101 research outputs found

    Selecting the Class of All 3-Valued Implicative Expansions of Kleene's Strong Logic Containing Routley and Meyer's Logic B

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    We define all implicative expansions of Kleene's strong 3-valued matrix (with both only one and two designated values) verifying Routley and Meyer's basic logic B. Then, the logics determined by each one of these implicative expansions are axiomatized by using a Belnap-Dunn "two-valued" semantics. This semantics is "overdetermined" in the case of two designated values, and "underdetermined" when there is only one.SIMinisterio de Economía, Industria y Competitivida

    A 2-set-up Routley-Meyer Semantics for the 4-valued Relevant Logic E4

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    The logic BN4 can be considered as the 4-valued logic of the relevant conditional and the logic E4, as the 4-valued logic of (relevant) entailment. The aim of this paper is to endow E4 with a 2-set-up Routley-Meyer semantics. It is proved that E4 is strongly sound and complete w.r.t. this semantics

    Relational Semantics for the Paraconsistent and Paracomplete 4-valued Logic PŁ4

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    The paraconsistent and paracomplete 4-valued logic PŁ4 is originally interpreted with a two-valued Belnap-Dunn semantics. In the present paper, PŁ4 is endowed with both a ternary Routley-Meyer semantics and a binary Routley semantics together with their respective restriction to the 2 set-up cases

    Relational Semantics for the Paraconsistent and Paracomplete 4-valued Logic PŁ4

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    [EN] The paraconsistent and paracomplete 4-valued logic PŁ4 is originally interpreted with a two-valued Belnap-Dunn semantics. In the present paper, PŁ4 is endowed with both a ternary Routley-Meyer semantics and a binary Routley semantics together with their respective restriction to the 2 set-up cases.SIMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033

    Relational semantics for the 4-valued relevant logics BN4 and E4

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    The logic BN4 was defined by R.T. Brady in 1982. It can be considered as the 4-valued logic of the relevant conditional. E4 is a variant of BN4 that can be considered as the 4-valued logic of (relevant) entailment. The aim of this paper is to define reduced general Routley-Meyer semantics for BN4 and E4. It is proved that BN4 and E4 are strongly sound and complete w.r.t. their respective semantics

    Comparison between Manual and Automated Methods for Ki-67 Immunoexpression Quantification in Ameloblastomas

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    Ameloblastoma is a common and unpredictable odontogenic tumor with high relapse rates. Several studies assessing the proliferative capacity of these neoplasms have been published, mainly using the protein Ki-67. Cell counts must be completed to determine the cell proliferation rate. Multiple methods have been developed for this purpose. The most widely used method is the labeling index, which has undergone changes over time to better facilitate cell counting. Here, we compared manual cell counting methods with automated cell counting (ImmunoRatio) to determine the relative effectiveness of these methods. The results suggest that ImmunoRatio, a free software tool, may be highly advantageous and provide results similar to manual cell counting methods when used with the appropriate calibration. However, ImmunoRatio has flaws that may affect the labeling index results. Therefore, this automated cell counting method must be supplemented with manual cell counting methods

    Plan de formación para el fortalecimiento de los vínculos afectivos de las adolescentes de la comunidad educativa Benposta y sus familias

