65 research outputs found

    Ciencia y tecnología en el mundo del vino: cómo afrontar los retos del sector vitivinícola

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    El Instituto de Ciencias de la Vid y del Vino (ICVV) es un Instituto mixto de la Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, la Universidad de La Rioja y el Gobierno de La Rioja, con quince años de existencia. El ICVV se crea en un contexto en el que el sector vitivinícola español ha alcanzado unos niveles de producción y de calidad que lo colocan entre los tres primeros del mundo, junto con Francia e Italia, coincidiendo con la necesidad de adaptarse a una producción más sostenible en un marco de cambio climático y de evolución global de los mercados. El ICVV es un instituto de investigación con un marcado carácter finalista y multidisciplinar, de carácter estatal, y que integra personal científico de todos los ámbitos de la viticultura y de la enología con nuevas disciplinas tales como la genómica, la metabolómica o la bioinformática estructural. Este carácter multidisciplinar le permite abordar los mencionados retos desde la generación de conocimiento fundamental hasta su transferencia y aplicación en nuevos desarrollos tecnológicos e innovaciones de procesos y productos

    FODMAP Intake in Spanish Population: Open Approach for Risk Assessment

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    Fermentable oligo-, di- and monosaccharides and polyols’ (FODMAP) were related with intestinal complications. The present study aimed to determine the FODMAP consumption of Spanish children, adolescents and adults, analyzing the real FODMAP risk of foods, and to set an open methodology for the measurement of this intake in other regions as well as nutrient intake assurance. Total fructan analysis was performed analytically in eighty-seven food samples. Daily intake of FODMAPs, fiber and micronutrients was calculated by combining the food composition for selected fermentable carbohydrates with the national food consumption stratified by age in an open software. Spanish child and adolescent total FODMAP consumption was settled as 33.4 ± 92.4 and 27.3 ± 69.0 g/day, respectively. Both intakes were higher than that of the adult population (21.4 ± 56.7 g/day). The most important food sources of lactose, excess of fructose and total fructan, considering their content and dietary intake were different between age groups. The contribution of these foods to dietary calcium and fiber and the consequent risk of deficiency if they are withdrawn was highlighted. We demonstrated the relevance of stratifying the total FODMAP intake by age. An open approach for FODMAP intake quantification and nutrient control was provided.Maialen Vazquez-Polo and Gesala Perez-Junkera are IKASIKER fellowships of the Education Department of the Basque Government. This research was supported by a grant (University-Society US18/15 and GIU 18/78) from the University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU

    Phenotypic and Genomic Comparison of Klebsiella pneumoniae Lytic Phages: vB_KpnM-VAC66 and vB_KpnM-VAC13

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    [Abstract] Klebsiella pneumoniae is a human pathogen that worsens the prognosis of many immunocompromised patients. Here, we annotated and compared the genomes of two lytic phages that infect clinical strains of K. pneumoniae (vB_KpnM-VAC13 and vB_KpnM-VAC66) and phenotypically characterized vB_KpnM-VAC66 (time of adsorption of 12 min, burst size of 31.49 ± 0.61 PFU/infected cell, and a host range of 20.8% of the tested strains). Transmission electronic microscopy showed that vB_KpnM-VAC66 belongs to the Myoviridae family. The genomic analysis of the phage vB_KpnM-VAC66 revealed that its genome encoded 289 proteins. When compared to the genome of vB_KpnM-VAC13, they showed a nucleotide similarity of 97.56%, with a 93% of query cover, and the phylogenetic study performed with other Tevenvirinae phages showed a close common ancestor. However, there were 21 coding sequences which differed. Interestingly, the main differences were that vB_KpnM-VAC66 encoded 10 more homing endonucleases than vB_KpnM-VAC13, and that the nucleotidic and amino-acid sequences of the L-shaped tail fiber protein were highly dissimilar, leading to different three-dimensional protein predictions. Both phages differed significantly in their host range. These viruses may be useful in the development of alternative therapies to antibiotics or as a co-therapy increasing its antimicrobial potential, especially when addressing multidrug resistant (MDR) pathogens.This study was funded by grants PI19/00878 awarded to M. Tomás within the State Plan for R+D+I 2013-2016 (National Plan for Scientific Research, Technological Development and Innovation 2008–2011) and co-financed by the ISCIII-Deputy General Directorate for Evaluation and Promotion of Research—European Regional Development Fund “A way of Making Europe” and Instituto de Salud Carlos III FEDER, Spanish Network for the Research in Infectious Diseases (REIPI, RD16/0016/0001, RD16/0016/0006 and RD16/CIII/0004/0002) and by the Study Group on Mechanisms of Action and Resistance to Antimicrobials, GEMARA (SEIMC, http://www.seimc.org/ accessed on 1 February 2021) and project PID2020-112835RA-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033, and project SEJIGENT/2021/014 funded by Conselleria d’Innovació, Universitats, Ciència i Societat Digital (Generalitat Valenciana). M. Tomás was financially supported by the Miguel Servet Research Programme (SERGAS and ISCIII). O. Pacios, L. Fernández-García and M. López were financially supported by the grants IN606A-2020/035, IN606B-2021/013 and IN606B-2018/008, respectively (GAIN, Xunta de Galicia). I. Bleriot was financially supported by pFIS program (ISCIII, FI20/00302). P. Domingo-Calap was financially supported by a Ramón y Cajal contract RYC2019-028015-I funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033, ESF Invest in your futureGeneralitat Valenciana; SEJIGENT/2021/014Xunta de Galicia; IN606A-2020/035Xunta de Galicia; IN606B-2021/013Xunta de Galicia; IN606B-2018/00

