1,549 research outputs found

    Epistemic communities and service delivery choices in Spanish municipal administrations

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    This article contributes to the debate on the use of alternative formulas for public service provision with arguments related to epistemic communities' influence. Drawing on the literature on models of local public service delivery, the role of internal epistemic communities is discussed and tested through the consideration of two different communities related to specific municipal areas such as personal and urban services. The results demonstrate that the association of urban services' epistemic communities with alternative formulas for direct provision to deliver services is greater than in the case of personal services' epistemic community. Those findings contribute to the academic debate not only with arguments and evidence that reinforces the role of variables included in previous research but also by introducing the role of epistemic communities in determining some policy options (as the use of local public-service delivery formulas)

    Calendario festivo y actos de culto en Carmona: una reflexión acerca de las fiestas en la modernidad

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    The article offers a tour around the annual festive cycle of Carmona (Seville), with special emphasis on the cult acts and religiousness. The data, result of the direct observation, have been supported by other historical in nature which provides a diachronic overview of the major festivals in this city. This will enables an overall analysis of the most recent transformations of the festive fact in a population that can serve as a model for the Low Andalusia. Pursuing this goal in this article are described the organizing agents and the degrees of participation from different sectors of the community, are detected the influence of dominant models and different processes of festive revitalization. Finally, the information provided allows a reflection about the consequences of modernity in the festive fact.El artículo ofrece un recorrido por el ciclo anual festivo de Carmona (Sevilla), con especial énfasis en los actos de culto y en la religiosidad. Los datos, fruto de la observación directa, han sido apoyados con otros de carácter histórico lo que proporciona un panorama diacrónico de las principales fiestas de esta ciudad. Esto posibilitará un análisis general de las transformaciones más recientes del hecho festivo en una población que puede funcionar como modelo para la Baja Andalucía. Buscando este objetivo en el artículo se describen los agentes organizadores y los grados de participación de los diferentes sectores de la comunidad, se detecta la influencia de modelos dominantes y diferentes procesos de revitalización festiva. Finalmente, la información aportada permite una reflexión acerca de las consecuencias de la modernidad en el hecho festivo

    El contenido informativo de la cuña publicitaria en España. Un análisis comparativo entre la radio generalista y la temática

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    El presente estudio desarrolla un análisis del contenido informativo a partir de la clasificación diseñada por Resnik y Stern aplicada a una muestra estadísticamente representativa de cuñas radiofónicas en España, desagregando su estudio tanto por el tipo de producto anunciado como por el tipo de cadena donde fueron emitidas. Los resultados muestran la destacada presencia que la publicidad descriptiva tiene en el conjunto del discurso publicitario radiado tanto por la Radio Generalista como por la Temática, y todo ello en favor de unas estrategias de creación publicitaria contradictorias con las potencialidades y limitaciones del medio radio.The present study develops an information content analysis based on the application of the Resnik and Stern classification system on a statistically representative sample of radio spots in Spain, with a breakdown of the study by type of product advertised as well as type of broadcast station used. The results show the significant presence of descriptive advertising in advertising discourse as a whole, both for general interest and thematic radio stations, favoring certain advertising strategies that contradict the potentialities and limitations of radio media

    La publicidad con pretendida finalidad sanitaria en la radio española. Un análisis empírico por tipo de emisora

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    El presente trabajo demuestra que buena parte de la publicidad radiofónica de productos relacionados con la salud vulnera la legislación vigente. El análisis de una muestra de 430 cuñas publicitarias, 1664 si se tiene en cuenta su frecuencia de emisión, ha permitido identificar las cuatro categorías de producto que concentran los claims ilícitos: alimentación, bebidas, belleza e higiene y salud. La proporción de engaños por cada cuña ilícita emitida alcanza el 3,99 en la radio generalista y el 2,2 en la radio temática. El tipo de engaño más frecuente hace referencia a productos que supuestamente proporcionan seguridad de alivio o curación cierta

    Desenvolupament i caracterització de gels energètics amb incorporació de farina de garrofa

