1,521 research outputs found

    The use of ratio and rate concepts by students in primary and secondary school

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    This paper aims to analyse how primary and secondary school students use the concepts of ratio and rate when solving a ratio comparison problem. 954 primary and secondary school students (11-16 years old) solved a ratio comparison problem that involves four questions designed following the Reflection on the Activity-Effect Relationship mechanism. Students’ answers were inductively analysed generating categories in relation to students’ use of these concepts and the difficulties they revealed. Results have shown that a large number of students seems not to have the concept of ratio available during and at the end of secondary education, presenting difficulties not only with the identification of the multiplicative relationship between the extensive quantities but also with the norming techniques and with the referent.This research was supported by the project EDU2017-87411-R from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MICINN, Spain) (PRE2018-083765)

    A perceção de alunos sem necessidades educativas especiais face à inclusão dos pares com perturbação do espetro do autismo no terceiro ciclo, do ensino básico

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    Em Portugal observa-se um aumento de alunos diagnosticados com Perturbação do Espetro do Autismo (PEA), possivelmente devido à existência de maior sensibilização e informação dos diversos profissionais que contatam com estes alunos, bem como à sua inclusão nas classes regulares. Contudo, continuam a existir poucos estudos sobre a inclusão dos alunos com PEA nas turmas regulares, principalmente no que diz respeito à opinião dos colegas sem NEE. O presente estudo tem como objetivo geral conhecer a perceção dos alunos sem necessidades educativas especiais (NEE) sobre a inclusão dos alunos com PEA, nas turmas do terceiro ciclo do ensino básico, de uma escola pública. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo de cariz quantitativo, no qual foi utilizado um questionário que foi preenchido pela maior amostra possível, cinquenta alunos. Verificou-se que a maioria dos inquiridos pertencia ao sexo feminino, com idades compreendidas entre os doze e os dezasseis anos e frequentavam, na sua maioria, o nono ano de escolaridade, sem qualquer retenção. Pode-se concluir que os alunos sem NEE não reconhecem mudanças físicas e estruturais nas aulas do ensino regular quando estão presentes os seus colegas com PEA. Em termos ambientais, transmitem haver alguma perturbação das aulas devido ao comportamento dos colegas com PEA. No entanto, não se verifica qualquer relação entre os resultados académicos e a inclusão dos alunos com PEA.Ao nível social e emocional, os alunos sem NEE tendem a aproximar-se mais dos seus colegas com PEA e a demonstrar atitudes de cooperação e proteção para com estes. Por último, os alunos sem NEE consideram que apenas os alunos com PEA que apresentam necessidades/dificuldades ligeiras ou os que conseguem acompanhar o currículo é que devem frequentar algumas aulas do ensino regular mais práticas, mas ir com maior regularidade a um Estabelecimento de Educação Especial.In Portugal, there has been an increase of children diagnosed with ASD, possibly because the professionals who deal with those children have a large sensibility and information toward this problem. At the same time inclusion of students with ASD in normal classrooms also increased. However, there are still few studies about the opinion of students without special needs, about inclusion of students with ASD in normal classrooms. This study aims to understand what students without special needs think about inclusion of students with ASD in their classrooms. We used a written questionnaire with 50 participants, with ages between 12 and 16 years, mostly girls and most of them attending the 9th year in school. We concluded that students without special educational needs think that there are no significant structural changes in their classrooms when including students with ASD. They also think that the behaviour of those students may cause some perturbation but there is no relation between the inclusion of students with ASD and learning results. At a social level we found out that students without special needs showed a strong will to help and support students with that problem. We also found out that students with no special needs think that only those students with a low degree of ASD should be included in some classes of regular teaching but should also attend more often to a school for children with Special Educational Needs

    Stabilization of Polymeric Nanofibers Layers for Use as Real-Time and In-Flow Photonic Sensors

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    In order to increase the sensitivity of a sensor, the relationship between its volume and the surface available to be functionalized is of great importance. Accordingly, porous materials are becoming very relevant, because they have a notable surface-to-volume ratio. Moreover, they offer the possibility to infiltrate the target substances on them. Among other porous structures, polymeric nanofibers (NFs) layers fabricated by electrospinning have emerged as a very promising alternative to low-cost and easy-to-produce high-performance photonic sensors. However, experimental results show a spectrum drift when performing sensing measurements in real-time. That drift is responsible for a significant error when trying to determine the refractive index variation for a target solution, and, because of that, for the detection of the presence of certain analytes. In order to avoid that problem, different chemical and thermal treatments were studied. The best results were obtained for thermal steps at 190 °C during times between 3 and 5 h. As a result, spectrum drifts lower than 5 pm/min and sensitivities of 518 nm/refractive index unit (RIU) in the visible range of the spectrum were achieved in different electrospun NFs sensors.This work was supported by the Spanish government through the project TEC2015-63838-C3-1-ROPTONANOSENS and from the Basque government through the project KK-2019/00101 -µ4INDUSTR

