649 research outputs found

    Kesan latihan rambang dan latihan sistematik ke atas kemahiran penyelesaian masalah momentum dalam Fizik oleh pelajar sekolah

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk melihat kesan latihan rambang dan latihan sistematik ke atas kemahiran penyelesaian masalah momentum oleh pelajar sekolah m.enengah. Seramai 359 orang pelajar tingkatan empat dari 12 buah sekolah menengah kerajaan telah dipilih sebagai subjek kajian. Dari setiap sekolah, satu kelas tingkatan empat telah dipilih. Kesemua subjek dalam kelas yang terpilih hanya diberi satu jenis latihan, iaitu sama ada latihan rambang ataupun latihan sistematik. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of random exercises and systematic exercises on problem solving skills of momentum among secondary school students. A total of 359 form four students from 12 government secondary schools were selected as subjects. A form four class was selected from each school. All the students in the selected class were given one of two treatments, namely, random or systematic exercises. Random exercises comprised a series of exercises where momentum problems were not grouped according to similar underlying solutions. Systematic exercises comprised a series of exercises where momentum problems were grouped according to similar underlying solutions

    Alokasi Dana Desa (ADD) dan Kemandirian Sosial-Ekonomi Masyarakat Desa: Kasus di Desa Senduro, Kabupaten Lumajang

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    Artikel ini akan mengulas tentang pelaksanaan Alokasi Dana Desa (ADD) dan dampaknya terhadap Kemandirian Sosial-Ekonomi Masyarakat Desa Senduro. Sejauh ini, penelitian tentang desa masih seputar soal kondisi desa dan masyarakat desa beserta problem-problemnya. Sementara yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan ADD dan dampaknya belum banyak mendapatkan perhatian. Padahal, kebijakan ADD diyakni dapat berkontribusi pada perbaikan dan peningkatan kemandirian desa, khususnya di bidang sosial-ekonomi masyarakat desa. Artikel ini adalah hasil penelitian dengan metode kualitatif dan pendekatan deskriptif. Hasil penelitiaan ini menunjukkan, bahwa pelaksanaan kebijakan ADD di Desa Senduro dijalankan sesuai kebutuhan masyarakat desa. Ada dua kebutuhan yang teridentivikasi, yakni pembentukan Senduro sebagai Desa Adat dan Pengembangan Desa Wisata. Pelaksanaan dua kebutuhan desa ini secara nyata memberikan dampak terhadap kemandirian sosial ekonomi desa. Program dan kegiatan dalam rangka pembentukan Desa Adat dan Pengembangan Desa Wisata dilakukan dengan semangat kebersamaan dan gotong royong. Ikatan sosial yang kuat diantara warga mampu membangun kemandirian ekonomi masyarakat. Pelaksanaan ADD secara gotong royong mampu membangun kemandirian sosial-ekonomi masyarakat Desa Senduro menjadi lebih produktif. Allocation of Village Funds and Socio-Economic Autonomy Of Village Communities: A Case in Senduro Village,Lumajang RegencyThis study aims to examine how the implementation of ADD and its impact on the Socio-Economic Independence of the Senduro Village Community, Senduro District, Lumajang Regency. This research is motivated by two important aspects that are currently happening and being experienced by the village. First, the condition of the village and village community, each of which struggles with socio-economic problems such as poverty, unemployment, and the village's economic level which is still weak and difficult to develop. Second, there is a very strategic and important opportunity for the improvement and improvement of the welfare of rural communities, namely through Law no. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages and Government Regulation No. 43 of 2014 concerning Implementing Regulations of Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages. With the new legal basis, the village now has autonomy, both in governance and village financial management. The village fund allocation policy (ADD) is believed to be able to contribute to the improvement and improvement of village independence, especially in the socio-economic field of rural communities. This study uses a descriptive-qualitative approach. Descriptive research is research conducted with the main objective to describe the facts that occur objectively. This research is based more on collecting qualitative data in the form of informants' experiences which are presented in verbal form, especially those related to the implementation of ADD and its impact on the Socio-Economic Independence of the people of Senduro Village, Senduro District, Lumajang Regency. The research data obtained were analyzed using the theory of empowerment. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of ADD policies in Senduro Village is carried out according to the needs of the village community. There are two needs of villages that utilize ADD, namely the establishment of Senduro as a Traditional Village and Development of a Tourism Village. The implementation of these two village needs has a real impact on the socio-economic independence of the village. Community Programs and Activities of Senduro Village for the establishment of Senduro as a Traditional Village and Tourism Village Development is carried out in the spirit of togetherness and mutual cooperation. Strong social ties among citizens are able to build community economic independence. The implementation of ADD in mutual cooperation is able to build the socio-economic independence of the people of Senduro Village to be more productive

