85 research outputs found

    Empirical observations and numerical modelling of tides, channel morphology, and vegetative effects on accretion in a restored tidal marsh

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    Tidal marshes form at the confluence between estuarine and marine environments where tidal movement regulates their developmental processes. Here, we investigate how the interplay between tides, channel morphology, and vegetation affect sediment dynamics in a low energy tidal marsh at the Paul S. Sarbanes Ecosystem Restoration Project at Poplar Island. Poplar Island is an active restoration site where fine‐grained material dredged from navigation channels in the upper Chesapeake Bay are being used to restore remote tidal marsh habitat toward the middle bay (Maryland, USA). Tidal currents were measured over multiple tidal cycles in the inlets and tidal creeks of one marsh at Poplar Island, Cell 1B, using Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP) to estimate water fluxes throughout the marsh complex. Sediment fluxes were estimated using acoustic backscatter recorded by ADCPs and validated against total suspended solid measurements taken on site. A high‐resolution geomorphic survey was conducted to capture channel cross sections and tidal marsh morphology. We integrated simple numerical models built in Delft3d with empirical observations to identify which eco‐geomorphological factors influence sediment distribution in various channel configurations with differing vegetative characteristics. Channel morphology influences flood‐ebb dominance in marshes, where deep, narrow channels promote high tidal velocities and incision, increasing sediment suspension and reducing resilience in marshes at Poplar Island. Our numerical models suggest that accurately modelling plant phenology is vital for estimating sediment accretion rates. In‐situ observations indicate that Poplar Island marshes are experiencing erosion typical for many Chesapeake Bay islands. Peak periods of sediment suspension frequently coincide with the largest outflows of water during ebb tides resulting in large sediment deficits. Ebb dominance (net sediment export) in tidal marshes is likely amplified by sea‐level rise and may lower marsh resilience. We couple field observations with numerical models to understand how tidal marsh morphodynamics contribute to marsh resilience

    Regulation of Hoxb4 induction after neurulation by somite signal and neural competence

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>While the body axis is largely patterned along the anterior-posterior (A-P) axis during gastrulation, the central nervous system (CNS) shows dynamic changes in the expression pattern of <it>Hox </it>genes during neurulation, suggesting that the CNS refines the A-P pattern continuously after neural tube formation. This study aims at clarifying the role of somites in up-regulating <it>Hoxb4 </it>expression to eventually establish its final pattern and how the neural tube develops a competence to respond to extrinsic signals.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We show that somites are required for the up-regulation of <it>Hoxb4 </it>in the neural tube at the level of somites 1 to 5, the anterior-most domain of expression. However, each somite immediately adjacent to the neural tube is not sufficient at each level; planar signaling is additionally required particularly at the anterior-most segments of the expression domain. We also show that the dorsal side of the neural tube has a greater susceptibility to expressing <it>Hoxb4 </it>than the ventral region, a feature associated with dorsalization of the neural tube by BMP signals. BMP4 is additionally able to up-regulate <it>Hoxb4 </it>ventrally, but the effect is restricted to the axial levels at which <it>Hoxb4 </it>is normally expressed, and only in the presence of retinoic acid (RA) or somites, suggesting a role for BMP in rendering the neural tube competent to express <it>Hoxb4 </it>in response to RA or somite signals.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In identifying the collaboration between somites and neural tube competence in the induction of <it>Hoxb4</it>, this study demonstrates interplay between A-P and dorsal-ventral (D-V) patterning systems, whereby a specific feature of D-V polarity may be a prerequisite for proper A-P patterning by <it>Hox </it>genes.</p

    Dynamic-Catenal Phytosociology for evaluating vegetation

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    [EN] The conservation of nature is a problem that has concerned the scientific community for many years. Plants and plant communities play a main role in evaluation and land management studies, owing to their importance as natural and cultural resources. Several studies from the perspective of flora and vegetation have been carried out in the last fifty years (some of them directly related to Phytosociology). According to that, the Dynamic-Catenal Phytosociology must be considered as a very useful tool to evaluate the conservation status of vegetation and to establish suitable models for land management. The fundamental phytosociological concepts to take into account in the evaluation processes of the conservation status of vegetation are reviewed in this study