    Costo económico del tratamiento de las úlceras por presión : una aproximación teórica

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    O presente artigo consiste numa abordagem teórica sobre a problemática dos custos económicos das úlceras por pressão. Parte-se do conhecimento do problema, numa perspetiva conceptual, para, de seguida, apresentar resultados de estudos de prevalência, a partir dos quais foram delineados estudos de impacto económico. O objectivo deste artigo é o de reflectir sobre os custos económicos associados às úlceras por pressão, quer numa perspetiva global, considerando a repercussão financeira, quer numa vertente personalista, atendendo aos custos intangíveis. Relativamente ao impacto económico das úlceras por pressão, foi efectuada uma estimativa ao nível da Região Autónoma dos Açores do custo total do tratamento por ambiente de cuidados. Nos cuidados domiciliários o custo com o tratamento de todas as categorias é calculado em 7.086.415 euros; nos cuidados hospitalares, em 1.723.509 euros, e nos cuidados prestados em lares de idosos, em 1.002.562 euros. Nos Açores, a estimativa do custo total do tratamento das úlceras por pressão, considerando todas as suas categorias, ronda os 9.812.486 euros. Quanto ao impacto emocional associado, este tem elevados custos para pessoa e para os familiares, nomeadamente pelo sofrimento gerado. De facto, as úlceras por pressão acarretam elevados custos económicos associados ao tratamento, bem como custos intangíveis pelo sofrimento vivenciado por pessoas e cuidadores.RESUMEN: El presente artículo consiste en una reflexión teórica sobre el problema de los costos económicos de las úlceras por presión. Se empieza por el conocimiento del problema, desde una perspectiva conceptual, y, a continuación, se presentan los resultados de estudios de prevalencia, a partir de los cuales se diseñaron estudios de impacto económico. El objetivo del artículo es reflexionar sobre los costos económicos asociados a las úlceras por presión tanto en una perspectiva global, considerando la repercusión financiera, como en una vertiente personalista, de acuerdo a los costos intangibles. En cuanto al impacto económico de las úlceras por presión, se realizó una estimación de la Región Autónoma de Açores del costo total del tratamiento por ámbito de atención. En la atención domiciliaria el costo con el tratamiento de todas las categorías se estima en € 7.086.415, en la atención hospitalaria, se estima € 1.723.509 y en la atención en los asilos se estima en €1.002.562. En Açores, el costo total estimado del tratamiento de las úlceras por presión en todas las categorías, es de alrededor de € 9.812.486. En cuanto al impacto emocional asociado, éste tiene elevados costos para la persona y para los familiares, principalmente, por el sufrimiento causado. De hecho, las úlceras por presión implican altos costos económicos asociados con el tratamiento, así como, costos intangibles generados por el sufrimiento experimentado por los individuos y los cuidadores.ABSTRACT: The present study consisted of a theoretical approach to the problem posed by the economic costs associated with pressure ulcers (PUs). The initial aim was to assess the target problem from a conceptual perspective and then to report the results of prevalence studies that formed the basis for investigations of the disease’s economic impact. The purpose of the present article is to discuss the economic costs associated with PUs from both the global point of view (appraising their financial repercussion) and the individual point of view (addressing the intangible costs). Regarding the economic impact of the costs associated with PUs, the total cost of treatment per healthcare setting was estimated relative to the Autonomous Community of Azores. The total cost of all the PU categories was EUR 7,086,415 in the homecare setting, EUR 1,723,509 in the hospital setting, and EUR 1,002,562 in older people’s homes. Therefore, the estimated total treatment cost of all the PU categories was approximately EUR 9,812,486 in Azores. However, the emotional impact of this disease imposes high costs on patients and their relatives as a function of the resultant suffering. Indeed, PUs impose high costs not only related to the treatment but also related to the intangible costs of the suffering caused to patients and their caregivers.Project ICE 2 – Investigação Científica em Enfermagem – Estudo do “Custo Económico das Úlceras por Pressão na Macaronésia” (MAC/1/A029) de Iniciativa Comunitária – Programa de Cooperação Transnacional Madeira-Açores-Canárias 2007-2013info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Protective effect of Cyclolepis genistoides aqueous extract against cellular oxidative stress

