242 research outputs found

    Sperm repository for a breeding program of the eastern oyster crassostrea virginica: Sample collection, processing, cryopreservation, and data management plan

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    The Eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica (Family Ostreidae) is one of the most important fishery and aquaculture species in the U.S. and is a keystone species for coastal reefs. A breeding program was initiated in 2019 to support the fast‐growing aquaculture industry culturing this species in the Gulf of Mexico. Oysters from 17 wild populations in embayment along the U.S. Gulf of Mexico coast from southwest Florida to the Matagorda Bay, Texas were used as broodstock for the program to maximize genetic diversity in the base population. A sperm repository of the broodstock was established to support the breeding project. The goal of this study was to demonstrate the sperm sample collection, processing, cryopreservation, and the data management plan involved in the establishment of a sperm germplasm repository of base populations. The supporting objectives were to: (1) develop a data management plan for the sperm repository; (2) streamline the procedure for sample collection, processing, and cryopreservation; (3) incorporate sperm quality analysis into the procedure, and (4) archive the cryopreserved samples as a repository for future use in the breeding program. This sperm repository included a total of 102 male oysters from the 17 collection sites (six oysters per site). A data management plan was developed with six categories, including sample collection, phenotype, fresh sperm, genotype, cryopreservation, and post‐thaw sperm, as guide for data collection. Sperm collection was accomplished by strip spawn, and fresh sperm production, motility, and fertility were recorded for quality analysis. Cryopreserved sperm samples were sorted, labelled, archived, and stored in liquid nitrogen for future use. Post‐thaw motility (1–30%) and plasm membrane integrity (15.34–70.36%) were recorded as post‐thaw quality parameters. Overall, this study demonstrated a streamlined procedure of oyster sperm collection, processing, and cryopreservation for establishing a sperm repository that can serve as a template for construction of oyster germplasm repositories for breeding programs

    Sperm Repository For a Breeding Program of the Eastern Oyster \u3ci\u3eCrassostrea virginica\u3c/i\u3e: Sample Collection, Processing, Cryopreservation, and Data Management Plan

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    The Eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica (Family Ostreidae) is one of the most important fishery and aquaculture species in the U.S. and is a keystone species for coastal reefs. A breeding program was initiated in 2019 to support the fast-growing aquaculture industry culturing this species in the Gulf of Mexico. Oysters from 17 wild populations in embayment along the U.S. Gulf of Mexico coast from southwest Florida to the Matagorda Bay, Texas were used as broodstock for the program to maximize genetic diversity in the base population. A sperm repository of the broodstock was established to support the breeding project. The goal of this study was to demonstrate the sperm sample collection, processing, cryopreservation, and the data management plan involved in the establishment of a sperm germplasm repository of base populations. The supporting objectives were to: (1) develop a data management plan for the sperm repository; (2) streamline the procedure for sample collection, processing, and cryopreservation; (3) incorporate sperm quality analysis into the procedure, and (4) archive the cryopreserved samples as a repository for future use in the breeding program. This sperm repository included a total of 102 male oysters from the 17 collection sites (six oysters per site). A data management plan was developed with six categories, including sample collection, phenotype, fresh sperm, genotype, cryopreservation, and post-thaw sperm, as guide for data collection. Sperm collection was accomplished by strip spawn, and fresh sperm production, motility, and fertility were recorded for quality analysis. Cryopreserved sperm samples were sorted, labelled, archived, and stored in liquid nitrogen for future use. Post-thaw motility (1–30%) and plasm membrane integrity (15.34–70.36%) were recorded as post-thaw quality parameters. Overall, this study demonstrated a streamlined procedure of oyster sperm collection, processing, and cryopreservation for establishing a sperm repository that can serve as a template for construction of oyster germplasm repositories for breeding programs

    Quand le téléphone ne chauffe pas : les hotlines psy en situation de pandémie [When hotlines remain cold: Psychological support in the time of pandemic]

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    In Switzerland and elsewhere, many psychological support hotlines were set up during the acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. Specialists in psychological first aid, in charge of developing and managing these hotlines, had to face an unknown situation, very different from the disasters for which they prepare themselves. Since the pandemic and the associated physical distancing were a potential threat to social cohesion, one could make the hypothesis that, by setting up hotlines, these professionals sought to reintroduce a form of proximity and to care for and cultivate the social connections among people. The pressure, feelings of emergency, anxious anticipation and expectation of the political authorities and the population may have favoured the development of these structures. Other factors certainly also played a role, such as the need to be useful and to exist as professional, or the need to act in order to reduce anxiety related to the pandemic. Altogether, these hotlines were little used, and their usefulness may be questioned. Similar phenomena have been observed - especially in the sanitary domain - with a multiplication of new offers, not always adjusted to specific identified needs, while health care services were on the same time under-used. Our observations plead against emergency responses in crisis situations and for reflecting on the measures to be put in place rather than to "act" them

