86 research outputs found

    Le Haut Dadès: Un Site Montagnard De Grande Valeur Touristique

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    Dades is a unique valley, defined by a long green oasis covering the extended banks of Dades river with variety of trees that embellish and decorate the oasis excluding palm trees. Palm trees are not cultivated there as the weather is quite cold especially in winter. Dades is a melting pot in which variety of high-quality touristic attractions mingled and blended together to create irresistible glamor that pulls its visitors to fell in love with the area. These touristic attractions create fairly considerable natural and cultural heritage. Accordingly, the natural environment is well diversified (gorges, high mountains, sources, etc.), whilst, the cultural heritage is well built upon significant authentic cultural legacy (kasbahs, folklore, festivals, the religious cults and buildings, handicrafts and gastronomy). Indeed, tourism is the dynamic sector in the area. Since it benefits from various assets taking in account the richness of the cultural and natural heritage of this region, including the attractiveness of the architectural heritage, the specificity of the folklore, the finesse of the gastronomy, crafts, historic sites, and the diversity of the natural landscapes. All these potentials that are, in fact, a valuable heritage, must be integrated into the development strategy of the touristic products of DadesValley to reinforce its originality and enhance its attractiveness. In short, this article is a sort of a presentation of these characteristics with much focus on the general aspect of tourism in Dades and the useful elements for the development of a touristic mountainous area

    Optimal interdigitated electrode sensor design for biosensors using multi-objective particle-swarm optimization

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    Interdigitated electrodes (IDEs) are commonly employed in biological cellular characterization techniques such as electrical cell-substrate impedance sensing (ECIS). Because of its simple production technique and low cost, interdigitated electrode sensor design is critical for practical impedance spectroscopy in the medical and pharmaceutical domains. The equivalent circuit of an IDE was modeled in this paper, it consisted of three primary components: double layer capacitance, Cdl, solution capacitance, CSol, and solution resistance, RSol. One of the challenging optimization challenges is the geometric optimization of the interdigital electrode structure of a sensor. We employ metaheuristic techniques to identify the best answer to problems of this kind. multi-objective optimization of the IDE using multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) was achieved to maximize the sensitivity of the electrode and minimize the Cut-off frequency. The optimal geometrical parameters determined during optimization are used to build the electrical equivalent circuit. The amplitude and phase of the impedance versus frequency analysis were calculated using EC-LAB® software, and the corresponding conductivity was determined

    Las controversias de los actores y la gobernanza territorial en las cercanías del sur de Fez (Marruecos)

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    This article discusses the actors’ controversies on the suburban development in the southern vicinity of Fez (the commune of Ain Chkef, Morocco). These controversies are heavily affecting the local development and impose costly burdens in terms of impacts on local systems. They were analyzed in this article using a synthetic spatial methodology based on socio-spatial data and cartography by ArcGis. The role of terrestrial property on actors’ intense controversies in the area is discussed in terms of the opportunities it offers for investment and as conflicts’ factor between rights’ holders, operators and other developing actors. Controversies are sometimes linked to issues of land value, the development of activities (gentrification, activity zones and actors contesting positions), and to the location of major equipment or environmental resources. The governance and steering of local development under these conditions is complex, because the decision-maker should assimilate the actors’ needs and all influencing parameters in the suburbs, to develop the convergent governance suggested as a solution. It includes clear visions, a further knowledge of territorial stakes, the key factors of the territorial management and the causes and motivations of the actors’ controversies to find adapted solutions and answers to their questions. Convergent governance must be anticipative, communicative and able to create the actors’ convergences. Suburbs’ complex realities may therefore be best understood using the convergent governance approach with a further consideration of relationality and territoriality that integrate the local, regional and external contextual influencing factors.Este artículo analiza las controversias de los actores sobre el desarrollo suburbano en las cercanías del sur de Fez (la comuna de Ain Chkef, Marruecos). Estas controversias están afectando en gran medida el desarrollo local e imponen cargas costosas en términos de impactos en los sistemas locales. Se analizan en este artículo estas controversias utilizando una metodología espacial sintética basada en datos socio-espaciales y cartografía de ArcGis. El papel de la propiedad de la tierra en las intensas controversias de los actores en el área se discute en términos de las oportunidades que ofrece para la inversión y como un factor de conflicto entre los titulares de derechos, operadores y otros actores en desarrollo. Las controversias a veces están vinculadas a cuestiones relacionadas con el valor de la tierra, el desarrollo de actividades (gentrificación, zonas de actividad y actores que disputan puestos), y a la ubicación de equipos principales o recursos ambientales. La gobernanza y la dirección del desarrollo local en estas condiciones es compleja, ya que el tomador de decisiones debe asimilar las necesidades de los actores y todos los parámetros que influyen en los suburbios, para desarrollar la gobernanza convergente sugerida como una solución. Incluye visiones claras, un mayor conocimiento de los intereses territoriales, los factores clave de la gestión territorial y las causas y motivaciones de las controversias de los actores para encontrar soluciones y respuestas adaptadas a sus preguntas. La gobernanza convergente debe ser anticipativa, comunicativa y capaz de crear las convergencias de los actores. Por lo tanto, las realidades complejas de los suburbios pueden entenderse mejor utilizando el enfoque de gobernanza convergente con una consideración adicional de la relación y la territorialidad que integran los factores de influencia contextuales locales, regionales y externos

