8,380 research outputs found

    Rationality, preferences and irregular war

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    We suppose that civilians under threat prefer certain situations within a context of irregular war and endangered survival; they will prefer those situations associated with greater probabilities of survival. Using lexicographical preferences and belief systems, we have shown that civilians will choose not to remain in situations having a lower probability of survival. Linking into social networks allows for shorter deliberation processes, lower decision costs and faster convergence towards collective decision-making. Civilian displacement thus becomes the outcome of a rational decision-making procedure.Survival

    Configuración jurídica del receptum nautarum, cauponum et stabulariorum y evolución de la responsabilidad recepticia en el derecho romano

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    [Resumen] La particular responsabilidad sine culpa que deriva del receptum nautarum, cauponum et stabulariorum surge, en origen, de un pacto expreso entre las partes, sancionado por el ius praetorium a través de una específica actio in factum. Dicho pactum se configura autónomamente respecto de la relación contractual que rige el transporte marítimo y terrestre: concretamente, locatio-conductio y depositum. Ahora bien, ya en época clásica tardía comienza a entenderse el receptum subsumido en el contrato como elemento natural de éste, tácitamente realizado con la simple recepción o aceptación de las mercancías. Así se sigue concibiendo en época justinianea, si bien encuadrado en la teoría de la culpa, por medio de presunciones de culpa del tipo “in utendo/habendo o adhibendo”, conforme a la tendencia justinianea de subjetivar el “periculum empresarial”. De ahí que la responsabilidad por custodia del derecho clásico pase a ser considerada un tipo de diligentia (diligentia exactissima) con su único límite en el casus maior. En definitiva no se trata más que de una responsabilidad formalmente subjetiva, pero sustancialmente objetiva.[Abstract] The particular responsibility sine culpa which derives from receptum nautarum, cauponum et stabulariorum originally develops from a specific deal between the parties, protected by ius praetorium through a specific actio in factum. Such pactum takes shape autonomously with respect to the deal which was valid for land and sea transport: that is to say, locatio-conductio and depositum. Nevertheless, in the late classical period receptum starts to be considered as something within the deal, as if it belonged to it. It is understood that simply receiving or accepting the goods involves agreeing on the deal. In Justinean times it is considered in the same way, although it is related to the theory of fault, through presumptions of faults such as in utendo/habendo o adhibendo according to the Justinean tendency of subjectivizing business periculum. Thus, the responsibility for custody in Classical Law is now considered a kind of diligentia (diligentia exactissima), being casus maior the only limit. All in all, It is only a formally subjective responsibility which is substantially objective

    Lead accumulation in plants grown in polluted soils. Screening of native species for phytoremediation

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    In the present work, we focused on soils contaminated with elevated lead concentrations in an agricultural and residential area surrounding a lead smelter plant in Bouwer, province of Córdoba, Argentina. The aim of this research work was to assess the phytoextraction suitability of native plant species growing in the vicinity of a former lead smelter. The lead concentration in leaves, stems and roots was determined in ten species collected at ten sampling sites along a lead concentration gradient in soil. It was found that at circa 1,600 μg g-1 Pb HCl 0,5 M extractable concentration in soil two native species, Tagetes minuta L. and Bidens pilosa L. accumulated high values of Pb concentration in leaves (380.5 μg g-1 DW and 100.6 μg g-1 DW, respectively). Therefore, Tagetes minuta L. and Bidens pilosa L. have a considerable phytoremediation potential for lead polluted soils. At the same sampling site, Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers., a non-native species, only bioconcentrate lead in roots (1,406.8 μg g-1 DW) showing a phytostabilization potential. The results of this study should be further developed in order to confirm the potential use of these species in soil remediation programs.Fil: Salazar, María Julieta. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal (p); Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Pignata, María Luisa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal (p); Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; Argentin

    Comparing radio-tracking and visual detection methods to quantify group size measures

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    1. Average values of animal group sizes are prone to be overestimated in traditional field studies because small groups and singletons are easier to overlook than large ones. This kind of bias also applies for the method of locating groups by tracking previously radio-collared individuals in the wild. If the researcher randomly chooses a collared animal to locate a group to visit, a large group has higher probability to be selected than a small one, simply because it has more members.2. The question arises whether location of groups by means of finding collared animals has smaller or greater bias than searching for groups by visual observation. If the bias is smaller or same, this method can be recommended  for finding groups. However, such a comparison cannot be made by speculation, only by empirical investigation.3. The present study compares the two methods empirically, by statistically comparing group size measures (mean, median, quantiles, frequency distribution, and ‘typical group size’) between two data sets. These data sets  comprise of Rocky Mountain mule deer group size values collected in the same area during the same period of time, referring either to groups located by the traditional ‘search and observe method’ or located by tracking formerly collared individuals.4. All group size measures are statistically similar in the two samples, thus we conclude that the two methods yielded similar biases. Although the true group size measures are not known, we presume that both methods have overestimated them. We propose that these results do not necessary apply to other species, thus cannot be generalized. The reason for this is that bias may depend on factors specific to the species: bias of visual observation may depend on how well the species conceals itself in the existing habitat, and the bias associated with finding groups using collared animals is likely dependent on group size distribution and also on the proportion of collared animals in the population

