16 research outputs found

    Effects of pre-dipping and post-dipping protocol on the incidence of bovine mastitis

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    Part of the mammary gland microbial infections are imperceptible to the milker. The prevention through hygienic-sanitary measures is thought as an efficient strategy to avoid mastitis. Evaluating whether the adoption of pre-dipping and post-dipping hygienic managements have significant effects with the use of the black background mug and California Mastitis Tests, individualized by post-dipping. The properties have the same breed, similar food management and common location, both in the rural area of Teresina. The only difference between them is the performance or not of the handlings that include pre-dipping and post-dipping. So, performing the minimum protocols or not caused the treatments to have a completely randomized delineation. Statistical analysis was obtained through the use of the packages “dplyr”, “rstatix” and “ggplot2”, available in Software R (2022). The compliance verification of the least squares method in relation to the normal distribution of data was performed through the Shapiro Wilk test, using the “byf.shapiro” procedure of the “RVAdeMemoire” package. Data did not present normal or Gausean distribution, so non-parametric statistics were resorted. To discriminate the difference, the post-hoc test by Dunn's test with p-value adjustment by Bomferroni's method. It was noted that the right rear teat presented milk without changes in lumps, color, and others in farm “A”, that the pre-dipping and post-dipping were performed

    COVID-19 symptoms at hospital admission vary with age and sex: results from the ISARIC prospective multinational observational study

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    Background: The ISARIC prospective multinational observational study is the largest cohort of hospitalized patients with COVID-19. We present relationships of age, sex, and nationality to presenting symptoms. Methods: International, prospective observational study of 60 109 hospitalized symptomatic patients with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 recruited from 43 countries between 30 January and 3 August 2020. Logistic regression was performed to evaluate relationships of age and sex to published COVID-19 case definitions and the most commonly reported symptoms. Results: ‘Typical’ symptoms of fever (69%), cough (68%) and shortness of breath (66%) were the most commonly reported. 92% of patients experienced at least one of these. Prevalence of typical symptoms was greatest in 30- to 60-year-olds (respectively 80, 79, 69%; at least one 95%). They were reported less frequently in children (≤ 18 years: 69, 48, 23; 85%), older adults (≥ 70 years: 61, 62, 65; 90%), and women (66, 66, 64; 90%; vs. men 71, 70, 67; 93%, each P < 0.001). The most common atypical presentations under 60 years of age were nausea and vomiting and abdominal pain, and over 60 years was confusion. Regression models showed significant differences in symptoms with sex, age and country. Interpretation: This international collaboration has allowed us to report reliable symptom data from the largest cohort of patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19. Adults over 60 and children admitted to hospital with COVID-19 are less likely to present with typical symptoms. Nausea and vomiting are common atypical presentations under 30 years. Confusion is a frequent atypical presentation of COVID-19 in adults over 60 years. Women are less likely to experience typical symptoms than men

    Aeromonas hydrophila in tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) after the intake of aflatoxins

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    The objectives of this study were to assess the effect of the intake of aflatoxin on the development of tilapia and to evaluate the impact of inoculation with Aeromonas hydrophila on performance parameters, so these two individual tests were performed. One hundred and twenty fingerlings aged 35 days old, with mean weight of 1.55 ± 0.005 g and mean length of 5 cm were used in each test, distributed in 20 tanks. Each experimental unit consisted of a 60 L tank with six fingerlings. In the first experiment, increasing levels of aflatoxin (0.350, 0.757, 1.177 mg.kg feed-1) were used as treatments and, for the control group, a diet without aflatoxin was used in a completely randomized design with four treatments and five replicates. In the second experiment, a control group of Nile tilapia fingerlings was used and received a diet without aflatoxin, inoculated with saline solution (group 1) and Aeromonas hydrophila (group 2), as well as groups of animals fed on diets containing 0.350 mg.kg feed-1of aflatoxin (group 3), 0.757 mg.kg feed-1of aflatoxin (group 4) and 1.177 mg.kg feed-1of aflatoxin (group 5), and these groups were inoculated with Aeromonas hydrophila. The survival rate and the total length of fingerlings were influenced by the treatments (p < 0.05). The synergistic action of aflatoxins and Aeromonas hydrophila was effective and caused the death of experimental fish, thus affecting feed conversion and length

    The presence of plasmids in Aeromonas hydrophila and its relationship with antimicrobial and heavy metal-resistance profiles

