408 research outputs found

    Variation in Sensitivity of Different Grapevine Genotypes to Erysiphe necator Growing under Unfavourable Climatic Conditions

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    This paper reports the susceptibility to powdery mildew of 41 grapevine genotypes growing in the north and northwest of Spain over a three-year period. Although the humid climate of these vine-growing areas is not particularly favourable to the development of this disease, serious damages appears in some years when dry weather alternates with times of some rain. All the examined genotypes belonged to the collection of the Misión Biológica de Galicia (CSIC) (Pontevedra, Galicia, Spain). The incidence and severity of powdery mildew were determined on leaves three weeks after the onset of flowering and on clusters at harvest. The values for both variables were smaller than those recorded for other fungal diseases, although great differences in susceptibility between the different genotypes were observed. The most susceptible was Castañal (recently included in the Spanish Registry of Commercial Varieties), a genotype native to the O Rosal subzone of the Rias Baixas denomination of origin area. The present results could help viticulturalists grow different grapevine genotypes more successfully in regions with climatic conditions similar to those where the study was undertaken

    La caracterización molecular y ampelográfica de clones de "Albariño", "Savagnin Blanc" y "Caíño Blanco" (Vitis vinifera L.) demuestra que son cultivares diferentes

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    The grapevine cultivar "Albariño" is one of the oldest grown in the vine-growing areas of North-Western Spain and Northern Portugal. Since recognition of Origin Denomination status for the Rías Baixas region (the coast of Western Galicia, Spain) in 1987, the economic importance of this cultivar has increased, and its grapes are now among the most expensive in Spain. The area occupied by "Albariño" vines in this region is increasing every year, and the wines made from its grapes are gaining international recognition. These events, plus the fact that "Albariño" was little known outside its traditional growing area, have led to speculation about its origin and the existence of synonyms. Misnames of "Albariño" have included "Savagnin Blanc" and "Caíño Blanco". The present work compares "Albariño", "Savagnin Blanc" and "Caíño Blanco" ampelographically (i.e., it compares shoot, leaf, grape cluster, berry and seed characteristics) and molecularly using microsatellite markers. The results show that they are in fact three different cultivars providing a complete description. For "Caíño Blanco", there is little previously reported information.El "Albariño" es uno de los cultivares más antiguos de la zona vitícola del Noroeste de España y norte de Portugal. Desde la aprobación en el año 1987 de la Denominación de Origen Rías Baixas, este cultivar es el de mayor valor económico de esta zona vitícola, y su uva alcanza uno de los precios más elevados de España. Su superficie de cultivo, dentro de esta Denominación de Origen, se multiplica año tras año, y sus vinos adquieren fama internacional. Todo ello, unido a que era un cultivar poco conocido fuera de esta pequeña zona vitícola española, ha llevado a la aparición en los últimos años de diversas especulaciones sobre su origen, y a la atribución de diferentes sinonimias. Entre los nombres erróneamente atribuidos al "Albariño" se encuentran "Savagnin Blanc" y "Caíño Blanco". En el presente trabajo se hace un estudio comparativo de los tres cultivares a nivel ampelográfico (brote, hoja, racimo, baya, semilla) y a nivel molecular por medio de marcadores microsatélite. Los resultados demuestran que "Albariño", "Savagnin Blanc" y "Caíño Blanco" son cultivares distintos, proporcionando una completa descripción de cada uno. De uno de ellos, "Caíño Blanco", existe muy poca información previa

    Nivel de información médica sobre diabetes, actitud de los pacientes hacia la enfermedad y su asociación con el nivel de control glucémico

