297 research outputs found

    Exploring lived space of new build urban environment through photovoice interview: The case of Donau City in Vienna

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    Contemporary urban design practices and new build redevelopment projects are strongly influenced by economic, social and cultural practices, as well as by new forms of management. These different parameters play on the quality production of open spaces. Investigating the place study of Donau City, a mixed-use neighbourhood located in Vienna (Austria), we look at the relations between the new build environment and the daily users. We aim at analysing the intrinsic qualities of this specific urban environment by understanding how residents and users perceive and decode it (emic perspective) and how they make sense of everyday practiced and lived space. In order to do so, we followed a citizen science approach, using photovoice interview with thirteen residents and workers. Commenting the photographs they took on a one-day walk, the users revealed their daily life of their surrounding through design and planning elements associated with personal stories. We analyzed the corpus via inductive coding which helped us conceptualize the users’ lived space (Lefebvre, 2000), perceptions and interactions. Discussing the results, we contribute to a deeper understanding of the role forms, functions and scales play on open spaces’ quality in new build redevelopment projects by bringing in a bottom-up and sensitive approach. We show that social and spatial fragmentation could be mitigated by paying more attention to the emic perceptions and intangible values in spatial conception

    Etnografia no vale das Polaciones: Carmelo Lisón Tolosana e a escola de antropologia social «Julio Caro Baroja»

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    From its origins, Mexican anthropology was conditioned by its link to state policies that consigned, for a long time, the official role of integrating indigenous cultural diversity to nationalism. This prevented the focus of attention from being diverted to other possible anthropological worlds, remaining trapped in the paradigm of indigenism. Likewise, the academic influence in Mexico leapt from Boasian theory in the early 20th century to that of the «great thinkers» of English and French anthropology with their respective ethnographic foci. The field work done in Spain by native anthropologists was not incorporated on a regular basis, except in some specific seminars, which had a great boom thanks to the School formed by Professor Carmelo Lisón Tolosana. Although the relationship between Mexico and Spain has been a recurring theme from a historical perspective, thanks in large part to the descendants of Spanish exiles who were integrated into the Casa de España, now the Colegio de México, unfortunately the research of Mexican anthropologists remains scarce. that, although aware of a necessary epistemology of the South, they do not consider the Spanish anthropological Other nor do they conscientiously approach the already existing ethnographic corpus. In other words, a reverse view of Spain has not yet been raised, not in terms of our «North» like the United States, but of our alter ego. In this text, I report my brief field experience in the Valle de Polaciones, Cantabria, carried out two decades ago at the «Julio Caro Baroja» School of Anthropology, whose main promoter was Professor Lisón Tolosana. With this I intend to reflect on the possibility of approaching the extensive existing Spanish ethnographic material from Latin American anthropology thanks to the arduous and systematic investigations of the Zaragoza professor as well as his School, and to think about new research topics that take us out of the purely indigenous environment.Desde sus orígenes, la antropología mexicana estuvo condicionada por su vinculación a las políticas estatales que le consignaron, durante mucho tiempo, el papel oficial de integradora de la diversidad cultural indígena al nacionalismo. Ello impidió que el foco de atención se desviara hacia otros mundos antropológicos posibles, permaneciendo atrapada en el paradigma del indigenismo. Asimismo, la influencia académica en México dio un salto de la teoría boasiana a principios del siglo XX a la de los «grandes pensadores» de la antropología inglesa y francesa con sus respectivos focos etnográficos. No se incorporó de manera habitual, salvo en algunos seminarios puntuales, el trabajo de campo hecho en España por antropólogos autóctonos, que tuvo un gran auge gracias a la Escuela formada por el profesor Carmelo Lisón Tolosana. Aunque la relación entre México y España ha sido un tema recurrente desde la perspectiva histórica gracias en gran parte a los descendientes de los exiliados españoles que se integraron en la Casa de España, actual Colegio de México, desafortunadamente siguen siendo escasas las investigaciones de antropólogos mexicanos que, aunque conscientes de una necesaria epistemología del Sur, no se plantean al Otro antropológico español ni se acercan concienzudamente a los corpus etnográficos ya existente. Es decir que aún no se ha suscitado una mirada inversa hacia España, no en términos de nuestro «Norte» como Estados Unidos, sino de nuestro alter ego. En el presente texto, relato mi breve experiencia de campo en el Valle de Polaciones, Cantabria, llevada a cabo hace dos décadas en la Escuela de Antropología «Julio Caro Baroja» cuyo principal promotor fue el profesor Lisón Tolosana. Con ello pretendo reflexionar sobre la posibilidad de acercarnos desde la antropología latinoamericana al amplio material etnográfico español existente gracias a las arduas y sistemáticas investigaciones del profesor zaragozano así como de su Escuela, y pensar en nuevos temas de investigación que amplíen nuestro espectro más allá del ámbito puramente indigenista.Desde suas origens, a antropologia mexicana esteve condicionada por sua vinculação às políticas estatais que lhe consignaram durante muito tempo, o papel oficial de integradora da diversidade cultura indígena ao nacionalismo. Isto impediu que o foco de atenção se desviasse para outros mundos antropológicos possíveis, permanecendo prezo no paradigma do indigenismo. Mesmo assim, a influência acadêmica no México deu um salto da teoria boasiana a princípos do século XX, ao dos «grandes pensadores» da antropologia inglesa e francesa com seus respectivos focos etnográficos. Não se incorporou de maneira habitual, salvo em alguns seminários pontuais, o trabalho de campo feito em Espanha por antropólogos autóctones, que tiveram um grande auge graças a Escola formada pelo professor Carmelo Lisón Tolosana. Ainda que a relação entre México e Espanha tenha sido um tema recorrente desde a perspectiva histórica graças em grande parte aos descendentes dos exilados espanhóis que se integraram na Casa de Espanha, atual Colégio de México, desafortunadamente seguem sendo escassas as investigações de antropológicas mexicanas que, ainda que conscientes de uma necessária epistemologia do Sul, não se colocam no Outro antropológico espanhol nem se aproximam conscienciosamente aos corpus etnográficos já existentes. Quer dizer que ainda não se tem suscitado um olhar inverso para Espanha, não em termos de nosso «Norte» como Estados Unidos, senão de nosso auter ego. No presente texto, relato minha breve experiência de campo no Valle de Polaciones, Cantábria, levada a cabo faz décadas na Escola de Antropologia «Julio Caro Baroja» cujo principal promotor foi o professor Lisón Tolosana. Com ele pretendo refletir sobre a sistemática investigação do professor zaragonez assim como sua Escola, e pensar em novos temas de investigação que ampliem nosso aspecto mais além do âmbito puramente indigenista