    Performance of Apple Pomace for Gluten-Free Bread Manufacture: Effect on Physicochemical Characteristics and Nutritional Value

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    Apple pomace has been proposed as a quality enhancer for gluten-free bread, but its composition and physicochemical features differ significantly depending on the apple cultivar. The objective of this article was to characterize apple pomace powder (APP) from certain varieties from the Basque Country and to study the feasibility of adding it to gluten-free bread, focusing on physicochemical and nutritional aspects. APP was obtained by washing, drying and grinding, and it was added at 0, 5, 6 and 8%, together with other ingredients, such as gluten-free flours, corn starch and whey protein. APP had a reddish-grey coloration (L* 56.49 ± 1.39, a* 11.07 ± 0.47, b* 27.69 ± 1.76), pH 4.19 ± 0.15 and Aw 0.235 ± 0.084. Pomace powder was used successfully in higher amounts than experiences reported before. Key physicochemical parameters such as specific volume (≥2.5 cm3/g) and cohesiveness or resilience values (0.538 and 0.378, respectively) suggested good acceptability for gluten-free breads with 8% APP. Additionally, breads were a source of antioxidant potential (437.66 ± 38.95 µM DPPHeq/g APP), fiber (80.13 ± 6.07 g/100 g) and micronutrients such as Cu, Mg, Mn and Fe. In conclusion, local apple varieties are a good source of raw material for gluten-free bread manufacture, which offers a solution for environmental pollution and may contribute to boosting the circular economy.This research was developed within a project funded by the Department of Food Quality and Food Industries of the Basque Government (00025-IDA2019-38) and was possible thanks to a grant received for labor costs by the Department of Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment of the same institution

    Hábitos sedentarios en adolescentes escolarizados de Cantabria

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    El aumento del tiempo dedicado a actividades sedentarias se ha relacionado en los últimos años con el aumento de la prevalencia del sobrepeso y la obesidad en la infancia y la adolescencia. En este trabajo estudiamos los hábitos sedentarios de adolescentes escolarizados en centros de educación pública de la Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria, participantes en el Proyecto «Promoción de Hábitos Saludables en Adolescentes desde el Ámbito Educativo» llevado a cabo durante 2011. Participaron 1101 adolescentes con edades comprendidas entre los 10 y los 17 años, escolarizados en 16 centros. Todos los participantes cumplimentaron un cuestionario sobre sus hábitos de vida. Más del 85% de los participantes cumplen las recomendaciones de visionado de televisión en días de colegio, sin embargo dicho porcentaje disminuye en fin de semana. Esta actividad es superior en los chicos, en el fin de semana, e inferior en el grupo de edad de 10-11años. En cuanto al uso del ordenador, de la videoconsola, y de Internet por ocio, encontramos diferencias en función del sexo, la edad y el día de la semana. El tiempo dedicado a actividades sedentarias aumenta con la edad y durante el fin de semana. Asimismo, existe un patrón de hábitos sedentarios diferente entre ambos sexos. Debemos conocer estas diferencias de estilo de vida para poder realizar intervenciones eficaces en la promoción de hábitos saludables en los adolescentes

    Autoimagen en las dos primeras fases de la adolescencia y factores relacionados

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    Se trata de la descripción de la imagen corporal en un amplio grupo de alumnos escolarizados en Cantabria (n=1179 adolescentes), de 10 a 17 años de edad (adolescencia temprana e intermedia) dentro de un estudio más amplio encaminado a evidenciar un estilo de vida saludable en estos adolescentes, llevado a cabo por profesores de universidad y profesores de educación física de los centros educativos. Los principales hallazgos consisten en que los adolescentes tienen, en general, una buena imagen de sí mismos y, aunque no reconocen la elevada prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad, desean adelgazar y el grado de satisfacción que tienen con su imagen corporal va empeorando conforme avanza la adolescencia, signifi cativamente más en las del sexo femenino. Esta insatisfacción debe ser tenida en cuenta en el abordaje de los adolescentes con obesidad