    Neonatal behavior of babies exposed to maternal depressive and anxiety disorders during perinatal period

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    Perinatal depression and perinatal anxiety can affect up to 20% of women during pregnancy and postpartum. Babies exposed to these pathologies suffer consequences in their development at a cognitive, motor, emotional and social level. Some of these can be observed since birth. In addition, adverse effects have been described in the behavior of the newborn exposed to psychopharmacotherapy during pregnancy. The aims of the study were to observe the neonatal behavior of babies exposed to perinatal depression or anxiety and to compare it between both diagnostic groups of mothers. The cohort included 86 newborns, from 2 to 67 days of chronological age (29 ± 13.4, 48% females), exposed to maternal depression (n = 27) or anxiety (n = 59). The Neonatal Behavior Assessment Scale, 4th edition, (Brazelton and Nugent, 2011) was administered at a maternal mental health unit to register the neonatal behavior. Chi-square and Student t-test analyses were calculated to compare item scores and percentages of suboptimal responses between both groups; Pearson correlations were calculated to analyze the relation of obstetric and psychiatric variables of mothers and the behavior of newborns. Significant differences between groups were found only regarding the change in skin color, with higher percentages of suboptimal responses in the group exposed to anxiety than to depression (24% versus 4%, Chi2 = 3.89; p < .05). Correlation analyses show that, although the birth weight is positively related to the interactive social orientation (tracing face and voice: r = .28, p = .02), the last was affected negatively by the dose of antidepressants during the third trimester of pregnancy (tracing face and voice: r = -.31, p = 0.03), indicating that higher doses of antidepressant was related with lower interactive social orientation. Our findings emphasize the need to detect depression and anxiety in women during the perinatal period in order to intervene at a multidisciplinary level in both, mother and baby, and the relationConducta neonatal en bebés expuestos a trastornos de depresión y de ansiedad maternos durante el período perinatal. La depresión y la ansiedad perinatales afectan hasta el 20% de las mujeres durante embarazo y postparto. Los bebés expuestos a ellas sufren consecuencias en su desarrollo a nivel cognitivo, motor y socioemocional, y pueden observarse desde el nacimiento. Además, se han descrito efectos adversos en la conducta del neonato expuesto a psicofármacos durante la gestación. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron observar la conducta neonatal de bebés expuestos a depresión y ansiedad perinatal y compararla entre ambos grupos de diagnóstico materno. La cohorte incluyó 86 neonatos, entre 2 y 67 días de edad cronológica (29 ± 13.4, 48% mujeres), expuestos a depresión (n = 27) o ansiedad (n = 59) materna. La Escala de Evaluación de la Conducta Neonatal, 4ª edición, (Brazelton y Nugent, 2011) fue administrada en una unidad de salud mental perinatal para registrar la conducta neonatal. Se realizaron análisis de Chi-cuadrado y t de Student para comparar las puntuaciones en los ítems y los porcentajes de respuestas subóptimas entre ambos grupos; se calcularon índices de correlación de Pearson para analizar la relación entre variables obstétricas y psiquiátricas de las madres y la conducta de los bebés. Únicamente se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los grupos diagnósticos respecto al cambio del color de la piel, con porcentajes mayores de respuesta subóptima en el grupo expuesto a ansiedad que a depresión (24% versus 4%, Chi2 = 3.89; p < .05). Los análisis de correlación muestran que, aunque el mayor peso al nacer se relaciona positivamente con la respuesta social-interactiva (orientación a cara y voz: r = .28, p = .02), ésta se ve afectada negativamente por el uso de antidepresivos durante el tercer trimestre de gestación (orientación a cara y voz: r = -.31, p = .03), indicando que a mayores dosis, peor orientación social-interactiva. Nuestros hallazgos enfatizan la necesidad de detectar la depresión y la ansiedad en las mujeres durante el período perinatal para intervenir a nivel multidisciplinar sobre ambos, madre y bebé, y sobre la relación

