147 research outputs found

    Análisis de la influencia de la Nanosílice en la resistencia y costo de producción de concretos convencionales elaborados con cementos Yura tipo I y IP en la ciudad de Arequipa - 2019

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    En la presente investigación, realizada en la ciudad de Arequipa, se estudió la influencia de la nanosílice (Gaia Nanosílice) en las propiedades en estado fresco y endurecido de concretos convencionales (resistencia a la compresión hasta 420 kgf/cm2), analizando principalmente las propiedades resistentes, y el costo de producción de estos usando cemento Yura tipo I y Yura tipo IP y agregados de la cantera “La Poderosa”, con el fin de determinar si usando nanosílice en dosis de 0.5% y 0.7% se puede obtener concretos más resistentes a un menor costo que los diseños patrones, los cuales no contaron con este aditivo en su elaboración. Los concretos estudiados se realizaron con relaciones agua/cemento (a/c) 0.65, 0.60 y 0.55. Los resultados indican que la nanosílice si influye notablemente en las propiedades en estado fresco y endurecido del concreto. La resistencia a la compresión, a la tracción y a la abrasión se benefician de los efectos de este aditivo en mayor medida en concretos elaborados con cemento Yura tipo I que en aquellos elaborados con cemento Yura tipo IP. El mayor incremento de resistencia a la compresión fue de 12.70% respecto al patrón y se observó en un concreto con relación a/c 0.55 y dosis de nanosílice al 0.7% elaborado con cemento Yura tipo I. En cuanto a costos por m3, se determinó que la nanosílice llega a disminuir el costo de producción del concreto y aumentar la resistencia respecto al patrón al mismo tiempo en ciertos casos, como aquel concreto con relación a/c 0.55 y dosis de este aditivo al 0.5% elaborado con cemento Yura tipo I. El análisis de costo/beneficio muestra que adicionar nanosílice en concretos elaborados con cemento Yura tipo I es más beneficioso que usarlo en aquellos con cemento Yura tipo IP. Palabras clave: Nanosílice, concreto convencional, resistencia, costo/beneficio.Tesi

    Recovery and creative practices in people with severe mental illness: evaluating well-being and social inclusion

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    Purpose: This mixed (quantitative-qualitative) study evaluates the impact of an artistic workshop on a group of people with severe mental illness. This study focuses on the impact of creative practices on well-being and social inclusion outcomes. Method: After participating in a creative workshop, 31 people diagnosed with a severe mental illness completed pre/post-intervention measures, namely, the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale and the Social Inclusion questionnaire. It was applied in two-way repeated measures analysis of variance. The statistic Wilcoxon and Kruskal-Wallies were applied for non-parametric data to measure pre/post-test effects and workshop experience effects respectively. In addition to quantitative measures, one observer participated in each workshop that ran in parallel in order to deepen and triangulate quantitative outcomes. Results: The qualitative and quantitative results show that social inclusion improved in a significant way with an important size effect. Psychological wellbeing increased significantly with a low size effect. Conclusions: In accordance with these results, creative practices with people diagnosed with severe mental illness are recommended. In order to increase the impact of these interventions, it is recommended to utilize public space away from clinical environments and to include people without severe mental illness in creative activities together with severe mental illness patients

    Characterizations of a Banach Space through the Strong Lacunary and the Lacunary Statistical Summabilities

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    In this manuscript we characterize the completeness of a normed space through the strong lacunary (N-theta) and lacunary statistical convergence (S-theta) of series. A new characterization of weakly unconditionally Cauchy series through N-theta and S-theta is obtained. We also relate the summability spaces associated with these summabilities with the strong p-Cesaro convergence summability space


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    In the present investigation, the influence of nanosilica addition on concrete permeability was analyzed in order to demonstrate that its use is convenient considering the present conditions in the city of Arequipa. Cylindrical concrete specimens of 15x30 cm were prepared, considering water/cement ratios of 0.60, 0.55 y 0.50, and nanosilica doses of 0.5% and 0.7%, in which the permeability coefficient (at 28 days of preparation) and the axial compressive strength (at 3, 7 and 28 days of preparation) were analyzed. The results evidence that, for a dosage of 0.5% additive, a reduction in the permeability of the concrete will be generated as the water/cement ratio decreases, while for a dosage of 0.7%, the permeability will be reduced up to a certain point and then increase. For both cases it is concluded that the more cement in the mix, the lesser the effect of the additive. The concrete mixes presented permeability coefficients in the order of 10^(-12) m/s and compressive strengths in the range of 300 to 485 kgf/cm2.En la presente investigación, se estudió la influencia de la adición de nanosílice en la permeabilidad del concreto con el fin de demostrar que su uso es conveniente considerando las condiciones presentes en la ciudadde Arequipa. Se elaboraron testigos cilíndricos de concreto de 15x30 cm, considerando relaciones agua/cemento de 0.60, 0.55 y 0.50, y dosis de nanosílice de 0.5% y 0.7%, en los cuales se analizó su coeficiente de permeabilidad (a los 28 días de elaboración) y resistencia a la compresión axial (a los 3,7 y 28 días de elaboración). Los resultados evidencian que, para una dosis de 0.5% de aditivo, se generará una reducción de la permeabilidad del concreto conforme la relación agua/cemento disminuya, mientras que para una dosis de 0.7%, la permeabilidad se reducirá hasta cierto punto para luego incrementarse. En ambos casos se concluye que, mientras más cemento tenga la mezcla, menor es el efecto del aditivo. Las mezclas de concreto presentaron coeficientes de permeabilidad en el orden de 10^(-12) m/s y resistencias en el rango de 300 a 485 kgf/cm2

