83 research outputs found

    Promoting U.S. Community Colleges in Sweden: From the Perspective of Swedish Education Agents

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    This purpose of this study is to find out what role agents play through marketing community colleges in the Swedish education market and recruiting Swedish students to U.S. community colleges. This study explores Swedish education agents’ perspectives of the community college system in the United States, their experiences in marketing community colleges in Sweden, and the factors that may lead to or prohibit the success in recruiting Swedish students for U.S. community colleges. Qualitative research methods were used, which included preliminary surveys, interviews, an analysis of the agents’ marketing strategies, and a review of relevant studies. The findings revealed that agents are aware of the key benefits of attending a U.S. community college: affordability, simple admissions process, and university transfer options. Disadvantages were also noted, which included the absence of experiencing a typical American college experience and lack of on-campus housing. The marketing tactics that the agencies used ranged in size and scope. Some of the agents focused on digital marketing tactics, while others focused on a more personal approach. The research revealed that the principle difficulty in marketing community colleges to Swedish students is that they are unfamiliar with the concept of community colleges. The importance of building strong partnerships between institutions and agency partners was also indicated through this investigation. The results of this study can be used by U.S. community colleges, in order to develop successful international student recruitment and marketing strategies in Sweden. Additionally, this study provides researchers, faculty, and staff at community colleges in the United States with insight on how community colleges are perceived by Swedish students and their parents

    Cow\u27s Milk Protein-Induced Villous Atrophy and Elevated Celiac Autoimmunity in Children with Celiac Disease on a Glutten-Free Diet: A Report of Three Cases

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    Objective: To describe the serologic and histologic response of three patients with celiac disease who had persistent autoimmunity and villous atrophy despite a strict gluten-free diet, to the elimination of cow\u27s milk protein

    Estructura del Paisaje: siembra y cosecha del agua en San Pedro de Casta

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    Estudios científicos avalan que gran parte de las acciones humanas son responsables del calentamiento global y de la variabilidad de ciclos naturales como el ciclo del agua. En efecto, el cambio climático provoca fenómenos meteorológicos extremos, reduce la disponibilidad de agua, altera la biodiversidad, dificulta la mitigación de riesgos y constituye una amenaza al desarrollo sostenible. Estas acciones humanas difieren mucho de las prácticas que aún mantienen ciertas comunidades en el mundo, las cuales responden a los conocimientos tradicionales que vinculan humanos y naturaleza en sus cosmovisiones. Con esta premisa, el proyecto tiene como objetivo tomar los aspectos positivos de los conocimientos contemporáneos y los conocimientos tradicionales en una propuesta de planificación territorial que pueda solucionar los conflictos socioambientales, de manera que se responda con buenas prácticas que se organizan a partir del uso adecuado del agua. El área que corresponde al continente sudamericano es conocida como una de las cunas de las civilizaciones humanas. Los antiguos pobladores comprendieron que debían influir en el ciclo natural del agua desde las alturas de Los Andes hasta la desembocadura de los ríos en los océanos, entendiendo el territorio a partir de las cuencas. Dentro del territorio peruano, existen muchas comunidades que mantienen la cultura del agua al realizar las practicas de siembra y cosecha de agua. La estructura del paisaje es analizada para conocer las variables que perduran en el tiempo y que logran constituir las particularidades locales; de manera que las sociedades que mantienen las practicas de siembra y cosecha de agua son consideradas sociedades hidráulicas. El área que habita la sociedad hidráulica de San Pedro de Casta se encuentra entre los 1750 hasta los 4800 msnm de la subcuenca del río Santa Eulalia, cuenca del río Rímac. El proyecto se sitúa en la quebrada de Saywapata, en las alturas del territorio casteño, lugar donde se acondiciona un local de piscicultura como local comunal y luego se plantea una ruta paralela a la quebrada que permite al caminante sensibilizarse con los sistemas hídricos propuestos que retienen, almacenan e infiltran el agua. Las características sistemáticas de la siembra y cosecha de agua pueden replicarse en todo tipo de cuencas, aseguran la regulación hídrica, aumentan la cantidad y la calidad de agua, potencian la biodiversidad y mitigan los deslizamientos. Un desarrollo humano en armonía con la cultura y la naturaleza

    Radio Frequency MRI coils and safety: how infrared thermography can support quality assurance

