237 research outputs found

    Nutrient availability and climate as the main determinants of the ratio of biomass to NPP in woody and non-woody forest compartments

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    Key message: Once the effect of stand age has been taken into account, nutrient availability and climate play a crucial role in determining the B:NPPs of woody and non-woody tissues. - Abstract: Forest ecosystems accumulate large amounts of carbon in living tissues. The residence time of this carbon in the ecosystem depends largely on the turnover time of these tissues, which can be estimated as a surrogate of the ratio of biomass to net primary production (B:NPP). We used a global forest database of 310 sites containing data for biomass stocks and NPP to investigate the differences of B:NPPs among species and forest compartments and to determine B:NPPs main exogenous (mainly climate and nutrient availability) and endogenous (leaf habit and stand age) drivers. We used asymptotic exponential functions to adjust the B:NPPs of woody compartments to a theoretical stationary state to allow comparisons between forests of different ages. The B:NPPs of woody tissues (branches, stems, and coarse roots) were positively influenced by stand age, conversely to fine roots and leaves, which were weakly dependent on the age of the forest. The B:NPPs of woody tissues were positively correlated with nutrient availability, whereas fine-root B:NPPs decreased with increasing nutrient availability. The foliar B:NPP of evergreen forests was positively correlated with water deficit, and the fine-root B:NPP was correlated positively with the seasonality of precipitation and with annual thermal amplitude but negatively with water deficit. Our results support the influence of climate on the B:NPPs of non-woody compartments and identify nutrient availability as the main influence on the B:NPPs of woody tissues

    A hierarchical, multivariate meta-analysis approach to synthesising global change experiments

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    Meta-analyses enable synthesis of results from globally distributed experiments to draw general conclusions about the impacts of global change factors on ecosystem function. Traditional meta-analyses, however, are challenged by the complexity and diversity of experimental results. We illustrate how several key issues can be addressed via a multivariate, hierarchical Bayesian meta-analysis (MHBM) approach applied to information extracted from published studies. We applied an MHBM to log-response ratios for aboveground biomass (AB, n = 300), belowground biomass (BB, n = 205), and soil CO2 exchange (SCE, n = 544), representing 100 studies. The MHBM accounted for study duration, climate effects, and covariation among the AB, BB, and SCE responses to elevated CO2 (eCO2) and/or warming. The MHBM revealed significant among-study covariation in the AB and BB responses to experimental treatments. The MHBM imputed missing duration (4.2%) and climate (6%) data, and revealed that climate context governs how eCO2 and warming impact ecosystem function. Predictions identified biomes that may be particularly sensitive to eCO2 or warming, but that are under-represented in global change experiments. The MHBM approach offers a flexible and powerful tool for synthesizing disparate experimental results reported across multiple studies, sites, and response variables

    The consecutive Disparity index, D: a measure of temporal variability in ecological studies

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    Temporal variability in ecological processes has attracted the attention of many disciplines inecology, which has resulted in the development of several quantitative indices. The coefficient of variation(CV=standard deviation9mean 1) is still one of the most commonly used indices to assess temporalvariability, despite being known to present several problems on its assessment (e.g., mean dependence orhigh sensitivity to rare events). The proportional variability (PV) index was developed to solve some of theCV's drawbacks, but, so far, no variability index takes into account the chronological order of the values intime series. In this paper, we introduce the consecutive disparity index (D), a temporal variability indexthat takes into account the chronological order of the values, assessing the average rate of change betweenconsecutive values. We used computer simulations and empirical data for fruit production in trees, birdcounts, and rodent captures to compare the behavior ofD, PV, and CV under different scenarios.Dwassensitive to changes in temporal autocorrelation in the negative autocorrelation range, and CV and PVwere sensitive in the positive autocorrelation range despite not considering the chronological order of thevalues. The CV, however, was highly dependent on the mean of the time series, whileDand PV were not.Our results demonstrate that, like PV,Dsolves many of the problems of the CV index while taking intoaccount the chronological order of values in time series. The mathematical and statistical features ofDmake it a suitable index for analyzing temporal variability in a wide range of ecological studies

    Mycorrhizal association as a primary control of the CO 2

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    The influence of soil properties and nutrients on conifer forest growth in Sweden, and the first steps in developing a nutrient availability metric