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    ABSTRACT: Aeromonas hydrophila is a common fish pathogen that causes extensive damage to aquaculture. To develop and implement a more adequate strategy to farm fish, it is crucial to understand the bacterial-resistance levels and their transference dynamics. The objective of this study was to analyze the resistance profile of isolated Aeromonas hydrophila to antimicrobial agents and heavy metals and draw a correlation of the observed profiles with the presence of plasmids. Resistance of the isolated bacteria to antimicrobial agents (oxacilin, gentamicin, tetracycline, and nalidixic acid) and heavy metals (cadmium, lead, copper, and manganese) was verified using the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) standards. The Multiple Antibiotic Resistance Index (MAR Index) was calculated. Plasmids were extracted by using a common methodology described elsewhere. Mann-Whitney Test, implemented in the R environment, was used to determine the correlation between resistance and plasmids presence. A high resistance to almost all antimicrobial agents and heavy metals was observed, except to gentamicin and cadmium. The MAR index results showed resistance to all antimicrobial profiles. Of the isolated bacteria, 14 showed the presence of plasmids. However, no correlation was noted between the resistance profile and the plasmid presence for these isolates, indicating that the genes responsible for resistance to microbial agents and heavy metals are present in the cromossomic DNA, which in turn suggested the possibility of gene transfer between the isolated bacteria. The resistance to heavy metals can be linked to heavy utilization of fertilizers along the Sao Francisco River


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    Brazilian milk production is based on crossbred animals, mostly fed on pasture, insolation and other climate challenges. The objective was to evaluate the influence of climatic variations on the production and behavior of animals from genetic groups in DIC in a 2x2 factorial, evaluating the effects of the bioclimatic conditions of the dry period and the ethological responses. It is observed that the rainy season in the region had a significant effect (p&lt;0.05) for production in the summer compared to the spring, in which the primiparous gyr, multiparous gyr and multiparous gyrolando holidays respectively of 20.19; 16.15 and 27.7 liters day -1, while primiparous girolandos did not follow this trend. It was found that the order room with metallized cover is less efficient to reduce thermal stress such as vacancies than the conditions of the rest area, whose insolation protection is based on trees, as recorded by the wet bulb thermometer σ2 of 0.45, in relation to the greater temperature variation by the dry bulb under the shed, σ2 4.23. Therefore, the dry period in the mid-northern region is characterized by the occurrence of high temperatures, where the cows turn turning than the turning ones.La producción de leche brasileña se basa en animales mestizos, en su mayoría alimentados con pasto, insolación y otros desafíos climáticos. El objetivo fue evaluar la influencia de las variaciones climáticas en la producción y comportamiento de animales de grupos genéticos en DIC en un factorial 2x2, evaluando los efectos de las condiciones bioclimáticas del período poco lluvioso y las respuestas etológicas. Se observa que la estación lluviosa en la región tuvo un efecto significativo (p&lt;0.05) para la producción en el verano con respecto a la primavera, en la cual el gyr primíparo, gyr multíparo y gyrolando multíparo festividad respectivamente de 20.19; 16,15 y 27,7 litros día -1, mientras que las primíparas girolandos no siguieron esta tendencia. Se encontró que el cuarto de orden con cubierta metalizada es menos eficiente para reducir el estrés térmico como vacancias que las condiciones del área de descanso, cuya protección de insolación se basa en árboles, según lo registrado por el termómetro de bulbo húmedo σ2 de 0.45, en relación a la mayor variación de temperatura por el bulbo seco debajo del galpón, σ2 4.23. Por lo tanto, el período seco en la región norte media se caracteriza por la ocurrencia de altas temperaturas, donde las vacas giran más que las que giran.Avaliou-se as condições bioclimáticas de produção e as respostas dos animais sob produção na região Meio Norte do Brasil. Vacas leiteiras em lactação, cruzadas (Gir x Holandês) e zebuínas (Gir) durante o período de secas e de chuvas. Coletados dados de temperatura do ar em bulbo seco e húmido, temperatura mínima e máxima, humidade relativa; frequência respiratória (FR), frequência cardíaca (FC) e temperatura retal (TR) convergiram para indicador bioclimático Indice de Temperatura e Umidade (ITU) e o indicador etológico Coeficiente de Tolerância ao Calor (CA). Análise de variância para aferir diferenças significativas acompanhadas de análises de post-hoc indicam efeitos significativo (p-valor ≤ 0,05) dos efeitos de época (Chuvas e Secas) e/ou de grupo genético (Girolanda/Gir). Identificou-se maiores temperaturas (T) e menores humidade relativas (UR) durante as secas: 30,5º e 47,5%; em relação ao período de chuvas: 26,7º C e 86,5%. A condições bioclimáticas estiveram majoritariamente inadequadas à bovinos. As respostas etológicas variaram principalmente em função de raça e somente a FC foi significativamente diferente em função de época. Animais Gir apesar de dispõem de menor perímetro torácico (PT) são mais hábeis em promover a termólise e/ou produzem menos calor endógeno, apresentando CA, FR, FC e TR significativamente (p-valor &lt; 0,05) menores. As condições de produção são desafiadoras com alto ITU e respostas animais que indicam desconforto, principalmente durante os períodos de secas na região meio norte. Palavras-chave: temperatura retal; termólise; ambiência.   Effect of dry and rainy environments on the Ethology of dairy cows   ABSTRACT: Bioclimatic production conditions and the responses of animals under production were evaluated in the Meio Norte region of Brazil. Lactating dairy cows, crossbreeds (Gir x Holstein) and zebu (Gyr) during the dry and rainy season. Collected air temperature data in the dry and wet bulbs, minimum and maximum temperature, relative humidity, respiratory rate (RR), heart rate (HR), and rectal temperature (TR) converged to the bioclimatic indicator Temperature and Humidity Index (THI) and the etiological indicator Heat Tolerance Coefficient (CA). Analysis of variance to assess significant differences accompanied by post-hoc analyses indicate significant effects (p-value ≤ 0.05) of season effects (Rains and Droughts) and/or genetic group (Girolanda/Gir). Higher temperatures (T) and lower relative humidity (RH) were identified during droughts: 30.5º and 47.5%; in relation to the rainy season: 26.7º C and 86.5%. Bioclimatic conditions were mostly unsuitable for cattle. Ethological responses varied mainly depending on breed and only HR significantly differed depending on season. Gir animals, despite having a smaller thoracic perimeter (PT), are more adept at promoting thermolysis and/or producing less endogenous heat, presenting significantly lower AC, RR, HR, and TR (p-value &lt; 0.05). Production conditions are challenging with high THI and animal responses that indicate discomfort, especially during dry periods in the Meio Norte region. Keywords: rectal temperature; thermolysis; ambiance

