575 research outputs found

    The galactic antiproton spectrum at high energies: background expectation vs. exotic contributions

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    A new generation of upcoming space-based experiments will soon start to probe the spectrum of cosmic ray antiparticles with an unprecedented accuracy and, in particular, will open up a window to energies much higher than those accessible so far. It is thus timely to carefully investigate the expected antiparticle fluxes at high energies. Here, we perform such an analysis for the case of antiprotons. We consider both standard sources as the collision of other cosmic rays with interstellar matter, as well as exotic contributions from dark matter annihilations in the galactic halo. Up to energies well above 100 GeV, we find that the background flux in antiprotons is almost uniquely determined by the existing low-energy data on various cosmic ray species; for even higher energies, however, the uncertainties in the parameters of the underlying propagation model eventually become significant. We also show that if the dark matter is composed of particles with masses at the TeV scale, which is naturally expected in extra-dimensional models as well as in certain parameter regions of supersymmetric models, the annihilation flux can become comparable to - or even dominate - the antiproton background at the high energies considered here.Comment: 17 pages revtex4, 7 figures; minor changes (to match the published version

    Constraints on WIMP Dark Matter from the High Energy PAMELA pˉ/p\bar{p}/p data

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    A new calculation of the pˉ/p\bar{p}/p ratio in cosmic rays is compared to the recent PAMELA data. The good match up to 100 GeV allows to set constraints on exotic contributions from thermal WIMP dark matter candidates. We derive stringent limits on possible enhancements of the WIMP \pbar flux: a mWIMPm_{\rm WIMP}=100 GeV (1 TeV) signal cannot be increased by more than a factor 6 (40) without overrunning PAMELA data. Annihilation through the W+W−W^+W^- channel is also inspected and cross-checked with e+/(e−+e+)e^+/(e^-+e^+) data. This scenario is strongly disfavored as it fails to simultaneously reproduce positron and antiproton measurements.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, the bibliography has been updated, minor modifications have been made in the tex

    Host range evaluation and morphological characterization of Pseudoperonospora cubensis, the causal agent of cucurbit downy mildew in Malaysia

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    A total of 29 isolates of Pseudoperonospora cubensis were collected from various cucurbit farms in West Malaysia. Sporangia of 13 isolates had the ability to germinate at 14°C and were used for host range (pathotype) study using leaf disc assay on a set of twelve cucurbit cultivars. Twelve different pathotypes of P. cubensis were determined and this demonstrated that P. cubensis isolates from cucurbit farms in West Malaysia are highly variable. Based on the host range study, majority of P. cubensis isolates were categorized into medium and high pathogenicity groupings and this fact shows the potential of this pathogen in invading cucurbit fields in the tropical regions. However, the pathotypes could not be differentiated based on morphological characterization of the sporangia and sporangiophores. Therefore, molecular characterization of the 13 isolates of P. cubensis will be useful to study the relationships among them.Key word: Oomycete, differential hosts, compatibility rating, pathogenic variation, sporangial germination

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Perhitungan Bilangan 1-100 Dengan Menggunakan Media Simpoa Di Kelas I SDN Inpres Kautu Kecamatan Tinangkung Kabupaten Banggai Kepulauan

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    Permasalahan pokok dalam penelitian tindakan kelas ini adalah rendahnya hasil belajar siswa kelas I SDN Inpres Kautu dalam berhitung bilangan 1-100 yang disebabkan karena siswa hanya menggunakan media jari tangan sehingga mendapat kesulitan dalam proses behitung. Tujuan penelitian tindakan kelas ini adalah upaya mendeskripsikan hasil belajar siswa dengan penggunaan media simpoa pada materi berhitung bilangan 1-100 di kelas I SDN Inpres Kautu Kecamatan Tinangkung Kabupaten Banggai Kepulauan. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas I SDN Inpres Kautu Kecamatan Tinangkung Kabupaten Banggai Kepulauan sebanyak 30 siswa yang terdiri dari 16 laki-laki dan 14 Perempuan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Pelaksanaan kegiatan penelitian ini dilakukan dengan dua siklus, yang terdiri 4 tahapan yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, dan refleksi. Dari hasil tes akhir tindakan siklus I didapatkan nilai rata – rata hasil belajar siswa 65,66 dengan ketuntasan klasikal sebesar 60%, sedangkan pada siklus II didapatkan nilai rata – rata hasil belajar siswa 84 dengan ketuntasan klasikal 90%. Berdasarkan tindakan yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan menggunakan media simpoa dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas I SDN Inpres Kautu Kecamatan Tinangkung Kabupaten Banggai Kepulauan dalam berhitung bilangan 1-100

    Is the Large Magellanic Cloud a Large Microlensing Cloud?