    Grade control in a quartz deposit using universal fuzzy kriging

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    [EN] We adapt the universal kriging method of prediction to contexts with uncertainty and imprecise data. Using fuzzy set theory, we develop a fuzzy universal kriging that we use to estimate quality classes for a quartz deposit. The method models the trend in the data by linearly combining functions that depend on the coordinates for each point, which are fuzzy numbers. The spatial dependence between the data is determined by means of non-fuzzy covariograms. The proposed method provides fuzzy numbers and non-fuzzy variances at unsampled locations. Finally, the estimated fuzzy numbers are translated back into quartz qualities and graphically represented. From the grade model obtained by using fuzzy kriging it has been possible to perform selective mining at the deposit depending on market demand of the four products exploite

    On statistical convergence and strong Cesàro convergence by moduli

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    In this paper we will establish a result by Connor, Khan and Orhan (Analysis 8:47–63, 1988; Publ. Math. (Debr.) 76:77–88, 2010) in the framework of the statistical convergence and the strong Cesàro convergence defined by a modulus function f . Namely, for every modulus function f , we will prove that a f -strongly Cesàro convergent sequence is always f -statistically convergent and uniformly integrable. The converse of this result is not true even for bounded sequences. We will characterize analytically the modulus functions f for which the converse is true. We will prove that these modulus functions are those for which the statistically convergent sequences are f -statistically convergent, that is, we show that Connor–Khan–Orhan’s result is sharp in this sense

    CfrA, a novel carbon flow regulator, adapts carbon metabolism to nitrogen deficiency in cyanobacteria

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    Cyanobacteria unable to fix atmospheric nitrogen have evolved sophisticated adaptations to survive to long periods of nitrogen starvation. These genetic programs are still largely unknown—as evidenced by the many proteins whose expression is regulated in response to nitrogen availability, but which belong to unknown or hypothetical categories. In Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, the global nitrogen regulator NtcA activates the expression of the sll0944 gene upon nitrogen deprivation. This gene encodes a protein that is highly conserved in cyanobacteria, but of unknown function. Based on the results described herein, we named the product of sll0944 carbon flow regulator A (CfrA). We analyzed the phenotypes of strains containing different levels of CfrA, including a knock-out strain (DcfrA), and two strains overexpressing CfrA from either the constitutive Ptrc promoter (Ptrc-cfrA) or the arsenite-inducible promoter ParsB (Pars-cfrA). Our results show that the amount of CfrA determines the accumulation of glycogen, and affects the synthesis of protein and photosynthetic pigments as well as amino acid pools. Strains with high levels of CfrA present high levels of glycogen and a decrease in photosynthetic pigments and protein content when nitrogen is available. Possible interactions between CfrA and the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex or PII protein have been revealed. The phenotype associated with CfrA overexpression is also observed in PII-deficient strains; however, it is lethal in this genetic background. Taken together, our results indicate a role for CfrA in the adaptation of carbon flux during acclimation to nitrogen deficiency

    Non-small cell lung cancer diagnosis aid with histopathological images using Explainable Deep Learning techniques

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    Background: Lung cancer has the highest mortality rate in the world, twice as high as the second highest. On the other hand, pathologists are overworked and this is detrimental to the time spent on each patient, diagnostic turnaround time, and their success rate. Objective: In this work, we design, implement, and evaluate a diagnostic aid system for non-small cell lung cancer detection, using Deep Learning techniques. Methods: The classifier developed is based on Artificial Intelligence techniques, obtaining an automatic classification result between healthy, adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, given an histopathological image from lung tissue. Moreover, a report module based on Explainable Deep Learning techniques is included and gives the pathologist information about the image’s areas used to classify the sample and the confidence of belonging to each class. Results: The results show a system accuracy between 97.11 and 99.69%, depending on the number of classes classified, and a value of the area under ROC curve between 99.77 and 99.94%. Conclusions: The classification results obtain a substantial improvement according to previous works. Thanks to the given report, the time spent by the pathologist and the diagnostic turnaround time can be reduced.Andalusian Regional I+D+i FEDER Project DAFNE US-138161

    Interculturalidad, Inclusion Social y Valores. Un acercamiento cualitativo desde la mirada de los proyectos educativos escolares

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    The training of future educators cannot be only a technological training for the construction and management of new knowledge, but also must provide deontological, citizen and human training as part of a multicultural and globalized world.The ultimate goal of education is the integral formation of the person, the development of his capacities to shape his identity. The study is circumscribed to six schools in Talca city, which allow us the opportunity to describe and interpret the values present in the educational projects and to get to know the profile of the person they intend to form for the construction of a diverse and multicultural society. Content analysis introduces us into the axiological structures of those experiences and documents. The results show that educational projects contain an important axiological, multiple and plural load.La formación de los futuros educadores no puede ser solo una formación tecnológica para la construcción y gestión de nuevo conocimiento, sino tiene que entregar también formación deontológica, formación ciudadana y formación humana, en tanto personas parte de un mundo multicultural y globalizado. El fin último de la educación es la formación integral de la persona, el desarrollo de sus capacidades para que conforme su identidad. El estudio se delimita a seis colegios de la ciudad de Talca , que nos dan la oportunidad de describir e interpretar los valores presentes en los proyectos educativos y conocer el perfil de persona que pretenden formar para la construcción de una sociedad diversa y multicultural. El análisis de contenido nos introduce en las estructuras axiológicas de esas experiencias y documentos. Los resultados muestran que los proyectos educativos contienen una importante carga axiológica, múltiple y plural