235 research outputs found

    La aplicación de las IDEs en la enseñanza en ingeniería

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    Las Infraestructuras de Datos Espaciales (IDEs) cada vez más cobran relevancia como recurso docente en la enseñanza en carreras técnicas. Las IDEs permiten a los estudiantes acceder vía Web a información geográfica que les es de utilidad en el desarrollo de supuestos prácticos, así como refuerza sus habilidades. Tras la publicación de la Directiva Europea INSPIRE es obligatoria su instalación. Ello ha supuesto un desafío en la formación de personal especializado en temática. Dada las características de la información a la que se refiere, el desarrollo de recursos didácticos para introducir esta formación en carreras técnicas se considera crucial. En el presente trabajo, se desarrolla una experiencia piloto que expone las fortalezas y debilidades de su utilización como recurso docente

    Assessing regional climate models (RCMs) ensemble-driven reference evapotranspiration over Spain

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    The present work applies a novel methodology of combining multiple Regional Climate Models (RCMs) (or ensemble) that are based on the seasonal and annual variability of temperatures over Spain, which allows for the quantification and reduction of uncertainty in the projections of temperature based-potential evapotranspiration. Reference evapotranspiration (ETo) is one of the most important variables in water budgets. Therefore, the uncertainties in the identification of reliable trends of reference evapotranspiration should be taken into account for water planning and hydrological modeling under climate change scenarios. From the results over Spain, the RCMs ensemble reproduces well the yearly and seasonal temperature observed dataset for the time reference period 1961–1990. An increase in the ensemble-driven ETo for time period 2021–2050 over Spain is expected, which is motivated by an increase in maximum and minimum temperature, with the consequent negative impacts on water availability.The authors acknowledge the financial support of Fundación Séneca grant number 19527/PI/14, Agency of Science and Technology of Murcia Region in the framework of PCTIRM 2011–2014, Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia (Spain)

    Specific rearrangements and new molecular markers in acute myeloid leukemia: study of MYBL2 genetic alterations and its involvement in leukemogenesis

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    La leucemia mieloide aguda (LMA) es una neoplasia hematológica muy heterogénea de origen clonal que se caracteriza por la proliferación en la médula ósea de células blásticas anormales de estirpe mieloide. La determinación de las alteraciones cromosómicas en el momento del diagnóstico se considera uno de los factores pronóstico más importante en la LMA, sin embargo, aproximadamente un 40 % no presenta ninguna alteración cromosómica al diagnóstico. Con mayor importancia en estos casos, es necesario el estudio de nuevos marcadores moleculares que permitan establecer grupos pronóstico y nuevas estrategias terapéuticas. En los últimos años, diversos estudios sugieren que la desregulación del gen del factor de transcripción MYBL2 podría asociarse con el desarrollo de leucemia. La presente tesis se centra en la optimización de métodos para la caracterización molecular de reordenamientos específicos de LMA, así como en el estudio de las alteraciones moleculares del gen MYBL2 y del papel que desempeña en el mecanismo de leucemogénesis. Para ello, se describe un nuevo método de RT–PCR en tiempo real para la detección simultánea de 15 reordenamientos específicos de LMA, de interés para el diagnóstico, pronóstico y monitorización. Por otro lado, se describe la caracterización de alteraciones genéticas en MYBL2 que podrían asociarse con el riesgo de LMA. Además, mediante estudios funcionales y métodos moleculares de alto rendimiento se han identificado alteraciones en el desarrollo de células progenitoras hematopoyéticas y en la expresión de sus genes, causadas por la expresión aberrante de MYBL2. Estos hallazgos podrían contribuir a elucidar nuevos mecanismos de leucemogénesis y al conocimiento de nuevas dianas terapéuticas para el tratamiento de la LMA en el futuro.Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a highly heterogeneous clonal hematologic malignancy characterized by the proliferation of abnormal bone marrow myeloid blast cells. The identification of chromosomal abnormalities at time of diagnosis is considered one of the most important prognostic factors in AML. However, about 40 % AML patients present no chromosomal abnormality at diagnosis. Mainly in these cases, the study of new molecular markers is important to establish prognostic groups and new therapeutic strategies. In recent years, several studies suggest MYBL2 transcription factor deregulation may be associated with development of leukemia. This thesis focuses on the optimization of methods to characterize specific AML rearrangements and on the study of MYBL2 molecular alterations and its role in the mechanism of leukemogenesis. For this purpose, a novel real time RT–PCR method is described for simultaneous detection of 15 AML specific rearrangements of interest for the diagnosis, prognosis and monitoring. Moreover, the characterization of MYBL2 genetic alterations that may be associated with the risk of AML is described. Additionally, several alterations in the development of hematopoietic stem cells and in gene expression, caused by aberrant MYBL2 expression, have been identified by functional studies and molecular high–throughput methods. These findings could help to elucidate new mechanisms of leukemogenesis, which will be important for the development of new therapeutic targets for AML treatment in the future