    El Parque Nacional de la Sierra de Guadarrama: principales tipologías turísticas, impactos y consecuencias

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    Modalidades alternativas al turismo convencional de sol y playa tales como el turismo de naturaleza y el turismo rural, han adquirido un mayor protagonismo a nivel mundial en las últimas décadas. Los espacios naturales protegidos conforman el escenario idóneo para el desarrollo de estas prácticas, donde se demandan principalmente sensaciones y actividades de mayor o menor intensidad vinculadas al contacto con la naturaleza y a la evasión de los núcleos urbanos que los rodean. En este contexto, resulta oportuno analizar el perfil del visitante y las principales tipologías turísticas llevadas a cabo en el Parque Nacional de la Sierra de Guadarrama, situado en un enclave privilegiado con un alto valor ecológico, cultural, natural y paisajístico, para poder ajustar así su oferta turística y llevar a cabo una gestión sostenible del uso público, asegurando siempre la compatibilidad entre el disfrute de los usuarios y la conservación del espacio natural

    Programación didáctica de Educación Física para sexto curso de Educación Primaria

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    Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado pretende servir como guía de referencia para entender una de las principales funciones que tiene el docente en su labor educativa: Programar. El diseño de la Programación Didáctica es una pieza fundamental en la cual se sustenta toda práctica educativa. Para ello se ha elaborado 15 Unidades Didácticas dirigidas al alumnado de 6º de Educación Primaria, concretadas en el área de Educación Física, de las cuales dos se encuentran desglosadas. Para su desarrollo me he fundamentado en las prescripciones legales recogidas en la LOMCE, Reales Decretos y Órdenes que la desarrollan, además de tener presente las características particulares del contexto, las instalaciones, los recursos y las características psicoevolutivas de los alumnos del Colegio Blanca de Castilla donde he realizado el prácticum II. Con este trabajo pretendo aplicar los diversos conocimientos que he ido adquiriendo durante mis estudios universitarios, para elaborar una Programación Didáctica donde se observe con claridad aspectos como la concreción del currículo, la secuenciación de los elementos curriculares, el manejo de las disposiciones legales y el diseño de las Unidades Didácticas.Grado en Educación Primari