    Risk factors leading to preterm births in Morocco: a prospective study at the maternity Souissi in Rabat

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    Introduction: Eminent morbidity and mortality of preterm infants is perceived, especially in developing countries. The aim of the study is to identify the main factors involved in the occurrence of premature births in Morocco. Methods: This was a descriptive and analytical study conducted at the maternity  Souissi in Rabat, from January 2011 to December 2011. The data were collected using interview with women in the postpartum, and via, the exploitation of obstetric and perinatal records. The data sheet was filled out for each newborn, including sociodemographic, obstetrical, maternal, childbirth and neonatal data, as well as, monitoring and surveillance of pregnancy. Results: A total of 1015 births were collected. 954 were full term babies and 61 were preterms. The  gestational age was between 33-34 weeks in 57.4%. Relying on Statistical analysis, many risk factors were, significantly, associated with the occurrence of prematurity, namely: low level of maternal  education (p ? 0.004), absence of pregnancy’ monitoring (p < 0.001), multiparity (p < 0.001), maternal  chronic diseases (p < 0.001), and drug taking during pregnancy (p < 0.001).Conclusion: To reduce the incidence of preterm births, reliable programs must be established, devoting all its interest, to educate the young woman in childbearing age about the appropriate ways of monitoring pregnancy, as well as, the qualitative and quantitative development of health care structures.Key words: Preterm infants, risk factors, mortalit

    Land-use change and sustainability in the south-eastern oases of Morocco

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    The study apprehends modern versus traditional land-use changes in the Moroccan oases. The traditional local knowledge and land-use that ensured ecological equilibrium for centuries is decreasing. Modern entrepreneuship practices are increasing and have risky environmental impacts. By using the spatial and factor analyses, we confirm the spatial disparities in the region and distinguish four different groups of communes (in high mountain communes, traditional agriculture favors resources’ conservation; downstream communes experience greater changes and ecological ruptures). The recommendations of the study include the need to rethink adopted development models and elaborate new actions that respect local specificities, consider environmental equilibrium and rehabilitate local ecosystems

    L'internationalisation des PME-Marocaines vers l'Afrique de l'Ouest : L'étendue de la pratique de l’intelligence économique sur la consolidation des réseaux d'affaires

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    L'internationalisation des PME-Marocaines vers l'Afrique de l'Ouest : L'étendue de la pratique de l’intelligence économique sur la consolidation  des réseaux d'affaires.La mondialisation offre aux pays exportateurs, une opportunité de développement économique, absolument unique, les barrières qui empêchaient autrefois toute promotion à l’échelle mondiale d’un produit ou d’un service, tombent désormais les unes après les autres. Face à cette réalité, il faut distinguer deux types d’entreprises : celles qui subissent cette nouvelle concurrence et quelquefois disparaissent, faute d’avoir su réagir à temps, et celles qui ont choisi d’anticiper la demande et d’innover, afin de tirer profit de cette fabuleuse opportunité, pour diffuser leurs produits et leur savoir-faire au niveau mondial.C’est dans ce contexte de mondialisation, où les informations circulent de plus en plus vite et où les technologies disponibles se perfectionnent sans cesse, seules les P.M.E. qui font le choix d’innover et de s’internationaliser très tôt dans leur phase de commercialisation via la pratique de l’intelligence économique, peuvent atteindre des taux de croissance forts et une valorisation financière exceptionnelle.Cette recherche a pour objectif d’analyser les raisons pour lesquelles les P.M.E Marocaines constituent autant de freins endémiques et de démontrer qu’elles sont en grandes parties erronées. C'est ainsi que malgré une bonne santé financière et connaissance technique de l’exportation, constituant des atouts non négligeables ; cela demeure insuffisant pour permettre à une PME de se développer internationalement et de gagner une majorité de son chiffre d'affaires à l'étranger. Mots clés : Intelligence économique, PME, Internationalisation, Mondialisation –Exportation Abstract The internationalization of Moroccan-SMEs to West Africa: The extent of the practice of economic intelligence on the consolidation of business networks.Globalization offers exporting countries a unique opportunity for economic development, and the barriers that once prevented any global promotion of a product or service are now falling one after the other. in the face of this reality, we must distinguish two types of companies: those who suffer this new competition from elsewhere and sometimes disappear because they have not been able to react in time, and those who have chosen to anticipate demand and innovate to take advantage of this. fabulous opportunity to spread their products and their know-how around the world.In this context of globalization, where information is circulating more and more rapidly and where available technologies are constantly improving, only SMEs that choose to innovate and internationalize very early in their commercialization phase through practice economic intelligence, can achieve strong growth rates and an exceptional financial valuation.The purpose of this paper is to analyze the reasons why the SMEs  Moroccan constitute so many endemic brakes and to demonstrate that they are in large parts erroneous. Thus, while good financial health and technical knowledge of exports are not insignificant assets, they are still insufficient to enable an SME to become international and achieve, in just a few years, the majority of its turnover abroad. Keywords : Economic intelligence-SME- Internationalization-Globalization -Expor


