504 research outputs found

    Tres heridas : aproximación didáctica a la "Antología poética" de Miguel Hernández [En línea]

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    Guía didáctica cuyo objetivo es servir de complemento a los docentes y de guía a los alumnos que intentan comprender y valorar la poesía de Miguel Hernández. La obra desgrana los textos correspondientes a la 'Antología Poética', recogiendo diferentes libros del poeta presentes en dicha antología que son de lectura y estudio obligado para los alumnos preuniversitarios. Se recogen los comentarios literarios e interpretativos de los poemas con algunas sugerencias de carácter literario dejando las cuestiones métricas y estilísticas para el desarrollo que cada profesor haga en el aula.ES

    Digital-Analog Quantum Simulations with Superconducting Circuits

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    Quantum simulations consist in the intentional reproduction of physical or unphysical models into another more controllable quantum system. Beyond establishing communication vessels between unconnected fields, they promise to solve complex problems which may be considered as intractable for classical computers. From a historic perspective, two independent approaches have been pursued, namely, digital and analog quantum simulations. The former usually provide universality and flexibility, while the latter allows for better scalability. Here, we review recent literature merging both paradigms in the context of superconducting circuits, yielding: digital-analog quantum simulations. In this manner, we aim at getting the best of both approaches in the most advanced quantum platform involving superconducting qubits and microwave transmission lines. The discussed merge of quantum simulation concepts, digital and analog, may open the possibility in the near future for outperforming classical computers in relevant problems, enabling the reach of a quantum advantage.Comment: Review article, 26 pages, 4 figure

    Análisis Preliminar de la Influencia del Proceso de Torneado en la vida a fatiga de la Aleación de Aluminio UNS A92024-T351

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    Generalmente los elementos estructurales metálicos de las aeronaves se ubican en zonas de carga crítica, en la mayoría de los casos, estos elementos son conformados mediante procesos de mecanizado. La vida a fatiga de estos componentes es una propiedad dinámica muy importante que puede verse intensamente afectada por las condiciones superficiales producidas durante el proceso de mecanizado. En este trabajo se lleva a cabo un primer estudio de la influencia de los parámetros de corte en la resistencia a la fatiga de piezas torneadas de la aleación de aluminio aeronáutico UNS A92024-T351. Se ha prestado especial atención a la relación con el acabado superficial evaluado a partir de la rugosidad media aritmétic

    Digital-Analog Quantum Computation

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    Digital quantum computing paradigm offers highly-desirable features such as universality, scalability, and quantum error correction. However, physical resource requirements to implement useful error-corrected quantum algorithms are prohibitive in the current era of NISQ devices. As an alternative path to performing universal quantum computation, within the NISQ era limitations, we propose to merge digital single-qubit operations with analog multi-qubit entangling blocks in an approach we call digital-analog quantum computing (DAQC). Along these lines, although the techniques may be extended to any resource, we propose to use unitaries generated by the ubiquitous Ising Hamiltonian for the analog entangling block and we prove its universal character. We construct explicit DAQC protocols for efficient simulations of arbitrary inhomogeneous Ising, two-body, and MM-body spin Hamiltonian dynamics by means of single-qubit gates and a fixed homogeneous Ising Hamiltonian. Additionally, we compare a sequential approach where the interactions are switched on and off (stepwise~DAQC) with an always-on multi-qubit interaction interspersed by fast single-qubit pulses (banged DAQC). Finally, we perform numerical tests comparing purely digital schemes with DAQC protocols, showing a remarkably better performance of the latter. The proposed DAQC approach combines the robustness of analog quantum computing with the flexibility of digital methods

    Approximate reduction of nonlinear discrete models with two time scales

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    The aim of this work is to present a general class of nonlinear discrete time models with two time scales whose dynamics is susceptible of being approached by means of a reduced system. The reduction process is included in the so-called approximate aggregation of variables methods which consist of describing the dynamics of a complex system involving many coupled variables through the dynamics of a reduced system formulated in terms of a few global variables. For the time unit of the discrete system we use that of the slow dynamics and assume that fast dynamics acts a large number of times during it. After introducing a general two-time scales nonlinear discrete model we present its reduced accompanying model and the relationships between them. The main result proves that certain asymptotic behaviours, hyperbolic asymptotically stable (A.S.) periodic solutions, to the aggregated system entail that to the original system

    Aggregation methods in dynamical systems and applications in population and community dynamics

