211 research outputs found

    Relación entre el bienestar docente y los sistemas de gestión de calidad

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    This research, framed in the line of educational quality, had as its main objective to analyze the relationship between a quality management system and the welfare of teachers. The idea arises from the perception of personal and work dissatisfaction expressed by most of the teachers in one of the schools under study, due to the stress caused by the excess of work generated by the fulfillment of all the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard. To carry out the entire research process, the theoretical and methodological bases were built and the support of the teachers from four institutions was available. The method used was mixed (quantitative and qualitative), surveys, interviews, focus groups for teachers of the institutions studied, information was organized, comparison was made and analysis of it, finding that: in institutions with SDGC Teachers feel uneasy, stressed, limited when carrying out their pedagogical planning since everything must be done as the norm indicates, they feel satisfaction in the work context, but the climate is sometimes quite heavy and tense due to the constant pressure with the fulfillment of the different tasks, are committed to their work of educating, but they are dissatisfied with the way they are treated in the institution since they generally do not take into account their opinions and impair their quality of life.Esta investigación enmarcada en la línea de calidad educativa, tuvo como objetivo principal analizar la relación entre un sistema de gestión de calidad y el bienestar de los profesores. La idea surgió por la percepción de insatisfacción personal y laboral que manifestó gran parte de los docentes de uno de los colegios objeto de estudio, debido al estrés por el exceso de trabajo que les genera el cumplimiento de todos los requerimientos de la norma ISO 9001. Para realizar todo el proceso investigativo se construyeron las bases teóricas, metodológicas y se contó con el apoyo de los docentes de cuatro instituciones. El método empleado fue el mixto (cuantitativo y cualitativo), se realizaron encuestas, entrevistas, grupos focales a los docentes de las instituciones estudiadas. Se organizó la información, se hizo comparación y análisis de la misma, encontrando que: en las instituciones con SDGC los docentes se sienten intranquilos, estresados, limitados al momento de realizar su planeación pedagógica, ya que todo se debe hacer como lo indica la norma, sienten satisfacción en el contexto laboral, pero en ocasiones, el clima se torna tenso por la presión constante que genera el cumplimiento de las diferentes tareas. Están comprometidos con su labor de educar, pero se sienten insatisfechos por la forma cómo son tratados en la institución, ya que generalmente no tienen en cuenta sus opiniones y desmejoran su bienestar personal y laboral

    Mantle flow in regions of complex tectonics: insights from Indonesia

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    Indonesia is arguably one of the tectonically most complex regions on Earth today due to its location at the junction of several major tectonic plates and its long history of collision and accretion. It is thus an ideal location to study the interaction between subducting plates and mantle convection. Seismic anisotropy can serve as a diagnostic tool for identifying various subsurface deformational processes, such as mantle flow, for example. Here, we present novel shear wave splitting results across the Indonesian region. Using three different shear phases (local S, SKS, and downgoing S) to improve spatial resolution of anisotropic fabrics allows us to distinguish several deformational features. For example, the block rotation history of Borneo is reflected in coast-parallel fast directions, which we attribute to fossil anisotropy. Furthermore, we are able to unravel the mantle flow pattern in the Sulawesi and Banda region: We detect toroidal flow around the Celebes Sea slab, oblique corner flow in the Banda wedge, and sub-slab mantle flow around the arcuate Banda slab. We present evidence for deep, sub-520 km anisotropy at the Java subduction zone. In the Sumatran backarc, we measure trench-perpendicular fast orientations, which we assume to be due to mantle flow beneath the overriding Eurasian plate. These observations will allow to test ideas of, for example, slab–mantle coupling in subduction regions

