1,148 research outputs found

    El uso de la información de agencia en las ediciones electrónicas de diarios en España : estudio comparativo de las páginas web de 'El Periódico', 'El Mundo' y 'La Vanguardia'

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    Los diarios de información general disponen en Internet de servicios de información on line actualizados permanentemente, que tienen en las agencias de noticias su fuente informativa fundamental. La urgencia por la publicación y la necesidad de llevar a cabo una actualización acumulativa lleva a una reelaboración mínima de los despachos que sirven las agencias y genera una homogeneización de los contenidos que se publican en los servicios on line de los distintos diarios. La presente investigación aborda mediante datos estadísticos, análisis de casos y entrevistas cómo los matices editoriales de cada publicación se diluyen en la redacción de las noticias y cada medio se ve obligado a buscar nuevos elementos informativos donde imprimir su carácter ideológico y diferenciar su producto de la competencia

    Argelia, entre los desafíos internos y el cortejo internacional

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    La proliferación de actos terroristas convierte a Argelia en un actor de peso en la lucha contra el terrorismo internacional. A nivel nacional, el Proyecto de Carta para la Paz y la Reconciliación Nacional, promulgado por el presidente Buteflika y que se votará en referéndum el próximo 29 de septiembre, aparece como medida de impunidad para los autores del conflicto interno de la década de 1990. Un año después de ganar las elecciones para un segundo mandato, Buteflika se enfrenta a un doble desafío: a nivel interno, lograr independizar el poder político del militar, mejorar las condiciones socioeconómicas y esclarecer la implicación de los militares en la guerra sucia a fin de legitimar las instituciones del Estado. A escala internacional, la multiplicación de acuerdos y el progresivo reconocimiento de Argelia como socio en la lucha contra el terrorismo internacional, puede legitimar de nuevo a un Gobierno aquejado de un fuerte déficit de credibilidad en el frente interno. La coyuntura actual sitúa a Argelia en una situación contradictoria en la que el terrorismo se convierte en el hilo conductor entre los desafíos internos y el reconocimiento externo del país

    An education based ergonomic intervention programme for Gauteng call centre workers with upper extremity repetitive strain injuries

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    MSc (Occupational Therapy), Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the WitwatersrandErgonomic interventions, addressing work and lifestyle factors, seem more effective in reducing computer related upper limb repetitive strain injury (RSI).This study considered the efficacy of such a programme on the resolution of RSI symptoms. A cross sectional survey, of 325 computer workers in a medical aid company call centres, in Gauteng, South Africa was used to establish a point prevalence of 30.23% for RSI symptoms, which correlates with those found elsewhere. An occupational therapy ergonomic intervention was then designed and piloted for efficacy. A randomised control trial conducted on 37 participants with RSI used the programme and computer generated “Break Software”. The six week intervention included the assessment of: three physical outcome measures and lifestyle factors for, the experimental and control groups. Results indicated positive effects on pain, grip strength, and lifestyle factors including feelings of inefficiency, pressure at the end of the day, depression and work capacity, but little extrapolation of ergonomic knowledge to the workplace

    Tradición clásica en el Siglo de las Luces: Quintiliano y los ilustrados franceses

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    French Enlightenment received some important characteristics from the Humanistic culture of the previous centuries. Like their predecessors, many intellectuals of the eighteenth century were familiar with the most important works of the ancient authors. During this period, the roman writer Marcus Fabius Quintilian was popular in academic circles, and his teachings were used by some of the most important scholars.Es posible encontrar entre los ilustrados franceses numerosas continuidades respecto a la cultura humanista propia de la Edad Moderna. Del mismo modo que sus predecesores, los intelectuales del siglo XVIII se sirvieron con frecuencia de las enseñanzas provenientes de la cultura clásica. En este periodo, el escritor romano Marco Fabio Quintiliano gozó de una elevada popularidad y sus enseñanzas fueron recogidas por algunos de los más importantes hombres de letras de la época

    Review of Coagulation Technology for Removal of Arsenic: Case of Chile

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    Coagulation technology has been used since 1970 in northern Chile for removing arsenic from drinking-water. This experience suggests that coagulation is an effective technology for the removal of arsenic. It is currently possible to reduce arsenic from 400 μg/L to 10 μg/L at a rate of 500 L/sec, assuming pH, oxidizing and coagulation agents are strictly controlled. The Chilean experience with the removal of arsenic demonstrates that the water matrix dictates the selection of the arsenic-removal process. This paper presents a summary of the process, concepts, and operational considerations for the use of coagulation technology for removal of arsenic in Chile