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    Approximate aggregation techniques allow one to transform a complex system involving many coupled variables into a simpler reduced model with a lesser number of global variables in such a way that the dynamics of the former can be approximated by that of the latter. In ecology, as a paradigmatic example, we are faced with modelling complex systems involving many variables corresponding to various interacting organization levels. This review is devoted to approximate aggregation methods that are based on the existence of different time scales, which is the case in many real systems as ecological ones where the different organization levels (individual, population, community and ecosystem) possess a different characteristic time scale. Two main goals of variables aggregation are dealt with in this work. The first one is to reduce the dimension of the mathematical model to be handled analytically and the second one is to understand how different organization levels interact and which properties of a given level emerge at other levels. The review is organized in three sections devoted to aggregation methods associated to different mathematical formalisms: ordinary differential equations, infinite-dimensional evolution equations and difference equations

    Percepción social de la importancia, el impacto y los beneficios esperados de la celebración de los Juegos Mediterráneos de Tarragona en 2017

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    The purpose of this study was to analyse the evolution between 2009 and 2010 of residents of Tarragona's perceptions of the importance, impact and expected benefits of hosting the 2017 Mediterranean Games in Tarragona. A questionnaire was administered to two random samples of residents of Tarragona one year apart. The results showed high percentages of people who felt that this sporting event is either quite important or very important from an economic, social and sporting perspective and that it also has a high local and regional impact, albeit not so much at a national or international level. The residents felt that hosting the Mediterranean Games in Tarragona would be quite a benefit to almost all areas that are influential in a city's development (infrastructure, tourism, the economy, employment, sports and sports facilities), in addition to the advantages for political groups, athletes, and the organizing committee. The evolution of the two samples was negative for most aspects included in the survey. Lower means and percentages were observed in the 'quite' and 'a lot' categories for the 2010 sample. The results of this study are useful for events organizers in developing strategies to improve citizens' involvement, participation and identification with events.La finalidad de este estudio fue analizar la evolución entre los años 2009 y 2010 en la percepción de los tarraconenses sobre el grado de importancia, el impacto y los beneficios esperados de la celebración de los Juegos Mediterráneos de Tarragona en 2017. Se recogieron dos muestras de ciudadanos con un año de diferencia. Los resultados mostraron porcentajes elevados de personas que consideraban que este evento deportivo tiene bastante o mucha importancia económica, social y deportiva, así como una elevada repercusión a nivel local y autonómico, aunque no tan relevante a nivel estatal e internacional. Los tarraconenses consideraron que casi todas las áreas o sectores que influyen en el desarrollo de la ciudad (infraestructuras, turismo, economía, ocupación, práctica deportiva e instalaciones deportivas), los grupos políticos, los deportistas y el comité organizador se beneficiarían bastante o mucho de la celebración de los Juegos Mediterráneos en su ciudad. Asimismo la evolución entre las dos muestras fue negativa para la mayoría de aspectos consultados, observándose medias y porcentajes inferiores en las categorías de bastante y mucho para la muestra de 2010. Los resultados de este estudio son útiles a los organizadores del evento para desarrollar estrategias que permitan mejorar la implicación, participación e identificación de los ciudadanos con el evento.A finalidade deste estudo foi analisar a evolução entre os anos 2009 e 2010 na percepção dos tarraconenses sobre o grau de importância, impacto e benefícios expectáveis da celebração dos Jogos Mediterrâneos de Tarragona em 2017. Foram recolhidas duas amostras de cidadãos com um ano de diferença. Os resultados revelaram percentagens elevadas de pessoas que consideravam que este evento desportivo tem bastante ou muita importância económica, social e desportiva, assim como uma elevada repercussão a nível local e na comunidade autónoma, embora não tão relevante a nível estatal e internacional. Os tarraconenses consideraram quase todas as áreas ou sectores que influem no desenvolvimento da cidade (infraestruturas, turismo, economia, ocupação, prática desportiva e instalações desportivas), os grupos políticos, os desportistas e o comité organizador beneficiariam bastante ou muito da celebração dos Jogos Mediterrâneos na sua cidade. Contudo, a evolução entre as duas amostras foi negativa para a maioria dos aspectos analisados, observando-se médias e percentagens inferiores nas categorias bastante e muito para a amostra de 2010. Os resultados deste estudo são úteis aos organizadores do evento para que possam desenvolver estratégias que permitam melhorar a implicação, participação e identificação dos cidadãos com o evento

    Análisis sobre el grado de conocimiento e identificación de los tarraconenses con la candidatura a los Juegos Mediterráneos de Tarragona en 2017