    Mantle structure and tectonic history of SE Asia

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    Seismic travel-time tomography of the mantle under SE Asia reveals patterns of subduction-related seismic P-wave velocity anomalies that are of great value in helping to understand the region's tectonic development. We discuss tomography and tectonic interpretations of an area centred on Indonesia and including Malaysia, parts of the Philippines, New Guinea and northern Australia. We begin with an explanation of seismic tomography and causes of velocity anomalies in the mantle, and discuss assessment of model quality for tomographic models created from P-wave travel times. We then introduce the global P-wave velocity anomaly model UU-P07 and the tectonic model used in this paper and give an overview of previous interpretations of mantle structure. The slab-related velocity anomalies we identify in the upper and lower mantle based on the UU-P07 model are interpreted in terms of the tectonic model and illustrated with figures and movies. Finally, we discuss where tomographic and tectonic models for SE Asia converge or diverge, and identify the most important conclusions concerning the history of the region. The tomographic images of the mantle record subduction beneath the SE Asian region to depths of approximately 1600. km. In the upper mantle anomalies mainly record subduction during the last 10 to 25. Ma, depending on the region considered. We interpret a vertical slab tear crossing the entire upper mantle north of west Sumatra where there is a strong lateral kink in slab morphology, slab holes between c.200-400. km below East Java and Sumbawa, and offer a new three-slab explanation for subduction in the North Sulawesi region. There is a different structure in the lower mantle compared to the upper mantle and the deep structure changes from west to east. What was imaged in earlier models as a broad and deep anomaly below SE Asia has a clear internal structure and we argue that many features can be identified as older subduction zones. We identify remnants of slabs that detached in the Early Miocene such as the Sula slab, now found in the lower mantle north of Lombok, and the Proto-South China Sea slab now at depths below 700. km curving from northern Borneo to the Philippines. Based on our tectonic model we interpret virtually all features seen in upper mantle and lower mantle to depths of at least 1200. km to be the result of Cenozoic subduction

    Relative contributions of crust and mantle to generation of Campanian high-K calc-alkaline I-type granitoids in a subduction setting, with special reference to the Harsit Pluton, Eastern Turkey

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    We present elemental and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic data for the magmatic suite (similar to 79 Ma) of the Harsit pluton, from the Eastern Pontides (NE Turkey), with the aim of determining its magma source and geodynamic evolution. The pluton comprises granite, granodiorite, tonalite and minor diorite (SiO(2) = 59.43-76.95 wt%), with only minor gabbroic diorite mafic microgranular enclaves in composition (SiO(2) = 54.95-56.32 wt%), and exhibits low Mg# (<46). All samples show a high-K calc-alkaline differentiation trend and I-type features. The chondrite-normalized REE patterns are fractionated [(La/Yb)(n) = 2.40-12.44] and display weak Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.30-0.76). The rocks are characterized by enrichment of LILE and depletion of HFSE. The Harsit host rocks have weak concave-upward REE patterns, suggesting that amphibole and garnet played a significant role in their generation during magma segregation. The host rocks and their enclaves are isotopically indistinguishable. Sr-Nd isotopic data for all of the samples display I(Sr) = 0.70676-0.70708, epsilon(Nd)(79 Ma) = -4.4 to -3.3, with T(DM) = 1.09-1.36 Ga. The lead isotopic ratios are ((206)Pb/(204)pb) = 18.79-18.87, ((207)Pb/(204)Pb) = 15.59-15.61 and ((208)Pb/(204)Pb) = 38.71-38.83. These geochemical data rule out pure crustal-derived magma genesis in a post-collision extensional stage and suggest mixed-origin magma generation in a subduction setting. The melting that generated these high-K granitoidic rocks may have resulted from the upper Cretaceous subduction of the Izmir-Ankara-Erzincan oceanic slab beneath the Eurasian block in the region. The back-arc extensional events would have caused melting of the enriched subcontinental lithospheric mantle and formed mafic magma. The underplating of the lower crust by mafic magmas would have played a significant role in the generation of high-K magma. Thus, a thermal anomaly induced by underplated basic magma into a hot crust would have caused partial melting in the lower part of the crust. In this scenario, the lithospheric mantle-derived basaltic melt first mixed with granitic magma of crustal origin at depth. Then, the melts, which subsequently underwent a fractional crystallization and crustal assimilation processes, could ascend to shallower crustal levels to generate a variety of rock types ranging from diorite to granite. Sr-Nd isotope modeling shows that the generation of these magmas involved similar to 65-75% of the lower crustal-derived melt and similar to 25-35% of subcontinental lithospheric mantle. Further, geochemical data and the Ar-Ar plateau age on hornblende, combined with regional studies, imply that the Harsit pluton formed in a subduction setting and that the back-arc extensional period started by least similar to 79 Ma in the Eastern Pontides.Geochemistry & GeophysicsMineralogySCI(E)33ARTICLE4467-48716