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    The development of neuroprotective agents constitutes one of the most promising strategies to treat neurodegenerative disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease (PD). Oxidative stress (OS) is a major contributor to the death of dopaminergic neurons in PD. In the present work, we investigated the effect of aqueous extracts of three Argentinian medicinal plants, Agalinis genistifolia (Cham. & Schltdl.) D’Arcy, Cyclolepis genistoides Gillies ex D. Don and Margyricarpus pinnatus (Lam.) Kuntze, on cellular models of metal-induced OS. These species have been traditionally used to treat PD-related symptoms, such as paralysis for A. genistifolia and inflammation for C. genistoides and M. pinnatus. To evaluate the potential neuroprotective activity of the aqueous extracts, we used the human neuroblastoma cell line IMR-32 exposed to ferric ammonium citrate (FAC) as an OS inducer. Whereas cells exposed to FAC exhibited increased levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) after the treatment with A. genistifolia and M. pinnatus (50 µg/mL extract), the exposure to C. genistoides extract at 20 µg/mL showed a reduction in ROS levels. In line with this finding, we found that C. genistoides treatment decreased lipid peroxidation under the same experimental conditions (20 µg/mL). Furthermore, the induction of ROS production by manganese in IMR-32 cells and by FAC in N27 rat dopaminergic cells was attenuated by the exposure to C. genistoides extract. Our results suggest that the aqueous extract of C. genistoides has potential as a source of neuroprotective agents that can target OS, a hallmark of neuronal death in PDFil: Alza, Natalia Paola. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Bahía Blanca. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Bahía Blanca; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Química; ArgentinaFil: Benzi Juncos, Oriana Nicole. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Bahía Blanca. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Bahía Blanca; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Biología, Bioquímica y Farmacia; ArgentinaFil: Murray, Ana Paula. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Química del Sur. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Química. Instituto de Química del Sur; ArgentinaFil: Salvador, Gabriela Alejandra. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Bahía Blanca. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Bahía Blanca; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Biología, Bioquímica y Farmacia; ArgentinaThe 24th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic ChemistryEspañaElectronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistr

    Traços Patológicos e Adaptabilidade como Preditores do Engajamento

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    This study aimed to test the predictive capacity of pathological traits of personality and career adaptability on four constructs that compose the well-being at work: work engagement, job satisfaction, burnout, and workaholism. A total of 204 Brazilian working adults (M age = 34.02, SD = 10.39) participated in the study, which responded to scales measuring pathological traits, career adaptability resources, and well-being components at work. Our findings indicate that pathological traits are, in general, negatively related to job satisfaction and work engagement and positively associated with burnout and workaholism. After the insertion of career adaptability, there was an increase in most of the models' explanation. The contribution of adaptability was significant only for job satisfaction prediction.Este estudo teve como objetivo testar a capacidade preditiva de traços patológicos da personalidade e adaptabilidade de carreira sobre quatro construtos que compõem o bem-estar no trabalho: engajamento no trabalho, satisfação no trabalho, burnout e workaholism. Participaram 204 adultos brasileiros trabalhadores (M idade = 34,02; DP = 10,39) que responderam instrumentos que mensuram traços patológicos, recursos de adaptabilidade de carreira e componentes do bem-estar no trabalho. Nossos achados indicaram que os traços patológicos estão, de modo geral, relacionados negativamente com satisfação no trabalho e engajamento no trabalho e positivamente com burnout e workaholism. Após a inserção da adaptabilidade de carreira houve aumento da explicação na maioria dos modelos, sendo que a contribuição única de adaptabilidade foi significativa apenas para predição de satisfação no trabalho

    Parenting practices: a comparative study about the family interaction of two distinct adolescents

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    The present study aimed to investigate and compare, through a qualitative approach, the parenting practices received by two adolescents. Each adolescent (16 and 17 years old, both male) was selected in a different institution: one was recruited in a NGO that sponsors the study in private schools for low income students who demonstrate high academic achievement; and the other was under provisory detention waiting for the judgement of an infraction. With the authorization of both institutions, individual interviews were conducted, based on the Scale of Family Interaction’s Quality (Weber, Viezzer, Brandenburg, 2003). The investigated categories were: affection, reinforcement, involvement, rules and monitoring, communication, punishment, self-esteem and deviant partner involvement. In the story of the adolescent under provisory detention it was found little involvement and demonstration of love; inadequate use of positive reinforcement, rules with little monitoring, coercive communication, extremely exaggerated punishment and deviant partner involvement. In the story of the other participant it was found a greater involvement and love demonstration, clear rules, adequate use of positive reinforcement, positive communication, use of mild and consistent punishment, and no deviant partner involvement. It is possible to conclude that coercive parenting practices predominated on the family of the adolescent with antisocial behavior, and the non-coercive practices predominated on the family of the adolescent from the NGO. Keywords: family interactions; parenting practices; parent-son relationship.No presente estudo objetivou-se investigar e comparar, de forma qualitativa, as práticas parentais recebidas por dois adolescentes. Cada adolescente (de 16 e 17 anos, ambos do sexo masculino, provenientes do mesmo nível socioeducacional, foi selecionado de uma instituição diferente: um pertencia a uma ONG que patrocina os estudos particulares de alunos carentes com alto desempenho acadêmico e o outro estava detido provisoriamente à espera de julgamento por cometer ato infracional. Com autorização das instituições, foram realizadas entrevistas individuais, baseadas nas Escalas de Qualidade na Interação Familiar (Weber, Viezzer e Brandenburg, 2003). As categorias investigadas foram: relacionamento afetivo, reforçamento, envolvimento, regras e monitoria, comunicação, punição, auto-estima e envolvimento com pares desviantes. O relato do adolescente detido revelou pais com baixo envolvimento e demonstração de afeto; uso inadequado de reforçamento positivo, ausência de regras e monitoria, comunicação coercitiva, punições extremamente exageradas, além de envolvimento com pares desviantes. Já no relato do outro adolescente foi possível perceber pais com maior envolvimento e demonstração de amor, regras claras, uso adequado de reforçamento positivo, comunicação positiva, punições brandas e consistentes e o não-envolvimento do participante com pares desviantes. Pôde-se concluir que houve predominância de práticas parentais coercitivas na família do adolescente com comportamentos anti-sociais, e predominância de práticas parentais não-coercitivas na família do adolescente da ONG. Palavras-chave: interações familiares; práticas parentais; relação pais-filhos

