1,777 research outputs found

    Fashion influencers and Instagram. A quasi-perfect binomial

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    Influencers, thanks to their ability to connect with the public, have revolutionized brand communication making it less invasive and at the same time attractive and dynamic. This research explores the behavior followed by the main Spanish fashion followers, focusing on the strategies and resources used in their communication through Instagram profiles. The gradual incorporation of men into this sector requires identifying whether the publication of habits in this social network vary or not with respect to the author’s gender. In addition, compliance with Spanish legislation on advertising is monitored, which obliges the authors to explicitly indicate any message that promotes a product or service from a contractual agreement

    Cortisol, Maternal Stress, and Breastfeeding Rate at Hospital Discharge: A Systematic Review

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    Introduction: Breastfeeding is considered the best way to provide essential and necessary nutrients to the newborn, intervening in its growth and development. However, early abandonment of this method is quite common, due to various factors such as stress. Objectives: To determine whether the level of postpartum cortisol can serve as an indicator of maternal stress and whether there is a relationship between the level of cortisol and the rate of exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) at hospital discharge. Methodology: Systematic review of the literature under the PRISMA guidelines. PubMed, Web of Science, CINAHL, and Scopus databases were used. Original articles published from 2017 to 2022 in English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish were included. All study designs were eligible. Of the 3,712 records initially identified, 15 studies were included in this review. Results: Elevated cortisol levels, due to immediate postpartum stressors, have direct effects on the performance of the essential hormones in breast milk production. The EBF rates are negatively influenced by perceived maternal stress. Conclusion: Cortisol levels may be a good indicator of the level of stress to which the mother is subjected during the immediate postpartum period

    Comunicación de Marca en Instagram, ¿Una Cuestión de Género? El Rol del Influencer de Moda

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    Young people have found in the social networks the perfect space to inform and be informed. However, only a few have the ability to influence in purchasing decisions, lifestyle or preferences of the rest. The so-called social influencers have become an active part of brand communication, especially those dedicated to fashion. This research puts the focus on the strategies, resources and calls to participation used for the main Spanish fashion prescribers in their communication through Instagram. The gradual incorporation of men into this sector requires identifying the attitudes and forms of the connection -generating participation- or not taking into account the genre of the author and the type of values he projects. Through content analysis, the communicative activity of the 13 most outstanding characteristics is monitored in 2017. The results show a very similar use of recovery techniques, mainly promotional; dubious compliance with Spanish regulations on advertising - which obliges authors to explicitly state any message that promotes a product or service of a contractual relationship; and the use of the image to build idyllic lives from everyday scenes.Los jóvenes han encontrado en las redes sociales el espacio perfecto para informar y ser informados. Sin embargo, solo unos pocos tienen la capacidad de influir en las decisiones de compra, estilo de vida o preferencias del resto. Los denominados influenciadores sociales han entrado a formar parte activa de la comunicación de marca, especialmente de las dedicadas a la moda. Esta investigación pone el foco de atención en las estrategias, recursos y llamadas a la participación utilizadas por los principales prescriptores de moda españoles en su comunicación a través de Instagram. La incorporación progresiva de hombres a este sector demanda identificar si las actitudes y formas de conectar –generar engagement- varían o no respecto al género del autor y el tipo de valores que proyecta. A través del análisis de contenido se realiza un seguimiento de la actividad comunicativa de los 13 perfiles más destacados en 2017. Los resultados evidencian una utilización muy pareja de técnicas de reclamo, fundamentalmente promocionales; un dudoso cumplimiento de la normativa española en materia de publicidad -que obliga a los autores a señalar de forma explícita todo mensaje que promocione algún producto o servicio procedente de una relación contractual-; y el empleo de la imagen para construir vidas idílicas a partir de escenas cotidianas

    Effects of menstrual cycle phases on elasticity index in female soccer players

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    The aim of this study was to determine the influence of the menstrual cycle on the elasticity index in female soccer players. A quasi-experimental analysis was carried out with a time series design, with a sample of 14 female players between 16 and 23 years (18.50 ± 1.74) where during all the phases of a menstrual cycle they had to perform the Squat Jump and Counter Movement Jump tests in order to calculate the elasticity index. Descriptive, normality, sphericity test and a repeated measures ANOVA with a Bonferroni type Post-Hoc test were performed. The most relevant aspect was that there were significant differences in the elasticity index between the Follicular Phase and the Ovulatory Phase, obtaining higher percentages of elasticity index in this second phase, but there were no significant differences between the other phases. The results obtained determine that the elasticity index is higher in the Ovulatory Phase than in the rest of the phases and this could be mainly due to the oestrogen peak and that there are no significant differences in the Luteal Phase demonstrates the relevance of this hormone with respect to explosive strength and the elasticity index. This study will allow the use of strategies with the intention of being able to optimally place the loads during plyometric training in reference to the menstrual cycle. While menstrual discomfort is subjective, they should be taken into account. Conversely, the elasticity index provides a reliable objective data that assists in designing personalized training programs

    Hydraulic assessment of nanofluids based on mineral oil and natural ester in windings of power transformers