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    An expression is provided for the self-lensing optical depth of the thin LMC disk surrounded by a shroud of stars at larger scale heights. The formula is written in terms of the vertical velocity dispersion of the thin disk population. If tidal forcing causes 1-5 % of the disk mass to have a height larger than 6 kpc and 10-15 % to have a height above 3 kpc, then the self-lensing optical depth of the LMC is 0.7−1.9×10−70.7 - 1.9 \times 10^{-7}, which is within the observational uncertainties. The shroud may be composed of bright stars provided they are not in stellar hydrodynamical equilibrium. Alternatively, the shroud may be built from low mass stars or compact objects, though then the self-lensing optical depths are overestimates of the true optical depth by a factor of roughly 3. The distributions of timescales of the events and their spatial variation across the face of the LMC disk offer possibilities of identifying the dominant lens population. In propitious circumstances, an experiment lifetime of less than 5 years is sufficient to decide between the competing claims of Milky Way halos and LMC lenses. However, LMC disks can sometimes mimic the microlensing properties of Galactic halos for many years and then decades of survey work are needed. In this case observations of parallax or binary caustic events offer the best hope for current experiments to deduce the lens population. The difficult models to distinguish are Milky Way halos in which the lens fraction is low (< 10 %) and fattened LMC disks composed of lenses with a typical mass of low luminosity stars or greater. A next-generation wide-area microlensing survey, such as the proposed ``SuperMACHO'' experiment, will be able to distinguish even these difficult models with just a year or two of data.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures, The Astrophysical Journal (in press

    A new look at the cosmic ray positron fraction

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    The positron fraction in cosmic rays was found to be a steadily increasing in function of energy, above ∼\sim 10 GeV. This behaviour contradicts standard astrophysical mechanisms, in which positrons are secondary particles, produced in the interactions of primary cosmic rays during the propagation in the interstellar medium. The observed anomaly in the positron fraction triggered a lot of excitement, as it could be interpreted as an indirect signature of the presence of dark matter species in the Galaxy. Alternatively, it could be produced by nearby astrophysical sources, such as pulsars. Both hypotheses are probed in this work in light of the latest AMS-02 positron fraction measurements. The transport of the primary and secondary positrons in the Galaxy is described using a semi-analytic two-zone model. MicrOMEGAs is used to model the positron flux generated by dark matter species. The description of the positron fraction from astrophysical sources is based on the pulsar observations included in the ATNF catalogue. We find that the mass of the favoured dark matter candidates is always larger than 500 GeV. The only dark matter species that fulfils the numerous gamma ray and cosmic microwave background bounds is a particle annihilating into four leptons through a light scalar or vector mediator, with a mixture of tau (75%) and electron (25%) channels, and a mass between 0.5 and 1 TeV. The positron anomaly can also be explained by a single astrophysical source and a list of five pulsars from the ATNF catalogue is given. Those results are obtained with the cosmic ray transport parameters that best fit the B/C ratio. Uncertainties in the propagation parameters turn out to be very significant. In the WIMP annihilation cross section to mass plane for instance, they overshadow the error contours derived from the positron data.Comment: 20 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in A&A, corresponds to published versio

    Adipose Stem Cells in Modern-Day Ophthalmology

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    Stem cells (SCs) have evolved as an interesting and viable factor in ophthalmologic patient care in the past decades. SCs have been classified as either embryonic, mesenchymal, tissue-specific, or induced pluripotent cells. Multiple novel management techniques and clinical trials have been established to date. While available publications are predominantly animal-model-based, significant material is derived from human studies and case-selected scenarios. This possibility of explanting cells from viable tissue to regenerate/repair damaged tissue points to an exciting future of therapeutic options in all fields of medicine, and ophthalmology is surely not left out. Adipose tissue obtained from lipo-aspirates has been shown to produce mesenchymal SCs that are potentially useful in different body parts, including the oculo-visual system. An overview of the anatomy, physiology, and extraction process for adipose-tissue-derived stem cells (ADSC) is important for better understanding the potential therapeutic benefits. This review examines published data on ADSCs in immune-modulatory, therapeutic, and regenerative treatments. We also look at the future of ADSC applications for ophthalmic patient care. The adverse effects of this relatively novel therapy are also discussed

    On the observability of the neutrino charge radius

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    It is shown that the probe-independent charge radius of the neutrino is a physical observable; as such, it may be extracted from experiment, at least in principle. This is accomplished by expressing a set of experimental neutrino-electron cross-sections in terms of the finite charge radius and two additional gauge- and renormalization-group-invariant quantities, corresponding to the electroweak effective charge and mixing angle.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure; a typo in Eq.1 corrected, some comments adde
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