138 research outputs found

    Complu6IX: Transición del Campus de la Complutense a la tecnología IPv6 Soporte y Simulación

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    Trabajo de la asignatura Sistemas Informáticos (Facultad de Informática, Curso 2006-2007)Depto. de Sistemas Informáticos y ComputaciónFac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    How to Achieve Positive Energy Districts for Sustainable Cities: A Proposed Calculation Methodology

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    In this paper, a methodology for calculating the energy balance at the district level and energy performance of those districts aspiring to become a Positive Energy District (PED) is proposed. PEDs are understood as districts that achieve a positive energy balance on an annual basis by means of exporting more energy than is consumed within their limits. The main issue to standardize the concept, besides which characteristics should be considered, is that current standards to calculate an energy balance are not applied at the district level. This paper reviews the current standards and adapts them to propose an energy balance calculation methodology. Calculation of an energy balance at the district level is complex since it includes several parameters, such as which loads (or elements) should be included, which renewable energy technologies should be considered on-site production, and which primary energy factors should be used. The proposed methodology is thought to help cities at the design stage of a district and to evaluate its annual energy balance. The methodology is performed in eight steps, and all the needed assumptions that affect the calculation of the annual energy balance are discussed in each stepThis project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824418 (MAKING-CITY)

    Continuous and Localized Mn Implantation of ZnO

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    We present results derived from continuous and localized 35 keV (55)Mn(+) ion implantations into ZnO. Localized implantations were carried out by using self-ordered alumina membranes as masks leading to ordered arrays of implanted volumes on the substrate surfaces. Defects and vacancies in the small implantation volumes of ZnO were generated due to the implantation processes besides the creation of new phases. Rapid thermal annealing was applied in the case of continuous implantation. The samples were characterized by HRSEM, GIXRD, Raman spectroscopy and RBS/C. Magnetic characterization of the samples pointed out appreciable differences among the samples obtained by the different implantation methods. This fact was mainly attributed to the different volume/surface ratios present in the implanted zones as well as to the increase of Mn atom concentrations along the grain frontiers in the nanostructured surfaces. The samples also showed a ferromagnetic transition phase at temperature value higher than room temperature

    La vinculación escuela-familia para el acompañamiento académico de los estudiantes de Bachillerato Técnico-Figura Profesional Comercio de la Unidad Educativa Pichincha

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    La importancia de la familia en la vida de las personas es ineludible. Uno de los retos de la educación, es lograr el vínculo adecuado de los padres para el desempeño fructífero de sus funciones. El presente artículo asume como objetivo elaborar una estrategia de orientación a las familias para el acompañamiento académico de los estudiantes del bachillerato técnico, Figura Profesional Comercio, de la Unidad Educativa Pichincha, en Manabí, Ecuador. Durante el desarrollo de la investigación, fueron aplicados los métodos teóricos, entre ellos, el inductivo – deductivo y el histórico lógico, que permitieron analizar el problema en la institución. Además, se utilizaron métodos empíricos como la observación, y se aplicó una encuesta a los padres de familia y docentes de la unidad educativa. La muestra de estudio fue de 25 representantes y padres de familia, y 15 docentes. Los resultados más relevantes indicaron que solo el 12% de los representantes y padres, tienen tiempo libre para realizar el debido acompañamiento académico de los estudiantes. El porcentaje de representantes y padres que siempre ayuda a sus hijos en las tareas y se preocupan por las calificaciones de sus representados, no supera la mitad de los encuestados. Como conclusión se evidencia una insuficiente participación de la familia en el acompañamiento académico de los estudiantes.PALABRAS CLAVE: vinculación; escuela-familia; acompañamiento académico.The school-family connection for the academic support of the students of the Technical Baccalaureate-Professional Figure of Commerce of the Pichincha Educational UnitABSTRACTThe importance of family in people's lives is inescapable. One of the challenges of education is to achieve the adequate bond of parents for the fruitful performance of their functions. The present article assumes the objective of developing a strategy to guide families for the academic accompaniment of students of Technical Baccalaureate-Professional Figure of Commerce of the Pichincha Educational Unit in Manabí, Ecuador. During the development of the research, the theoretical methods were applied, among them, the inductive - deductive and the logical historical, which allowed to analyze the problem in the institution. In addition, empirical methods such as observation were used, and a survey was applied to parents and teachers of the educational unit. The study sample consisted of 25 representatives and parents, and 15 teachers. The most relevant results indicated that only 12% of the representatives and parents have free time to carry out the due academic accompaniment of the students. The percentage of representatives and parents who always help their children with homework and care about the qualifications of their representatives, does not exceed half of those surveyed. As a conclusion, there is evidence of insufficient participation of the family in the academic accompaniment of the students.KEYWORDS: linkage; school-family; academic accompaniment.