    Gestió d’actius i passius. Immunització financera

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    Màster de Direcció d'Entitats Asseguradores i Financeres, Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Curs: 2004-2005, Tutor: Sandra Cantos LópezLa coordinació entre l’actiu i el passiu de qualsevol entitat és important, però pel cas específic de les entitats asseguradores, és molt més rellevant i especialment en aquelles entitats que es dediquen al negoci de vida. El tret diferenciador en les entitats dedicades al ram de vida, és que les provisions matemàtiques d’aquestes entitats són de gran volum i poden arribar a tenir una durada elevada, per tant la cerca d’uns actius que cobreixin i ajudin a garantir aquest compromisos del passiu és de gran importància. Hi ha mètodes que ens ajuden a gestionar de manera conjunta l’actiu i el passiu de les entitats i reduir el risc de tipus d’interès. Per evitar el desajustament s’utilitzen les estratègies d’immunització per Cash Flow Matching i la immunització financera per duracions

    El camino hacia la convivencia positiva

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    El presente trabajo se basa en la convivencia escolar desde el punto de vista positivo,fomentando la educación en valores y la educación para la Paz. A partir de este trabajo,se pretende dar una visión general acerca de: qué es la convivencia, qué factores favorecen y alteran la convivencia escolar, qué pautas hay que seguir para una Educación para la Paz y cómo actuar a la hora de resolver los conflictos de forma pacífica. Es un tema que está muy presente hoy en día, por ello mi propuesta de intervención se centra en la elaboración de un Plan de Convivencia para todo el centro escolar, especialmente, Educación Primaria. Esta propuesta va a permitir presentar, de forma práctica, cómo trabajar la convivencia positiva en el centro mediante el desarrollo de los valores democráticos de nuestra sociedad para crear ciudadanos y ciudadanas que sepan convivir juntos.Grado en Educación Primari

    Análisis estadístico de la evolución de las diferentes gamas de productos en Vicky Foods para evaluar la posible apertura de nuevos mercados

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    [ES] Realización de una serie de análisis estadísticos para el posterior estudio de la evolución de las diferentes gamas de productos Vickyfoods en relación a la clasificación establecida por el alumno. Dicha clasificación se divide en tres bloques, bollería, pan y alimentación infantil, con tal de poder observar cuáles su repercusión en el mercado total y con respecto a las demás clasificaciones en los diferentes países. El análisis se realiza tantode forma anual, como de forma mensual, para obtener información de entrada que, posteriormente, mediante el mismo estudio realizado en la utilización de series temporales, se corroborará de forma más exhaustiva.Giménez Gómez, S. (2019). Análisis estadístico de la evolución de las diferentes gamas de productos en Vicky Foods para evaluar la posible apertura de nuevos mercados. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/128474TFG