    Mundo árabe desde México

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    Review of Conde Giberto, Marta Tawl y Camila Pastor (eds.), Mundo árabe. Levantamientos populares, contextos, crisis y reconfiguraciones. México, COLMEX/CIDE, 2016.Reseña de Conde Giberto, Marta Tawl y Camila Pastor (eds.), Mundo árabe. Levantamientos populares, contextos, crisis y reconfiguraciones. México, COLMEX/CIDE, 2016

    Thymidylate synthase expression as a predictive biomarker of pemetrexed sensitivity in advanced non-small cell lung cancer

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    Background: Although it has been suggested that a high level of thymidylate synthase (TYMS) gene expression in malignant tumors is related to reduced sensitivity to the antifolate drug pemetrexed, no direct evidence for such an association has been demonstrated in routine clinical samples from patients treated with the drug. The purpose of this study was to quantitatively assess the impact of TYMS gene expression in tumor cells as a predictor of the efficacy of pemetrexed therapy in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) treated at our institution. Methods: Sixty-two NSCLC patients were included in this study: 16 patients received platins-pemetrexed as first-line NSCLC, and 46 pemetrexed in monotherapy as second- or subsequent-line treatment. Total mRNA was isolated and the expression of TYMS was analyzed by RT-qPCR. TYMS levels were calibrated against expression in normal lung tissue. Results: TYMS overexpression was detected in 61 % of patients and low expression in 39 %. The response rate for patients with low TYMS expression was 0.29 compared with 0.03 in patients with overexpression (P = 0.025). A significant benefit was observed in patients with low expression both in time to progression (average TTP = 56 vs. 23 months, P = 0.001) and in overall survival (average OS = 60 vs. 25 months, P = 0.002). Conclusions: TYMS overexpression in tumor cells correlated with a reduced response to pemetrexed-containing chemotherapy and might be used as a predictive biomarker in advanced NSCLC patientsThe present work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) (AES Program, grant PI12/01552); the Ministerio de Sanidad (Cancer Network); and the Comunidad de Madrid (S2010/BMD-2344). The Fundacion Jimenez Diaz Biobank is funded by a grant from the MINECO (Instituto de Salud Carlos III, RETICS Red de Biobancos, with FEDER funds, RD09/0076/00101). S.Z. and C.C. are supported by grants from the same Biobanks initiativ

    Basement membrane-rich Organoids with functional human blood vessels are permissive niches for human breast cancer metastasis

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    Metastasic breast cancer is the leading cause of death by malignancy in women worldwide. Tumor metastasis is a multistep process encompassing local invasion of cancer cells at primary tumor site, intravasation into the blood vessel, survival in systemic circulation, and extravasation across the endothelium to metastasize at a secondary site. However, only a small percentage of circulating cancer cells initiate metastatic colonies. This fact, together with the inaccessibility and structural complexity of target tissues has hampered the study of the later steps in cancer metastasis. In addition, most data are derived from in vivo models where critical steps such as intravasation/extravasation of human cancer cells are mediated by murine endothelial cells. Here, we developed a new mouse model to study the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying late steps of the metastatic cascade. We have shown that a network of functional human blood vessels can be formed by co-implantation of human endothelial cells and mesenchymal cells, embedded within a reconstituted basement membrane-like matrix and inoculated subcutaneously into immunodeficient mice. The ability of circulating cancer cells to colonize these human vascularized organoids was next assessed in an orthotopic model of human breast cancer by bioluminescent imaging, molecular techniques and immunohistological analysis. We demonstrate that disseminated human breast cancer cells efficiently colonize organoids containing a functional microvessel network composed of human endothelial cells, connected to the mouse circulatory system. Human breast cancer cells could be clearly detected at different stages of the metastatic process: initial arrest in the human microvasculature, extravasation, and growth into avascular micrometastases. This new mouse model may help us to map the extravasation process with unprecedented detail, opening the way for the identification of relevant targets for therapeutic intervention

    Classification of glucose records from patients at diabetes risk using a combined permutation entropy algorithm

