38 research outputs found


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    This thesis was about students‟ ability in using preposition of place. The purpose of the research was to find out the data of students‟ ability in using preposition of place of the seventh grade students at first semester of SMP PGRI 6 Bandar Lampung in the academic year of 2018 This type of research was descriptive quantitative research. The subject of this research was 30 students of the seventh grade. The data of this research were obtained by using test. The researcher analyzed the data by computing the frequency of the students‟ score and frequency percentages of students‟ score classification. Thus, the students‟ ability in using preposition of place could be known. According to the result of the research, the mean score of the students‟ was 58.03. The students‟ ability in using preposition of place that got excellent level were 2 students‟ by 6.66%, 7 students got good level by 23.33%, and 3 students got fair level by 36.66%, 7 students got poor level by 23.33%, and 3 students got very poor level by 10%. In conclusion, the students‟ ability in using preposition of place of the seventh grade students at the first semester of SMP PGRI 6 in the academic year of 2018 was fair enough. Keyswords : Students‟ ability, Preposition of plac

    Light in the inhomogeneous Universe: studies on light propagation in the averaged space-time

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    Bagheri S. Light in the inhomogeneous Universe: studies on light propagation in the averaged space-time. Bielefeld: Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld; 2014.In standard cosmology a background geometry is used to interpret observations of the large scale structure of the Universe. The background means a homogeneous, isotropic and flat Friedmann-Lemaître (FL) Universe, neglecting the details at small scales and local inhomogeneities of mass density. Observational cosmology is based on light trajectories and the paths of light are null geodesics. One of the significant effects of inhomogeneity is on the light trajectories. Some aspects of this are very well understood and studied in great depth. For instance, CMB photons are related to density fluctuations by the Sachs-Wolfe effect, and gravitational lensing plays an important role for light propagation in the Universe. Cosmic structures determine how light propagates through the Universe and consequently must be taken into account. In the standard cosmological model at the largest scales, such structures are either ignored or treated as small perturbations to an isotropic and homogeneous Universe. This isotropic and homogeneous model is commonly assumed to emerge from some averaging process at the largest scales. However, averaging in general relativity is not a simple operation, due to the covariance of the theory and the non-linearity of Einstein equations. We review previous studies of the averaging and backreaction problem in cosmology. We also discuss some recent attempts, which addressed the averaging problem through propagation of light. Unfortunately, those works are restricted to either a toy model or a perturbative approach. We then present our work on a more general result for the propagation of light in an averaged Universe. We assume that there exists an averaging procedure that preserves the causal structure of space-time. Based on that assumption, we study the effects of averaging the geometry of space-time and derive an averaged version of the null geodesic equation of motion. For the averaged geometry we then assume a flat FL model and find that light propagation in this averaged FL model is not given by null geodesics of that model, but rather by a modified light propagation equation that contains an effective Hubble expansion rate, which differs from the Hubble rate of the averaged space-time

    Perestasi Belajar Kognitif Siswa Bidang Studi Fiqih Ma’had Al-Khairiyah Witya Yala Di Selatan Thailand

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    Penelitian ini tentang Prestasi Belajar kognitif siswa bidang study Fiqih Ma’hat Al-khairiyah Witya Yala di Selatan Thailand. Oleh keran banyak siswa berbagai gejala-gejala seperti sebagian siswa kurang memahami pelajan dan sebagian siswa tidak memperhatikan pelajan membuat siswa praktek tidaksesuai dengan pelajan khurusnya palajan Fiqih, proses pelajan Fiqih sangat penting dalam kehidupan manuasia menjalankan aktivitas sehari-hari. Adapun rumusan adalah Bagaiman Prestasi Belajar kognitif siswa bidang study Fiqih Ma’hat Al-khairiyah Witya Yala di Selatan Thailand? Berdasarkan rumusan masalah tersebut maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tujuan pendidikan, mengetahui Bagaimana Prestasi Belajar kognitif siswa bidang study Fiqih Ma’hat Al-khairiyah Witya Yala di Selatan Thailand, dalam bentuk berbagai persoalan dan sebagainya, untuk mengetahui bagaimana siswa kelas X menjalan aktivitas sehari-hari di khususnya dibidang Fiqih. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 50% dari pada siswa kelas X sebagai risponden berjumlah sebanyak 56 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan Angket dan dukumentasi sekaligus menjadi sampel penelitian ini. Maka hasil penelian dapatlah diambil kesimpulan bahwa Prestasi Belajar kognitif siswa bidang study Fiqih Ma’hat Al-khairiyah Witya Yala di Selatan Thailand mencapai pesentasi 77.120% atau berada pada kriteria “tinggi” Karena berada dalam rentang 70% -100 %

