7,797 research outputs found

    Observational Outcome Measures to Evaluate Assistive Technology Use by People with Dementia - Report Series # 12

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    This report describes a digital video-audio behavioural observation methodology for use in a naturalistic setting to evaluate communication rehabilitation interventions for older adults with dementia. Behavioural observation via recorded video-audio offers a number of advantages over other data collection methodologies, which can be subject to a number of biases and limitations, some of which are discussed. In this study, high quality digital audio-video recordings were collected on participants attending a respite care day program. Recording equipment was inconspicuously placed, and measurement occurred either during normal day-to-day activities or during more directed activities (e.g., playing bingo). The recordings can be used to document the occurrence of behaviours and paired behaviours of interest over extended periods of time or selected samples of interest can be downloaded for detailed analysis including lag-sequential analyses. It was found that behavioural observation can complement traditional objective measures of impairment and subjective questionnaire measures, in accordance with the World Health Organization’s (WHO) International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (2001)

    Covering behavior of deep-water echinoids in Antarctica: possible response to predatory king crabs

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from Inter Research via the DOI in this record.Covering behavior refers to the propensity of echinoids (Echinoidea) to lift materials from the surrounding environment onto their aboral surfaces using their tube feet and spines. This behavior has been widely documented in regular echinoids from a variety of well-lit, shallow-marine habitats. Covering behavior in the deep sea, however, is rarely observed, and the functional significance of covering when it does occur remains speculative. During a photographic survey of the seafloor off Anvers Island and Marguerite Bay along the western Antarctic Peninsula, we imaged 11 benthic transects at depths ranging from 390 to 2100 m. We recorded the number of echinoid species, incidence of covering behavior, types of materials used for covering, potential predators of echinoids, and potential prey items for predators. The echinoid Sterechinus spp. was found at all depths, and the percentage of individuals exhibiting covering behavior increased with depth between 390 and 1500 m. There was a significant positive correlation between the incidence of covering behavior in Sterechinus spp. and the density of king crabs (Anomura: Lithodidae), crushing predators that may be expanding their bathymetric range up the Antarctic continental slope as a consequence of ongoing climatic warming. In contrast, covering behavior was not positively correlated with the densities of non-crab predators, the total densities of predators, or the availability of prey. Our results document rarely observed covering behavior in echinoids living in the deep sea and suggest that covering could be a behavioral response to predation pressure by king crabs.We thank the crew of the RV ‘Nathaniel B. Palmer’ during the NBP13-10 cruise for logistical help, as well as J. S. Anderson, A. Brown, C. Easson, D. Ellis, S. Thatje, and S. C. Vos. Thanks also to Paul Dayton as well as 2 anonymous reviewers who offered constructive comments and suggestions. Funding was provided by grants from the US National Science Foundation to R.B.A. (ANT- 1141877) and J.B.M. (ANT-1141896). This paper is contribution no. 160 from the Institute for Research on Global Climate Change at the Florida Institute of Technology

    Selective Perception: Optimizing State Descriptions with Reinforcement Learning for Language Model Actors

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    Large language models (LLMs) are being applied as actors for sequential decision making tasks in domains such as robotics and games, utilizing their general world knowledge and planning abilities. However, previous work does little to explore what environment state information is provided to LLM actors via language. Exhaustively describing high-dimensional states can impair performance and raise inference costs for LLM actors. Previous LLM actors avoid the issue by relying on hand-engineered, task-specific protocols to determine which features to communicate about a state and which to leave out. In this work, we propose Brief Language INputs for DEcision-making Responses (BLINDER), a method for automatically selecting concise state descriptions by learning a value function for task-conditioned state descriptions. We evaluate BLINDER on the challenging video game NetHack and a robotic manipulation task. Our method improves task success rate, reduces input size and compute costs, and generalizes between LLM actors

    The Political Economy of Financing Children’s Rights through Extractive Industries in the Philippines

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    The surging investments in the extractive industries (EI) that began in the 1980s, as well as the commodity boom between 2002 and 2011, have increased the significance of the sector in national economic development. This paper takes the Philippines as a case study and provides a detailed analysis of two key aspects of mining governance: first, the political challenges in realizing a more positive role for EI in social development, particularly in promoting children’s rights and children’s welfare, and second, the political economy dynamics that might underpin the creation of a welfare regime able to sustain social investments for children

    Plasmodium knowlesi Genome Sequences from Clinical Isolates Reveal Extensive Genomic Dimorphism.

