18 research outputs found

    Gaia Focused Product Release: A catalogue of sources around quasars to search for strongly lensed quasars

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    Context. Strongly lensed quasars are fundamental sources for cosmology. The Gaia space mission covers the entire sky with the unprecedented resolution of 0.180.18" in the optical, making it an ideal instrument to search for gravitational lenses down to the limiting magnitude of 21. Nevertheless, the previous Gaia Data Releases are known to be incomplete for small angular separations such as those expected for most lenses. Aims. We present the Data Processing and Analysis Consortium GravLens pipeline, which was built to analyse all Gaia detections around quasars and to cluster them into sources, thus producing a catalogue of secondary sources around each quasar. We analysed the resulting catalogue to produce scores that indicate source configurations that are compatible with strongly lensed quasars. Methods. GravLens uses the DBSCAN unsupervised clustering algorithm to detect sources around quasars. The resulting catalogue of multiplets is then analysed with several methods to identify potential gravitational lenses. We developed and applied an outlier scoring method, a comparison between the average BP and RP spectra of the components, and we also used an extremely randomised tree algorithm. These methods produce scores to identify the most probable configurations and to establish a list of lens candidates. Results. We analysed the environment of 3 760 032 quasars. A total of 4 760 920 sources, including the quasars, were found within 6" of the quasar positions. This list is given in the Gaia archive. In 87\% of cases, the quasar remains a single source, and in 501 385 cases neighbouring sources were detected. We propose a list of 381 lensed candidates, of which we identified 49 as the most promising. Beyond these candidates, the associate tables in this Focused Product Release allow the entire community to explore the unique Gaia data for strong lensing studies further.Comment: 35 pages, 60 figures, accepted for publication by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Pulsations in main sequence OBAF-type stars

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    CONTEXT: The third Gaia data release provides photometric time series covering 34 months for about 10 million stars. For many of those stars, a characterisation in Fourier space and their variability classification are also provided. This paper focuses on intermediate- to high-mass (IHM) main sequence pulsators (M ≄  1.3 M⊙) of spectral types O, B, A, or F, known as ÎČ Cep, slowly pulsating B (SPB), ÎŽ Sct, and Îł Dor stars. These stars are often multi-periodic and display low amplitudes, making them challenging targets to analyse with sparse time series. AIMS: We investigate the extent to which the sparse Gaia DR3 data can be used to detect OBAF-type pulsators and discriminate them from other types of variables. We aim to probe the empirical instability strips and compare them with theoretical predictions. The most populated variability class is that of the ÎŽ Sct variables. For these stars, we aim to confirm their empirical period-luminosity (PL) relation, and verify the relation between their oscillation amplitude and rotation. METHODS: All datasets used in this analysis are part of the Gaia DR3 data release. The photometric time series were used to perform a Fourier analysis, while the global astrophysical parameters necessary for the empirical instability strips were taken from the Gaia DR3 gspphot tables, and the v sin i data were taken from the Gaia DR3 esphs tables. The ή Sct PL relation was derived using the same photometric parallax method as the one recently used to establish the PL relation for classical Cepheids using Gaia data. RESULTS: We show that for nearby OBAF-type pulsators, the Gaia DR3 data are precise and accurate enough to pinpoint them in the Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram. We find empirical instability strips covering broader regions than theoretically predicted. In particular, our study reveals the presence of fast rotating gravity-mode pulsators outside the strips, as well as the co-existence of rotationally modulated variables inside the strips as reported before in the literature. We derive an extensive period–luminosity relation for ÎŽ Sct stars and provide evidence that the relation features different regimes depending on the oscillation period. We demonstrate how stellar rotation attenuates the amplitude of the dominant oscillation mode of ÎŽ Sct stars. CONCLUSIONS: The Gaia DR3 time-series photometry already allows for the detection of the dominant (non-)radial oscillation mode in about 100 000 intermediate- and high-mass dwarfs across the entire sky. This detection capability will increase as the time series becomes longer, allowing the additional delivery of frequencies and amplitudes of secondary pulsation modes

