization reactions. The best yields of these compounds were obtained in dichloromethane (DCM). Together with 16 known compounds, two novel oxazolidinone derivatives and two novel cyclic carbonates were synthesized with an efficient and straightforward method. Compared to the existing methods, the synthetic approach presented here provides the following distinct advantageous: being a one- pot reaction with metal-free reagent, having shorter reaction times, good yields and a very simple purification method. Moreover, using the density functional theory (DFT) method at the M06-2X/6-31+G(d,p) level of theory the mechanism of the cycloaddition reactions has been elucidated. The further investigation of the potential energy surfaces associated with two possible channels leading to oxazolidinones and five-membered cyclic carbonates disclosed that the cycloaddition reaction proceeds via an asynchronous concerted mechanism in gas phase and in DCM

    A Learning Experience: Reflection

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    Öğrenme yaşantısından anlam çıkarmaya yardım edici yöntemlerden biri reflekşındır (reflection). Reflekşın, kişinin tüm düşüncelerini birproblem üzerinde yoğunlaştırması, bir konuyu ayrıntıyla düşünmesi ve irdelemesidir. Reflekşın yöntemi, öğrencilerin karşılaştıklarıdurumlarla ilgili eylemleri ya da eylemsizliklerinde kendilerini tanımalarına, eleştirel düşünmelerine, problem çözmelerine, sorumlulukalmalarına yardım etmektedir. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi (DEÜ) Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu'nda hemşirelik öğrencilerinin kişisel veprofesyonel gelişimini kolaylaştırmak amacıyla reflekşın yöntemi uygulanmaya başlanmıştır. Bu makalede reflekşın ile ilgili bilgiler vedeneyimlerin paylaşılması amaçlanmıştır. One of the methods which help us to infer from learning is reflection. Reflection is a way through which a person concentrates all hisattention on a certain problem, thinks about a topic in detail and examines it thoroughly. The reflection method helps students recognizethemselves, scrutinize, solve problems and take responsibility for being active or inactive in situations they encounter. In Dokuz EylülUniversity School of Nursing, in order to help nursing students improve their personal and professional development, the reflection methodhas been introduced. This article aims at sharing information and experiences related to reflection

    Mechanistic investigation of Rh(i)-catalysed asymmetric Suzuki–Miyaura coupling with racemic allyl halides

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    Understanding how catalytic asymmetric reactions with racemic starting materials can operate would enable new enantioselective cross-coupling reactions that give chiral products. Here we propose a catalytic cycle for the highly enantioselective Rh(I)-catalysed Suzuki–Miyaura coupling of boronic acids and racemic allyl halides. Natural abundance 13C kinetic isotope effects provide quantitative information about the transition-state structures of two key elementary steps in the catalytic cycle, transmetallation and oxidative addition. Experiments with configurationally stable, deuterium-labelled substrates revealed that oxidative addition can happen via syn- or anti-pathways, which control diastereoselectivity. Density functional theory calculations attribute the extremely high enantioselectivity to reductive elimination from a common Rh complex formed from both allyl halide enantiomers. Our conclusions are supported by analysis of the reaction kinetics. These insights into the sequence of bond-forming steps and their transition-state structures will contribute to our understanding of asymmetric Rh–allyl chemistry and enable the discovery and application of asymmetric reactions with racemic substrates

    Noun and verb knowledge in monolingual preschool children across 17 languages: Data from cross-linguistic lexical tasks (LITMUS-CLT)

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    This article investigates the cross-linguistic comparability of the newly developed lexical assessment tool Cross-linguistic Lexical Tasks (LITMUS-CLT). LITMUS-CLT is a part the Language Impairment Testing in Multilingual Settings (LITMUS) battery (Armon-Lotem, de Jong & Meir, 2015). Here we analyse results on receptive and expressive word knowledge tasks for nouns and verbs across 17 languages from eight different language families: Baltic (Lithuanian), Bantu (isiXhosa), Finnic (Finnish), Germanic (Afrikaans, British English, South African English, German, Luxembourgish, Norwegian, Swedish), Romance (Catalan, Italian), Semitic (Hebrew), Slavic (Polish, Serbian, Slovak) and Turkic (Turkish). The participants were 639 monolingual children aged 3;0-6;11 living in 15 different countries. Differences in vocabulary size were small between 16 of the languages; but isiXhosa-speaking children knew significantly fewer words than speakers of the other languages. There was a robust effect of word class: accuracy was higher for nouns than verbs. Furthermore, comprehension was more advanced than production. Results are discussed in the context of cross-linguistic comparisons of lexical development in monolingual and bilingual populations