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    Abstract Background The safety controls in Resonance Magnetic Imaging (MRI) diagnostic site are numerous and complex. Some of these are contained in international directives and regularly conducted by medical physics expert after acceptance tests, consisting of a series of checks, measurements, evaluations called quality controls (QCs) and made to guarantee the image quality of the equipment. In this context, ensuring that the coils are in proper operating conditions is important to prevent and reduce errors in use and to preserve patient safety. Results A study by thermography was conducted to evaluate temperature changes of MRI coils during Quality Control (QC), in order to prevent any problems for the patient due to Radio Frequency waves. This experiment involves use of a thermal camera to detect temperature variations during MRI scans using head and body coils of two different tomography 1.5 T and 3.0 T static magnetic field. Thermal camera was positioned inside the MRI room to acquire images every 15 s for all the scansions duration. The observations have shown a temperature increase only for body coil of 1.5 MRI tomography, whereas no significative temperature variation has occurred for the other coils under observation. This temperature increase was later related to a fault of such coil. Conclusions The authors believe this simple method useful as first approach, during routinely QCs, to verify coils functioning and so to avoid patient hazards and are preparing a methodological study about functioning of the coils with respect to their temperature variation

    recombinant human erythropoietin influences revascularization and healing in a rat model of random ischaemic flaps

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    In order to ascertain whether erythropoietin plays a role in early and late repair processes following ischaemic skin flap injury, a dorsal, caudally based skin flap was created in rats. The rats were successively divided into four groups. Group 1 was not treated. The other groups were treated with a subcutaneous administration of 0.9% NaCl saline solution (group 2), a subcutaneous administration of vehicle (group 3) or a subcutaneous administration of 300 IU/kg/day of recombinant human erythropoietin (group 4). We evaluated the possible relationships between neutrophil accumulation, myeloperoxidase activity and content in flap tissue, flap survival, flap temperature (using telethermography) and flap revascularization (using videocapillaroscopy). Necrosis in the flap was significantly less extensive in group 4 than in groups 1, 2 and 3. A significant increase in neutrophil infiltration occurred between the 1st and 24th hour in these groups, but this was not observed in group 4. These findings were confirmed by biochemical data of myeloperoxidase activity and malonyldialdehyde content. Between the 1st and 7th days, we recorded an increase of about 20% in flap temperature in groups 1, 2 and 3, whereas no significant variation was observed in group 4. On the 7th day, videocapillaroscopic findings showed an increase in the mean vascularization index in group 4. Our findings suggest that recombinant human erythropoietin administration can improve the wound healing process, in both early and late stages of injury, by reducing inflammatory response, increasing the density of capillaries in ischaemic flaps and allowing earlier repair of a damaged area

    Cyclic vomiting syndrome in children: a nationwide survey of current practice on behalf of the Italian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (SIGENP) and Italian Society of Pediatric Neurology (SINP)

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    Background: Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (CVS) is a rare functional gastrointestinal disorder, which has a considerable burden on quality of life of both children and their family. Aim of the study was to evaluate the diagnostic modalities and therapeutic approach to CVS among Italian tertiary care centers and the differences according to subspecialties, as well as to explore whether potential predictive factors associated with either a poor outcome or a response to a specific treatment. Methods: Cross-sectional multicenter web-based survey involving members of the Italian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (SIGENP) and Italian Society of Pediatric Neurology (SINP). Results: A total of 67 responses were received and analyzed. Most of the respondent units cared for less than 20 patients. More than half of the patients were referred after 3 to 5 episodes, and a quarter after 5 attacks. We report different diagnostic approaches among Italian clinicians, which was particularly evident when comparing gastroenterologists and neurologists. Moreover, our survey demonstrated a predilection of certain drugs during emetic phase according to specific clinic, which reflects the cultural background of physicians. Conclusion: In conclusion, our survey highlights poor consensus amongst clinicians in our country in the diagnosis and the management of children with CVS, raising the need for a national consensus guideline in order to standardize the practice

    Risultati del follow-up di pazienti con IPMN afferenti all'ambulatorio multidisciplinare del pancreas