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    [ES] El objetivo del presente proyecto es el desarrollo de geles energéticos para deportistas formulados a base de harina de algarroba. Estos productos tienen el objetivo de aportar una gran cantidad de energía en pequeñas dosis durante la realización de ejercicio físico intenso. Se ha abordado el desarrollo de geles a base de componentes naturales tales como la harina de algarroba, sirope de agave y miel que permitan obtener un alto contenido energético a base de carbohidratos y un aporte nutricional adecuado, manteniendo unas características organolépticas aceptables. Durante el estudio se llevaron a cabo formulaciones de geles con distintos porcentajes de agar-agar, maltodextrina y goma Xantana para obtener la textura adecuada a su forma de consumo. En primer lugar, se ha realizado una caracterización de la harina de algarroba evaluando su capacidad de retención de agua, capacidad de absorción de grasa, capacidad de hinchamiento y la concentración mínima de gelificación. En segundo lugar, se procedió a la preparación de distintas formulaciones de geles sobre los cuales se determinó: pH, Brix, color y textura. Así mismo, se analizaron dichas propiedades en geles comerciales con el objeto de contrastar los resultados de los geles obtenidos. Por último, se llevó a cabo un análisis sensorial de las 2 formulaciones con mejores características frente a un gel comercial con objeto de conocer la aceptabilidad de los mismos. El presente estudio ha permitido una primera aproximación a la formulación de geles para deportistas a base de harina de algarroba con gran aporte energético y buenas propiedades organolépticas en una dosis mínima pensada para la toma durante la realización de ejercicio físico.[EN] The purpose of this project is the development of energy gels for athletes formulated with carob flour for athletes formulated with carob flour. These products are intended to provide a large amount of energy in small doses during intense physical exercise. The development of gels based on natural components such as carob flour, agave syrup and honey has been approached in order to obtain a high energy content based on carbohydrates and an adequate nutritional contribution, while maintaining acceptable organoleptic properties. During the study, formulations of gels with different percentages of agar-agar, maltodextrin and Xanthan gum were carried out to obtain the appropriate texture for their form of consumption. Firstly, the carob flour was characterized by evaluating its water retention capacity, fat absorption capacity, swelling capacity and minimum gelling concentration. Secondly, different formulations of gels were prepared and their pH, Brix, color and texture were determined. Likewise, these properties were analyzed in commercial gels in order to contrast the results of the gels obtained. Finally, sensory analysis of the 2 formulations with the best characteristics compared to a commercial gel was carried out in order to determine their acceptability. The present study has allowed a first approach to the formulation of gels for athletes based on carob flour with a high energetic contribution and good organoleptic properties in a minimum dose designed to be taken during physical exercise.Salvador Polito, C. (2022). Desarrollo y caracterización de geles energéticos con incorporación de harina de algarroba. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/18880

    Prevalence of functional limitations in portuguese older adults and its association with high-protein foods: an EpiDoC database analysis

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    RESUMO: Introdução: O dramático aumento da esperança de vida é uma das maiores conquistas das sociedades modernas. No entanto, muitos desses últimos anos podem ser passados com incapacidade física e má qualidade de vida. A reduzida ingestão proteica associa-se à perda de massa muscular e de força nos idosos. Contudo, a evidência científica sobre a associação entre a ingestão proteica e limitação funcional em idosos é limitada. Assim, os objetivos deste estudo são: 1) determinar a prevalência de limitações funcionais na população idosa a viver na comunidade em Portugal; 2) estabelecer a associação entre a ingestão de alimentos com alto teor proteico e as limitações funcionais nesta população. Métodos: Para responder aos objetivos foi utilizado um estudo transversal em 2393 indivíduos ( 65 anos) da segunda onda de avaliação da coorte EpiDoC, um estudo de base populacional representativo da população portuguesa. Os participantes responderam a um questionário estruturado durante uma entrevista por telefone. Foram recolhidos dados sociodemográficos, de saúde, de estilos de vida, de ingestão alimentar, dados antropométricos e função física. A limitação funcional foi definida como uma pontuação superior a 0 no Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ). Utilizou-se regressão logística binária e regressão linear para avaliar a associação entre os alimentos com alto teor proteico e a prevalência de limitações funcionais. Resultados: A prevalência de limitação funcional entre os idosos portugueses foi de 81,0% (n = 2236). A prevalência aumentou com o grupo etário (76,9% para os indivíduos entre os 65 e os 75 anos vs. 93,1% nos indivíduos com mais de 85 anos) e foi mais elevada em indivíduos do sexo feminino (87,1%) e na região dos Açores (85,3%). Não houve associação entre o consumo de alimentos com alto teor proteico (carne, peixe e produtos lácteos) e as limitações funcionais [por exemplo, comer carne todos os dias vs. comer carne raramente ou nunca, em relação à presença de limitações funcionais (OR 0,75; IC a 95%: 0,32-1,78)]. Apesar deste resultado, verificou-se que a idade, o sexo, o índice de massa corporal, a multimorbilidade, a toma de medicação e o estado de saúde percebido estavam significativamente associados (p < 0,05) à existência de limitação funcional [por exemplo, índice de massa corporal (OR 1,08; IC a 95%: 1,03-1,12)], conforme já reportado na literatura científica. Conclusão: Existe uma elevada prevalência de limitações funcionais nos idosos portugueses e as intervenções nutricionais que previnam o seu desenvolvimento são de extrema importância. Não foi identificada associação entre o consumo de alimentos com alto teor proteico e a prevalência de limitações funcionais em idosos portugueses. Estes resultados carecem de replicação noutros estudos em diferentes contextos.ABSTRACT: Introduction: The dramatic increase in life expectancy ranks one of the greatest achievements of the modern societies. However, many of these later years may be spent with increasing disability and compromised quality. Reduced protein intake has been associated with loss of muscle mass and strength in older adults. However, evidence on the association between protein intake and functional limitations among older adults is limited. We aimed to: 1) determine the prevalence of functional limitations among community-dwelling Portuguese older adults and 2) establish the association between the consumption of high-protein foods and functional limitations among Portuguese older adults in these population. Methods: A cross-sectional analysis of 2393 adults( 65 years), of the second wave of follow-up of the EpiDoC cohort - a population-based study representative of the Portuguese population, was performed. Subjects completed a structured questionnaire during a telephone interview. Sociodemographic, health data, lifestyle behaviours, dietary intake, anthropometric data and physical function were collected. Functional limitation was defined as a score > 0 in the Health Assessment Questionnaire. Binary logistic regression and linear regression were used to assess the effect of high-protein foods on functional limitations. Results: Functional limitation prevalence among older adults was 81.0% (n = 2236), increased with age strata (76.9% for 65 – 75 years to 93.1% for > 85 years), and was highest in female individuals (87.1%) and in the Azores (85.3%). There was no association between the consumption of high-protein foods (meat, fish and dairy products) and functional limitation outcomes [e.g. the odds of having functional limitations (HAQ > 0) was similar for eating meat every day vs. eating meat rarely or never (OR 0.75; 95% CI: 0.32-1.78)]. Despite this result, we found that age, sex, body mass index, multimorbidity, medication use and perceived health status were significantly associated (p < 0.05) with functional limitation prevalence [e.g. body mass index (OR 1.08; 95% CI: 1.03-1.12)], as previously reported in scientific literature. Conclusion: Community-dwelling Portuguese older adults have a high prevalence of functional limitations, suggesting the urge to address this situation with nutritional interventions that prevent the development of functional limitations. There was no association between the consumption of high-protein foods and the prevalence of functional limitations in Portuguese older adults. These findings need to be replicated in other studies in different settings