    " علاقة بين حفظ القرآن و قدرة مفردات العربية لطلاب معهد التزكية الدينية ياها بولاية يالا جنوب التيلاند "

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    يركز هذا البحث فيما يلي وهي : 1) كيف كان حفظ القرآن لدي الطلاب 2) كيف كانت قدرة المفردات العربية لدي الطلاب 3) هل وجدت العلاقة بين حفظ القرآن وقدرة مفردات العربية بمعهد التزكية الدينية ياها يالا جنوب التيلاند. وأن نوع هذا البحث هو بحث الكمي و كان الباحث يستخدم منهج مسحية بمراقبة العلاقة الذى تعقد بمعهد التزكية الدينية ويتضمن على جميع الطلاب فيه. وحصل الباحث على مصادر البيانات بطريقة الملاحظة والمقابلة و الوثائق والإمتحان. واستخدم الباحث لتحليل البيانات بطريقة تحليل العلاقة على الرمزناتج البرهة (product moment). ونتائج البحث المحصولة لتكون إجابة عن الركائز البحث هي: 1) أن نتائج حفظ القرآن الطلاب حصل على المتوسط 75,36 تقع بين 72,824 - 77,897 فيدل على فئة المقبول. 2) أن نتائج قدرة المفردات للطلاب حصل على المتوسط 73,48 تقع بين 70,685 - 76,276 فيدل على فئة المقبول. 3) حصل العلاقة بين حفظ القرآن وقدرة مفردات العربية بمعهد التزكية الدينية ياها يالا جنوب التيلاند 0,600، ونظرا إلى التفسير النتيجة بمعامل العلاقة (index Correlation product moment) تقع النتيجة العلاقة بين 0,400 – 0,700 فهذه النتيجة تدل على وجود العلاقة الإيجابية وتقع بفئة المتوسطة أو الكافي

    Pengaruh harga dan kualitas produk terhadap keputusan pembelian sepatu Nike : Studi kasus pada konsumen Sepatu Nike di Daerah Patani Thailand

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    Pada dasarnya konsumen selalu menanyakan harga dan kualitas produk dalam suatu produk di perusahaan, kemudian para konsumen akan memilih harga yang murah dan kualitas produk yang bagus dalam membeli produk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya pengaruh Harga dan Kualitas Produk secara simultan terhadap keputusan pembelian sepatu Nike pada konsumen sepatu nike di daerah Patani. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, analisis regresi linier berganda, analisis korelasi, pengujian hipotesis (Uji t dan uji f), dan analisis determinasi. Uji hipotesis menggunakan taraf nyata 0.05 atau 5%. Pengolahan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan bantuan Software Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) 20.0 for windows. Hasil penelitian menujukan bahwa secara parsial Harga tidak berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian dengan thitung sebesar 0,395 dengan tingkat signifikansi sebesar 0.694. karena nilai signifikan lebih besar dari taraf nyata (0,694 > 0,05) maka Ho diterima dan Ha ditolak. Dan kualitas produk berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian dengan thitung sebesar 8,730 dengan tingkat signifikansi sebesar 0,000. Karena nilai signifikan lebih kurang dari taraf nyata (0,000 > 0,05) maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Hasil penelitian koefisien regresi secara bersama-sama diperoleh Fhitung sebesar 39,381 karena Fhitung > Ftabel (39,381 > 3,090) maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa Harga dan Kualitas Produk memiliki pengaruh yang tidak signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian. Nilai R- square diperoleh dengan nilai sebesar 0,448 mengindikasikan bahwa 44.8% perubahan pada keputusan pembelian dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel-variabel bebas/independen (Harga dan kualitas Produk) yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Sedangkan sisanya 56.2% dijelaskan oleh variabel lain yang tidak dimasukkan dalam model regresi