    Educación virtual y formación jurídica en la licenciatura de derecho de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

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    1 archivo PDF (15 páginas)"La presente ponencia, busca plantear reflexiones más que redundar en el equívoco del monopolio de la razón, justificar una postura o tomar partido, más bien buscaremos partir de preguntas generadoras como: ¿Cuáles son las características que adopta la enseñanza del Derecho ante los cambios tecnológicos que tenemos actualmente? ¿De qué manera podemos aproximarnos al Derecho haciendo uso de la educación virtual? ¿Qué implicaciones tiene para la formación jurídica y la educación virtual de acuerdo al proyecto de enseñanzaaprendizaje de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana? ¿Cuáles son los retos que impone el mercado laboral a la formación jurídica dentro del uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación? ¿Será posible que la Universidad contribuya a la formación de profesionistas del derecho críticos y en contacto con los problemas de la sociedad aún ante los paradigmas de la educación virtual? En consecuencia nosotros buscaremos aportar elementos para fortalecer al actor más importante de la universidad y del proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje, nuestros estudiantes, quienes durante su aprendizaje e inserción al mercado laboral, se enfrentarán con problemáticas que ellos deberán resolver con el uso de herramientas tecnológicas y la aplicación de los conocimientos y elementos aportados desde los procesos de la educación jurídica interdisciplinaria y crítica, en contacto con los cambios sociales.


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    The life of the Sampang Shia community in the refugee camps remains regretful. They are considered a heretical sect by the Indonesian Council of Religious Scholars (MUI), expelled and face complex social problems. Various policies have been attempted, but have not had an impact. This article aims at explaining the reasons for the emergence of discrimination and expulsion of the Sampang Shia community and how they negotiated as a hated Shia minority as well as a “good” Madurese community. Can they be reconciled? This article was written based on field research using a qualitative method with a narrative approach. The data were obtained by conducting in-depth interviews with leaders or figures as well as Shia refugees in the refugee camps. This article shows that the Shia community of Sampang was expelled because of a deviant discourse produced by the MUI. Meanwhile, their negotiation as Shia they hate is to remain a good Madurese; obey the kiai, continue to speak Madurese, continue to work as a cultural spirit, and continue to live life while looking for a cultural way back. [Kehidupan masyarakat Syiah Sampang di kamp pengungsian tetap disesalkan. Mereka dianggap aliran sesat oleh Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI), diusir dan menghadapi masalah sosial yang kompleks. Berbagai kebijakan telah diupayakan, namun belum berdampak. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan alasan munculnya diskriminasi dan pengusiran komunitas Syiah Sampang dan bagaimana mereka bernegosiasi sebagai minoritas Syiah yang dibenci sekaligus komunitas Madura yang “baik”. Bisakah mereka berdamai? Artikel ini ditulis berdasarkan penelitian lapangan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan naratif. Data diperoleh dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam dengan tokoh atau tokoh serta pengungsi Syiah di tempat pengungsian. Artikel ini menunjukkan bahwa komunitas Syiah Sampang diusir karena wacana menyimpang yang dihasilkan oleh MUI. Sedangkan negosiasi mereka sebagai Syiah yang mereka benci adalah tetap menjadi orang Madura yang baik; taat pada kiai, terus berbahasa Madura, terus berkarya sebagai spirit budaya, dan terus menjalani kehidupan sambil mencari jalan kebudayaan untuk kembali

    Tourism destinations as Innovative clusters: an opportunity to make a destination more attractive: Case of Agadir city

