45 research outputs found
Effect of Large Versus Small Range of Motion in the Various Intensities of Eccentric Exercise-Induced Muscle Pain and Strength
International Journal of Exercise Science 14(7): 1-18, 2021. The purpose was to investigate eccentric (ECC) exercise with full range of motion (FROM) induce a greater magnitude of delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), pain, functional limitations compared to partial range of motion (PROM; outer 60° of ROM). Thirty-four participants (men and women) aged between 18 and 30 years performed ECC exercise protocol on elbow and knee muscles (5 × 10 repetitions each session) using their 15%/25%/35% of maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) with PROM (week 2-4) and FROM (week 6-8). Two days a week, ECC exercises and remaining days the subjective and objective assessments were carried out (activities of daily living (ADL), pain (visual analogue scale (VAS), pain pressure threshold (PPT)), and MVIC. The ECC exercise with FROM showed moderate pain (0-3.5) in ADL (pulling a heavy object and descending stairs), VAS, and PPT for elbow extensors and knee flexors and showed a statistically significant difference (p ≤ 0.05) compared to PROM ECC protocol. The muscle strength was increased in FROM ECC exercise than PROM ECC exercise and ranged between 23.16% and 28.22%. ECC exercise performed with FROM induced a higher degree of DOMS, pain, ADL limitations than PROM. The study outcomes can be used for beginner sedentary older adults as well as young athletes
A framework for future training in marine and coastal protected area management
Training, Protected areas, Marine environment, Coastal zone management
Introduction to the Special Issue of the Journal of Urban Health on Incarceration and Health
Criminal justice involvement is increasingly recognized as a powerful social determinant of health in urban populations, especially among low income and minority populations. Those who have experienced incarceration have higher rates of infectious and chronic diseases and are at risk of worsened health post-release: mostly due to lack of resources in the community and increased engagement in risk behavior
EVALUATION OF VARIOUS FACIAL ANTHROPOMETRIC PROPORTIONS IN INDIAN AMERICAN WOMEN. Evaluación de varias proporciones antropométricas en mujeres indio-americanas
El equililbrio y la armonÃa de los diferentes rasgos de la cara son esenciales para el cirujano quien debe analizar la cara para poder planificar su tratamiento. La evaluación de la cara femenina se puede hacer por medio de medidas lineales, angulares y proporciones. El propósito de esta investigación es examinar varias proporciones faciales en las mujeres aborÃgenes americanas y compararlas con las normas de las personas indias (de India) y las personas caucásicas. Tambien queriamos saber si estas normas satisfacen las proporciones de oro y de plata. Las medidas faciales antropometricas se tomaron utillizando un calibre digital en cien estudiantes aborigenes americanas (18-30 años) en la Universidad Americana de Antigua (AUA). Un conjunto de proporciones faciales fue calculado y comparado con las normas de las mujeres de la India y de las mujeres caucásicas. Los coeficientes de variación de las proporciones también se calcularon. Todas las proporciones faciales fueron similares con los informes anteriores sobre las mujeres de la India. La mayorÃa de las proporciones tenian pequeñas coeficientes de variación haciéndolas asà muy confiables, debido a la reducción en la variabilidad de las muestras. El indice de altura de la parte superior de la cara, la altura facial mandÃbulo-inferior y la altura biocular de la parte superior de la cara se acercaban todos a las proporciones de oro mientras el indice nasal era casi una proporción de plata. Habian diferencias significativas en la mayorÃa de los resultados cuando se comparaban las estadÃsticas de los indios y las personas caucásicas utilizando evaluaciones desapareadas. Las estadÃs-ticas actuales de las proporciones faciales pueden ser utilizadas como valores de referencia para las mujeres aborÃgenes de América. The balance and harmony of various facial features are essential to surgeon who requires facial analysis in the diagnosis and treatment planning. The evaluation of female face can be made by various linear measurements, angles and ratios. The aim of this study was to investigate various facial ratios in Indian American women and to compare them with the Indian and Caucasian norms. Additionally, we wanted to evaluate whether these values satisfy golden and silver ratios. Direct facial anthropometric measur-ements were made using a digital caliper in 100 Indian American women students (18 - 30 years) at the American University of Antigua (AUA), Antigua. A set of facial ratios were calculated and compared with Indian and Caucasian norms. Coefficients of variation of the ratios were also calculated. All the facial ratios were found to be similar with previous reports on Indian women. Most of the facial ratios had small coefficients of variation thus making them highly reliable due to reduced intra-sample variability. The upper face-face height index, mandibulo-lower facial height and upper face height-biocular width index were close to golden ratios whereas the nasal index was close to a silver proportion. There was significant difference in most of the values when compared to Indian and Caucasian data using unpaired t test. The present facial ratios data can be used as a reference value for Indian American women
Immunogold localization of mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase in mitochondria and on the cell surface in normal rat tissues
Mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase
(mAspAT) (E.C., an important enzyme in amino
acid metabolism, is identical to a fatty acid-binding
protein (FA B Pp m) isolated from plasma membranes of
several cell types. Employing a monospecific polyclonal
antibody to rat mAspAT, we have used immunogold
electron microscopy to study the subcellular distribution
of mAspAT in various mammalian tissues. Immunogold
labeling of rat tissue sections embedded in LR Gold
resin showed strong labeling of mitochondria in all
tissues examined (viz. live r, pancreas, pituitary, spleen,
heart, kidney, submandibular gland). In addition, strong
and specific labeling was also observed at a number of
non-mitochondrial sites including various locations in
k i d n ey, such as on cell surface in distal tubules and
cortical collecting ducts, in condensing vacuoles, along
cell boundaries between adjoining cells, and in
endothelial cells lining capillaries in the glomerulus.
S u r face labeling due to mAspAT was also seen in
arteriolar endothelial cells and in lymphocytes. These
findings support the previous identification of mAspAT
as both a mitochondrial enzyme and a plasma membrane
protein. It is suggested that in accordance with its
established role in other cells and tissues, the surfa c e -
located mAspAT in kidney and endothelial cells is i nvo l ved in the fatty acid transport process. The duallocalization
of mAspAT, as well as a large number of
other mitochondrial proteins (viz. Hsp60, Hsp10,
Cytochrome c, TRAP-1 and P32 (gC1q-R)) in recent
studies, within both mitochondria and at various specific
extramitochondrial sites raises fundamental questions
about the role of mitochondria in cell structure and
function, and about the mechanisms that exist in normal
cells for protein translocation from mitochondria to other
compartments. These results have implications for the
role of mitochondria in apoptosis and different diseases