310 research outputs found

    What’s Next: Action Research for Continuous Program Improvement and Positive Social Emotional Outcomes

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    Today’s elementary school students face myriad traumatic issues including poverty, violence, physical and emotional abuse, homelessness, and parental substance abuse. These adverse childhood experiences are responsible for an increased risk of academic failure and behavioral problems in childhood, adolescence, and into adulthood. Social-emotional learning (SEL) programs, provided through school and community partnerships, attempt to address these needs in both school-based and out-of-school-time (OST) learning settings. The purpose of this action research study was to examine one northern California-based nonprofit organization’s OST SEL program for elementary students and determine actions and interventions for greater program effectiveness. Students, parent/guardians, site administrators, school-staff, and community members engaged in focus groups, completed surveys, participated in validation groups, and acted as research associates throughout the iterative plan, act, observe, reflect cycle. Qualitative data included identified themes from authenticated and coded transcripts while quantitative data included descriptive statistical analysis of participant surveys. Based on themes and data trends, as well as the application of self-determination theory’s basic psychological needs satisfaction mini-theory, findings demonstrate that student self-management skills improved during the 4-week action research cycle, as did their sense of autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Findings also suggest growth opportunities in the areas of responsible decision-making and program improvement through development and implementation of integrated and universal SEL supports in classrooms, schools, families, and the larger community. Recommendations for future action research cycles include age and developmental considerations regarding instruction and application of responsible decision-making skills, and integration of all five SEL competencies. There is also a call for implementation of partnerships between schools, families, and community organizations for resource coordination. By focusing on continuous improvement through an ongoing action research process, this study advances the work of the northern California-based nonprofit organization and its programs and offers a model for other organizations seeking positive youth outcomes

    Ethnicity associated microbial and metabonomic profiling in newly diagnosed ulcerative colitis

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    Introduction: Ulcerative colitis (UC) differs across geography and ethnic groups. Gut microbial diversity plays a pivotal role in disease pathogenesis and differs across ethnic groups. The functional diversity in microbial-driven metabolites may have a pathophysiologic role and offer new therapeutic avenues. Methods: Demographics and clinical data were recorded from newly diagnosed UC patients. Blood, urine and faecal samples were collected at three time points over one year. Bacterial content was analysed by 16S rRNA sequencing. Bile acid profiles and polar molecules in three biofluids were measured using liquid-chromatography mass spectrometry (HILIC) and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Results: We studied 42 patients with a new diagnosis of UC (27 South Asians; 15 Caucasians) with 261 biosamples. There were significant differences in relative abundance of bacteria at the phylum, genus and species level. Relative concentrations of urinary metabolites in South Asians were significantly lower for hippurate (positive correlation for Ruminococcus) and 4-cresol sulfate (Clostridia) (p<0.001) with higher concentrations of lactate (negative correlation for Bifidobacteriaceae). Faecal conjugated and primary conjugated bile acids concentrations were significantly higher in South Asians (p=0.02 and p=0.03 respectively). Results were unaffected by diet, phenotype, disease severity and ongoing therapy. Comparison of time points at diagnosis and at 1 year did not reveal changes in microbial and metabolic profile. Conclusion: Ethnic-related microbial metabolite associations were observed in South Asians with UC. This suggests a predisposition to UC may be influenced by environmental factors reflected in a distinct gene-environment interaction. The variations may serve as markers to identify risk factors for UC and modified to enhance therapeutic response

    Introduction of Macromolecules into Bovine Adrenal Medullary Chromaffin Cells and Rat Pheochromocytoma Cells (PC12) by Permeabilization with Streptolysin O: Inhibitory Effect of Tetanus Toxin on Catecholamine Secretion

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    Conditions are described for controlled plasma membrane permeabilization of rat pheochromocytoma cells (PC12) and cultured bovine adrenal chromaffin cells by Streptolysin O (SLO). The transmembrane pores created by SLO invoke rapid efflux of intracellular 86Rb+ and ATP, and also permit passive diffusion of proteins, including immunoglobulins, into the cells. SLO-permeabilized PC12 cells release [3H]dopamine in response to micromolar concentrations of free Ca2+. Permeabilized adrenal chromaffin cells present a similar exocytotic response to Ca2+ in the presence of Mg2+/ ATP. Permeabilized PC12 cells accumulate antibodies against synaptophysin and calmodulin, but neither antibody reduces the Ca2+-dependent secretory response. Reduced tetanus toxin, although ineffective when applied to intact chromaffin cells, inhibits Ca2+-induced exocytosis by both types of permeabilized cells studied. Omission of dithiothreitol, toxin inactivation by boiling, or preincubation with neutralizing antibodies abolishes the inhibitory effect. The data indicate that plasma membrane permeabilization by Streptolysin O is a useful tool to probe and define cellular components that are involved in the final steps of exocytosis

    Investigating magmatic processes in the early Solar System using the Cl isotopic systematics of eucrites