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    Altres ajuts: ClimMani COST Action (ES1308)The availability of nutrients is one of the factors that regulate terrestrial carbon cycling and modify ecosystem responses to environmental changes. Nonetheless, nutrient availability is often overlooked in climate-carbon cycle studies because it depends on the interplay of various soil factors that would ideally be comprised into metrics applicable at large spatial scales. Such metrics do not currently exist. Here, we use a Swedish forest inventory database that contains soil data and tree growth data for >2500 forests across Sweden to (i) test which combination of soil factors best explains variation in tree growth, (ii) evaluate an existing metric of constraints on nutrient availability, and (iii) adjust this metric for boreal forest data. With (iii), we thus aimed to provide an adjustable nutrient metric, applicable for Sweden and with potential for elaboration to other regions. While taking into account confounding factors such as climate, N deposition, and soil oxygen availability, our analyses revealed that the soil organic carbon concentration (SOC) and the ratio of soil carbon to nitrogen (C:N) were the most important factors explaining variation in normalized (climate-independent) productivity (mean annual volume increment - m3ha−1yr−1) across Sweden. Normalized forest productivity was significantly negatively related to the soil C:N ratio (R2 = 0.02-0.13), while SOC exhibited an empirical optimum (R2 = 0.05-0.15). For the metric, we started from a (yet unvalidated) metric for constraints on nutrient availability that was previously developed by the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA - Laxenburg, Austria) for evaluating potential productivity of arable land. This IIASA metric requires information on soil properties that are indicative of nutrient availability (SOC, soil texture, total exchangeable bases - TEB, and pH) and is based on theoretical considerations that are also generally valid for nonagricultural ecosystems. However, the IIASA metric was unrelated to normalized forest productivity across Sweden (R2 = 0.00-0.01) because the soil factors under consideration were not optimally implemented according to the Swedish data, and because the soil C:N ratio was not included. Using two methods (each one based on a different way of normalizing productivity for climate), we adjusted this metric by incorporating soil C:N and modifying the relationship between SOC and nutrient availability in view of the observed relationships across our database. In contrast to the IIASA metric, the adjusted metrics explained some variation in normalized productivity in the database (R2 = 0.03-0.21; depending on the applied method). A test for five manually selected local fertility gradients in our database revealed a significant and stronger relationship between the adjusted metrics and productivity for each of the gradients (R2 = 0.09-0.38). This study thus shows for the first time how nutrient availability metrics can be evaluated and adjusted for a particular ecosystem type, using a large-scale database

    Icelandic grasslands as long-term C sinks under elevated organic N inputs

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    About 10% of the anthropogenic CO₂ emissions have been absorbed by northern terrestrial ecosystems during the past decades. It has been hypothesized that part of this increasing carbon (C) sink is caused by the alleviation of nitrogen (N) limitation by increasing anthropogenic N inputs. However, little is known about this N-dependent C sink. Here, we studied the effect of chronic seabird-derived N inputs (47-67 kg N ha⁻¹ year⁻¹) on the net soil organic C (SOC) storage rate of unmanaged Icelandic grasslands on the volcanic Vestmannaeyjar archipelago by using a stock change approach in combination with soil dating. We studied both early developmental (young) soils that had been receiving increased N inputs over a decadal timescale since an eruption in 1963, and well-developed soils, that had been receiving N inputs over a millennial timescale. For the latter, however, the effects on both decadal (topsoil; 40 years) and millennial (total soil profile; 1600 years) SOC storage could be studied, as the age of topsoil and the total soil profile could be determined from volcanic ash layers deposited in 1973 and 395 AD. We found that enhanced N availability-either from accumulation over time, or seabird derived-increased the net SOC storage rate. Under low N inputs, early developmental soils were weak decadal C sinks (0.018 ton SOC ha−1 year−1), but this increased quickly under ca. 30 years of elevated N inputs to 0.29 ton SOC ha⁻¹ year⁻¹, thereby equalling the decadal SOC storage rate of the unfertilized well-developed soils. Furthermore, for the well-developed soils, chronically elevated N inputs not only stimulated the decadal SOC storage rate in the topsoil, but also the total millennial SOC storage was consistently higher. Hence, our study suggests that Icelandic grasslands, if not disturbed, can remain C sinks for many centuries under current climatic conditions and that chronically elevated N inputs can induce a permanent strengthening of this sink

    Negative erosion and negative emissions : Combining multiple land-based carbon dioxide removal techniques to rebuild fertile topsoils and enhance food production