    Validity and reliability of the 2nd European Portuguese version of the “Consensus Auditory-Perceptual Evaluation of Voice” (II EP CAPE-V)

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master in Science at the Health Science School of Polytechnic Institute of SetúbalIntroduction: Auditory-perceptual evaluation of voice is a part of a multidimensional voice evaluation, and is claimed to be “golden standard”. The “Consensus Auditory-Perceptual Evaluation of Voice” (CAPE-V) has been demonstrated to be a valid and reliable instrument for voice evaluation, when applied in both clinical and scientific research fields. The CAPE-V was first translated into European Portuguese (EP) (Jesus et al., 2009) however it revealed some validity and reliability problems. The purpose of this study was to assure a valid and reliable EP version of CAPE-V. This resulted in the 2nd EP version of CAPE-V (II EP CAPE-V), with permission granted by ASHA. Method: This was a transversal, observational, descriptive, and comparative study. 14 Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) voice experts (>5 years of clinical practice), rated a total of 26 voice samples produced by 10 males (mean age=45) and 10 females (mean age=43) classified into two groups: a control group (n=10) and a dysphonic group (n=10), with subjects matched for age and gender. All voice samples were rated in one session with the II EP CAPE-V, and in a second session one week later with GRBAS. Content validity was supported by 6 new sentences conceptualized and adapted to EP linguistic and cultural context according to the rationale outlined in the original CAPE-V protocol. For construct validity analysis, an independent samples t-test (α=.05) was performed for all vocal parameter. Concurrent validity was estimated with the multi-serial correlation coefficient between II EP CAPE-V and GRBAS parameters (r>.70). Reliability was performed for all vocal parameters. Inter-rater reliability was determined by ICC, and intra-rater reliability by Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r>.70). Results/conclusion: Content validity was assured by an EP linguistic expert, who reviewed the six new sentences. Construct validity was obtained for all voical parameters (p.89) for overall severity/grade, roughness, and breathiness parameters. High inter-rater reliability (ICC>.84) was obtained for all parameters. Intra-rater reliability was high (r>.87) for overall severity, breathiness, and pitch; good (r=.73) for strain; and moderate (r>.69) for roughness and loudness parameters. The II EP CAPE-V is a valid and reliable instrument for auditory-perceptual evaluation, with all psychometric characteristics established

    The impact of cultures on customer service

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    It is undeniable that planet earth has experienced an evolution over the years with globalization and technology. Therefore, this has affected the way companies do business and the way customers consume. In effect, one of the main objective of firms nowadays is to be able of selling their services all around the world. In order to make that possible, companies have to work in unknown territories with new rules, new languages, new habits and new cultures. Internationalization has been a revolution in every aspect, however, it has not change how culture is part of an individual identity and how a person is influenced by culture when making a purchase decision. Moreover, this is the reason why firms normally try to adapt their customer service wherever they offer services. Thanks to the analysis of a questionnaire’s results, we have an idea on how customer service is perceived as divergent in two different countries. Hence, this confirms that each culture is unique and companies need to be aware of that in order to improve their customer service in the several market where they are located. Finally, everything goes back to the same: people want to be treated as individuals and not as mass consumers. Is that said, organizations should propose a customer service more personalized than standardized.É inegável que o planeta Terra experimentou uma evolução ao longo dos anos com a globalização e a tecnologia. Portanto, isso afetou a forma como as empresas fazem negócios e a forma como os consumidores consomem. Desta forma, um dos principais objetivos das empresas hoje em dia é poder vender os seus serviços em todo o mundo. Para que isso seja possível, as empresas devem trabalhar em territórios desconhecidos com novas regras, novas linguas, novos hábitos e novas culturas. A internacionalização tem sido uma revolução em todos os aspectos, no entanto, não alterou a forma como a cultura é parte de uma identidade individual e como uma pessoa é influenciada pela cultura ao tomar uma decisão de compra. Além disso, esse é o motivo pelo qual as empresas normalmente tentam adaptar o seu serviço ao cliente. Graças à análise dos resultados de um questionário, temos uma ideia sobre como o atendimento ao cliente é diferente em cada país. Por isso, isso confirma que cada cultura é única e as empresas precisam estar cientes disso para melhorar o atendimento ao cliente nos diversos mercados onde estão localizados. Finalmente, tudo se volta ao mesmo: as pessoas querem ser tratadas como consumidor individual e não como consumidores em massa. Dito isto, as organizações devem propor um serviço ao cliente mais personalizado do que o padronizado