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    ObjetivoDeterminar el nivel de información y de actitud que sobre su enfermedad tienen pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 (DM2) y su asociación con el nivel de control glucémico.DiseñoEncuesta transversal survey.EmplazamientoDos unidades de medicina familiar.PacientesDoscientos sujetos con DM2.IntervencionesSe aplicaron 2 instrumentos validados para valorar nivel de conocimientos y actitud, y se midió el promedio de las últimas 6 glucemias.Mediciones y resultadosLa calificación global del instrumento de conocimientos fue 58,6 ± 17,9 (escala 0-100). Para el instrumento de actitud fue de 18,9 ± 2,1 (escala 0-35). La calificación de conocimientos del grupo controlado fue de 55,48 ± 16,8, y la del grupo descontrolado de 59,2 ± 18,1. La calificación sobre actitud del grupo controlado fue de 17,8 ± 2,3, y la del grupo descontrolado de 19,1 ± 2 (p = 0,001). El nivel de información proporcionado por el médico familiar fue del 42,9%, por el equipo de salud del 10,2% y por otras fuentes del 6,3%. En cuanto al análisis del grado de actitud y el nivel de información, hubo una mejor actitud cuando la información fue proporcionada por otras fuentes (p < 0,05). Por lo que respecta al porcentaje de información y el control glucémico, el nivel de control fue mejor cuando la información fue proporcionada por el equipo de salud (p < 0,01).ConclusionesEl nivel de información médica sobre diabetes proporcionada por el médico familiar y el equipo de salud es bajo, y sólo en este último caso se asocia a un mejor control glucémico. La actitud es mejor cuando se recibe información sobre diabetes de otras fuentes.ObjectiveTo determine the level of information and attitude that it has more than enough their illness has patient with diabetes type 2 (DM2), and their association with level of glucemic control.DesignCross-sectional.SettingTwo units of family medicine.Patient200 subject with DM2.InterventionsTwo instruments were applied validated to measure, level of knowledge and attitude was measured the average of the last 6 glucaemias.Measurements and resultsThe qualification average of the instrument of knowledge was 58.6 ± 17.9 (it scale 0–100). For the instrument of attitude it was of 18.9 ± 2.1 (it scale 0 at 35). The qualification of knowledge of the controlled group was of 55.48 ± 16.8, and of the uncontrolled group it was of 59.2 ± 18.1. The qualification has more than enough attitude of the controlled group it was of 17.8 ± 2.3, and of the uncontrolled group of 19.1 ± 2, p = 0.001. The proportionate level of information the family doctor was of 42.9%, of the team of health of 10.2% and of other sources of 6.3%. At the analysis of the degree of attitude and the level of information, there was a better attitude when the information was provided by other sources p < 0.05. In the percentage of information and the level of glucemic control, the control level was better when the information was for the team of health p < 0.01.ConclusionsThe level of medical information on diabetes provided by the family doctor and the team of health is low and it doesn't and only this last are associate to better glucemic control. The attitude is better when one receives information of other sources

    Abundance and Distribution of Elasmobranchs in NAFO Regulatory Area (Divisions 3MNO) (Elasmobranch Fisheries – Oral)

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    Recently, the importance of elasmobranch fisheries has increased in the NAFO area due to the collapse of some important stocks like cod or American plaice; species like thorny skate are now one of the main resources in the NAFO Regulatory Area, especially in the Grand Bank. Nevertheless, in Flemish Cap (NAFO Div 3M), despite the weakness of the main stocks, elasmobranchs carry on being a resource without direct fishing that is mainly fished as by-catch. Since 1988 a bottom trawl survey was carried out by the European Community in Flemish Cap waters. Furthermore, since 1995, another trawl survey was also carried out in the Regulatory Area of the Grand Bank (NAFO, Div. 3NO); the goal of these surveys is collecting data for the assessment of the main species but these surveys are also an important source of information on biology and population dynamics of other fish species like elasmobranchs. The aim of this work is to show the present status and the recent changes in biomass of the main elasmobranch species in the areas covered by these surveys, with focus on their relative abundance, their spatial distribution and their size distribution. We have found out that thorny skate, that is the most important elasmobranchs in NAFO area, is widely distributed in both sampling areas without signs of stocks differentiation

    Femtosecond laser fabrication of monolithic double volume phase-gratings in glass

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    A diffractive optical element was fabricated by monolithically integrating two volume phase-gratings (VPGs) in the bulk of a single-piece transparent material. A computer model of the diffraction generated by the double volume phase-grating (DVPG) was made with a rigorous coupled wave analysis simulator. Simulations and experiments show that the diffractive behavior of a DVPG can be controlled by arranging the relative displacement and the distance between the VPGs according to Talbot self-imaging planes. In order to diffract the total incident light, the phase accumulation in the VPGs has to be π/2, which was achieved by single-scan femtosecond laser processing of a nanocrystal doped glass as the substrate material. Ex situ microscope images of the cross-sections are presented for laser processed lines in the form of VPGs and DVPGs. The far-field diffraction of DVPGs formed by selectively located VPGs was characterized with a monochromatic 633 nm and a supercontinuum white light. Functional designs of high diffraction efficiency with potential applications in photonics were successfully fabricated in a one-step and free of chemicals process

    Lava Volume from Remote Sensing Data: Comparisons with Reverse Petrological Approaches for Two Types of Effusive Eruption

