246 research outputs found

    Fernando II of Portugal and his Royal Castellated Palace of Pena (Sintra) : Between the Construction of Neo-Medieval Revivalist Castles and the Beginning of the Debate on the National Architectural Style in Portugal

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    The predominant spirit of the nineteenth century was incorporated into architecture, which adapted and reinvented itself. Great attention was paid to medieval architecture, due to its direct connections with a period considered to represent the origin of many nations. It was against this background that Fernando II of Portugal ordered the construction of his “castle” of Pena, in Sintra. This essay seeks to analyze the context in which the Palace of Pena was built, focusing on its symbolism, comparing it to other nineteenth-century castellated residences, and examining the debate in Portugal about the national architectural style and its influences on Portuguese architecture.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O Violão Oitocentista nos álbuns da Famí­lia Perdigão

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    No presente trabalho, dois álbuns de música da famí­lia Perdigão são estudados a partir da proveniência documental de Laura Agnes Millar. O estudo da proveniência focou os aspectos de custódias, marcos temporais da sua produção, e sua relação com o repertório nos locais onde seus proprietários viveram. Paralelamente, foi feito um estudo organológico do violão no Maranhão oitocentista, uma vez que os álbuns apresentam a questão da fixação de nomenclatura relativa ao instrumento. Como resultado, foi verificado que os álbuns foram produzidos ao longo do Império Brasileiro, mantidos por quatro gerações, e que o seu repertório expressa estreita relação com os traslados dos seus proprietários


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    The work was carried out in the western region of Bahia in five phytophysiognomies of cerrado. The regional climate is of the Aw type with rainy summers and dry winters. The main soils are Red-Yellow Latosol, Quartzarenic Neosol and Dystrophic Haplic Gleysol with texture varying from sandy to sandy loam. Soil samples were taken up to 0.40 m to determine the soil carbon and for plant biomass models already established by other authors were chosen. The total soil carbon content followed the decreasing order: VRD>CRD>CSS>CCS>CCL. This may reflect the difference in density of plants in these phytophysiognomic compartments, although there is no significant difference between the soils under the phytophysiognomies of CCS and CCL. The soils under the five phytophysiognomies, on average, presented a carbon stock of 50.63 Mg ha-1. The studied phytophysiognomies in aboveground vegetation presented carbon stocks ranging from 0.05 to 23.36 Mg ha-1.This variation is explained by the plant diversity of each phytophysiognomy. Therefore, the accumulation of carbon depends on the richness and size of species of the area. In general, the upper soil layers stored greater amounts of carbon. Aboveground biomass and in roots stand out for higher carbon production in biomass, the phytophysiognomies of CRD and CSS

    Effects of the topical administration of copaiba oil ointment (Copaifera langsdorffii) in skin flaps viability of rats

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of copaiba oil ointment (Copaifera langsdorffii) on dorsal skin flaps in rats. METHODS: Adult male rats (n=30) were distributed into three groups of ten animals each, as follows: GC - control; GCA - absolute control and GT - treated with copaiba ointment. The rats were subjected to dorsal cutaneous skin flap surgery and the animals from the GC and GT received post-operative treatment for eight consecutive days. The animals from the GCA group did not receive treatment while the animals from the GC group received daily topical treatment of ointment without the active ingredient and the animals from the GT group were daily treated with 10% copaiba oil ointment. At the end of each experimental period the lesions were evaluated according to the percentage of necrotic area. Then, fragments from cranial, median and caudal parts were fixed in Boüin's solution and processed for paraffin embedding. The morphology of histological sections (5µm) was evaluated and the number of leucocytes, fibroblasts and blood vessels was also analyzed. The data obtained were submitted to ANOVA test complemented by Tukey-Kramer test (pGC and GT), while the morphology showed larger granulation tissue with bulky fibroblasts and collagen fibers more arranged in the GT group. The morphometry showed a significant higher number of blood vessels in the median and caudal parts (GT>GCA and GC), leucocytes in the cranial part (GT>GC>GCA), and also fibroblasts in the median (GT and GC> GCA) and caudal parts (GT>GC and GCA) (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: The copaiba oil ointment favors angiogenesis and accelerates the viability of random skin flaps in rats.Federal Rural University of Pernambuco Department of Morphology and Animal Physiology Postgraduate Program in Animal BioscienceUFRPE Department of Morphology and Physiology Histology DivisionFederal University of Pernambuco Department of Morphology Histology DivisionFederal University of São Paulo Department of Morphology and Genetic Postgraduate Program in MorphologyUNIFESP, Department of Morphology and Genetic Postgraduate Program in MorphologySciEL