    Aspects of HF radio propagation

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    The propagation characteristics of radio signals are important parameters to consider when designing and operating radio systems. From the point of view Working Group 2 of the COST 296 Action, interest lies with effects associated with propagation via the ionosphere of signals within the HF band. Several aspects are covered in this paper: a) The directions of arrival and times of flight of signals received over a path oriented along the trough have been examined and several types of propagation effects identified. Of particular note, combining the HF observations with satellite measurements has identified the presence of irregularities within the floor of the trough that result in propagation displaced from the great circle direction. An understanding of the propagation effects that result in deviations of the signal path from the great circle direction are of particular relevance to the operation of HF radiolocation systems. b) Inclusion of the results from the above mentioned measurements into a propagation model of the northerly ionosphere (i.e. those regions of the ionosphere located poleward of, and including, the mid-latitude trough)and the use of this model to predict the coverage expected from transmitters where the signals impinge on the northerly ionosphere. c) Development of inversion techniques enabling backscatter ionograms obtained by an HF radar to be used to estimate the ionospheric electron density profile. This development facilitates the operation of over the horizon HF radars by enhancing the frequency management aspects of the systems. d) Various propagation prediction techniques have been tested against measurements made over the trough path mentioned above, and also over a long-range path between Cyprus and the UK. e) The effect of changes in the levels of ionospheric disturbances on the operational availability at various data throughput rates has been examined for the trough path mentioned earlier. The topics covered in this paper are necessarily brief, and the reader is referred to full papers referenced herein on individual aspects

    Electrical conductivity measurement: a new technique to detect iatrogenic initial pedicle perforation

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    Abstract Pedicle screw fixation has achieved significant popularity amongst spinal surgeons for both single and multi-level spinal fusion. Misplacement and pedicle cortical violation occurs in over 20% of screw placement and can result in potential complications such as dysthesia, paraparesis or paraplegia. There have been many advances in techniques available for navigating through the pedicle; however, these techniques are not without drawbacks. A new electrical conductivity-measuring device, previously evaluated on the porcine model to detect the pedicle violation, was evaluated amongst nine European Hospitals to be used in conjunction with the methods currently used in that centre. This new device is based on two original principles; the device is integrated in the drilling or screwing tool. The technology allows real-time detection of perforation through two independent parameters, impedance variation and evoked muscle contractions. Data was collected twofold. Initially, the surgeon was given the device and a comparison was made between the devices ability to detect a breech and the surgeon's ability to detect one using his traditional methods of pedicle preparation. In the second module of the study, the surgeon was limited to using the electrical conductivity detection device as their sole guide to detect pedicle breaches. A comparison was made between the detection ability of the device and the other detection possibilities. Post-operative fine cut CT scanning was used to detect the pedicle breaches. Overall, the 11 trial surgeons performed a total of 521 pedicle drillings on 97 patients. Initially there were 147 drillings with 23 breaches detected. The detection rate of these breaches were 22/23 for the device compared to 10/23 by the surgeon. Over both parts of the study 64 breaches (12.3%) were confirmed on post-operative CT imaging. The electrical conductivity detection device detected 63 of the 64 breaches (98.4%). There was one false negative and four false positives. This gives the device an overall sensitivity of 98% and specificity of 99% for detecting a pedicle breach. The negative predictive value was 99.8%, with a positive predictive value of 94%. No adverse event was noted with the use of the electrical conductivity device. Electrical conductivity monitoring may provide

    Latino Communities in the United States: Place-Making in the Pre-World War II, Postwar, and Contemporary City

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    Scholarship on Latino communities in the United States has yet to catch up with the rapid growth of this ethnic population in the country. Understanding the Latino urban experience and developing plans to better respond to both the needs of Latino communities and their integration within society is not only relevant, but also urgently necessary. Using the city of Los Angeles as a main lens, in addition to a general look at the urban Southwest, we contribute to the scholarship on the subject with a review of literature on Latino communities. We structure the review as an assessment of the various challenges and opportunities for urban Latinos in the pre-war, postwar, and contemporary city. Focusing on space, culture, economy, and governance, we chart the various roles both the private and public sectors play in meeting these challenges. Our reading of the literature shows that particular government actions in the economic and governance domains in the past had positive impacts on Latino integration, and we call for a similar effort today in addressing contemporary challenges. We conclude by suggesting that future planning scholarship on Latino communities engage the wider urban studies literature, focus on emerging forms of urbanization, and call on planners to sustain increased academic and practical interest in the topic

    Poly-β-hydroxybutyrate administration during early life: effects on performance, immunity and microbial community of European sea bass yolk-sac larvae

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    The reliable production of marine fish larvae is one of the major bottlenecks in aquaculture due to high mortalities mainly caused by infectious diseases. To evaluate if the compound poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) might be a suitable immunoprophylactic measure in fish larviculture, its capacity to improve immunity and performance in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) yolk-sac larvae was explored. PHB was applied from mouth opening onwards to stimulate the developing larval immune system at the earliest possible point in time. Larval survival, growth, microbiota composition, gene expression profiles and disease resistance were assessed. PHB administration improved larval survival and, furthermore, altered the larva-associated microbiota composition. The bacterial challenge test using pathogenic Vibrio anguillarum revealed that the larval disease resistance was not influenced by PHB. The expression profiles of 26 genes involved e.g. in the immune response showed that PHB affected the expression of the antimicrobial peptides ferritin (fer) and dicentracin (dic), however, the response to PHB was inconsistent and weaker than previously demonstrated for sea bass post-larvae. Hence, the present study highlights the need for more research focusing on the immunostimulation of different early developmental stages for gaining a more comprehensive picture and advancing a sustainable production of high quality fry

    NEDA—NEutron Detector Array

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    The NEutron Detector Array, NEDA, will form the next generation neutron detection system that has been designed to be operated in conjunction with γ-ray arrays, such as the tracking-array AGATA, to aid nuclear spectroscopy studies. NEDA has been designed to be a versatile device, with high-detection efficiency, excellent neutron-γ discrimination, and high rate capabilities. It will be employed in physics campaigns in order to maximise the scientific output, making use of the different stable and radioactive ion beams available in Europe. The first implementation of the neutron detector array NEDA with AGATA 1π was realised at GANIL. This manuscript reviews the various aspects of NEDA