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    Generally, terrestrial rocks, martian and chondritic meteorites exhibit a relatively narrow range in bulk and apatite Cl isotope compositions, with δ37Cl (per mil deviation from standard mean ocean chloride) values between − 5.6 and + 3.8 ‰. Lunar rocks, however, have more variable bulk and apatite δ37Cl values, ranging from ∼ − 4 to + 40 ‰. As the Howardite-Eucrite-Diogenite (HED) meteorites represent the largest suite of crustal and sub-crustal rocks available from a differentiated basaltic asteroid (4 Vesta), studying them for their volatiles may provide insights into planetary differentiation processes during the earliest Solar System history. Here the abundance and isotopic composition of Cl in apatite were determined for seven eucrites representing a broad range of textural and petrological characteristics. Apatite Cl abundances range from ∼ 25 to 4900 ppm and the δ37Cl values range from − 3.98 to + 39.2 ‰. Samples with lower apatite H2O contents were typically also enriched in 37Cl but no systematic correlation between δ37Cl and δD values was observed across samples. Modelled Rayleigh fractionation and a strong positive correlation between bulk δ66Zn and apatite δ37Cl support the hypothesis that Cl degassed as metal chlorides from eucritic magmas, in a hydrogen-poor environment. In the case of lunar samples, it has been noted that δ37Cl values of apatite positively correlate with bulk La/Yb ratio. Interestingly, most eucrites show a negative correlation with bulk La/Yb ratio. Recently, isotopically light Cl values have been suggested to record the primary solar nebular signature. If this is the case then 4 Vesta, which accreted rapidly and early in Solar System history, could also record this primary nebular signature corresponding to the lightest Cl values measured here. The significant variation in Cl isotope composition observed within the eucrites are likely related to degassing of metal chlorides

    Width of the Δ\Delta resonance in nuclei

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    In this work we evaluate the imaginary part of the isobar Δ\Delta self-energy ΣΔ\Sigma_{\Delta} from the two-body absorption process Δ+N2N\Delta+N\rightarrow 2N. This contribution is calculated using a recently developed non-relativistic scheme, which allows for an evaluation of the self-energy with a basis of single-particle states appropriate for both bound hole states and for particle states in the continuum. In order to test the medium dependence of the self-energy, we calculate the two-body absorption term ΣΔA2\Sigma_{\Delta}^{A2} for several finite nuclei with N=ZN=Z, i.e.\ 16^{16}O, 40^{40}Ca and 100^{100}Sn. The resulting self-energy, which is energy dependent and non-local, is compared with a simple parameterization derived from nuclear matter.Comment: 5 pages 3 figures can be obtained from the authors, TU-93-160

    Multiple reservoirs of volatiles in the Moon revealed by the isotopic composition of chlorine in lunar basalts

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    The isotopes of chlorine (37Cl and 35Cl) are highly fractionated in lunar samples compared to most other Solar System materials. Recently, the chlorine isotope signatures of lunar rocks have been attributed to large-scale degassing processes that occurred during the existence of a magma ocean. In this study we investigated how well a suite of lunar basalts, most of which have not previously been analyzed, conform to previous models. The Cl isotope compositions (δ37Cl (‰) = [(37Cl/35Clsample/37Cl/35ClSMOC)-1]×1000, where SMOC refers to standard mean ocean chloride) recorded range from ∼+7 to +14 ‰ (Apollo 15), +10 to +19 ‰ (Apollo 12), +9 to +15 ‰ (70017), +4 to +8 ‰ (MIL 05035), and +15 to +22 ‰ (Kalahari 009). The Cl isotopic data from the present study support the mixing trends previously reported by Boyce et al., 2015, Barnes et al., 2016, as the Cl isotopic composition of apatites are positively correlated with bulk-rock incompatible trace element abundances in the low-Ti basalts, inclusive of low-Ti and KREEP basalts. This trend has been interpreted as evidence that incompatible trace elements, including Cl, were concentrated in the urKREEP residual liquid of the lunar magma ocean, rather than the mantle cumulates, and that urKREEP Cl had a highly fractionated isotopic composition. The source regions for the basalts were thus created by variable mixing between the mantle (Cl-poor and relatively unfractionated) and urKREEP. The high-Ti basalts show much more variability in measured Cl isotope ratios and scatter around the trend formed by the low-Ti basalts. Most of the data for lunar meteorites also fits the mixing of volatiles in their sources, but Kalahari 009, which is highly depleted in incompatible trace elements, contains apatites with heavily fractionated Cl isotopic compositions. Given that Kalahari 009 is one of the oldest lunar basalts and ought to have been derived from very early-formed mantle cumulates, a heavy Cl isotopic signature is likely not related to its mantle source, but more likely to magmatic or secondary alteration processes, perhaps via impact-driven vapor metasomatism of the lunar crust

    Gene Expression Changes Associated with the Airway Wall Response to Injury

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    Understanding the way in which the airway heals in response to injury is fundamental to dissecting the mechanisms underlying airway disease pathology. As only limited data is available in relation to the in vivo characterisation of the molecular features of repair in the airway we sought to characterise the dynamic changes in gene expression that are associated with the early response to physical injury in the airway wall.We profiled gene expression changes in the airway wall using a large animal model of physical injury comprising bronchial brush biopsy in anaesthetised sheep. The experimental design featured sequential studies in the same animals over the course of a week and yielded data relating to the response at 6 hours, and 1, 3 and 7 days after injury. Notable features of the transcriptional response included the early and sustained preponderance of down-regulated genes associated with angiogenesis and immune cell activation, selection and differentiation. Later features of the response included the up-regulation of cell cycle genes at d1 and d3, and the latter pronounced up-regulation of extracellular matrix-related genes at d3 and d7.It is possible to follow the airway wall response to physical injury in the same animal over the course of time. Transcriptional changes featured coordinate expression of functionally related genes in a reproducible manner both within and between animals. This characterisation will provide a foundation against which to assess the perturbations that accompany airway disease pathologies of comparative relevance