    The Thermal Performance and Tolerance of Tropical cleaner shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis)

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    This thesis explores the theoretical and experimental applications of ecophysiological research for the management of aquatic organismal health within the ornamental trade. Ecophysiology investigates the interactions between an organism’s physiology and its environment, and offers a promising approach to improving the management of health outcomes for traded species. Chapter One presents a comprehensive and critical literature review that explores the potential of ecophysiology to redefine our understanding of health, by integrating ecophysiological perspectives into practice. Using Hatch’s (1962) theoretical framework as a foundation to define health, the review discusses the importance of understanding species-specific responses to key physio-chemical parameters for traded ornamental shrimp. It concludes, stating that ecophysiological knowledge can support more systematic, evidence-based approaches to health, ultimately, reducing stress and mortality in traded organisms. Chapter two investigates the thermal performance and tolerance of the tropical cleaner shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis) under thermal warming and cooling scenarios, providing insight into how a tropical species of shrimp responds to thermal change. Overall, this species showed a broad thermal tolerance similar to other tropical shrimp studied. Cardiorespiratory system failure coincided with the upper thermal limit (CTmax = 35.25°C), but it failed to explain the complete collapse of ventilation at critically low limits (CTmin = 7.5°C), and anaerobic metabolism was not exclusive to temperatures near CTmax or CTmin. Chapter Three is a call for collaborative research initiatives that align scientific inquiry with industry goals to produce pragmatic outcomes, based on the results of the first two chapters. It recommends the development of standardised health indicators, and species-specific guidelines to bolster the management of traded species. While this thesis contributes to a relatively understudied area of the thermal biology of tropical species, it serves as a test case for integrating scientific study with ornamental industry-driven agendas, and the development of evidence-based strategies to optimise the health of traded shrimp

    Bernstein–Sato theory for determinantal ideals in positive characteristic

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    Sigui R un anell de polinomis sobre un cos k. Una varietat algebraica sobre k és un conjunt de punts on s'anul·len alguns polinomis de R. Amb la finalitat d'estudiar aquestes varietats i les seves singularitats, una pràctica comuna és construir invariants algebraics per a quantificar com de singular és la varietat. Aquest és precisament un dels objectius de la teoria de Bernstein-Sato. Durant els últims vint anys, la teoria en característica p > 0 ha vist un desenvolupament i creixement sense parangó. En aquest projecte calculem invariants de la teoria per ideals determinantals, és a dir, ideals generats pels determinants de submatrius de matrius genèriques d'indeterminades.Sea R un anillo de polinomios sobre un cuerpo k. Una variedad algebraica sobre k es un conjunto de puntos donde se anulan algunos polinomios de R. A fin de estudiar estas variedades y sus singularidades, una práctica común es construir invariantes algebraicos para cuantificar cómo de singular es la variedad. Este es precisamente uno de los objetivos de la teoría de Bernstein-Sato. Durante los últimos veinte años, la teoría en característica p > 0 ha visto un crecimiento y desarrollo sin parangón. En este proyecto calculamos invariantes de la teoría para ideales determinantales, a saber, ideales generados por los determinantes de submatrices de matrices genéricas de indeterminadas.Let R a polynomial ring over a field k. An algebraic variety over k is a set of points given as the zero loci of polynomials in R. In order to study these varieties and their singularities, a common practice is to construct algebraic invariants to quantify how singular the variety is. This is precisely one of the goals of Bernstein-Sato theory. In characteristic p > 0, the theory has seen unparalleled growth and development for the last twenty years. In this project we compute algebraic invariants of this theory for determinantal ideals, that is, ideals generated by the determinants of submatrices of generic matrices of indeterminates.Outgoin

    Niños y niñas en la conciencia lingüística decimonónica. Un caso de activación del “universo sociolingüístico genérico” en la tradición discursiva escolar

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    This paper aims to explore gender splitting in Spanish regarding the denomination of male and female children in the nineteenth century. In this study we have analyzed historical facts as sexual segregation in the schools, as well as the pragmatic-discoursive neces-sity that speakers have of referring to sex. Moreover, we examine the way in which the nineteenth-century press could be a very interesting framework concerning the concept of discoursive traditions on that phenomenon. Here we have studied a small corpus of texts where gender splitting occurred. And for that purpose, we have coined a new methodological instrument from cognitive sociolinguistics as “gendered sociolinguistic universe” where this discoursive strategy could be explored