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    Avaliar refere-se à coleta, análise e interpretação de dados, obtidos por meio de um conjunto de procedimentos confiáveis e sistemáticos, podendo ser realizada no contexto educacional para identificar casos deficitários, o que possibilita a criação de planos de intervenção mais bem estruturados. Saber mobilizar os conhecimentos psicológicos na prática profissional para os métodos de avaliação e intervenção nas questões escolares é extremamente importante para a otimização dos processos de desenvolvimento e aprendizagem da criança. O objetivo desteestudo foi investigar as relações existentes entre as variáveis cognitivas, emocionais e comportamentais e o repentino baixo desempenho apresentado por um estudante do 1º ano do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola privada e confessional de São Luís-MA, logo se configura como um estudo de caso. As técnicas utilizadas foram análise de documentos, observação em sala de aula, entrevistas semiestruturadas com os pais e com a professora e a realização de tarefas lúdicas com a criança envolvendo desenhos, livros infantis e jogos interativos. Os resultados indicaram que o baixo desempenho apresentado pela criança estava relacionado significativamente às mudanças recentes no contexto familiar. Um importante desdobramento deste estudo foi a oportunidade, através de entrevista devolutiva, de reportar aos responsáveis e à professora os resultados, orientá-los e lhes proporcionar possibilidades de compreender as dificuldades enfrentadas pela criança no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Além disso, discutiram-se os impactos do contexto sobre o desenvolvimento humano. Portanto, percebe-se a importância do suporte familiar e da instituição educativa para um bom desempenho da criança no início da vida escolar.Palavras-chave: Avaliação Psicológica. Rendimento Escolar. Aprendizagem.PSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATION AND SCHOOL PERFORMANCE PROBLEMS: a case studyAbstractEvaluating refers to the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data obtained through a set of reliable and systematic procedures, which can be performed in the educational context to identify deficit cases, which enables the creation of betterstructured intervention plans. Knowing how to mobilize psychological knowledge in professional practice for methods of assessment and intervention in school issues is extremely important for optimizing child development and learning processes.This study aims to investigate the relationship between cognitive, emotional, and behavioral variables and the sudden low performance presented by a 1st-year elementary school student from a private and religious school in São Luís MA, for this, it sets up as a case study. The techniques used were document analysis, observation in the classroom, semi-structured interviews with parents and teachers, and the performing of playful tasks with the child involving drawings, children's books, and interactive games. The results indicated that the poor performance presented by the child was significantly related to recent changes in the family context. Significant development of this study was the opportunity, through a feedback interview, of reporting the results to parents and the teacher, guiding, and providing them with possibilities to understand the difficulties faced by the child in theteaching-learning process. Besides,theimpacts of the context on human development discussions. Therefore, we realize the importance of family support and educational institution on an excellent performance of the child at the beginning of school life.Keywords: Psychological Assessment. Academic Achievement. Learning

    Análise da capacidade de identificação de paráfrase em ferramentas de resolução de correferência

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    Os fenômenos linguísticos de correferência e paráfrase compartilham certos aspectos. É comum, por exemplo, referir-se a uma mesma entidade de maneiras diferentes em um mesmo contexto, assim, a resolução de correferências pode auxiliar o processo de identificação de paráfrases. Este artigo apresenta uma análise das capacidades da ferramenta de resolução de correferência CORP, para Português, no contexto de identificação de paráfrases nos níveis de sentença e de sintagma

    Mast cell concentration and skin wound contraction in rats treated with Ximenia americana L