    Adenocarcinoma renal con metástasis suprarrenal contralateral tratado con inmunoterapia

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    Presentamos un caso de adenocarcinoma renal con metastasis en glandula suprarrenal contralateral. comentamos la clínica y el tratamiento realizado con inmunoterapia, así como la revisión en la literatura

    Lexical and reading comprehension processes in Secondary School students

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    La comprensión lectora es un proceso complejo que requiere tanto la “construcción” como la “integración” de la información, siendo por tanto un proceso interactivo en el que intervienen una gran cantidad de procesos mentales. Este hecho conlleva que exista una gran heterogeneidad de dificultades en la comprensión. El objetivo del presente estudio consiste en analizar las posibles diferencias en cuanto al acceso al léxico y los procesos de comprensión entre un grupo de alumnos con dificultades en la comprensión (DCL) y otro grupo de alumnos sin DCL. Participaron 84 adolescentes (42 con DCL y 42 sin DCL) de 12 a 16 años escolarizados en la etapa de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian que ambos grupos presentan un procesamiento de la información diferenciado. Las principales diferencias obtenidas se encuentran en los diferentes procesos léxicos, además de la captación de ideas explícitas y la elaboración de inferencias anafóricas. La finalidad de este trabajo consiste en poder diseñar intervenciones que se ajusten a las necesidades de los alumnos con dificultades.Reading comprehension is a complex process that requires both the “construction” and the “integration” of information, making it an interactive process that involves a wide variety of mental processes. This fact implies a great heterogeneity of difficulties in reading comprehension. The aim of this study consists of analyzing the possible differences in lexical and reading comprehension processes among a group of students with reading comprehension difficulties and another group of students without these difficulties. The participants of this study were 84 adolescents (42 with reading comprehension difficulties and 42 without them) from 12 to 16 years of age enrolled in the stage of compulsory secondary education. The results show that the information is processed differently in both groups. The main differences are obtained in lexical processes as well as understanding explicit ideas and making anaphoric inferences. The purpose of this paper is to design interventions that meet the needs of students with reading comprehension difficulties.peerReviewe

    Comedia famosa. El assombro de Turquía y valiente toledano / de Luis Velez de Guevara

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    Precede al tít.: "N. 34"Sign.: A4-C4, D2Pie de imp. consta en colofónTexto a dos col.En port. sello: "Se hallara en la Imprenta de Orga, calle de las Barcas, en Valencia, nº 13

    Reading and oral comprehension: relations with iq, gender and academic performance of Primary School students

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar las relaciones entre la comprensión de textos y la comprensión oral de alumnos de 2º y 3º ciclo de Educación Primaria según su coeficiente intelectual, su género, y su rendimiento académico. Los alumnos estaban escolarizados en un colegio público de la provincia de Valencia donde hay diferentes programas lingüísticos, conocidos como líneas PIP y PIL. Se suministraron el test de matrices progresivas de Raven y la prueba de comprensión de textos y comprensión oral del Prolec-R. Igualmente se analizó el rendimiento académico de los alumnos en el último trimestre en las áreas de Matemáticas, Lengua Castellana y Ciencias. Los resultados mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre el rendimiento de comprensión lectora y oral según el CI, descartando diferencias entre el género, la edad y la línea lingüística del aula. Se explican también las diferentes correlaciones entre estas variables y el rendimiento académico. Estos resultados reafirman la relación entre el CI y la comprensión lectora y oral, y muestran otras relaciones a tener en cuenta en futuros estudios.The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between reading and oral comprehension of primary school students, considering their IQ, their gender, and their academic performance. The students were enrolled in a state school located in the Valencian community where there are different linguistics programs, known as PIP and PIL. The Raven Test and the reading and oral comprehension Prolec-R tasks were provided. The academic performance of the students was also tested in the last term regarding the areas of Mathematics, Spanish and Science. The results showed statistically significant differences between the performance of reading and oral comprehension considering the IQ, and discarding differences between gender, age and the main language of the classroom. The different correlations between these variables and academic performance are also explained. These results reaffirm the relationship between IQ, reading and oral comprehension, and show other relationships to be considered in future studies.peerReviewe