40 research outputs found

    La aplicación de los códigos Data Matrix (DM) en el registro y la catalogación arqueológica

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    El registro e inventariado de los materiales arqueológicos es una parte esencial de la investigación arqueológica. Durante el trabajo de laboratorio, cada ítem es identificado individualmente. Esta tarea se realiza generalmente a mano, lo que facilita la pérdida de información debido a errores humanos. De este modo, números erróneos, ortografía ilegible o la desaparición del identificador de los artefactos son comunes. Ante la ausencia de un método fiable y duradero de marcado de los objetos, una parte importante del trabajo en los museos consiste en el re-inventariado de las colecciones. En este trabajo se presenta la utilización de los códigos Data Matrix (DM) para el catalogado del material arqueológico. Su uso en los yacimientos de Roca dels Bous y la Cova Gran de Santa Linya (Lleida, España) evidencia que la aplicación de esta técnica facilita el almacenaje y preservación de las colecciones arqueológicas.El registre i inventari del material arqueològic es una part essencial de la recerca arqueològica. Al llarg del treball de laboratori cada objecte és identificat individualment. Aquesta tasca es realitza generalment a mà, fet que facilita la pèrdua d'informació a causa d'errors humans. D'aquesta manera números erronis, ortografia illegible o la desaparició de l'identificador són molt comuns. Davant l'absència d'un mètode fiable de marcatge, una part important del treball als museus consisteix en el reinventariat de les col·leccions. En aquest treball es presenta la utilització dels codis Datamatrix (DM) en el catalogat del material arqueològic. El seu ús als jaciments de Roca dels Bous i la Cova Gran de Santa Linya (Lleida, Espanya) evidencia que l'aplicació d'aquesta nova tècnica facilita l'emmagatzematge i la preservació de col·leccions arqueològiques.The recording and inventory of archaeological material is a key point in archaeology. During laboratory duties, each item is individually identified and labelled. This task is usually by hand, which facilitates the information loss due to human error. Thus wrong numbers, misspelling or id loss are common. The lack of a reliable method of marking leads to allocate most of museum tasks to the relabelling of collections. In this paper we present the application of DataMatrix (DM) codes for archaeological labelling. The application of DM in Roca dels Bous and Cova Gran Santa Linya (Lleida Spain) rockshelters has shown that this technique facilitates the storage and preservation of the archaeological collections

    Incomplete hippocampalInversion : a comprehensive MRI study of over 2000 subjects

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    The incomplete-hippocampal-inversion (IHI), also known as malrotation, is an atypical anatomical pattern of the hippocampus, which has been reported in healthy subjects in different studies. However, extensive characterization of IHI in a large sample has not yet been performed. Furthermore, it is unclear whether IHI are restricted to the medial-temporal lobe or are associated with more extensive anatomical changes. Here, we studied the characteristics of IHI in a community-based sample of 2008 subjects of the IMAGEN database and their association with extra-hippocampal anatomical variations. The presence of IHI was assessed on T1-weighted anatomical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) using visual criteria. We assessed the association of IHI with other anatomical changes throughout the brain using automatic morphometry of cortical sulci. We found that IHI were much more frequent in the left hippocampus (left: 17%, right: 6%, χ2−test, p < 10−28). Compared to subjects without IHI, subjects with IHI displayed morphological changes in several sulci located mainly in the limbic lobe. Our results demonstrate that IHI are a common left-sided phenomenon in normal subjects and that they are associated with morphological changes outside the medial temporal lobe

    Individual Analysis of Molecular Brain Imaging Data Through Automatic Identification of Abnormality Patterns

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    International audienceWe introduce a pipeline for the individual analysis of positron emission tomography (PET) data on large cohorts of patients. This pipeline consists for each individual of generating a subject-specific model of healthy PET appearance and comparing the individual's PET image to the model via a novel regularised Z-score. The resulting voxel-wise Z-score map can be interpreted as a subject-specific abnormality map that summarises the pathology's topographical distribution in the brain. We then propose a strategy to validate the abnormality maps on several PET tracers and automatically detect the underlying pathology by using the abnormality maps as features to feed a linear support vector machine (SVM)-based classifier. We applied the pipeline to a large dataset comprising 298 subjects selected from the ADNI2 database (103 cognitively normal, 105 late MCI and 90 Alzheimer's disease subjects). The high classification accuracy obtained when using the abnormality maps as features demonstrates that the proposed pipeline is able to extract for each individual the signal characteristic of dementia from both FDG and Florbetapir PET data

    Accuracy of MRI Classification Algorithms in a Tertiary Memory Center Clinical Routine Cohort