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    Tablas, graficas, anexosTomando como definición la familia como núcleo de la sociedad, se decidió enfocar nuestro proyecto de investigación e intervención, cuyo propósito es centrar la atención en la adolescencia para aminorar las consecuencias de las problemáticas sociales, tomando como objeto de estudio a un grupo de adolescentes de la comunidad Benposta, para ello se utilizaron técnica de recolección de datos; encuesta, observación, información secundaria de las hojas de vida, donde se evidencio el debilitamiento de los vínculos afectivos entre las adolescentes y sus familias. Partiendo del énfasis social comunitario es pertinente asumirlo desde la perspectiva de la psicología social y psicología comunitaria, desde el contexto educativo y comunitario. La psicología Comunitaria de acuerdo con Montero, Sánchez y Alfaro propende por el desarrollo integral del individuo y la comunidad, vale la pena destacar que en todo proceso de intervención se hace necesario revisar algunas teorías para visualizar la forma o tratamientos. Este proyecto se fundamenta en el sustento teórico de Maritza Montero, enfoque Social Comunitario fundado en el fortalecimiento, se desarrollo el componente interventivo del proyecto; denominado “ESCUELA FAMILIAR; PLAN DE FORMACION PARA EL FORTALECIMIENTO DE VINCULOS AFECTIVOS DE LAS ADOLESCENTES DE LA COMUNIDAD EDUCATIVA BENPOSTA Y SUS FAMILIAS.” Abordando tres líneas de trabajo lo personal, social y legal, a través de talleres, foros, actividades lúdico-recreativas, juegos de roles, análisis de historias de vida y de caso, cuyo objetivo principal es el afianzamiento de los vínculos afectivos a través de la resolución del conflicto la comunicación asertiva, identificación y prevención de factores de riesgo.No Abstrac

    Tau Protein Phosphorylated at Threonine-231 Is Expressed Abundantly in the Cerebellum in Prion Encephalopathies

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    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: The authors want to express their gratitude to the following: Dr. P. Davies † (Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA) and Lester I. Binder † (North Western, Chicago, IL, USA) for the generous gift of mAbs TG-3 and Alz-50, and Tau-1, Tau-5 and Tau-7, respectively; Tec. Amparo Viramontes Pintos for the handling of the brain tissue; support in the confocal microscopy unit of CIIDIR Durango, Instituto Politécnico Nacional; Union Medica University Clinic, Dominican Republic, for their support and collaboration in the development of this research project. We also want to express our gratitude to the Mexican families who have donated the brain of their loved ones affected with Alzheimer's disease and made our research possible. This work is dedicated to the memory of Professor Dr. José Raúl Mena López †. †Deceased. This work was supported by Fondo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia, FONDOCyT, from the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Dominican Republic (2015-3A2-127 to MP-H) and (2018-2019-2A3-208 to JL-M and MP-H).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Prevalence of allergy to hymenoptera sting among schoolchildren in Monterrey, México

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    Las picaduras de himenópteros pueden causar reacciones alergicas en individuos sensbilizados a su veneno. Hay pocos datos epidemiologicos sobre la prevalencia de este tipo de alergia en niños en México. El principal estudio de este año es conocer la prevalencia de la alergia al veneno de himenópteros en escolares de Monterrey, México

    Molecular Processing of Tau Protein in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy : Neuronal and Glial Degeneration

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    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by Fondo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia, FONDOCyT, from the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Dominican Republic (2015-3A2-127 to MP-H) and (2018-2019-2A3-208 to JL-M and MP-H). The authors want to express their gratitude to the following: Dr. P. Davies† (Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA) and Lester I. Binder† (North Western, Chicago, IL, USA) for the generous gift of mAbs TG–3 and Alz–50, and Tau–1, Tau–5 and Tau–7, respectively; Tec. Amparo Viramontes Pintos for the handling of the brain tissue; support in the confocal microscopy unit of CIIDIR Durango, Instituto Politecnico Nacional; Union Medica Uni- A. Mart´ınez-Maldonado et al. / Molecular Processing of Tau Protein in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy 1529 versity Clinic, Dominican Republic, for their support and collaboration in the development of this research project. We also want to express our gratitude to the Mexican families who have donated the brain of their loved ones affected with Alzheimer’s disease and made our research possible. This work is dedicated to the memory of Professor Dr. Jose Ra ´ ul Mena L ´ opez ´ †. †Deceased. Authors’ disclosures available online (https:// www.j-alz.com/manuscript-disclosures/20-1139r2).Peer reviewedPublisher PD