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate wound contraction and the concentration of mast cells in skin wounds treated with wild plum (Ximenia americana) essential oil-based ointment in rats. METHODS:Sixty rats were submitted to two cutaneous wounds in the thoracic region, on the right and left antimeres. Thereon, they were divided into three groups: GX (wounds treated once a day with hydro alcoholic branch extract of Ximenia americana), GP (wounds that received vehicle), and GC (wounds without product application). Wounds were measured immediately after the injury as well as 4, 7, 14 and 21 days post-topical application of the extract. At these days, five rats from each group were euthanatized. Thereafter, samples were fixed in 10% formaldehyde and processed for paraffin embedding. Sections were stained with H.E, Masson's Trichrome and toluidine blue for morphological, morphometrical and histopathological analysis, under light microscopy. The degree of epithelial contraction was measured and mast cell concentrations were also evaluated with an image analyzer (Image Pro-plus (R) software). RESULTS: The extract treated group showed lower mast cell concentrations in the 4th day of lesion, as compared to GP (GX GP = GCp<0.05). CONCLUSION: Ointment containing 10% X. americana induces a decrease in mast cell concentration, at the beginning of the healing process, and promotes early skin wound contraction in rats.FACEPEFAPEMIGCNPqUniv Fed Rio Grande do Norte UFRN, Dept Morphol & Anim Physiol, Postgrad Program Anim Biosci, Recife, PE, BrazilUniv Fed Rural Pernambuco UFRPE, Dept Morphol & Anim Physiol, Postgrad Program Anim Biosci, Recife, PE, BrazilUniv Fed Pernambuco UFPE, Dept Histol & Embryol, Histol Div, Recife, PE, BrazilUniv Fed Rural Pernambuco, Dept Morphol & Anim Physiol, Postgrad Program Anim Biosci, Recife, PE, BrazilUniv Sao Paulo FMUSP, Fac Med, Clin Hosp, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Morphol & Genet, Postgrad Program Morphol, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Piaui, Dept Biol, Div Microbiol, Picos, PI, BrazilUniv Fed Rural Pernambuco, Dept Morphol & Physiol, Anat Div, Recife, PE, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Morphol & Genet, Postgrad Program Morphol, Sao Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Cohort study protocol of the Brazilian collaborative research network on COVID-19 : strengthening WHO global data

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    Introduction: with the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals in low-income countries were faced with a triple challenge. First, a large number of patients required hospitalisation because of the infection’s more severe symptoms. Second, there was a lack of systematic and broad testing policies for early identification of cases. Third, there were weaknesses in the integration of information systems, which led to the need to search for available information from the hospital information systems. Accordingly, it is also important to state that relevant aspects of COVID-19’s natural history had not yet been fully clarified. The aim of this research protocol is to present the strategies of a Brazilian network of hospitals to perform systematised data collection on COVID-19 through the WHO platform. Methods and analysis: this is a multicentre project among Brazilian hospitals to provide data on COVID-19 through the WHO global platform, which integrates patient care information from different countries. From October 2020 to March 2021, a committee worked on defining a flowchart for this platform, specifying the variables of interest, data extraction standardisation and analysis. Ethics and dissemination: this protocol was approved by the Research Ethics Committee (CEP) of the Research Coordinating Center of Brazil (CEP of the Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceicao), on 29 January 2021, under approval No. 4.515.519 and by the National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP), on 5 February 2021, under approval No. 4.526.456. The project results will be explained in WHO reports and published in international peer-reviewed journals, and summaries will be provided to the funders of the study

    Caracterização morfológica e física de solo de uma área com Murundus no oeste da Bahia / Morphological and physical characterization of the soil in an area with “Murundus” in the west of Bahia

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    No Oeste da Bahia, os “murundus” são mais comumente encontrados na zona leste em áreas ocupadas pela agricultura familiar. Até então, pouco se sabe sobre o seu comportamento ou prejuízos econômicos que pode causar aos agricultores, portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho é caracterizar seus atributos físicos, comparando-os com os das áreas adjacentes. O estudo foi realizado em um campo de murundu, localizado no município de Catolândia, BA, cujas coordenadas geográficas são: 12 ° 16'41,9 "S 44 ° 33'40,7" W. A granulometria do solo foi determinada pelo método de pipeta. A densidade do solo foi determinada pelo método do anel volumétrico e a estabilidade dos agregados determinada em amostras cortadas e peneiradas entre peneiras de 8 mm e 4 mm e agitadas verticalmente em água. O volume dos macroporos foi obtido pela diferença entre o volume total dos poros e o dos microporos. As frações argila, areia e silte dos solos “murundus” diferiram significativamente entre os solos “murundus” e das áreas adjacentes, enquanto a relação silte / argila não apresentou diferença estatística. Os solos do “murundus” apresentaram textura franco-argilosa e os demais pontos amostrados foram classificados como franco-arenoso. Entretanto, os atributos macroagregados e microagregados não apresentaram diferença significativa (P &lt;0,05) entre os três pontos de amostragem. Todos os “murundus” têm diâmetros e alturas semelhantes, indicando que foram formados a partir do mesmo material de origem. Observou-se nos solos “murundus” uma estrutura granulométrica simples devido ao alto teor de areia e solos bastante intemperizados