    Perceptions of medical students toward teledermatology as an educational tool: a cross-sectional study

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    Introduction: Teledermatology consultations have recently been on the rise, especially due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. The role of teledermatology has been extensively discussed as a mean for the education of dermatology residents. Nevertheless, little has been explored on its use as a pedagogical tool for medical students. The objectives of this study were to assess the level of satisfaction of medical students with teledermatology and to evaluate their opinion about its use as an educational tool. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out at the Dermatology Department, Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves, Granada (Spain). Participants were fourth-year medical students. Every student would spend half of their internship in face-to-face consultations and the other half in teledermatology consultations. Data was collected via self-administered questionnaires. Results: Eighty one students were finally surveyed, being 66.67% (73/81) female. A majority of students considered a mixed clinical internship model (face-toface consultations combined with teledermatology) more suitable for obtaining higher marks in the subject of dermatology and in the Medical Intern Resident exam (p = 0.04). Nevertheless, face-to-face practice was considered more useful for their training as general practitioners (p = 0.04). Conclusion: Despite the fact that students highly value doctor-patient relationship, teledermatology is considered a powerful educational tool

    Self-assembly of human latexin into amyloid-like oligomers

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    Background: In conformational disorders, it is not evident which amyloid aggregates affect specific molecular mechanisms or cellular pathways, which cause disease because of their quantity and mechanical features and which states in aggregate formation are pathogenic. Due to the increasing consensus that prefibrillar oligomers play a major role in conformational diseases, there is a growing interest in understanding the characteristics of metastable polypeptide associations. Results: Here, we show that human latexin, a protein that shares the same fold with cystatin C, assembles into stable spherical amyloid-like oligomers that bind thioflavin-T and congo red similarly to common amyloid structures but do not evolve into fibrils. Latexin self-assembly correlates with the formation of a mostly denaturated state rather than with the population of partially structured intermediates during the unfolding process. The results suggest that unfolding of α-helix 3 might be involved in the transition of latexin toward amyloidotic species, supporting the notion of the protective role of the native protein structure against polymerization. Conclusion: Overall the data herein indicate that latexin could be a good model for the study of the structural and sequential determinants of oligomeric assemblies in protein aggregation processes

    Inhibition of BMP2 and BMP4 Represses Barrett’s Esophagus While Enhancing the Regeneration of Squamous Epithelium in Preclinical Models

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    European Research Council (ERC) starting grant: ERC-StG 282079 TargetS4BarretERC-POC 632258 BMP4EACDutch government grant: LSH-TKI-PPP 2017Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2013–2016, ISCIII-Subdirección General de Evaluación y Fomento de la InvestigaciónMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain (grant PI16/01642 & PI10/01096