    Del contrato de libre discusión al contrato de adhesión

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    Este artículo pretenderá explicar los cambios que se han dado desde la concepción tradicional del contrato como un acuerdo paritario entre iguales para crear obligaciones, basado en la libre discusión entre las partes, hasta el contrato masificado de adhesión, que rige hoy en la mayoría de los mercados basado en el gran tráfico de bienes y servicios. Para ello, se identificará la ideología dominante en el contexto en el cual se dio la codificación y la consecuente regulación de los contratos, el tipo de contrato en la concepción clásica, su posterior crisis con la aparición de los contratos masificados y el dirigismo contractual, terminando con una conceptualización de la definición, funciones y naturaleza jurídica de los contratos de adhesión. La metodología que se utilizó fue hermenéutica a partir de los textos de la doctrina latinoamericana que sirvió como matriz de lectura a la normativa nacional vigente. Para esto se utilizaron técnicas de recolección de información documental que fueron organizadas a través del sistema bibliográfico que permitieron el análisis correlacionado de las variables. Las variables utilizadas para desarrollar la investigación fueron el contrato de libre discusión de cláusulas, la autonomía de la voluntad privada y los contratos de adhesión

    The impact of international standards on the protection of irregular migrant workers in Colombia

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    En la globalización, el fenómeno de la migración afecta a todos los países, aunque de diferente forma. Los Estados desarrollan políticas para el acceso legal de los inmigrantes; sin embargo, en muchas ocasiones, existe un alto ingreso de migración irregular. En este contexto, el Derecho Público internacional ha desarrollado una serie de estándares para la protección de los derechos de los inmigrantes irregulares. El presente artículo tiene por objeto analizar dichos estándares en el caso colombiano.In globalization, the phenomenon of migration affects all countries, albeit in different ways. States develop policies for the legal access of immigrants; however, in many cases, there is a high entry of irregular migration. In this context, Public International Law has developed a series of standards for the protection of the rights of irregular immigrants. The purpose of this article is to analyze these standards in the case of Colombia

    La “propaganda” española en las monedas coloniales: el valor simbólico del real en Perú (1568 - 1570)

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    Indexación: Revista UNABResumen: Las primeras monedas acuñadas en Perú durante el siglo XVI, surgieron como un intento por regular las prácticas comerciales en el Virreinato. Sin embargo, estos Reales lograron escasa efectividad y circulación, cayendo en desuso en pocos años. No obstante, el tipo y el diseño de estas monedas, así como los esfuerzos por acuñarlas, dan cuenta de un propósito de las autoridades que trasciende el ámbito económico y que alcanza fines políticos. A partir de este supuesto, el presente artículo propone revisar la historia de las primeras acuñaciones monetarias en Perú, para realizar una lectura interpretativa de estos Reales, con el fin de hallar en sus símbolos la voluntad política imperial orientada al mundo colonial peruano de la época. Abstract The first coins minted in Peru during the 16th century, arose as an attempt for regulating the commercial practices in the Viceroyalty. Nevertheless, these Reales achieved little efficiency and traffic, falling into des-use after a few years. However, the type and the design of these coins, as well as the efforts undertaken for their coinage, show an intention of the authorities that surpasses the economic sphere reaching political purposes. The present article proposes to study the history of the first monetary coinages in Peru, in order to find in its symbols the imperial will of the colonial Peruvian world

    Analysis of the deep semiotic structure of Korea's propaganda messages

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    Este estudio exploratorio analiza y compara la propaganda en carteles de Surcorea y Norcorea. Para ello se utilizó el método de Elementos para una Teoría Comunicacional de la propaganda, un modelo de análisis semiótico, formulado por Pineda (2006), centrándonos en los propagados y propagandemas. Se encontró que la propaganda de Corea del Norte responde a la necesidad de defender el Estado; la exaltación al líder; y la influencia de China y la URSS. Por su parte, Corea del Sur basa su propaganda en la exaltación de los candidatos, la importancia del pueblo y en el marketing político de EEUU.The following exploratory study analyzes and compares the propaganda of South Korea and North Korea. To do so, we used the Elements for a Communication Theory of Propaganda model, which is a semiothic analysis model developed by Pineda (2006). We will be focusing on propagados and propagandemas. We found that North Korea's propaganda met the goals of defending the State, exalting the leader, and the influence of China and the Sovietic Union. South Korea, on the other hand, based their propaganda in USA's political marketing model and on exalting political candidates, as well as the importance of the people