    Benchmark of the PenRed Monte Carlo framework for HDR brachytherapy

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    [EN] Purpose: The purpose of this study is to validate the PenRed Monte Carlo framework for clinical applications in brachytherapy. PenRed is a C++ version of Penelope Monte Carlo code with additional tallies and utilities. Methods and materials: Six benchmarking scenarios are explored to validate the use of PenRed and its improved bachytherapy-oriented capabilities for HDR brachytherapy. A new tally allowing the evaluation of collisional kerma for any material using the track length kerma estimator and the possibility to obtain the seed positions, weights and directions processing directly the DICOM file are now implemented in the PenRed distribution. The four non-clinical test cases developed by the Joint AAPM-ESTRO-ABG-ABS WG-DCAB were evaluated by comparing local and global absorbed dose differences with respect to established reference datasets. A prostate and a palliative lung cases, were also studied. For them, absorbed dose ratios, global absorbed dose differences, and cumulative dose-volume histograms were obtained and discussed. Results: The air-kerma strength and the dose rate constant corresponding to the two sources agree with the reference datatests within 0.3% (Sk) and 0.1% (¿). With respect to the first three WG-DCAB test cases, more than 99.8% of the voxels present local (global) differences within ±1%(±0.1%) of the reference datasets. For test Case 4 reference dataset, more than 94.9%(97.5%) of voxels show an agreement within ±1%(±0.1%), better than similar benchmarking calculations in the literature. The track length kerma estimator scorer implemented increases the numerical efficiency of brachytherapy calculations two orders of magnitude, while the specific brachytherapy source allows the user to avoid the use of error-prone intermediate steps to translate the DICOM information into the simulation. In both clinical cases, only minor absorbed dose differences arise in the low-dose isodoses. 99.8% and 100% of the voxels have a global absorbed dose difference ratio within ±0.2% for the prostate and lung cases, respectively. The role played by the different segmentation and composition material in the bone structures was discussed, obtaining negligible absorbed dose differences. Dose-volume histograms were in agreement with the reference data. Conclusions: PenRed incorporates new tallies and utilities and has been validated for its use for detailed and precise high-dose-rate brachytherapy simulations.This work is partially supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain (MCIN) grants PID2020- 113126RB-I00 and PID2021-125096NB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. V. G. acknowledges partial support from AEI-MICINN under grant PID2020-1 13334GB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by Generalitat Valenciana through the project PROMETEO/2019/087. The work has also been supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) grant RGPIN-2019-05038. Francisco Berumen acknowledges support by the Fonds de Recherche du Québec ¿ Nature et Technologies (FRQNT). J.V. and F.B. would like to acknowledge funding by MCIN/ AEI/10.13039 and the Generalitat Valenciana (GVA) grant PROMETEO/2021/064. Our colleague Prof. Vicent Giménez Gómez passed away on November 16, 2022, during the proofs of this study. We dedicate it to his memory. The Universitat de València lost a dedicated and accomplished physicist.Oliver-Gil, S.; Giménez-Alventosa, V.; Berumen, F.; Giménez, V.; Beaulieu, L.; Ballester, F.; Vijande, J. (2023). Benchmark of the PenRed Monte Carlo framework for HDR brachytherapy. Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik. 33(4):511-528. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.zemedi.2022.11.00251152833

    Prevalence of sleep disorders in adults with down syndrome: A comparative study of self-reported, actigraphic, and polysomnographic findings