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    The spatial expansion of tourism and the growing diversification of this activity in the world to create opportunities for countries, regions and communities to seek to bring about their development. A cluster is a progressive form of business network, which has strong business objectives focusing on improving sales and profits. It makes the exchange of information and technology possible, encouraging different ways of co-ordination and collaboration within them. Clustering is a process that enables the participants to exploit their synergies and the complementarities between their outputs, involving several benefits. (E.C., 2003). Clusters are vital for regional development increase the competitiveness, the productivity and local businesses’ critical mass.In an era where tourism is suffering from the pandemic effects, our paper highlights the role of actors networking on tourism destination attractiveness. Limited research has investigated on tourism clusters; this paper fills this gab by proposing an Innovative tourism cluster as a framework-providing destination with innovative opportunities and solutions to operate in an attractive tourism environment. Hence our main paper question: “what is the role of actors networking, as an innovative tourism cluster, one destination tourism attractiveness?” Our methodology started with a review of relevant literature on innovative tourism cluster, and yet the literature in this respect is scarce and there is a need for more research. Then a qualitative method is undertaken via interviews with different tourism actors. The empirical results validate the need to apply a new framework to develop tourism attractiveness. The paper also provides a contribution to the assessment of tourism industry clusters.   Keywords: Innovative cluster, tourism, destination, attractiveness, Morocco JEL Classification: L83, Z30 Paper type: Empirical researchL’expansion spatiale du tourisme et la diversification croissante de cette activité dans le monde créent des occasions pour les pays, les régions et les communautés de chercher à réaliser leur développement. Une grappe est une forme progressive de réseau d’affaires, qui a de solides objectifs commerciaux axés sur l’amélioration des ventes et des profits. Il rend possible l’échange d’informations et de technologies, en encourageant les différents modes de coordination et de collaboration en leur sein. Le regroupement est un processus qui permet aux participants d’exploiter leurs synergies et les complémentarités entre leurs extrants, ce qui comporte plusieurs avantages. (E.C., 2003). Les grappes sont essentielles au développement régional pour accroître la compétitivité, la productivité et la masse critique des entreprises locales. À une époque où le tourisme souffre des effets de la pandémie, notre document souligne le rôle des acteurs du réseautage sur l’attrait des destinations touristiques. Peu de recherches ont porté sur les grappes touristiques ; le présent article comble cette lacune en proposant une grappe touristique novatrice en tant que destination-cadre offrant des possibilités et des solutions novatrices pour opérer dans un environnement touristique attrayant. D’où notre principale question : « Quel est le rôle des acteurs du réseautage, en tant que grappe touristique novatrice, dans l’attrait du tourisme de destination ? » Notre méthodologie a commencé par un examen de la documentation pertinente sur les grappes touristiques novatrices, mais la documentation à cet égard est rare et il est nécessaire d’effectuer plus de recherches. Ensuite, une méthode qualitative est entreprise par le biais d’entretiens avec différents acteurs du tourisme. Les résultats empiriques valident la nécessité d’appliquer un nouveau cadre pour développer l’attractivité du tourisme. Le document fourni également une contribution à l’évaluation des grappes de l’industrie touristique.   Mots clés : Cluster innovant, tourisme, destination, attractivité, Maroc Classification JEL : L83, Z30 Type de papier : Recherche Empiriqu


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    This article explores the ways, forms and meanings of Korean pop culture for teenagers in Surabaya. Several studies show that Korean pop culture has developed in Indonesia since the early 2000s through Korean films, followed by music, food and beauty products. However, studies that focus on the ways, forms and meanings of Korean pop culture for Surabaya youth in metropolitan city are still very limited. This article, on the other hand, wants to discuss this in field research through in-depth interviews with 5 Surabaya teenagers, members of KLOSS (Korea Lovers Surabaya Community). This article shows that Korean pop culture has become a new culture for youth in Surabaya because its novelty values. They get the Korean pop through television and social media. The prominent forms of pop culture used by the majority of youths are Korean cultural symbols represented in everyday life. Meanwhile, the meaning of Korean pop culture is in the form of information about Korean youth, Korean artists and other “Korean-ness”.Keywords: Korean Pop Culture, To be Korea, Korean-ness, Surabaya Teenagers

    Expérience Marocaine sur les goitres négligés en mission humanitaire en Guinée Bissau: à propos de quatre observations

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    La mission humanitaire de notre hôpital militaire médico-chirurgicale en Guinée Bissau avait pour but le  rapprochement des soins à la population. Les pathologies rencontrées étaient le plus souvent négligées. Nous rapportons quatre observations de goitres négligés sur une durée de trois mois allant de Mai 2015 à Aout 2015. Nous discuterons les problèmes de pathologies négligées en rapport essentiellement avec le niveau  socioéconomique bas et l'insuffisance en moyens diagnostiques et thérapeutiques et en personnel de soins qualifiés.Key words: Tumeurs historiques, retard diagnostique, niveau socio-économiqu