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    The aim of this study was to identify anthropometric and bio-motor variables that discriminated among groups of university male athletes aged 21.4 ± 2.1 years (mean ± s) from three different sports (soccer, n = 53; rugby, n = 27; basketball, n = 31). Anthropometric parameters included body mass, height and body fat percentage. The bio-motor variables included blood pressure and maximal aerobic power (VO2max) measured using 40meter dash test. Using a cross-sectional design, discriminant analysis was used to determine field tests identifying male university athletes. Young men (n = 111) who were to participate in the East Africa Inter-university games volunteered as subjects (mean ± SD age = 21.4 ± 2.1 years). Discriminant analysis revealed two significant functions (P < 0.05). After validation, the resulting regression equations correctly classified 83.8% of the soccer, rugby and basketball athletes. Six variables significantly contributed to the discriminant analysis (Wilks A = 0.231, x2 = 153.95, df = 14, p < 0.0001, adjusted R2 = 0.788). The interpretation of the obtained discriminant functions was also based on examination of the structure coefficients greater than 0.30. The athletes were discriminated mainly on height (structure coefficient, SC=0.319), percentage body fat (SC=0.401), 40-meter dash (SC=0.482), upper body strength (SC=0.404) and abdominal strength (SC=0.253). Our model confirms that university male athletes show physical and bio-motor differences that clearly distinguish them according to their particular sport. Generally, the athletes’ anthropometric and bio-motor variables varied according to sport, probably because of the different training regimens in the different sports that conditioned the athletes differently. In conclusion, these discriminant models could help in player recruitment and improve training programs.  Article visualizations

    Analyse comportementale et cognitive d’un comportement financier risqué : Cas d’émission d’un prêt

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    According to the traditional economic approach, individual decisions are made in a way that reflects their own interests and is rational. Behavioral economics is a branch of economics that integrates economics and psychology in the analysis of human behavior. Indeed, opting for a risky financial choice is not always easy. For this, we seek to know the degree of difficulty related to the level of actions and behaviors of individuals faced with a risky financial choice. We developed an experimental framework in which the subject had to choose between two risky choices during a debt transaction. In addition, we conducted a two-level questionnaire (control and experimental situation) via the computer-assisted diffusion method. Computer-Assisted Web Interviewing (CAWI) with 114 anonymous Moroccan individuals, in which they had to answer risk-free questions (control situation) followed by risky shows (experimental financial situation). The study revealed that the time given by subjects to risk-free questions (M = 3.09 min) was less than that given to risky questions (M = 10.29 min). Similarly, gender impacts the duration of response to risky questions (p < 0.05), women expressed greater risk aversion than men, in addition, the age variable has no impact. In addition, the age variable has no impact on the duration associated with the response to risky questions. Finally, we found that the notion of risk becomes more intense at the cognitive and neural level when it is associated with the financial context.     Paper Type: Empirical Research JEL Classification:  C90, D14, D81, D87.Selon l'approche économique traditionnelle, les décisions individuelles sont prises d'une manière qui reflète leurs propres intérêts et qui est rationnelle. L'économie comportementale est une branche de l'économie qui intègre l'économie et la psychologie dans l'analyse du comportement humain. En effet, opter pour un choix financier risqué n'est pas toujours facile. Pour cela, nous souhaitons savoir le degré de difficulté lié au niveau des actions et des comportements des individus face à un choix financier risqué. Nous avons élaboré un cadre expérimental dans lequel le sujet devait choisir entre deux choix risqués lors d’une opération d’endettement. Par ailleurs, nous avons mené un questionnaire à deux niveaux (témoin et situation expérimentale) via la méthode de diffusion assistée par ordinateur Computer-Assisted Web Interviewing (CAWI) auprès de 114 individus marocains anonymes, dans lequel ils devaient répondre sans risque aux questions (situation témoin) suivies par des émissions risquées (situation financière expérimentale). L'étude a révélé que la durée accordée par les sujets aux questions sans risques (M = 3,09 min) est inférieure à celle qui a été accordée aux questions risquées (M = 10,29 min). De même, le genre impact la durée de réponse aux questions risquées (p < 0,05), les femmes ont exprimé une aversion aux risques plus importante que les hommes. En outre, la variable l’âge n’a pas d’impact sur la durée associée à la réponse aux questions risquées. Finalement, nous avons constaté que la notion de risque devient plus intense au niveau cognitif et neuronal lorsqu’elle est associée au contexte financier.     Type de papier : Recherche empirique Classification JEL :  C90, D14, D81, D87