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    BACKGROUND:Automated volumetry software (AVS) has recently become widely available to neuroradiologists. MRI volumetry with AVS may support the diagnosis of dementias by identifying regional atrophy. Moreover, automatic classifiers using machine learning techniques have recently emerged as promising approaches to assist diagnosis. However, the performance of both AVS and automatic classifiers has been evaluated mostly in the artificial setting of research datasets.OBJECTIVE:Our aim was to evaluate the performance of two AVS and an automatic classifier in the clinical routine condition of a memory clinic.METHODS:We studied 239 patients with cognitive troubles from a single memory center cohort. Using clinical routine T1-weighted MRI, we evaluated the classification performance of: 1) univariate volumetry using two AVS (volBrain and NeuroreaderTM^{TM}); 2) Support Vector Machine (SVM) automatic classifier, using either the AVS volumes (SVM-AVS), or whole gray matter (SVM-WGM); 3) reading by two neuroradiologists. The performance measure was the balanced diagnostic accuracy. The reference standard was consensus diagnosis by three neurologists using clinical, biological (cerebrospinal fluid) and imaging data and following international criteria.RESULTS:Univariate AVS volumetry provided only moderate accuracies (46% to 71% with hippocampal volume). The accuracy improved when using SVM-AVS classifier (52% to 85%), becoming close to that of SVM-WGM (52 to 90%). Visual classification by neuroradiologists ranged between SVM-AVS and SVM-WGM.CONCLUSION:In the routine practice of a memory clinic, the use of volumetric measures provided by AVS yields only moderate accuracy. Automatic classifiers can improve accuracy and could be a useful tool to assist diagnosis

    An Automated Pipeline for the Analysis of PET Data on the Cortical Surface

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    We present a fully automatic pipeline for the analysis of PET data on the cortical surface. Our pipeline combines tools from FreeSurfer and PETPVC, and consists of (i) co-registration of PET and T1-w MRI (T1) images, (ii) intensity normalization, (iii) partial volume correction, (iv) robust projection of the PET signal onto the subject's cortical surface, (v) spatial normalization to a template, and (vi) atlas statistics. We evaluated the performance of the proposed workflow by performing group comparisons and showed that the approach was able to identify the areas of hypometabolism characteristic of different dementia syndromes: Alzheimer's disease (AD) and both the semantic and logopenic variants of primary progressive aphasia. We also showed that these results were comparable to those obtained with a standard volume-based approach. We then performed individual classifications and showed that vertices can be used as features to differentiate cognitively normal and AD subjects. This pipeline is integrated into Clinica, an open-source software platform for neuroscience studies available at www.clinica.run

    Estado del arte del proyecto

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    El Consultorio Jurídico de la Universidad de la Costa CUC presta un servicio social gratuito a la comunidad de estratos 0,1,2 y 3, o aquellos sin capacidad económica ,el servicio social prestado por el consultorio busca asesorar a la población en las diferentes consultas sobre temas que son de su interés, el consultorio jurídico de la CUC fue creado en hace más de 40 años y cada día viene ampliando más su cobertura de servicios para satisfacer las necesidades de la comunidad de Barranquilla y su área Metropolitana. El impacto que ha generado el Consultorio Jurídico de la CUC en su área de influencia ha sido importante hasta el punto de ser reconocido ampliamente por la población como una herramienta importante de ayuda para la restauración de los derechos que se consagran en la Constitución y las normas legales. Es misión del consultorio jurídico contribuir a la formación integral de los estudiantes de los últimos 2 años lectivos del programa de derecho formándolos en competencias para el ejercicio de su vida profesional, en pos de la prestación de un servicio de alta calidad por medio de procesos eficientes y eficaces que contribuyan a resolver la problemática social. El presente proyecto apunta a determinar, cuantificar y describir las rutas de atención del Consultorio jurídico

    A Comprehensive MRI Study of Over 2000 Subjects

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    The incomplete-hippocampal-inversion (IHI), also known as malrotation, is an atypical anatomical pattern of the hippocampus, which has been reported in healthy subjects in different studies. However, extensive characterization of IHI in a large sample has not yet been performed. Furthermore, it is unclear whether IHI are restricted to the medial-temporal lobe or are associated with more extensive anatomical changes. Here, we studied the characteristics of IHI in a community-based sample of 2008 subjects of the IMAGEN database and their association with extra-hippocampal anatomical variations. The presence of IHI was assessed on T1-weighted anatomical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) using visual criteria. We assessed the association of IHI with other anatomical changes throughout the brain using automatic morphometry of cortical sulci. We found that IHI were much more frequent in the left hippocampus (left: 17%, right: 6%, χ2−test, p < 10−28). Compared to subjects without IHI, subjects with IHI displayed morphological changes in several sulci located mainly in the limbic lobe. Our results demonstrate that IHI are a common left-sided phenomenon in normal subjects and that they are associated with morphological changes outside the medial temporal lobe

    Slavery and the african cultural legacy in the Caribbean

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    Con autorización de la editorial para este libro.[EN] The purpose of this book is to raise awareness among a wide audience of one of the most significant and shameful phenomena for humanity, as was the enslavement of over twelve and a half million Africans who were brought to America and forced to work and live as slaves. Many countries participated in the slave trade at different times and withvaried intensity (Great Britain, Portugal, France, Spain, Denmark, Netherlands, Germany, United States...).[ES] El propósito de esta obra es dar a conocer a un público amplio uno de los fenómenos de mayor trascendencia y vergüenza para la humanidad como fue la esclavización de más de doce millones y medio de africanos que fueron trasladados a América, obligados a trabajar y vivir como esclavos. Muchos países participaron en la trata de esclavos en distintos momentos y con diferente intensidad (Gran Bretaña, Portugal, Francia, España, Dinamarca, Países Bajos, Alemania, Estados Unidos…).Connected Worlds: The Caribbean, Origin of Modern World. This project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska Curie grant agreement Nº 823846. This project is directed by professor Consuelo Naranjo Orovio, Institute of History-CSIC.Peer reviewe