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    Funding Information: This research was supported by the Research Foundation—Flanders (FWO) and by the European Commissions (H2020 FET-open project Super Bio-Accelerated Mineral weathering: A new climate risk hedging reactor technology—“BAM”). JS was supported by Spanish Government Project PID2020115770RB-I. Publisher Copyright: Copyright © 2022 Janssens, Roobroeck, Sardans, Obersteiner, Peñuelas, Richter, Smith, Verbruggen and Vicca.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Effects of climate warming and declining species richness in grassland model ecosystems: acclimation of CO2 fluxes

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    To study the effects of warming and declining species richness on the carbon balance of grassland communities, model ecosystems containing one, three or nine species were exposed to ambient and elevated (ambient +3°C) air temperature. In this paper, we analyze measured ecosystem CO2 fluxes to test whether ecosystem photosynthesis and respiration had acclimated to warming after 28 months of continuous heating, and whether the degree of acclimation depended on species richness. In order to test whether acclimation occurred, short term temperature response curves were established for all communities in both treatments. At similar temperatures, lower flux rates in the heated communities as compared to the unheated communities would indicate thermal acclimation. Because plant cover was significantly higher in the heated treatment, we normalized the data for plant cover. Subsequently, down-regulation of both photosynthesis and respiration was observed. Although CO2 fluxes were larger in communities with higher species richness, species richness did not affect the degree of acclimation to warming. These results imply that models need to take thermal acclimation into account to simulate photosynthesis and respiration in a warmer world.This research was funded by the Fund for Scientific Research – Flanders (Belgium) as project “effects of biodiversity loss and climate warming on carbon sequestration mechanisms in terrestrial ecosystems”, contract #G.0434.03N. H. J. De Boeck holds a grant from the Institute for the Promotion of Innovation by science and Technology in Flanders. P. Serrano-Ortiz benefits from a pre-doctoral grant from the Junta de Andalucía

    The bioelements, the elementome and the "biogeochemical niche"

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    Every living creature on Earth is made of atoms of the various bioelements that are harnessed in the construction of molecules, tissues, organisms, and communities, as we know them. Organisms need these bioelements in specific quantities and proportions to survive and grow. Distinct species have different functions and life strategies, and have therefore developed distinct structures and adopted a certain combination of metabolic and physiological processes. Each species is thus also expected to have different requirements for each bioelement. We therefore propose that a "biogeochemical niche" can be associated with the classical ecological niche of each species. We show from field data examples that a biogeochemical niche is characterized by a particular elementome defined as the content of all (or at least most) bioelements. The differences in elementome among species are a function of taxonomy and phylogenetic distance, sympatry (the bioelemental compositions should differ more among coexisting than among non-coexisting species to avoid competitive pressure), and homeostasis with a continuum between high homeostasis/low plasticity and low homeostasis/high plasticity. This proposed biogeochemical niche hypothesis has the advantage relative to other associated theoretical niche hypotheses that it can be easily characterized by actual quantification of a measurable trait: the elementome of a given organism or a community, being potentially applicable across taxa and habitats. The changes in bioelemental availability can determine genotypic selection and therefore have a feedback on ecosystem function and organization, and, at the end, become another driving factor of the evolution of life and the environment

    Prolonged exposure does not increase soil microbial community compositional response to warming along geothermal gradients

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    Global change is expected to affect soil microbial communities through their responsiveness to temperature. It has been proposed that prolonged exposure to elevated temperatures may lead to progressively larger effects on soil microbial community composition. However, due to the relatively short-term nature of most warming experiments, this idea has been challenging to evaluate. The present study took the advantage of natural geothermal gradients (from +1°C to +19°C above ambient) in two subarctic grasslands to test the hypothesis that long-term exposure (>50 years) intensifies the effect of warming on microbial community composition compared to short-term exposure (5–7 years). Community profiles from amplicon sequencing of bacterial and fungal rRNA genes did not support this hypothesis: significant changes relative to ambient were observed only starting from the warming intensity of +9°C in the long term and +7°C/+3°C in the short term, for bacteria and fungi, respectively. Our results suggest that microbial communities in high-latitude grasslands will not undergo lasting shifts in community composition under the warming predicted for the coming 100 years (+2.2°C to +8.3°C).This work was supported by Research Foundation–Flanders (FWO) [1293114N to JTW, 12B0716N to SV, 11G1615N to NIWL], Icelandic Research Council [163272-051 to BDS], Climate Change Manipulation Experiments in Terrestrial Ecosystems (ClimMani) COST Action [ES1308], the European Research Council grant ERC-SyG-610028 IMBALANCE-P and the University of Antwerp: University Research Fund (BOF).Peer Reviewe