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    Study Objectives: Sleep problems are often undetected in adults with Down syndrome (DS). Our objective was to determine the prevalence of sleep disorders in adults with DS through self-reported and objective sleep measures. Methods: We performed a community-based cross-sectional study of 54 adults with DS not referred for sleep disorders. Two polysomnography (PSG) sleep studies were performed. Sleep quality was evaluated using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI); daytime sleepiness was evaluated using the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) and the risk for the sleep apnea syndrome (OSA) was identified using the Berlin Questionnaire (BQ). Participants’ sleep/wake pattern was assessed from sleep diaries and by wrist actigraphy. PSQI, ESS, and PSG measures were compared with 35 sex-, age-, and body mass index-matched patients in the control groups. Results: In PSG measures, adults with DS showed lower sleep efficiency (69 ± 17.7 versus 81.6 ± 11; P < .001), less rapid eye movement sleep (9.4 ± 5.8 versus 19.4 ± 5.1; P < .001), a higher prevalence of OSA (78% versus 14%; P < .001), and a higher apnea-hypopnea index (23.5 ± 24.5 versus 3.8 ± 10.5; P < .001) than patients in the control group. In the DS group, the questionnaires (mean PSQI 3.7 ± 2.9; mean ESS 6.3 ± 4.5 and mean BQ 1 ± 0) did not reflect the sleep disturbances detected on the PSG. Actigraphy data recorded daytime sleep that was not self-reported (118.2 ± 104.2 minutes). Conclusions: Adults with DS show severe sleep disruption and a high prevalence of OSA, undetected by self-reported sleep measures. Actigraphy, PSG, and validated simplified devices for screening OSA should be routinely recommended for this population because treatment of sleep disorders can contribute to healthy aging.Postprint (published version

    A potential role of tannins in the control of American Foulbrood

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    Aim of study: to evaluate the use of tannins extracts in the control of the American Foulbroodpathology; and investigated if these extracts present levels of toxicity on Apis melliferaArea of study: Paenibacillus larvae Strains C1 and C2 were from Balcarce, province ofBuenos Aires (37°52?S-58°15?W), strain C6 from Rio Cuarto, in Cordoba province(33°08′00″S 64°21′00″O) and strain C9 from Concordia in Entre Rios province(31°23′32″S 58°01′01″O). Bees larvae used for toxicological assays were collected in SantaPaula experimental apiary, Mar del Plata (National Route 226, Km 10, Argentina)(37°55′48″S 57°40′59″O), belonging to the Centro de Investigación en Abejas Sociales (CIAS- IIPROSAM) from UNMdP.Material and methods: The Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of 5 different tanninextracts were obtained by agar diffusion method on four P. larvae strains; using the MICvalue, the toxicity test on Apis mellifera larvae was performed afterwards.Main results: The MIC value presented a range of 6.9 to 898.6 µg/mL; and three tanninextracts do not present toxicity against bee larvae. Once the test was finished, the larvae fedwith the extracts that did not show toxicity, showed a significant increase in weight. Research highlights: The tanning extracts show a good antimicrobial activity against bee larvae.Fil: Giménez Martínez, Pablo Darian. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones En Produccion, Sanidad y Ambiente. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones En Produccion, Sanidad y Ambiente.; ArgentinaFil: Maggi, Matías Daniel. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones En Produccion, Sanidad y Ambiente. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones En Produccion, Sanidad y Ambiente.; ArgentinaFil: Fuselli, Sandra Rosa. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones En Produccion, Sanidad y Ambiente. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones En Produccion, Sanidad y Ambiente.; Argentin

    Epilepsy in Down Syndrome : A Highly Prevalent Comorbidity

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    Individuals with Down syndrome (DS) have an increased risk for epilepsy during the whole lifespan, but especially after age 40 years. The increase in the number of individuals with DS living into late middle age due to improved health care is resulting in an increase in epilepsy prevalence in this population. However, these epileptic seizures are probably underdiagnosed and inadequately treated. This late onset epilepsy is linked to the development of symptomatic Alzheimer's disease (AD), which is the main comorbidity in adults with DS with a cumulative incidence of more than 90% of adults by the seventh decade. More than 50% of patients with DS and AD dementia will most likely develop epilepsy, which in this context has a specific clinical presentation in the form of generalized myoclonic epilepsy. This epilepsy, named late onset myoclonic epilepsy (LOMEDS) affects the quality of life, might be associated with worse cognitive and functional outcomes in patients with AD dementia and has an impact on mortality. This review aims to summarize the current knowledge about the clinical and electrophysiological characteristics, diagnosis and treatment of epileptic seizures in the DS population, with a special emphasis on LOMEDS. Raised awareness and a better understanding of epilepsy in DS from families, caregivers and clinicians could enable earlier diagnoses and better treatments for individuals with DS
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