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    It is common for electric power transformers to be cooled by mineral oil. However, this type of oil has begun to be replaced by oils of natural origin (esters), due to environmental and fire safety reasons. The latter are biodegradable and have an ignition point much higher than that of mineral oils. On the other hand, different authors have found that the dielectric and refrigerant properties of the oils used in transformers can be improved when some types of nanoparticles are added. In order to assess this improvement, this work presents the results obtained by a research in which different nanofluids, produced through commercial dielectric oils (mineral and natural), nanoparticles of titanium (IV) oxide and magnetite, were thermally characterized. The results of this characterization have been used to perform simulations based on computational fluid dynamics. This comparison has allowed to observe the pressure drops and the mass flows in the internal channels of the windings of a real power transformer.The authors of this research wish to thank the Ministry of Economy for financial support to the National Research Project: Improvement of Insulation Systems of Transformers through Dielectric Nanofluids (DPI2015-71219-C2 1-R)

    Dielectric and mechanical assessment of cellulosic insulation during transformer manufacturing

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    Due to the impact of cellulose of paper insulation on transformer life, it is imperatire to remove moisture from the oil and the solid insulation. Several techniques have been implemented during manufacturing of power transformers to reduce water content in transformers. These drying processes can involve different costs and time, and they can damage the insulation paper. In this work, a drying process has been implemented in the laboratory trying to simulate the most aggressive conditions that can be suffered by the paper in transformer manufacturing in a real industry. Once the moisture content of papers was lower than 0.5%, the effect of the drying process on paper degradation was evaluated using the analysis of mechanical and dielectric properties and the degree of polymerization. Different commercial papers were studied to quantify the possible degradation induced by the drying process. The results of the mechanical strength study showed a reduction on the degree of polymerization from 1100 to 850 after 4 days of drying. The dielectric analysis of the samples showed different behavior in one of the solids evaluated and it was also found a decreased hygroscopic capacity of degraded samples in comparison with new samples.This research is under the National Research Project “Gestión del Ciclo de Vida de Transformadores Aislados con Fluidos Biodegradables” (PID2019-107126RB-C22/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033). The authors also wish to thank “Fundación Iberdrola” for its financial support for the research project: “Análisis de las Propiedades Dieléctricas de Aislamientos Sólidos Impregnados con Líquidos Dieléctricos”. C. Méndez would like to acknowledge the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities for the financial support for the FPU grant (FPU19/01849)

    Design of ITCs competences map involved in the work of guidance professionals

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    En este artículo, el propósito esencial consiste en el análisis de las competencias en las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) necesarias en la actuación de los profesionales de la Orientación. Se plantea el diseño de un mapa de competencias en el que se articulan adecuadamente las habilidades de las TIC con las orientadoras, lo que representa una herramienta principal en la organización y desarrollo de la función de Orientación en los contextos educativos, sociales y laborales. Las competencias en las TIC y las orientadoras, expresadas en el mapa, son de una gran efectividad y ayudan en la mejora de la calidad e innovación de los servicios e instituciones de Orientación. En la generación del mapa de competencias, adecuadamente vertebrado, se consideran las competencias orientadoras de amplio consenso internacional, elaboradas por la AIOEP (Asociación Internacional de Orientación Educativa y Profesional) en el escenario de la Orientación y en el ámbito de las TIC, la taxonomía de FEDORA y las diseñadas en el proyecto europeo ICT Skills for Guidance Counsellors (Cogoi et al., 2005). Asimismo, se incluye como tercera dimensión el modo de utilizar las TIC en la función orientadora (como medio, recurso o desarrollo) y como cuarta la taxonomía de las categorías de objetivos y de resultados de aprendizaje en el ámbito de los conocimientos, actitudes y habilidades. Las dimensiones expuestas deben articularse adecuadamente en un cuadro matriz de especificaciones que sirva de guía y ayuda a los agentes de la Orientación en su función profesional. El mapa de competencias debe ser un recurso abierto y flexible que permita desarrollarse en cascada en su contenido, ampliarse y profundizar en su caso en nuevas competencias orientadoras y de las TIC que progresivamente puedan surgir en el futuroIn this article, the essential intention is the analysis of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) competences necessary in the guidance practitioners action. Also, appears the design of a competences map in which the ICT skills are articulated adequately by the guidance what represents a principal tool in the organization and development of the guidance function in the educational, social, labour contexts, etc. The ICT and guidance competences expressed in the map are of a great efficiency and help in the improvement of the quality and innovation of the guidance services and institutions. In the generation of the competences map adequately vertebrate, it is considered the guidance competences in a wide international consensus elaborated by the AIOEP (International Association of Educational and Professional Guidance) in the Guidance scene and in the ICT area the FEDORA’S classification and that elaborated in the Europe Project ICT Skills for Guidance Counsellors (Cogoi et al., 2005). Also, there is included as third dimension the way of using the ICT in the guidance function (way, resource or development) and as fourth the classification of the aims categories and the learning results in the knowledge, attitudes and skills area. The exposed dimensions must articulate adequately in a matrix box of specifications that uses as guide and it helps the guidance agents in their professional function. The competences map must be an opened and flexible resource that allows to develop in waterfall in its content, to extend and to deepen, where appropriate into new guidance competences and ICT competences that progressively could arise in the futureS