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    Plasmodium knowlesi is a newly described zoonosis that causes malaria in the human population that can be severe and fatal. The study of P. knowlesi parasites from human clinical isolates is relatively new and, in order to obtain maximum information from patient sample collections, we explored the possibility of generating P. knowlesi genome sequences from archived clinical isolates. Our patient sample collection consisted of frozen whole blood samples that contained excessive human DNA contamination and, in that form, were not suitable for parasite genome sequencing. We developed a method to reduce the amount of human DNA in the thawed blood samples in preparation for high throughput parasite genome sequencing using Illumina HiSeq and MiSeq sequencing platforms. Seven of fifteen samples processed had sufficiently pure P. knowlesi DNA for whole genome sequencing. The reads were mapped to the P. knowlesi H strain reference genome and an average mapping of 90% was obtained. Genes with low coverage were removed leaving 4623 genes for subsequent analyses. Previously we identified a DNA sequence dimorphism on a small fragment of the P. knowlesi normocyte binding protein xa gene on chromosome 14. We used the genome data to assemble full-length Pknbpxa sequences and discovered that the dimorphism extended along the gene. An in-house algorithm was developed to detect SNP sites co-associating with the dimorphism. More than half of the P. knowlesi genome was dimorphic, involving genes on all chromosomes and suggesting that two distinct types of P. knowlesi infect the human population in Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. We use P. knowlesi clinical samples to demonstrate that Plasmodium DNA from archived patient samples can produce high quality genome data. We show that analyses, of even small numbers of difficult clinical malaria isolates, can generate comprehensive genomic information that will improve our understanding of malaria parasite diversity and pathobiology

    Discovery of a recent, natural whale fall on the continental slope off Anvers Island, western Antarctic Peninsula

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via the DOI in this record.Whale falls provide a substantial, nutrient-rich resource for species in areas of the ocean that may otherwise be largely devoid of food. We report the discovery of a natural whale fall at 1430 m depth in the cold waters of the continental slope off the western Antarctic Peninsula. This is the highest-latitude whale fall reported to date. The section of the carcass we observed—the tail fluke—was more complete than any previously reported natural whale fall from the deep sea and in the early stages of decomposition. We estimate the entire cetacean to measure 5–8 m in length. The flesh remained almost intact on the carcass but the skin was missing from the entire section except for the end of the fluke, clearly exposing blubber and soft tissue. The absence of skin indicates rapid and Homogeneous loss. The dominant macrofauna present were crustaceans, including most prominently the lithodid crab Paralomis birsteini, and zoarcid fish typical of the ‘mobile-scavenger’ successional stage. The density of mobile macrofauna was greatest on the carcass and declined to background levels within 100 m, indicating that they were attracted to the whale fall. This whale fall offers an important opportunity to examine the decomposition of a carcass under deep-sea conditions at polar latitudes.We are grateful to the captain and crew of the RV Nathaniel B. Palmer, and to the US Antarctic Support Contractor, Lockheed Martin, for their assistance at sea. We thank J.T. Eastman and two anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on the manuscript. Funding was provided by grants from the U.S. National Science Foundation: ANT-1141877 to R.B.A. and ANT-1141896 to J.B.M. This is contribution 122 from the Institute for Research on Global Climate Change at the Florida Institute of Technology

    Understanding pregnancy planning in a low-income country setting: validation of the London measure of unplanned pregnancy in Malawi