    نافذة على تاريخ أندونيسيا من خلال مسرحية "عودة الفردوس" لعلي أحمد باكثير

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    ترنو هذه الورقة إلى المقاربة بين الأحداث التاريخية لاستقلال أندونيسيا كما سجلت على أرض الواقع، وبين الأحداث التي رواها الأستاذ علي أحمد باكثير في مسرحيته "عودة الفردوس"؛ وذلك في سبيل إيضاح رؤيته الخاصة في الحرية والاستقلال والنضال، وتقويم إبداعه وفنه في التعامل مع تلك الأحداث، ومن ثم إبراز إسهامه الأدبي في توثيق تلك المناسبة التاريخية العظيمة. ولم ﺗﻬمل الورقة إبراز التيار الإسلامي في المسرحية باعتبار باكثير رائدًا من رواد الأدب الإسلامي، وباعتبار أن هذه المسرحية مرتبطة بقيام أكبر دولة إسلامية في عدد السكان. فكيف صور باكثير مشاعر خمسة وسبعين مليون إندونيسي مسلم إبان استقلال بلادهم؟ وما هي الرسالة التي يوجهها باكثير إلى الأمة الإسلامية؟ من خلال هذا العمل الذي يحكي قيام جزء كبير من كيان الأمة في جنوب شرق آسيا

    Pengaruh Keteladanan Guru Dalam Menanamkan Nilai Akhlak Siswa Di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 2 Surakarta

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    Teacher is the main role in guiding and developing children to reach the adultery. Teacher's preference is very influential for each students mentality, because teacher is a role model for students, therefore every act and behavior of teacher will be watched and be imitated. MTs Negeri 2 Surakarta is a school where students are not behaving according to syariat Islam. Whereas, teachers as the role models in the school, have been act nicely, such as wearing tidy uniform, doing polite things and obeying the rules. But in reality, there are still many students those have not followed the examples. So that, in this study the researcher will discuss about the influence of teacher as a role model in implanting student's moral values in MTs Negeri 2 Surakarta. In this study, the researcher formulated 2 problem statements, as follow: (1) what kind of exemplary behaviours do the teachers give in instilling moral values to the students of MTs Negeri 2 Surakarta?(2) what are the impacts? This study is aimed to know and describe the teachers‟ exemplary behaviours in instilling morals values to the students of Mts Negeri 2 Surakarta, and their impacts. This research is a field one by using qualitative approach, which has taken place at MTs Negeri 2 Surakarta. The subject of this research are the headmaster, the teachers, and the students of MTs Negeri 2 Surakarta. The methods used in collecting data are deep interview, observation, and documentation. The data are analyzed by using descriptive qualitative, thus data collected are cited ones. After that, the data collected are described in words. The results of this study conclude that the exemplary teachers in instilling moral values to students at MTs. Negeri 2 Surakarta are already good and influential. There are two forms of exemplary teachers in instilling moral values of students, namely words aspect and deed aspect. While the impacts of exemplary teachers toward instilling moral values of students have been influential and positive, since students already have akhlaqul karimah according to the teachings of Islam

    Evaluation of Feeding Stimulant Mixed with Chemical and Bio Insecticides on Certain Lepidopterous Pests and their Natural Enemies in Cotton and Soybean Fields

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    The Efficiency of feeding stimulants (Bioenhencer) was studied alone and in combinations with chemical insecticides or entomopathogens against the defoliating pests, Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.) and Spodoptera exigua Hbn. (in fields of cotton and soybean) and the bollworms Pectinophora gossypiella Saunders and Earias insulana Boisd. (in cotton field), at Kafr El-Sheikh governorate during the season 2003. Its adversely influence on the natural enemies associated these pests in the two fields, were also undertaken. Laboratory results indicated that the feed stimulant was exhibited at a high degree of efficiency against the target lepidopterous larvae when combined with the chemical insecticide and the bioinsecticides. But no obvious effect was found when it was used alone. Field results indicated that, the addition of Bioenhencer (5%) to the chemical and bio insecticides enhanced their activity, where the damaged rate significantly affected in these treated plots as compared to the untreated ones, on both cotton and soybean fields. Moreover, bioenhancer and the bioinsecticide had the least harmful effect on the entomophagous insect populations. @JASE