    Buena Práctica: Proyecto de innovación docente TAAULA

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    [ES]El Proyecto de Innovación Docente El teatro áureo en el aula de Filología (TAAULA) plantea el empleo de las representaciones teatrales áureas (siglos XVI y XVII) presentes en la escena española actual como herramienta en el aula para la adquisición de la competencia lectora de textos dramáticos españoles. El proyecto se ha aplicado a dos asignaturas de Filología Hispánica: "Textos fundamentales de la literatura española del Renacimiento. El teatro Renacentista: de la herencia medieval a la creación de la comedia nueva" y "Literatura Española del Siglo de Oro II"

    Lentiviral vector-mediated gene transfer in T cells from Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome patients leads to functional correction

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    Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome (WAS) is an X-linked primary immunodeficiency with a median survival below the age of 20 due to infections, severe hemorrhage, and lymphomas. Transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells from HLA-identical sibling donors is a resolutive treatment, but is available for a minority of patients. Transplantation of genetically corrected autologous hematopoietic stem cells or T cells could represent an alternative treatment applicable to all patients. We investigated whether WAS gene transfer with MMLV-based oncoretroviral and HIV-based lentiviral vectors could restore normal functions of patients' T cells. T cells transduced either with lentiviral vectors expressing the WAS protein (WASP) from the ubiquitous PGK promoter or the tissue-specific WASP promoter or with an oncoretroviral vector expressing WASP from the LTR, reached normal levels of WASP with correction of functional defects, including proliferation, IL-2 production, and lipid raft upregulation. Lentiviral vectors transduced T cells from WAS patients at higher rates, compared to oncoretroviral vectors, and efficiently transduced both activated and naive WAS T cells. Furthermore, a selective growth advantage of T cells corrected with the lentiviral vectors was demonstrated. The observation that lentiviral vector-mediated gene transfer results in correction of T cell defects in vitro supports their application for gene therapy in WAS patients

    Towards a Global Tree Assessment

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    Although trees have high economic, cultural and ecological value, increasing numbers of species are potentially at risk of extinction because of forest loss and degradation as a result of human activities, including overharvesting, fire and grazing. Emerging threats include climate change and its interaction with the spread of pests and diseases. The impact of such threats on the conservation status of trees is poorly understood. Here we highlight the need to conduct a comprehensive conservation assessment of the world's tree species, building on previous assessments undertaken for the IUCN Red List. We suggest that recent developments in plant systematics, online databases, remote sensing data and associated analytical tools offer an unprecedented opportunity to conduct such an assessment. We provide an overview of how a Global Tree Assessment could be achieved in practice, through participative, open-access approaches to data sharing and evaluation