    Sistema de compensación salarial sector funerario en la ciudad de Cartagena

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    Tesis(Administrador de Empresas).-Universidad de Cartagena. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Programa de Administración de Empresas,2012El proyecto de investigación “Análisis de los sistemas de compensación en las empresas del sector funerario de la ciudad de Cartagena”, es realizado por estudiantes del programa de administración de empresas de la Universidad de Cartagena. El propósito del presente estudio es analizar cómo se encuentra actualmente este sector respecto al tema, lo cual en el caso de encontrar dificultades, poder recomendar a sus directivos acerca de los resultados obtenidos y que puedan afectar de manera positiva en todos los aspecto económicos del personal. Por lo anterior, se realizó la medición de los sistemas de compensación en cuatro empresas del sector en la ciudad de Cartagena, las cuales son: - Funeraria los Olivos, Funeraria Lorduy S.A, Funeraria Zabaleta y Funeraria Tache y Salcedo, tomando como muestra una población total de 120 funcionarios y aplicando un instrumento de valoración del mismo. Después de obtener los resultados, se analizaron acorde a las variables propuestas en el mismo estudio El análisis de los resultados evidenció cuales de las variables evaluadas necesitaban atención inmediata. De acuerdo a dichos resultados, se elaboraron las conclusiones y recomendaciones de mejora de estos sistemas de las empresas objeto de estudi


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    The use of better control strategies has a great interest in all kinds of industries in recent years since it allows better use of resources and therefore becomes an important factor in reducing costs associated with reprocessing and unnecessary spending of raw materials. This research evaluates the performance of a control strategy, in which the tuning parameters of a classic controller are supplied by a fuzzy logic algorithm (Fuzzy Gain Scheduling). the behaviour of the strategy is tested in a mixer-reactor system and is compared with that achieved through the implementation of a classic controller, a dynamic matrix system, and fuzzy logic control. In the results, it can be seen that the Fuzzy Gain Scheduling strategy presents a good behaviour, improving around 25% compared with the other alternatives, this added to the advantage of being able to include previous experience on the process, in the actions that are taken by the strategy to keep desired operating ranges. © 2022 School of Engineering, Taylor's University

    Policía ambiental y ecológica.

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    Contribuir a la protección, conservación y recuperación ambiental, mediante un efectivo servicio de control y vigilancia fundamentado en la educación y organización de la comunidad, para la gestión ambiental, desarrollando estrategias y metodologías que generen compromisos personales e institucionales de autoridades ambientales para restaurar el vital equilibrio del entorno. La vida del hombre se desenvuelve básicamente en sociedad y en esas relaciones sociales es donde la convivencia humana plantea a menudo conflictos y problemas que en cierta medida el derecho está llamado a resolver, cuando esas relaciones se determinan por la proximidad o inmediación se está en presencia de las relaciones de vecindad calificadas por su carácter conflictual. El trabajo tiene como objetivo valorar el esfuerzo de la Policía Nacional de Colombia y resaltar su validez para los fines de la defensa del Medio Ambiente, determinando los mecanismos jurídicos que en nuestro medio resulten viables para ello. Se divide en tres capítulos: inicio de la Policía Ambiental y Ecológica, su desarrollo y por ultimo como es su funcionamiento. La percepción de los problemas ecológicos ha cambiado de forma sensible en los últimos años, no sólo entre los expertos de las organizaciones internacionales y los activistas de los diferentes movimientos ecologistas, sino entre los políticos, los gobernantes y los pueblos. El dilema soberanía o protección del medio ambiente ha sido reemplazado por la consideración de su mutua complementariedad y se consolida la idea de una acción mancomunada a nivel internacional para evitar catástrofes ecológicas mundiales, dado que la polución ambiental no conoce fronteras.Introducción. -- 1. Reseña histórica. -- 2. La policía ambiental colombiana, un organismo creado para la protección del medio ambiente. -- 2.1 Funciones. -- 2.2 Normatividad. -- 2.3 Antecedentes de la policía ambiente. -- 3. Protección del medio ambiente. -- 3.1 Medio ambiente. -- 3.2 Educación ambiental. -- 3.3 Control al tráfico de flora y fauna. -- 3.4 Complemento a la política nacional ambiental. -- 4. Ley 99 de 1993. -- 5. Delitos contra el medio ambiente. -- 6. El derecho de policía. -- 6.1 Poder de policía. -- 6.2 Función de policía. -- 7. Ley 84 de 1989 estatuto de protección animal. -- 8. Facultades de la policía ambiental. -- 8.1 Estudios ambientales. -- 9. La policía ambiental colombiana, un organismo creado para la protección del medio ambiente. -- 9.1 Policía ambiental brasileña. -- 10. Las sanciones ambientales. -- Conclusiones. -- Bibliografía. -- Anexo