91 research outputs found

    The strategic integration of agile and lean supply

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    Lean supply is closely associated with enabling flow and the elimination of wasteful variation within the supply chain. However, lean operations depend on level scheduling and the growing need to accommodate variety and demand uncertainty has resulted in the emergence of the concept of agility. This paper explores the role of inventory and capacity in accommodating such variation and identifies how TRIZ separation principles and TOC tools may be combined in the integrated development of responsive and efficient supply chains. A detailed apparel industry case study is used to illustrate the application of these concepts and tools

    Design acceleration in chemical engineering

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    Nowadays, Chemical Engineering has to face a new industrial context with for example: the gradually falling of hydrocarbon reserves after 2020-2030, relocation, emerging of new domains of application (nano-micro technologies) which necessitate new solutions and knowledges… All this tendencies and demands accelerate the need of tool for design and innovation (technically, technologically). In this context, this paper presents a tool to accelerate innovative preliminary design. This model is based on the synergy between: TRIZ (Russian acronym for Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) and Case Based Reasoning (CBR). The proposed model offers a structure to solve problem, and also to store and make available past experiences in problems solving. A tool dedicated to chemical engineering problems, is created on this model and a simple example is treated to explain the possibilities of this tool

    Eco-Economic Security of the Region: Expanding the Management System for Assessing the State of Development

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    Abstract- The problem of ensuring environmental and economic security for quite a long time remains relevant in the world community. It is the subject of continual scientific debates. The alignment of IT strategy which is a necessity. Information technology is useful for companies when they can be used in the right way. In this regard, learning can be an effective step in transferring knowledge to human and financial management. Unfortunately, in many cases the priority in strategic planning, namely in the mechanisms for implementing the existing strategies, is given to the interests of large manufacturers, whose goals (increase in profits, business costs, etc.) are often diametrically opposed to socio-ecological goals (for example, decrease of harmful emissions through spending more money on treatment plants in order to prevent natural degradation and morbidity of the population, etc.). The solution of this problem should be based on the concept of balanced eco-economic development and changes in the paradigm of entrepreneurship education. It is very important that any economic project is environmentally sound, and any environmental decision is economically feasible. At the same time every environmental decision should take into account the development of the well-being of citizens and the development of the region. All this requires the development of a whole system of stimulating the social and environmental responsibility of contaminating plants, both at the level of the state as a whole and at the regional level. In Russia, scientific research on this issue has been actively conducted for 10-15 years. Based on this research, some standard methods for assessing the eco-economic development of the territories were developed. However, in the context of current conditions, they need radical changes and new approaches. Let us consider this problem in more detail

    Tumorile mediastinale maligne: protocol clinic naţional PCN-177

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    Acest protocol a fost elaborat de grupul de lucru al Ministerului Sănătăţii al Republicii Moldova (MS RM), constituit din reprezentanţi ai IMSP Institutul Oncologic din RM. Protocolul naţional este elaborat în conformitate cu ghidurile internaţionale actuale în problema tumorilor mediastinale maligne şi va servi drept bază pentru elaborarea protocoalelor instituţionale (extras din protocolul naţional aferent pentru instituţia dată, fără schimbarea structurii, numerotaţiei capitolelor, tabelelor, figurilor, casetelor, etc.) în baza posibilităţilor reale ale fiecărei instituţii în anul curent. La recomandarea MS RM, pentru monitorizarea protocoalelor instituţionale pot fi folosite formulare suplimentare, care nu sunt incluse în protocolul clinic naţional

    Novel method of phase determination in neutron reflectometry using reference layer

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    We describe a novel method for phase recovery in neutron reflectometry which is based on using Gd reference layer of known thickness. Deposition of Gd reference layer at the top of unknown nanostructure allows us to reconstruct the complex reflection coefficient from the structure and to solve phase problem for magnetic nanostructures under investigation. This method makes it possible to use direct model-independent approaches (for example, Gelfand-Levitan-Marchenko approach) to obtain the scattering potential. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.Russian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR: 19-02-00674The research was carried out within the state assignment «Spin» АААА-А18-118020290104-2 and was supported in part by RFBR (project 19-02-00674)