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    Five effusive eruptions of Piton de la Fournaise (La Réunion) are analyzed to investigate temporal trends of erupted mass and sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions. Daily SO2 emissions are acquired from three ultraviolet (UV) satellite instruments (the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI), the Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS), and the Tropospheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI)) and an array of ground-based UV spectrometers (Network for Observation of Volcanic and Atmospheric Change (NOVAC)). Time-averaged lava discharge rates (TADRs) are obtained from two automatic satellite-based hot spot detection systems: MIROVA and MODVOLC. Assuming that the lava volumes measured in the field are accurate, the MIROVA system gave the best estimation of erupted volume among the methods investigated. We use a reverse petrological method to constrain pre-eruptive magmatic sulfur contents based on observed SO2 emissions and lava volumes. We also show that a direct petrological approach using SO2 data might be a viable alternative for TADR estimation during cloudy weather that compromises hot spot detection. In several eruptions we observed a terminal increase in TADR and SO2 emissions after initial emission of evolved degassed magma. We ascribe this to input of deeper, volatile-rich magma into the plumbing system towards the end of these eruptions. Furthermore, we find no evidence of volatile excess in the five eruptions studied, which were thus mostly fed by shallow degassed magma

    Quality of care of patients with type-2 diabetes in Galicia (NW Spain) [OBTEDIGA project]

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    [Abstract] Aims:  The aim of this study was to describe the degree of compliance of agreed practices with reference to primary care patients with Type 2 diabetes of 40 years old and older in Galicia (NW Spain). Methods:  A total of 108 primary care physicians were selected at random from the totality of doctors. Each physician selected 30 patients at random from their patients suffering from diabetes of 40 years old or older. External observers gathered information from each patient’s medical record regarding their characteristics, condition and degree of compliance of selected indicators of good practice. Results:  Group of physicians participated in this study had a mean age of 50 years (standard deviation = 3.9); 48% of them were females; and 17.5% involved in medical residents training. A total of 3078 diabetic patients were included in the study: mean age = 69 years (SD = 10.9), 47.6% women, presence of high blood pressure (72%), hypercholesterolaemia (56%), and regular smokers (10.3%). Compliance with selected indicators such as foot examination (14%), ophthalmological examination (30.6%), abdominal circumference measurement (6.1%), measurement of total or LDL-cholesterol (78.1), blood pressure measurement (84.8), glycosylated haemoglobin measurement < 7% (54.3%) was observed. Adequate monitoring in cases of high blood pressure and hypercholesterolaemia were 34.2% and 27.4%, respectively. Variability between physicians differs according to the different indicators, with interquartile range for compliance of between 16.4 and 66%. Conclusions:  There is a wide margin for improvement in the adaptation of clinical practice to recommendations for diabetic patients. The large variation existing in certain indicators would suggest that certain control objectives are less demanding than advisable in those that comply least, while low compliance and low variability in other indicators point to structural problems or unsatisfactory training of doctors

    A gearbox model for processing large volumes of data by using pipeline systems encapsulated into virtual containers

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    Software pipelines enable organizations to chain applications for adding value to contents (e.g., confidentially, reliability, and integrity) before either sharing them with partners or sending them to the cloud. However, the pipeline components add overhead when processing large volumes of data, which can become critical in real-world scenarios. This paper presents a gearbox model for processing large volumes of data by using pipeline systems encapsulated into virtual containers. In this model, the gears represent applications, whereas gearboxes represent software pipelines. This model was implemented as a collaborative system that automatically performs Gear up (by using parallel patterns) and/or Gear down (by using in-memory storage) until all gears produce uniform data processing velocities. This model reduces delays and bottlenecks produced by the heterogeneous performance of applications included in software pipelines. The new container tool has been designed to encapsulate both the collaborative system and the software pipelines into a virtual container and deploy it on IT infrastructures. We conducted case studies to evaluate the performance of when processing medical images and PDF repositories. The incorporation of a capsule to a cloud storage service for pre-processing medical imagery was also studied. The experimental evaluation revealed the feasibility of applying the gearbox model to the deployment of software pipelines in real-world scenarios as it can significantly improve the end-user service experience when pre-processing large-scale data in comparison with state-of-the-art solutions such as Sacbe and Parsl.This work has been partially supported by the “Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad ” under the project grant TIN2016-79637-P “Towards Unification of HPC and Big Data paradigms”

    Quantum dynamics of crystals of molecular nanomagnets inside a resonant cavity

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    It is shown that crystals of molecular nanomagnets exhibit enhanced magnetic relaxation when placed inside a resonant cavity. Strong dependence of the magnetization curve on the geometry of the cavity has been observed, providing evidence of the coherent microwave radiation by the crystals. A similar dependence has been found for a crystal placed between Fabry-Perot superconducting mirrors. These observations open the possibility of building a nanomagnetic microwave laser pumped by the magnetic field