    La canción como herramienta didáctica en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje de un idioma extranjero (inglés)

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    La importancia del inglés en la actualidad hace necesario su estudio en el aula. Una manera dinámica y motivadora para aprenderlo y enseñarlo son las canciones. Como consecuencia de una entrevista a maestros en Educación Primaria, somos conscientes de las posibilidades de aprovechamiento de esta herramienta didáctica. La revisión teórica nos ha permitido estudiar las características, los beneficios y las aplicaciones de la canción en el aprendizaje del inglés como lengua extranjera y ha motivado nuestro objetivo para diseñar una propuesta didáctica. A falta de poder desarrollarla, cuya evaluación nos permitiría completar el análisis de la aportación de la canción al desarrollo de las competencias lingüísticas clave, la conclusión de nuestro estudio nos permite pensar que la canción constituye un recurso didáctico accesible y de gran utilidad para aprender las competencias lingüísticas de un idioma permitiendo una asimilación de éste más óptima, rápida y eficaz que con los recursos convencionales.<br /

    Effect of short chain fructooligosaccharides (scFOS) on immunological status and gut microbiota of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) reared at two temperatures

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    The effects of dietary short chain fructooligosaccharides (scFOS) incorporation on hematology, fish immune status, gut microbiota composition, digestive enzymes activities, and gut morphology, was evaluated in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) juveniles reared at 18 °C and 25 °C. For that purpose, fish with 32 g were fed diets including 0, 0.1, 0.25 and 0.5% scFOS during 8 weeks. Overall, scFOS had only minor effects on gilthead sea bream immune status. Lymphocytes decreased in fish fed the 0.1% scFOS diet. Fish fed the 0.5% scFOS diet presented increased nitric oxide (NO) production, while total immunoglobulins (Ig) dropped in those fish, but only in the ones reared at 25 °C. Red blood cells, hemoglobin, bactericidal activity and NO were higher at 25 °C, whereas total white blood cells, circulating thrombocytes, monocytes and neutrophils were higher at 18 °C. In fish fed scFOS, lymphocytes were higher at 18 °C. Total Ig were also higher at 18 °C but only in fish fed 0.1% and 0.5% scFOS diets. No differences in gut bacterial profiles were detected by PCR-DGGE (polymerase chain reaction denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis) between dietary treatments. However, group's similarity was higher at 25 °C. Digestive enzymes activities were higher at 25 °C but were unaffected by prebiotics incorporation. Gut morphology was also unaffected by dietary prebiotic incorporation. Overall, gut microbiota composition, digestive enzymes activities and immunity parameters were affected by rearing temperature whereas dietary scFOS incorporation had only minor effects on these parameters. In conclusion, at the tested levels scFOS does not seem worthy of including it in gilthead sea bream juveniles diets.This research was partially supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the COMPETE - Operational Competitiveness Programme and national funds through FCT Foundation for Science and Technology, under the projects "PEst-C/MAR/LA0015/2013 and UID/Multi/04423/2013". I. Guerreiro, P. Enes, A. Couto and B. Costas were supported by grants (SFRH/BD/76139/2011; BPD/39688/2007, BD/47495/2008 and BPD/77210/2011, respectively) from FCT, Portugal. C. Serra and A. Salvador were recipient of grants within the Project AQUAIMPROV (reference NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000038) and Project BioEnv (REF. NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000048), co-financed by the North Portugal Regional Operational Programme (ON.2 - O Novo Norte). We would like to express our thanks to Pedro Correia for the assistance during the growth trial. Authors would also thank to Jefo Species-specific additives France, for providing the prebiotic