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    This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Background: The London Measure of Unplanned Pregnancy (LMUP) is a new and psychometrically valid measure of pregnancy intention that was developed in the United Kingdom. An improved understanding of pregnancy intention in low-income countries, where unintended pregnancies are common and maternal and neonatal deaths are high, is necessary to inform policies to address the unmet need for family planning. To this end this research aimed to validate the LMUP for use in the Chichewa language in Malawi.Methods: Three Chichewa speakers translated the LMUP and one translation was agreed which was back-translated and pre-tested on five pregnant women using cognitive interviews. The measure was field tested with pregnant women who were recruited at antenatal clinics and data were analysed using classical test theory and hypothesis testing.Results: 125 women aged 15-43 (median 23), with parities of 1-8 (median 2) completed the Chichewa LMUP. There were no missing data. The full range of LMUP scores was captured. In terms of reliability, the scale was internally consistent (Cronbach's alpha = 0.78) and test-retest data from 70 women showed good stability (weighted Kappa 0.80). In terms of validity, hypothesis testing confirmed that unmarried women (p = 0.003), women who had four or more children alive (p = 0.0051) and women who were below 20 or over 29 (p = 0.0115) were all more likely to have unintended pregnancies. Principal component analysis showed that five of the six items loaded onto one factor, with a further item borderline. A sensitivity analysis to assess the effect of the removal of the weakest item of the scale showed slightly improved performance but as the LMUP was not significantly adversely affected by its inclusion we recommend retaining the six-item score.Conclusion: The Chichewa LMUP is a valid and reliable measure of pregnancy intention in Malawi and can now be used in research and/or surveillance. This is the first validation of this tool in a low-income country, helping to demonstrate that the concept of pregnancy planning is applicable in such a setting. Use of the Chichewa LMUP can enhance our understanding of pregnancy intention in Malawi, giving insight into the family planning services that are required to better meet women's needs and save lives. © 2013 Hall et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.Dr Hall’s Wellcome Trust Research Training Fellowship, grant number 097268/Z/11/Z

    On Unbounded Composition Operators in L2L^2-Spaces

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    Fundamental properties of unbounded composition operators in L2L^2-spaces are studied. Characterizations of normal and quasinormal composition operators are provided. Formally normal composition operators are shown to be normal. Composition operators generating Stieltjes moment sequences are completely characterized. The unbounded counterparts of the celebrated Lambert's characterizations of subnormality of bounded composition operators are shown to be false. Various illustrative examples are supplied

    Physical Activity Characteristics across GOLD Quadrants Depend on the Questionnaire Used

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    BACKGROUND:The GOLD multidimensional classification of COPD severity combines the exacerbation risk with the symptom experience, for which 3 different questionnaires are permitted. This study investigated differences in physical activity (PA) in the different GOLD quadrants and patient's distribution in relation to the questionnaire used. METHODS:136 COPD patients (58±21% FEV1 predicted, 34F/102M) completed COPD assessment test (CAT), clinical COPD questionnaire (CCQ) and modified Medical Research Council (mMRC) questionnaire. Exacerbation history, spirometry and 6MWD were collected. PA was objectively measured for 2 periods of 1 week, 6 months apart, in 5 European centres; to minimise seasonal and clinical variation the average of these two periods was used for analysis. RESULTS:GOLD quadrants C+D had reduced PA compared with A+B (3824 [2976] vs. 5508 [4671] steps.d-1, p<0.0001). The choice of questionnaire yielded different patient distributions (agreement mMRC-CAT κ = 0.57; CCQ-mMRC κ = 0.71; CCQ-CAT κ = 0.72) with different clinical characteristics. PA was notably lower in patients with an mMRC score ≥2 (3430 [2537] vs. 5443 [3776] steps.d-1, p <0.001) in both the low and high risk quadrants. CONCLUSIONS:Using different questionnaires changes the patient distribution and results in different clinical characteristics. Therefore, standardization of the questionnaire used for classification is critical to allow comparison of different studies using this as an entry criterion. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION:ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01388218

    Can we send patients with small pneumothorax post drain removal home?

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