    Managing the trade-off implications of global supply

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    The cost versus response trade-off is a growing logistics issue due to many markets being increasingly characterized by demand uncertainty and shorter product life cycles. This is exacerbated further with supply increasingly moving to low cost global sources. However, the poor response implications of global supply are often not addressed or even acknowledged when undertaking such decisions. Consequently, various practical approaches to minimising, postponing or otherwise managing the impact of the demand uncertainty are often only adopted retrospectively. Even though such generic solutions are documented through case examples we lack effective tools and concepts to support the proactive identification and resolution of such trade-offs. This paper reports on case-based theory building research, involving three cases from the UK and USA used in developing a conceptual model with associated tools, in support of such a process

    The institution of Tutoring in Health-Preserving: Risk and Sustainability Factors

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    Introduction. Nowadays, specialists of different scientific directions note the growing trend in the deterioration of physical and mental health of younger generation, largely resulting from the health cost of education. In this regard, it is important to develop the institution of tutoring as a pedagogical innovation, which will ensure the formation of a healthy, active, purposeful and responsible personality, who can successfully live in a rapidly changing world.The aim of the article was to identify the factors, which have to be taken into consideration, when organising and implementing master’s education in the direction “Health-Preserving Tutor”. Methodology and research methods. Leading methodological approaches, when studying future tutors’ readiness for health-preserving activities, were anthropological, personality-oriented and environmental. The authors designed the programme of complex diagnostics “Harmony”, which included the following methodologies: evaluation of satisfaction with physical condition (according to Giesener Beschwerdebogen, GBB); self-evaluation of mental state (H. J. Eysenck); “Value orientations” (M. Rokich); the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (T. Holmes, R. Rage); questionnaires “Need for tension in terms of health” (Z. I. Tyumaseva, A. A. Tsygankov, I. L. Orekhova) and “The level of development of recreational activity” (G. V. Valeeva, V. S. Misharina).Results and scientific novelty. The structure and the concepts of “tutoring” and “tutoring support in health-preserving” were specified. The components of the tutors’ readiness for health-preserving activity were revealed: psycho-emotional, psycho-physical, cognitive and value-motivational. In the course of pedagogical experiment, the factors of risks and sustainability, which influence the formation of tutors’ readiness for health-preserving activity, were identified. A diagnostic program was developed to identify the factors. Practical significance. The developed diagnostic tool can be employed when assessing the level of readiness formation for health-preserving activity among students and tutors. The materials of the research can be useful to specialists, who are engaged in vocational training of tutors, as well as to teachers, heads of educational organisations and undergraduates of pedagogical higher education institutions.Введение. Специалисты разных научных направлений констатируют нарастающую тенденцию ухудшения физического и психического здоровья подрастающего поколения, что в значительной степени обусловлено здоровьезатратностью образования. В связи с этим актуализируется развитие института тьюторства как педагогической инновации, обеспечивающей формирование здоровой, активной, целеустремленной и ответственной личности, способной успешно адаптироваться в быстро меняющемся мире. Цель изложенного в публикации исследования – выявить факторы, которые необходимо учитывать при организации и реализации обучения магистрантов-педагогов, выбравших профиль «Тьютор по здоровьесбережению». Методология и методики. Методологическую базу работы составили антропологический, личностно ориентированный и средовый подходы к изучению готовности будущих тьюторов осуществлять здоровьесберегающую деятельность. Авторская программа комплексной диагностики «Гармония» была сконструирована на основе методик оценки удовлетворенности физическим состоянием (по Гиссенскому опроснику); самооценки психического состояния (по Айзенку); ценностных ориентаций (М. Рокич); определения стрессоустойчивости и социальной адаптации Холмса и Раге; анкет «Потребностное напряжение в отношении оздоровления» (З. И. Тюмасева, А. А. Цыганков, И. Л. Орехова) и «Уровень развития представления об оздоровительной деятельности» (Г. В. Валеева, В. С. Мишарина). Результаты и научная новизна. Уточнена структура и содержание понятий «тьюторство» и «тьюторское сопровождение в здоровьесбережении». Выявлены и охарактеризованы психоэмоциональный, психофизический, когнитивный и ценностно-мотивационный компоненты готовности тьютора к здоровьесберегающей деятельности. В ходе педагогического эксперимента выявлены группы факторов риска и устойчивости, оказывающие влияние на формирование у тьюторов такой готовности. Предложена программа диагностики, позволяющая фиксировать данные факторы.Практическая значимость. Разработанный диагностический инструментарий позволяет проводить мониторинг готовности к здоровьесберегающей деятельности не только у студентов, но и у практикующих тьюторов. Материалы исследования будут полезны для специалистов, занимающихся профессиональной подготовкой тьюторов, а также для преподавателей, руководителей образовательных организаций и магистрантов педагогических вузов