    Caracterización bioclimática del Principado de Asturias

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    Ponencia presentada en: XII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Climatología celebrado en Santiago de Compostela entre el 19 y el 21 de octubre de 2022.[ES]En el estudio se lleva a cabo el primer análisis bioclimático pormenorizado de la comunidad autónoma del Principado de Asturias. Para ello, se ha utilizado el sistema de clasificación propuesto por Rivas-Martínez et al. (2011), profundizando en la caracterización bioclimática de dicho territorio a partir de los datos climáticos mensuales de un total de 1182 estaciones termopluviométricas. Se calcularon los distintos parámetros e índices bioclimáticos que determinaron los macrobioclimas, bioclimas, pisos bioclimáticos (termotipos y ombrotipos), así como sus horizontes y las variantes bioclimáticas existentes en el territorio objeto de estudio. Con los valores obtenidos y mediante el uso del método geoestadístico de interpolación Kriging Bayesiano Empírico, se han elaborado mapas de las distintas unidades bioclimáticas que nos han permitido caracterizar bioclimáticamente el territorio asturiano. Se han reconocido en el área de estudio un macrobioclima, dos bioclimas, una variante bioclimática, ocho horizontes termotípicos y seis horizontes ombrotípicos.[EN]The study carries out the first detailed bioclimatic analysis of the autonomous community of the Principality of Asturias. The classification system proposed by Rivas-Martínez et al. (2011) was followed, go deeper into the bioclimatic characterization of the studied territory based on monthly climatic data from 1182 thermopluviometric stations. The different bioclimatic parameters and indices were calculated to determine the macrobioclimates, bioclimates, bioclimatic belts (thermotypes and ombrotypes), as well as their horizons and the existing bioclimatic variants in the study area. With the values obtained and using of the Empirical Bayesian Kriging, a geostatistical interpolation method, were draw maps of the different bioclimatic units that have allowed us to characterize the Asturian territory were drawn. A macrobioclimate, two bioclimates, a bioclimatic variant, eight thermotypical horizons and six ombrotypical horizons have been recognized in the study area

    Presente y futuro de la sequía en la Península Ibérica: un análisis comparado

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    Ponencia presentada en: XII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Climatología celebrado en Santiago de Compostela entre el 19 y el 21 de octubre de 2022.[ES]En este trabajo se realiza un análisis comparado a escala espacial y temporal de la sequía en la Península Ibérica. A escala espacial se compararán diferentes índices climáticos y bioclimáticos de diagnosis territorial de la sequía en el área de estudio seleccionada. A escala temporal se cotejarán los resultados obtenidos en una ventana temporal presente (1981-2010) con los que se obtendrían en un período temporal futuro a medio plazo (2041-2070) considerando un escenario climático intermedio (SSP3-RCP7). Para ello se ha utilizado la versión 2.1 de la base de datos CHELSA (Karger et al., 2017). Respecto de la comparación espacial, se observa un mayor grado de afinamiento en los resultados obtenidos mediante el análisis de la ombroxericidad o sequía bioclimática. En esta aproximación, cada región del área de estudio queda enmarcada en un nivel de ombroxericidad (u ombroxerotipo) concreto, dependiendo de que el análisis se realice a escala mensual, estacional o anual. Así, consideramos que se obtiene un nivel de detalle que no se alcanza con otras propuestas climáticas de estudio de sequía. En lo relativo a la comparación temporal, para cualquier índice cotejado se observa un aumento de los niveles más áridos y secos a consecuencia del aumento de las temperaturas y del cambio en el régimen de las precipitaciones proyectado para el futuro. Se espera que los resultados obtenidos sirvan para realizar futuras predicciones sobre las implicaciones que tendrán los cambios espaciotemporales de distribución de la sequía en las comunidades vegetales, pudiendo tener también aplicaciones en agricultura.[EN]A drought comparative analysis in the Iberian Peninsula is carried out in this work at spatial and temporal scales. At the spatial scale, different climatic and bioclimatic indices of drought territorial diagnosis in the selected study area will be compared. On a temporal scale, the results obtained in a present time window (1981-2010) will be compared with those that would be obtained in a future medium-term time period (2041-2070) considering an intermediate pathway (SSP3-RCP7). For this purpose, version 2.1 of the CHELSA database (Karger et al., 2017) was used. Regarding the spatial comparison, a higher degree of refinement is observed in the results obtained through the analysis of ombroxericity or bioclimatic drought. In this approach, each region of the study area is framed in a specific ombroxerotype, depending on whether the analysis is performed on a monthly, seasonal or annual scale. Thus, a level of detail is obtained that is not reached with other climatic drought study proposals. Regarding the temporal comparison, for any index collated, an increase in the most arid and driest levels is observed as a consequence of the increase in temperatures and the change in the precipitation regime. It is expected that the results obtained will be useful for future predictions on the implications of spatio-temporal changes in the distribution of drought on plant communities, and may also have applications in agriculture