    Seminário de Dissertação (2024)

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    Página da disciplina de Seminário de Dissertação (MPPP, UFPE, 2022) Lista de participantes == https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mrULe1y04yPxHUBaF50jhaM1OY8QYJ3zva4N4yvm198/edit#gid=

    Respiratory support in patients with severe COVID-19 in the International Severe Acute Respiratory and Emerging Infection (ISARIC) COVID-19 study: a prospective, multinational, observational study

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    Background: Up to 30% of hospitalised patients with COVID-19 require advanced respiratory support, including high-flow nasal cannulas (HFNC), non-invasive mechanical ventilation (NIV), or invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV). We aimed to describe the clinical characteristics, outcomes and risk factors for failing non-invasive respiratory support in patients treated with severe COVID-19 during the first two years of the pandemic in high-income countries (HICs) and low middle-income countries (LMICs). Methods: This is a multinational, multicentre, prospective cohort study embedded in the ISARIC-WHO COVID-19 Clinical Characterisation Protocol. Patients with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection who required hospital admission were recruited prospectively. Patients treated with HFNC, NIV, or IMV within the first 24 h of hospital admission were included in this study. Descriptive statistics, random forest, and logistic regression analyses were used to describe clinical characteristics and compare clinical outcomes among patients treated with the different types of advanced respiratory support. Results: A total of 66,565 patients were included in this study. Overall, 82.6% of patients were treated in HIC, and 40.6% were admitted to the hospital during the first pandemic wave. During the first 24 h after hospital admission, patients in HICs were more frequently treated with HFNC (48.0%), followed by NIV (38.6%) and IMV (13.4%). In contrast, patients admitted in lower- and middle-income countries (LMICs) were less frequently treated with HFNC (16.1%) and the majority received IMV (59.1%). The failure rate of non-invasive respiratory support (i.e. HFNC or NIV) was 15.5%, of which 71.2% were from HIC and 28.8% from LMIC. The variables most strongly associated with non-invasive ventilation failure, defined as progression to IMV, were high leukocyte counts at hospital admission (OR [95%CI]; 5.86 [4.83-7.10]), treatment in an LMIC (OR [95%CI]; 2.04 [1.97-2.11]), and tachypnoea at hospital admission (OR [95%CI]; 1.16 [1.14-1.18]). Patients who failed HFNC/NIV had a higher 28-day fatality ratio (OR [95%CI]; 1.27 [1.25-1.30]). Conclusions: In the present international cohort, the most frequently used advanced respiratory support was the HFNC. However, IMV was used more often in LMIC. Higher leucocyte count, tachypnoea, and treatment in LMIC were risk factors for HFNC/NIV failure. HFNC/NIV failure was related to worse clinical outcomes, such as 28-day mortality. Trial registration This is a prospective observational study; therefore, no health care interventions were applied to participants, and trial registration is not applicable