    The influence of deformation at cryogenic or room temperature followed by annealing on the structure and properties of copper and its Cu–3Pd and Cu–3Pd–3Ag (at. %) alloys

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    Due to low electrical resistivity, the Cu–Pd and Cu–Pd–Ag system alloys can be used as corrosion-resistant conductors of weak electrical signals. The paper deals with a comparison of the structure and physical-mechanical properties of Cu, Cu–3Pd and Cu–3Pd–3Ag (at. %) alloys after deformation at room or cryogenic temperature followed by annealing. The authors studied specimens in different initial states: quenched, deformed at room and cryogenic temperatures. To study the processes of structure rearrangement and the evolution of properties, annealing was carried out in the temperature range from 100 to 450 °C, followed by cooling in water. The duration of heat treatments was 1 h. The dependences of the yield strength and elongation to failure on the annealing temperature showed that cryodeformation significantly increases the thermal stability of the structure of both pure copper and the Cu–3Pd–3Ag ternary alloy. According to the temperature dependence of specific electrical resistivity of the deformed Cu–3Pd–3Ag alloy during heating at a rate of 120 deg./h, it was found that the decrease in electrical resistance caused by recrystallization begins at above 300 °C. The dependences of specific electrical resistivity on true strain showed that the structure rearrangement mechanisms during deformation are different for pure copper and the Cu–3Pd–3Ag alloy. The results of mathematical processing of the peaks in the diffraction patterns established that two phases appear in the Cu–3Pd–3Ag alloy after cryodeformation and annealing, one of which is silver-enriched, and the other is depleted. The study showed that during annealing of the deformed (especially after cryodeformation) Cu–3Pd–3Ag alloy, an anomalous increase in strength properties is observed. It was identified that alloying copper with palladium and silver leads to an increase in the recrystallization temperature. Thus, copper alloys with small palladium and silver additives are obviously attractive for practical applications, since they have improved strength properties, satisfactory electrical conductivity, and a higher recrystallization temperature compared to pure copper


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    International migration has become an integral part of the globalization process and came to the fore on the agenda of world politics. During the given research a large amount of statistical material has been processed and visualized to assess capacity and  nature of labor markets in Russia and countries - members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The basic trends, forming the key aspects of the State migration policy in this sector of economy, which are the factors of competitiveness and implementation of the program of import substitution are identified.Международная миграция стала неотъемлемой частью процесса глобализации и вышла на первый план в повестке дня мировой политики. В ходе данного исследования был обработан и визуализирован большой объем статистического материала для оценки емкости и характера рынков труда России и государств – членов ШОС. Выявлены основные в данном секторе экономики тренды, формирующие ключевые аспекты миграционной политики государства, которые являются факторами обеспечения конкурентоспособности и реализации программы импортозамещения