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    [EN] Background and objectives : The adoption in clinical practice of electronic portable blood or interstitial glucose monitors has enabled the collection, storage, and sharing of massive amounts of glucose level readings. This availability of data opened the door to the application of a multitude of mathematical methods to extract clinical information not discernible with conventional visual inspection. The objective of this study is to assess the capability of Permutation Entropy (PE) to find differences between glucose records of healthy and potentially diabetic subjects. Methods : PE is a mathematical method based on the relative frequency analysis of ordinal patterns in time series that has gained a lot of attention in the last years due to its simplicity, robustness, and per- formance. We study in this paper the applicability of this method to glucose records of subjects at risk of diabetes in order to assess the predictability value of this metric in this context. Results : PE, along with some of its derivatives, was able to find significant differences between diabetic and non¿diabetic patients from records acquired up to 3 years before the diagnosis. The quantitative results for PE were 3.5878 ±0.3916 for the nondiabetic class, and 3.1564 ±0.4166 for the diabetic class. With a classification accuracy higher than 70%, and by means of a Cox regression model, PE demonstrated that it is a very promising candidate as a risk stratification tool for continuous glucose monitoring. Conclusion : PE can be considered as a prospective tool for the early diagnosis of the glucoregulatory system.Cuesta Frau, D.; Miró Martínez, P.; Oltra Crespo, S.; Jordán Núñez, J.; Vargas-Rojo, B.; Vigil-Medina, L. (2018). Classification of glucose records from patients at diabetes risk using a combined permutation entropy algorithm. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 165:197-204. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cmpb.2018.08.018S19720416

    Activation of MET pathway predicts poor outcome to cetuximab in patients with recurrent or metastatic head and neck cancer

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    Background: Activation of the MET oncogene promotes tumor growth, invasion and metastasis in several tumor types. Additionally, MET is activated as a compensatory pathway in the presence of EGFR blockade, thus resulting in a mechanism of resistance to EGFR inhibitors. Methods: We have investigated the impact of HGF and MET expression, MET activation (phosphorylation), MET gene status, and MET-activating mutations on cetuximab sensitivity in recurrent or metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (HNSCC) patients. Results: A single-institution retrospective analysis was performed in 57 patients. MET overexpression was detected in 58 % patients, MET amplification in 39 % and MET activation (p-MET) in 30 %. Amplification was associated with MET overexpression. Log-rank testing showed significantly worse outcomes in recurrent/metastatic, MET overexpressing patients for progression-free survival and overall survival. Activation of MET was correlated with worse PFS and OS. In multivariate logistic regression analysis, p-MET was an independent prognostic factor for PFS. HGF overexpression was observed in 58 % patients and was associated with MET phosphorylation, suggesting a paracrine activation of the receptor. Conclusions: HGF/MET pathway activation correlated with worse outcome in recurrent/metastatic HNSCC patients. When treated with a cetuximab-based regimen, these patients correlated with worse outcome. This supports a dual blocking strategy of HGF/MET and EGFR pathways for the treatment of patients with recurrent/metastatic HNSCCThe present work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) (AES Program, grant PI12/01552); the Ministerio de Sanidad (Cancer Network); the Comunidad de Madrid (S2010/BMD-2344). The Fundacion Jimenez Diaz Biobank is funded by a grant from the MINECO (Instituto de Salud Carlos III, RETICS Red de Biobancos, with FEDER funds, RD09/0076/00101). S.Z. and C.C. are supported by grants from the same Biobanks initiativ

    Uso responsable y crítico de internet de los dispositivos digitales

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    237 p.En los espacios educativos vivimos en la incertidumbre acerca del futuro digital: ¿Cómo educamos a los y las adolescentes en la interacción con las redes y dispositivos tecnológicos? ¿Hay que limitar o potenciar su uso? ¿Qué usos promover y cuáles prevenir y cómo? ¿Por qué lo digital fascina tanto? ¿Cómo potenciar un uso responsable y crítico en el universo mediático? En este libro se aborda cómo las personas experimentan el ciclo de la adolescencia en las redes y con las tecnologías, las potencialidades y riesgos, y la percepción del riesgo en las interacciones digitales. En el marco de cambio cultural de la cibercultura caracterizada por la hiperconectividad, interactividad y versatilidad de los dispositivos urge conocer y comprender los riesgos que en un mundo digital enfrenta la ciudadanía en general, y especialmente la adolescencia. La alfabetización en medios e información y el desarrollo de competencias digitales constituyen un factor clave para el logro de un uso responsable y crítico de los dispositivos tecnológicos. Ante las múltiples incertidumbres y desde la confianza en el potencial adolescente para formarse en medios y tecnologías se han desarrollado trece sesiones para alcanzar aprendizajes activos en cinco dimensiones: hábitos de uso, gestión de datos, contenidos y descargas, relaciones y publicaciones. Las actividades fueron diseñadas para ser trabajadas con adolescentes entre los 12 y 17 años, en diferentes contextos educativos.Esta obra se financia en base a dos proyectos de investigación: Ayudas a los Grupos de Investigación de la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU) (Ref. GIU 20/053) y Proyecto de Investigación del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España. Agencia Estatal de Investigación(MINECOG20/P61/AEI/10.13039/50110001103