    Investigation of biology of European red mite Panonychus ulmi (Koch) (Acarina:tetranychidae) on some apple cultivars

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    Bu çalışmada laboratuvarda 25 ± 1°C sıcaklık, 65 ± 5 % orantılı nem ve 16:8 ışıklanma periyodunda, dört farklı elma çeşidi (Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Starking Delicious ve Starkrimson Delicious) üzerinde beslenen Panonychus ulmi (Koch)' nin gelişme süreleri ve üreme oranları araştırılmıştır. Dişilerin ergin öncesi toplam gelişme süreleri elma çeşitlerinde farklılık göstermiş ve 12.47 ile 15.25 gün arasında değişmiş, en kısa periyodun ise Starking Delicious' a ait olduğu saptanmıştır. P. ulmi en uzun ovipozisyon periyoduna ortalama 11.67 gün ile Starking Delicious üzerinde saptanmıştır. Diğer çeşitlerden önemli derecede yüksek günlük ve toplam yumurta sayısı sırasıyla 3.92 ve 45.80 ile Starking Delicious çeşidinde elde edilmiştir. Buna karşın, en düşük günlük ve toplam yumurta sayısı sırasıyla 1.74 ve 8.58 olarak Golden Delicious çeşidinde belirlenmiştir. Dişi ömrü Golden Delicious üzerinde 9.00 gün ile en kısa sürerken, en uzun ömür Starking Delicious çeşidinde 14.33 gün olarak tespit edilmiştir. Net üreme gücü (R0), 53.58 dişi/dişi/ömür ile Starking Delicious çeşidi üzerinde belirgin biçimde yüksektir ve benzer olarak doğal artış kapasitesi olan (rm) değeri de (0.2195 58 dişi/dişi/gün) en yüksek bu çeşit üzerinde görülmüştür. Bununla birlikte n düşük (R0) ve (rm) değerleri 8.58 dişi/dişi/ömür ve 0.1111 dişi/dişi/gün olarak Golden Delicious üzerinde saptamıştır. P. ulmi' nin populasyon artışı için Starking Delicious en uygun elma çeşidi iken, Golden Delicious en az uygun çeşit olduğunu göstermiştir.Developmental times and reproductive rates of Panonychus ulmi (Koch) on four apple cultivars (Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Starking Delicious and Starkrimson Delicious) were carried out at 25 ± 1°C, 65 ± 5 % RH and 16:8 L:D. Total immature developmental time of females resulted in differences among the apple cultivars ranged between 12.47 and 15.25 days, so the shortest period was obtained from Starking Delicious. P.ulmi had the longest oviposition period by the mean 11.67 days on Starking Delicious. The highest daily and total number of eggs were obtained from Starking Delicious with 3.92 and 45.80, respectively, which were significantly important. In contrast to highest means, the lowest daily and total eggs were obtained on Golden Delicious as 1.74 and 8.58, respectively. Longevity of females was significantly shorter on Golden Delicious with 9.00 days where the longest as 14.33 days on Starking Delicious. Net reproductive rate (R0) is responsably higher on Starking Delicious as 53.58 female/female/life and similarly the intrinsic rate of increase (rm) was also the highest value (0.2195 58 female/female/day) on this cultivar but the lowest R0 and rm values was obtained as 8.58 female/female/life and 0.1111 female/female/day on Golden Delicious. The results indicate that Starking Delicious was the most favorable apple cultivar for P. ulmi population growth, whereas Golden Delicious was the least suitable, under controlled conditions


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    This paper is about a software project which includes the processing of text-based Turkish lecture notes of secondary education students and automatic test generation. Main objective here is to provide a computer mediated self-study opportunity while simplifying an examination process by isolating students from the question preparation. Besides the educational software developed, this research draws conclusions about some of the major NLP (Natural Language Processing) tasks for Turkish; like document classification, sentence boundary detection, morphological analysis, POS Part-of-Speech) tagging, classification of verbs as positive or negative, finding phrases of sentences