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    La neoplasia intraduttale papillare mucinosa (IPMN) rappresenta una delle più interessanti e controverse neoplasie cistiche del pancreas e un possibile precursore del carcinoma invasivo del pancreas. La sua incidenza è in aumento, complici l’invecchiamento della popolazione e l’affinamento diagnostico, mentre la prevalenza negli esami effettuati con metodiche di diagnostica per immagini è stimata al 3% nelle scansioni in Tomografia Computerizzata (TC) e al 20% negli studi con Risonanza Magnetica (RM). L’IPMN può essere classificata in tre diverse tipologie: IPMN Main Duct, se localizzata al dotto principale, IPMN Branch Duct, se localizzata a livello di uno o più dotti secondari, e IPMN Mixed Type se interessa sia il dotto principale che i dotti secondari. Nel 5-10% dei casi l’IPMN è multifocale e interessa diffusamente il sistema duttale pancreatico. Il management di questa patologia è controverso e l’obiettivo primario consisterebbe nella rimozione delle lesioni che presentano un’elevata tendenza evolutiva maligna, dal momento che il carcinoma pancreatico presenta prognosi infausta in tutti gli stadi. Tuttavia la il tempo e la modalità di progressione dell’IPMN dalla displasia al carcinoma invasivo rimane in larga parte sconosciuta. Lo scopo dello studio è stato quello di analizzare in maniera retrospettiva la casistica di pazienti con sospetta IPMN afferiti all’ambulatorio multidisciplinare del pancreas del Dipartimento di Chirurgia Generale tra il 2007 ed il 2017 e confrontare i risultati ottenuti con le linee guida della consensus internazionale (ICS) tenutasi a Fukuoka nel 2012. Sono stati presi in esame 106 pazienti, valutati da un gruppo multidisciplinare costituito da gastroenterologi, radiologi e chirurghi. Sono stati raccolti i dati anamnestici e i referti degli esami di imaging, quindi è stata valutata la presenza dei criteri high risk stigmata e worrisome features definiti dalle ICS del 2012. Dei 27 pazienti andati incontro ad intervento chirurgico i referti istologici sono stati confrontati con il sospetto diagnostico pre-operatorio. In 6 pazienti su 27 (22,2%) la diagnosi è risultata di adenocarcinoma, in 21 pazienti (77,8%) IPMN senza displasia di alto grado. La sensibilità e la specificità dei criteri di Fukuoka per la diagnosi di carcinoma su IPMN è risultata rispettivamente dell’83% e del 62% con valore predittivo positivo e negativo del 38% e 93% rispettivamente. Questi valori sono risultati sovrapponibili a quelli evidenziati da diversi studi retrospettivi e meta-analisi che sono stati presi in considerazione. L’odds ratio per malignità nelle lesioni Fukuoka positive è stato di 8,12. Dei 79 pazienti non andati incontro a resezione chirurgica, ma seguiti tramite follow-up clinico e radiologico, 37 hanno mostrato tendenza evolutiva all’imaging (espressa come aumento del numero o delle dimensioni delle cisti, comparsa di noduli murali o progressiva dilatazione del dotto pancreatico principale) indipendentemente dalla presenza dei criteri di Fukuoka, senza tuttavia far propendere verso un diverso approccio gestionale rispetto a quello conservativo in atto. Nonostante rappresentino un valido strumento per orientare la pratica clinica nei confronti di una patologia ancora non del tutto decifrata, le linee guida non possono rappresentare l’unica componente nel definire l’approccio diagnostico-terapeutico del singolo paziente, è necessario infatti considerare una gamma di fattori propri del paziente quali età, comorbidità, compliance, qualità di vita, e la specifica realtà socio-assistenziale

    Societa' a tempo indeterminato e diritto di recesso

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    Il presente lavoro di tesi analizza le fattispecie di recesso ad nutum da società contratte a tempo indeterminato (art. 2437, 3° comma, c.c. e 2473, 2° comma c.c.). Si tratta di una "causa" di recesso nuova nel "terreno" delle società di capitali, introdotta dal legislatore in sede di riforma. Di fronte ad un dato normativo alquanto scarno, al fine di cogliere gli elementi di originalità che contraddistinguono la presente fattispecie, si provvederà ad esaminare la disciplina generale del novellato recesso per poi, in un secondo momento, individuare il fondamento causale delle ipotesi tradizionali di exit. Nel Capitolo conclusivo, sottolineata la matrice prevalentemente economica del recesso ad nutum, si procederà ad un tentativo di ricostruzione della relativa disciplina
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