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la evolución entre los años 2009 y 2010 en el grado de conocimiento e identificación de los tarraconenses con la candidatura a los Juegos Mediterráneos de Tarragona en 2017. Se recogieron las opiniones de dos muestras de ciudadanos con un año de diferencia (N = 246 para 2009 y N = 307 para 2010). Los resultados mostraron una evolución positiva de un año a otro en aspectos como el conocimiento sobre lo que son los Juegos Mediterráneos, el grado de información recibida, el grado con el que se identifica la sociedad con este evento deportivo, el grado de dificultad percibida en la organización del mismo, el grado de preparación de la ciudad en servicios como la sanidad, los alojamientos y la restauración, el grado de coordinación entre las administraciones públicas o el trabajo realizado por la candidatura. No obstante, una gran parte de los ciudadanos no consideraban que la ciudad estuviese bastante o muy preparada en otras áreas como el transporte público o las instalaciones deportivas, observándose una evolución negativa entre los dos años en los accesos desde el exterior y en los servicios de limpieza y de seguridad. Los resultados de este estudio pueden ayudar a mejorar la implicación y participación de la ciudadanía en este tipo de acontecimientos deportivos

    Tratamiento quirúrgico con placa bloqueada en fracturas de fémur distal tipo C en pacientes mayores de 60 años

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    Objetivo. Determinar el resultado clínico, radiológico y complicaciones asociadas del tratamiento con placa bloqueada en fracturas distales de fémur tipo C en pacientes mayores de 60 años. Material y métodos. Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de 16 pacientes. Se registraron variables epidemiológicas, comorbilidades, complicaciones y resultados clínicos y radiológicos. Resultados. Edad media de 75,3 años. El seguimiento medio fue de 13,5 meses. La flexión media postoperatoria de la rodilla fue de 61,6º. Sólo un 12,5% de los pacientes no referían gonalgia ni precisaban ayudas para la deambulación al final del seguimiento. Radiológicamente, en un 68,7% la translación femoral era mayor de 5 mm, y en un 31,3% la reducción en el plano lateral no era correcta. Se consiguió la consolidación de la fractura en 13 pacientes (86,6%), con un tiempo medio de 10,2 semanas. Como complicaciones hubo una pseudoartrosis, una consolidación viciosa y una infección. Discusión. El tratamiento de la fractura distal de fémur con placa bloqueada viene avalado en la literatura como un método fiable. Sin embargo, en nuestra serie, hemos tenido un alto porcentaje de malos resultados clínicos con presencia de dolor en la rodilla y necesidad de ayudas para la deambulación.Objective. To evaluate functional and radiographic results, and complications, after surgical treatment with locked plate in fractures of the distal femur in patients 60 years old or older. Material and methods. We reviewed 16 patients. We recorded epidemiological variables, comorbidities, functional and radiographic results. Results. Mean aged of 75,3 years. Mean follow-up of 13,5 months. Mean knee flexion of 61,6º. Only 12,5% of the patients did not refer knee pain and walked unaided. Radiologically, in 68,7% of the patients femoral translation was greater than 5 mm, and in 31,3% lateral reduction was not correct. Fracture healed in 13 patients (86,6%), in a mean time of 10,2 weeks. There were 1 nonunion, 1 malunion, and 1 infection. Discussion. Locked plating is a realiable treatment for distal femoral fractures. But, in our elderly serie, we experienced bad clinical results with high percentage of knee pain and walking aid

    Intimate partner violence complaints during COVID-19 lockdown in Spain: a cross-sectional and a case–control study

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    Background: During the COVID-19 lockdown, a large proportion of the women exposed to intimate partner violence had to live with their abusers full-time. This study analyzes the new official complaints that were filed during the lockdown in Spain. Methods: Data from the Comprehensive Monitoring System for Cases of Gender Violence from the Ministry of the Interior, Spain. Using logistic regression models, the complaints registered during the lockdown were compared to those registered in the previous year. Subsequently, we analysed association between the seriousness of the incident reported and the period in which the complaint was filed. Results: Official complaints decreased by 19% during the lockdown. The probability of complaints during lockdown mainly increased when victims had a relationship with the abusers [odds ratio (OR) = 1.33] and when they lacked social support (OR = 1.22). The probability that the complaints were associated with previous jealousy (OR = 0.87), previous harassment behaviours (OR = 0.88) or the victim’s fear for minors’ safety (OR = 0.87) decreased. In addition, during lockdown increased the probability that the complaints filed were due to incidents of severe physical violence (OR = 1.17); severe psychological violence against women with minors in their charge (OR = 1.22); and severe violence due to threats (OR = 1.53) when the woman had previously suffered harassment. Conclusions: The decrease in new complaints during the studied period and the increase in their severity evidence difficulties in seeking help due to the lockdown. In situations of confinement, it is necessary to design measures that protect women with a lack of social support, and at those who live with the aggressor.This study was financed through the project ‘Gender violence and social and health responses during the COVID-19 crisis’ by the Fondo Supera COVID-19 CRUE-Santander for the period 2020–21 (Ref. FSCovid19-03)
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