    VizieR Online Data Catalog: 46 open clusters GaiaDR2 HR diagrams (Gaia Collaboration, 2018)

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    VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/A+A/616/A10. Originally published in: 2018A&A...616A..10GWe have determined the membership of 46 open clusters. For the nine clusters within 250pc we determined optimised parallaxes based on the combined information extracted from the measured parallax and proper motion values. These clusters are : in Tables A1a & A3: alphaPer, Blanco1, ComaBer, Hyades, IC2391, IC2602, NGC2451A, Pleiades, Praesepe. The remaining 37 clusters are in Table A1b & A4: Coll140, IC4651, IC4665, IC4725, IC4756, NGC0188, NGC0752, NGC0869, NGC0884, NGC1039, NGC1901, NGC2158, NGC2168, NGC2232, NGC2323, NGC2360, NGC2422, NGC2423, NGC2437, NGC2447, NGC2516, NGC2547, NGC2548, NGC2682, NGC3228, NGC3532, NGC6025, NGC6281, NGC6405, NGC6475, NGC6633, NGC6774, NGC6793, NGC7092, Stock2, Trump02, Trump10. (4 data files)

    VizieR Online Data Catalog: Gaia DR2. Variable stars in CMD (Gaia Collaboration+, 2019)

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    Time series in the G, BP, and RP bands of the selected field-of-view transits for 224 sources that are not published in Gaia DR2, but are plotted in Fig. 11. An animated version of Fig. 11 is provided online and at https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/gaia/gaiadr2_cu7. (2 data files)

    Gaia Early Data Release 3 : the Gaia Catalogue of Nearby Stars

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    Gaia Early Data Release 3 : summary of the contents and survey properties

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    VizieR Online Data Catalog: 46 open clusters GaiaDR2 HR diagrams (Gaia Collaboration, 2018)

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    VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/A+A/616/A10. Originally published in: 2018A&A...616A..10GWe have determined the membership of 46 open clusters. For the nine clusters within 250pc we determined optimised parallaxes based on the combined information extracted from the measured parallax and proper motion values. These clusters are : in Tables A1a & A3: alphaPer, Blanco1, ComaBer, Hyades, IC2391, IC2602, NGC2451A, Pleiades, Praesepe. The remaining 37 clusters are in Table A1b & A4: Coll140, IC4651, IC4665, IC4725, IC4756, NGC0188, NGC0752, NGC0869, NGC0884, NGC1039, NGC1901, NGC2158, NGC2168, NGC2232, NGC2323, NGC2360, NGC2422, NGC2423, NGC2437, NGC2447, NGC2516, NGC2547, NGC2548, NGC2682, NGC3228, NGC3532, NGC6025, NGC6281, NGC6405, NGC6475, NGC6633, NGC6774, NGC6793, NGC7092, Stock2, Trump02, Trump10. (4 data files)

    VizieR Online Data Catalog: 46 open clusters GaiaDR2 HR diagrams (Gaia Collaboration, 2018)

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    VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/A+A/616/A10. Originally published in: 2018A&A...616A..10GWe have determined the membership of 46 open clusters. For the nine clusters within 250pc we determined optimised parallaxes based on the combined information extracted from the measured parallax and proper motion values. These clusters are : in Tables A1a & A3: alphaPer, Blanco1, ComaBer, Hyades, IC2391, IC2602, NGC2451A, Pleiades, Praesepe. The remaining 37 clusters are in Table A1b & A4: Coll140, IC4651, IC4665, IC4725, IC4756, NGC0188, NGC0752, NGC0869, NGC0884, NGC1039, NGC1901, NGC2158, NGC2168, NGC2232, NGC2323, NGC2360, NGC2422, NGC2423, NGC2437, NGC2447, NGC2516, NGC2547, NGC2548, NGC2682, NGC3228, NGC3532, NGC6025, NGC6281, NGC6405, NGC6475, NGC6633, NGC6774, NGC6793, NGC7092, Stock2, Trump02, Trump10. (4 data files)

    Gaia Early Data Release 3 : structure and properties of the Magellanic Clouds

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    Gaia Early Data Release 3 : the Galactic anticentre

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